VOL. XXXIII BARNWELL. S. C., THURSDAY. JANUARY 27,1910 ENDED AT LAST D0NT LIKE them reform NEEDED' ENDS UFE WITH acid GHASTLY CRIME B0LL WEEV1L ™ Tke DUpensary Winding Up Commission Gets Throagh Its Work BILL TAFT SPEAKS OF DEMO CRATS AS YELLOW IXKiS. AND MAKES ITS REPORT The Board Expresses Satisfaction That the State Dispensary Has Been Wound Up and Is Now a Thing of the Past, After Giving * the Details of Their Doings. The commission appointed bj r Gov ernor Ansel under an Act of the legislature to wind up the affair-, of the old State dispensary ha't drafted its final report to the Gov ernor, and is now in the hands of the printer, and will he laid on the desk of the members of the leg islature in a few days. The re port is an -exceedingly, interesting one, and the commission has appar ently, made a fine business show Ing. The total net mon y result is $453,464.56. of which $d'75,000 ha- been paid itno the ■State treasurr, $80,832.80 is on hand in cash, $22, 631.76 due by counties, and $75,- 000 is real estate, tins being th summary of the business from th time the commission asunied chari- on February 16, 1007, up to Jar uary 12 of the present year. And more is to come from overjudgments, amounting to over $200,000. The commission has realized grand total receipts of $974,586.55, o which $56,936.36 is interest earn- by deposits of funds in the banks o Deplorable and the Institution Very Much Overcrowded—A Ma jority and Minority Report Filed. J Last year the General Assembly I appointed a special commission to in- | \estigate the conditions at the State ) Hospital for the Insane. On this commission were appointed Senators Christensen, Hardin and Hates, and dent,” ropik j one of the correspon- n, -‘P resentat - i ves Carey, Harrison, Jems, you." “Ye clouding, amide m I do not i loaded di They have been calling on ' Sawyer and Dick. The committee J lias been diligenTin its work and re- said the president, his face Days were spent in taking president, “but they can not per- to accept two yellow- dogs, 'ron,-so to play a game with ■e." Th<» committee to in vestigate the* interior department and j ti;e conTlict of is to consist of L ; wo Lemoernts. The question being asked is, “Is j Mr. Taft afraid that Messrs. James! and Raim-y might make political | Secretary Hailinger | * * u u*o. (H- ably die, and many more or lea* aerioualy hart. • ,' v The dead are: Morris Peeaen, aged 28 year*, fractured aka!!.* •- * Clara Swart, fall. - Ida Greenburg, burned and ernahed. * Rebecca Kaufman, aert 1» year*. fractured skull. Elizabeth Cbachkln, aged 18 yeara, burned and cruabed. The probably fatally injured are} Rebecca Chachkin, aged 14 years, fractured skull, internal InJarlM and barn*. Hyman Belokfli^ijiir ’ft^frfear*. Both fairs and arms broken and prob» able internal lajurtee. Sarah OOheft* seriously probably laternally injur Philip Kolos, arm and fractured. Unidentified entered i come by smoke and Nearly all of the dead and ly injured woykdd In the 8.30 a. m. to 6p. Persons living away fr will please make appotatments eomlag By so delng (hey will I •f Immediate service and appointments. LANDS FOR SALEr Now Is the time to boy. Land# wRI never be cheaper, and sure to li lu value BUY NOW. MS Aerea, Rieh Land Township, Kara well County, One half is cultivation balaaeo