=afc THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, Mr .Tl week'* cn- s . / / ./- i * arnwell People. Tn,lP15 '"K«fe - li ■‘tbrt, brtllit rw.«t llnl, Immi »f ! Th. *»») wmp,ny of R&rnwel! interpreted )ik>t wefli'M huln ndded 10 N ujir iant pu»l<> eo cIok^It blint'tied (hat % paper J^yn^nt. f ent fV **"!’* vo , - o I Rr. i J Ret’*oomlna »l»a?* bHnfa x lo the g rl s«ndiiif ihtf l>«4t And most m » |,(eMMne tlut eutlafta the rejtiet neady wmtert eiilutlon of the follow- of hi* coinir mwiS' ~ - ■ JUK "pnihlem be iwlev eNtk- »e{ * ‘ wM Wnd % (brite w orth tm>re th*n [ If *e ere armhln* of a mind reader a vrretVdieia of pin*.; } «" heopler heart beats than that o^ Pr*rvKt^r£>■(miii rthJ!th*aroptrta^"P* M• <*.. RATES OF HURHCRII^TIOII. la Advanoe. per Amiunt I...... $l bO On Tln»e .*>/ ...lijQC The chain e*«(T will fttove th»- week (o the^lf arley Branuh between WiilU-f ton Elko. J\ B. Morns, ttm>r. J. B. Harler, /> Clerk.. ^ — IHKMOaY I.OiXiK NO 17. A F >I l reg> tarcoiumnntratk'u of Harman)' 1/Ovlge No. IT, A. F. M. wiU l« h*-l«i \A/i- ML'?, lB - i!a*f)iiic Terap T e on ThuiWsy )Match 4th Work to be done on M. gro-. Vtslitug brethren are cordial.) in vited to attend. Bntlcr Hagood. W. M. U. P. Andersen. Sro. —■ - ■ • - - ■ * f- ■ ■ TORRENT. A Bplendld/House In a desirable If-Ulehce section of Barnweir. Apply to Misses Jo-ie and Mamie lloiims. White Victoria Pi^* For Sale. M *ie» B5 0(t each. Females fi 50^each. Finest in the Couidv, Mo lair A Porter, Barnwell. AM.KX DALE NEWS. Mr J \j EilU who lias been In the middle North West personally selec ting superior stock that is exac iy suited to the ideits and usee of t e Kd people of lower Barnwell and up per II smptotl, w as due to at rive at AI- leudale yesterday with ten choice bag Cl hor*e* and twelve 3 and 4 year oid iboney making broken mules. People wanting tir-t class ur. Miss I/vv P.ui ip* of Sandersvill. f»a.. visited Birnwell friend* ou l ues day. • ■ .%. ' - - • - We give our agricultural department a rest today. Next week we will re a .me that work . Yhv ahovN Was an intcriptiou over the ten cbmingii i Building in the I'owYy of Karnw^e I on Aaturday February 13th PJOi>. forwe purpose of reorgatrfjtTng the Banmeil Oounty Teachers Asso- ciatimt Every teacher In the county is urged to be present at, this ineeTWtg. Alt in- ttT.'stiujj programme ha* been arran^ ged ah* cent* apiece. The 7h foot smoke stack of the Barn well Oil Mill was blown down i nesdav night, causitig a loss of stvcral bun dred didlar*. Rev. W T. Hundley of Batnsborg «n roule to Florida, spent Monday afternoon and night wIth his former classmate, Rev. J K. Goode. Married. Sanday. Februarv 7th 1!)00 bv W. G Collins. Notary Public. Mr. Arrv Kennedy to Miss Annie Zorn, both of Barnwell county. Married. Sunday afternoon. January 54th 1909. hy W . G Godins, No-an FnT.llc, Mr. Ghrster Ziri. to - Miss Nancy Sander*, both of Barnwell emm- tr. Dr. W. S. Gannon of Ellenton ditfl on the 3rd Inst alter an illness of sev rial week*. He w a* in hi* 74ih year. Fivwchildren survive him. Mr*. Griffin accompanied her hws band. Hon. J. C. Griffin, to Columbia on' Sondav and will remain in the cspital city until the Legislative ses-' slon cuds. It is said that Washington will be full of pickpockets on the ith of March Therirotel kee|wr* will see to it that their charge* will leave little for the light fingered rogues Friday night's electric storm w*« probably (he east end of the disturb ance from Texas that killed about a score of people though MUsissipjd,, Alabama *nrt Georgia. i Editor 11 S. Gunningham of the ader and Vindicator of Ri hopville visited Rlaekrille relatives and frietrd- la-t week at.d. en route home, spared u* a delightful half hour,_ The advt rtisement of The Standard Home Company on fourth page was. given wroi g position through a mis take In the making up It should have appeared in the last columns of that page. Gen. M. G. Rutler is taking th** rest cure In a sanitarium in G.»intiihia and Lopes to be entirety w-ti in a nt »nth. An attack of grippe left him suffering whh neuralgia in the leg wounded in the war. M jor W V Tzlnr of Orangeburg re port* tb* early completion of the hand some riionument erected through hi* patriotic effort* to the hero dead of jlhgood’* Brigade on t he field w here they fought so bravely in defence of Petersburg. The Spring term of court will com mrnee on March 8th and continue two week*. Judge R C. Watt* of Gheraw l* to preside. On next Monday 12 Grand Jurors will Be drawn to serve the year and thirty six Petit Jurors for the first week. A wise lady farmer told its the other day tint colored people who let their chicken* scratch for a living gee more eggs in winter than th» liberal home keeper* w ho scatter corn frcelv fdie ha*, therefore^ cut short the ration of her biddies in hope pf their turning a new leaf. GOLD WAVES. 'I lie Dutch prophet of Go’nmhia make* this wiariicrtalk for K<-nrii rv : The cold wave period* of KebrU'trv are I Irb to 11 h and 209. Special Orders No All members of the Barnwell Guard*, Co K 3 1 Kegt. N. ti. S. G! . are herein notirtt-d that there will ht: a meeting n< the members held at the Armory in Raruweli at 3 80 o’clock p. ut , Friday. Feb. 12th. at which time tiie company w ill h* reorganized. The member* are ordered to repnrr for duty at that lime and to bring with them all t omoany propeitv in their possession, such s* uniforms, guns, etc Any parties oesii ing to join the com nanv most report at the armory at the time and date named-ur +o»mu.niiieaie w ith the commanding officer in thv meAiitime . Noncommissioned officers for the ensuing ;ear will ai*o 0c appointed at this meeting By order of F B. Free, It. Boyd Cole. IscSgt. 1st Lieut Commanding. BARNWELL GUARDS. Headquarter* Co. E 3«i Retjt N G 8. C. Feb 6 I !H.'9. Aiwat a t Come Into the sanctum, but sore to give u* the kind ly greevng on the'8qoare 1* Mr. vV. 11. Turner. — Tho Willispin vl«it of M--. J. II. Mc- Dotrald was well punctuated with nice word* that added to the sinceffty of hi* good deed. >' Mr A. Knopf spent several day* with Barnwell friend* last week, who were glad to see that tite adding years rest so gently on him. an uprigat man . I f all men had the heart and habit* of Mr I’ -R—Erwin all psthiic -httHd- 4ngs could be *4tely put to different and tM^der u^e* and thev&orld w ould nothave io wait (or ihe-*li^Ifennium. 23,0*57 are at the head of a communi cation tFpm Mr. J. H. Oyche*, Jr. FTgufes (ToirtHe. for they tell m» that tne.Mndwr is a man of the right stamp, and the lutd^ in ihe odd number is orfrs, \ A rare coon try ride on Thursday cause • n* to miss thy good vi-k of Mr K. D. Rowell, but \vc remember how kindly he look* *nod friei ds in hospitable atcamore. President Rooseyeit is to get a dollar a word .or nil tlnit he writes concerning hi* African hunt. Rot Mr. D F Moore wrote u> a letter last week that cost niisi » dims for each word and figure It contained. 9o we think bet- tet of Mr M note than of, the departing -•{mrtsniHn. ‘ A m'in without faplt is rmr good friend Mr. S I) Newman, hot he, like others mat we love, labors under one . misiorroii"—toat of living in Aiken county w hile he and the; should come home from cai.tivity, 'J'he ligep is kept In the w indow to guide ttieir re turning Ateps. Credit for the beautiru] ending i* duo to tl;e wealtier clerk, who is oc casionally clever and to two straight men of Du.oharton who are always I, Mr. J. A. t oenran calling in pleasant nerson and Jir. W. O. Davis sending ti let’er that only a first clasa man could w ri;e . TRIBUTE OF RE8t p kCT. r , ^ V4«VFtsa H ha* pleaaod th«* Great Phtsiclan. la who** supreme keeping are the issue* of Ufss and «f death, to re more from tha path-of service au«I of sacrifice to the reward* treasured above for the |iure In heart, the .upright In life, the unfaltering In doty, our friend and atsociaU. Dr. Edward L. Patterroa. Therefore, be It resoUed hy the Barnwell County jjiedlval Association: 1*4. That In the death of Dr. Pat terson the medical profession has lost' a member who was sn honor to our high calling, one w ho ever kept in view and lived true to Its best ideal* and that unfit our Hie work he done and w'e caHed to follow him we shall hold hi* memory in unforgetling hearts grateful that it was permitted us to know and loye him a* a true friend, a g< neiou* co-worker, a *t at tries* gentle man. . : 2nd. That from the community in w hose every home hi* name was an. hoi»ored hooseh"M word one ha* gone whose constant thought was of others and not of self one whose gentle smile and kind..V h*h3~"e«d winning voice hrotighuhope to the couches of the suffering and solace to sorrowing hearts, one whose life was eloquent in deed* that spoke the tenderne-s of his *uul 3rd. That bowing in bumble sob mission to the dispensation of Provi dence that has t*keT him from our midst in his full summer time, before fruiiion-of his years could be gathered we tender the truest sympathies of nor hearts bereaved wife and litt'e dsughteapto whom and for w limn he made home an earthly piradlse. and . oinmetid them to ttie guardisn cure of tne Father ahore. i:i whose perfect love them can be no imkitidness. in whose full wisdom them can be no error, un til they shall meet him again where he wait* their coming in the *wee» bye and bye. •fin. That a copy of these resolu tions lie furnished hi* sorrowing fam- ilr, that a page in our Mipute Hook he dedica:ed to his memory and that this tribute he published in the County pa pers. -— —-F~4Ir-B*m1—f E W. F.Hi*. v Comte. T F. Hogg \ OLD TIME BREAD. Under a ruling of Secretary Tame* Wilson of riie Department of Agricul ftlt'e the WticaT - mlit* of the United* States on Monday quit bleaching fl mr for sale in this country. Tney and tiVen-hanfs are allowed to sell the white 1. A G. O. c. *. it" on I IfWsday, March 11th S|>ecia! Order No— Pnr-iiant to G. O. ('ll! K will be inso^Ucd at its Armory if. Barnwell on 11^ I'.T.l The member* of tiie company are hereby ordered to ret*orf attitc Armory at 9 o'clock that moroitig . Dril's will he held each week at 4 -o’clock p. m on Friday. All member* are ordered to be present at every drill. Bv- order of F. R. Free, R. Pnvd Onln. l«t rigt.” 1st Lieut Commanding. PROt.RAM FOR tiOUN \ Y TEACHERS ASSOCI ATION. The CouUv rachers Association wpi meet at the Barnwell Graded school building on next Saturday at 1'2 o'clock M. A n interesting program has been arranged and many interesting papers will be read. The program i - a* follows: Opening remarks—Prof, G. W, Cog gins. Organization and election of officer*. Address-Rev. W. M. Jone* of Wii li-ton. Address- -Supt. Horace J. Crouch Paper—Mow to overcome some of Ihe Ditticiiltie* io a Rural School — Mr*. Dora Dee Walker. Addrcs-*—State Supt. Hwearingep - AII teachers who have notlfieri Uthe Goniity Superintendent of th**ir inten tion to attend will be entertained that dry. Mrs, Dora Dec" Walker requests an annonnccHictic made that the RuthI School Improvement A»*oof.ition will me*-t there on next naturdav the same date as the County Teachet* Associ ation. IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE. 8000 00. The snccessfnl bidder wIR be required to pnv to the Trustee at, least ten t‘er cent d*wn, and ihe hat ance when hale shall he confirmed, will he paid In. If tne **le is not con- ffrm-d the ten per cent rtep..stwd wtrtf the Trust* e will be refunded .without deduction. Tills the 28th Day of Jan uary, A. D. PJ0U. Oliver Orr, Trustee Maggie K. Ellis. Bankrupt. to weep. bister. Farmer* tell us that they have never bc/otc at thl* season known the surface e«il to he * * bone dry. The land break* in clods and the work I* hard on stock. One «ay* that the best cron TM Aiqijopilalion 1.11! us Introduced land so hard at tue worlt nearly he ever made w as on breaking time that killed hia mule*. At the reatdence of the brides pa rents, Mr. acd Mrs, ,W. N. Barker K ina.-ci. G... Feb. 7tb U M P. M . Ilk# Mr. John Whittier Bandera ami Mj»* Kffla May Barker, were happily tparfled, TleV. R. W. Bandera dBIclaf- Ihg. A nnmlMT of frlenda and rela live* were present on ttii* pleasant oc casion. . 1 / Opinion* differ aa to Ihe *eriouane«s O# the damage mstalned by the Ovt crop* On sandy land* and In Held* where the wlad had full aweep the In jury la greatest. Fall aowingj are at be»l thinned «Hit, whilp manjf planted since riew year are apparently worth less Many farmer* are yet hopeftf. of good yield*. We arc, 80ME ECONOMY In the House of Representstivc# on Mo'n3ay~pri7vTUr on hand to June 9,h, after which, .inic the old time golden tinged bread will come into use a grin. BOMF, GOOD CORN. The results of the lH«t venr’s prem ium corn content in this State a* sworn to wtn puhii-hhd in the Sunday pa per*. Ten contestant* tried for the prize* The winner* were: K E Moore of Marlboro County 137| hnshels per acre, prize >375 cash. R K Have* of )1 ariooi Guunty, 110 biisnel* per acre prize >Hm) •n*h. -G. E. Moore of Chesterfield County. 79 hu*L>ei*, prize $25 casli, — - — “HALF SEAS OVER’’ During the round the world trip of the American battle fleet oulv one ofli- ccr ha* been ieported a* too intimate with John'Barleycorn. Gapt. Edw ard F. Q laltrough of the battle ship Georgia went, to a reception at Tangier, Africa, in an intoxicated condition for which lie wa* found guiltv prejudh-ial to the g od of the navy, *u*peo * _.™ Two men met on the street. They na ln’t seen each other for tmuiihs. One of them had a wire who oycasion- trilv figured in the society columns After they had exchanged view* on tiling* in general, the other man :t«ked him—*1* your wile e.ntrrtaiiuing this winter”? "Not very,” -ail he.— Eve.-j body’s Magazine. SALEM EN WA NT ED—To look after our interest in Barnwell and ad jacent counties. Salary or Commis sion. Address THE HARVEY OIL GO. Lleielond, O. WANTED. Responsible man with herso and buggy in each community, salary $5 00 to $10.1*0 per day, to lake order* froin owner* of Farm*. Orchard* and Home Garden*-. A splendid opportu nity for farmers’ son*. al*o frui„ trie ami sewing machine agent*, to make a business connection widen w ill b« come more profitable each year. Ad- dr* ** 1'. O. Box 73 Y’oungs Island, S. C FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on Mon day, March 8'b 1909 the undersigned w ill file with Hon. John K Snellmg, Judge of Probate for Barnwell county, hU, final returu as GuardUn of Joe H Komuree, deceased^and appljf^T-for John D. Rockefeller, the richest man in the world, was guest of the Beech Island Club on Hatnrday. Every man there had helped him get rich by bum- 'Irrjrrrrron. EXKCUTOR’d HALE. Kstatic or Mi$s Bkktha I. Wai.kkr. By virtue of the power contained in the Will of Bertha.I, Walker, which i* of record tn the office of the Judge of Probate for Barnwell County, proved on the 27ih day of January 1908. and recorded in Will Book Ci G G G, page 167 et *eq ., I will seri in front «f the Court H urie in lianiweil npo;i the first day of March 1909, the same being sale day in said mouth within the legal hours of sale, the following real prop erty situate in the tow n of Appleton, County of Barnwell, to wit: One Lot No 3 bounded on the North by railroad right of way, East by Humphrey Street. .South by lot of Mr* Dora Dee Walker, and West by Berry street. also Lot No. - Bounded on *4ie North by Mr*. Dora D<-e Walker, East by Estate lot of W. a, Blount. .South by Blaui- chard Street and; IVest by Humphrey street. also Lot No 2, Bounded on the North by lot >>f J. B. Armstrong and East by lot of J. B. Armstrong, South b£ Charles Street, and WcatKyTflayton Street. alao - Lot P. Containing two ace* more or !e*«, iu a triangular shape, and Imun dod by laud* of R. H. Walker, J. B Angiev, Mary Street and land* of W P. W ilson, all of which will be found •upon a plat of the town of Appleton recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Barnw ell County in Book 4Y. page 48. Term a of Sale Cash. Purchaser to pav for papers. ft IT. Walker, Kxpcutor of the Will of Bertha I. Walker. LMDS FOR SALE. Now is the time to buy. Lands will never be cheaper, and sure to increa o In value. BUY NOW. 558 Acres. Rich' Land Township, Barnwell County, One half in cultivation balance woodland, \ Two miles from Spelling Station on Atlantic Coast Line Railroad B.Uikii ug* ami 4m orovetm-nta. A bargain fn this place. Terms easy, 8 0 Acre*. Building* and Improve ment*. 300 acr*-* In cultivation, 800 acre* ia woodland. Three mile* from Snelling Station A.C. L. It Four mile* from Dun barton A . C. L. Terms easy 200 Acre*. 160 in cultivation, fortv acre* in Wood and Timber. Barnwell Townahip, five miles from Barnwell Court Hnu«e.. New Residence and othet building* in good condition*. Term* easy. 400 Acre* In Barnwell T^Wnshlp, Houses and improvements. Four mile* Irnm Barnwell Court House acre* in cultivation balance in wmstaml timber. Teriua e«av. \ % 460 Arires Three miles from Barnwell Court Hoffae. Idi acrcs-lu cultivation balance In Tjmber and Wood. Term* en»y. Court of Common Plea*. Mary E. Langford. Lula M. Barr, PUinilir*. _ against Mra. BalHe Jankins, Ella Uooge ( Min. r.ie Jenkins, Samuel Jen kin*, George Young, T. W. Jenkins. K*teile Wi»- liama, B. F, Thoma*. Z B. T. R-re, PlaliUlfT’* AUornoy. — Dated Mav 23rd 1907. To the absent defendant.; Samuel Jenkins: Take notice that the com plaint In this action tngetuer with the summons (of wbl h the foregoing U a copy) wa« filed in the ntH.«* of the Oletknfthe Court of Common Plea* lor the County of Barnwd'i '■tale af- foresaid, on the Silt dav id January A. D. 1909. H. T. Rice. Plaintiff's AtP rn«y. 100 Acre*—«0 cleared. 8 miles fntuj Marti*. «"« I 'oriars —200 IhdlaT* Balance in i -i or f Aonu ment* with • per cent iniereet. T. H Kill., Jr, North Augusta, *.Q, Marriu, d, G. A. fl. SKES ATTORHEY AT LAW. " NOTARY POBIK, DR. JNO-P. LEE, Jl„ fiagTii Dentist, wILI.lanOM, - - B. c Office ever Kaok < I WIHIatoa. Will »o«i in ri io calls Jn the rotmtrf, hog from Bsrnwel! and irnprove- 50 Acre* three mile* Court llnnse. Hotiar* in Wood and Timber. Terms eaay. 5,000 Acres also in one tract of Pine, Cypress, Poplar, Ash and\ other hard wood*. Good and convenient Railfond faciil He*. Come and see these propertle J. O. Patterson s KW Y PAR v , . x .. ...X ^ And Profitable too, is right before them They will be sold at HARDTIMEPRTRI^ If you need now or wijl need next year a first class mule, or more, now is the lipid to bfiy. tHe place Is J D. Whittlt:**, Black vjlie.S.G, Fof Announcement write the Piesident, Columbia, S. C. MONEY TO LEND. W* are pf«(»«r«d to negpiistalMM o« Improved feroi* for five year*, partla* payment*, intereatfi per cent on Joan* Don’t write, come and Meat. * J, O. RatreraonAl c.i. CallOM, f. 1. Boctligiu Ta. KM. Calhoun & Life, Accident, CYCLONE Live Stock INSURANCE, ' ‘ ii * : . 2 * VV® r -At Lowest Strongest -OFFICE* THE BANK