The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, September 26, 1907, Image 4
Two OUktb for 'Nt
Uttetrd Threat.
Thwarted Him, a
Hfr Oefendent, aad Mob, Led by
■ '
Womaa, Fight* for Reveage.
One of the most determined at.
tempts ever made to lynch a prison
er in theatreets of New York was
witnessed in upper Second avenue,
near One Hundred and Fifteenth
street Wednesday night, when a for
eigner shot one man to death and
desperately wounded two of the vic
tim's brothers, The following ac
count of the affairs we take from the
The slayer’s only motive was re
sentment because he, with four of
his countrymen, had been interfered
with when the tried to bold up and
rob a man in front of Mrs. Anna
Kaufraann’s dry goods store at No
2256Second avenue..
Mrs. Kaufmann heard the cries of
the victim, who was beaten and
kicked by his five assailants, even
while he protested that he had no
money. Mrs. Kaufmann ran be
tween the assailants and their vic
tim. They fell sullenly back, and she
rushed the man into her store. He
was bleeding from cuts on the face.
The five Becker brothers, who keep
a large hardware store at No. 2250
Second avenue, heard the noise of
the struggle and they came running
up just as Mrs. Kaufmann had res
cued the mahrShe is a powerful wo
man, and tiie holdup men had receiv
ed ample evidence of her ability to
hit hard. But they still hung about
and linstened while she told the Beck
ers of the affair.
*Tt is too bad we were not here,”
said Henry Becker, who did not no-
nave punched their
’‘You would, eh?” exclaimed one
of the foreigners. ”We’ll soon fix
you,” and they darted off intb the
darkness. ^
The Becker’s returned to their
store, where they were joined by
their mother. Mrs. Lana Becker,
their sister, Mrs. Annie Postlensack,
”Wfl would
aces for them ”
Mb PrBfMTBd D««th to TwMity
his name was not learned.
But it was not ten minutes after
the disappearance of Hie man’s as
sailants when all five suddenly reap
peared in front of the Becker store,
and, singling out Henry Becker, at
tained him with dube.
The other Beckers started to aid
their brother, and the two woman
also jumped into the melee, when
Francis Sica, one of the five assail-
ants and the smallest of the party,
suddenly whipped out a revolver and
shot Henry Becker through she
breast, killing him instantly.
The uthw’Becker brothers
ran to the store to
it hatchets, and
axes to avenge, their kin, but Sica
followed them, firing as he advanc
ed. One shot struck Samuel Becker
in the abdomen and he fell mortally
wounded. Then Sicaahot Isaac Post-
koaeck in the right ear and turned
to flee. .v>~
But he ran almoatoirectly into the
.anna of Detective ffiggins, who fol-
lowed by Detective Naughton, had
eoma on the run when they heard
the shots half a block away.
Sica, the moment he saw the de
tectives, pulled the revolver and aim
ed a shot at Higgins. But the lat
ter knocked the weapon from his
hand and, though the man fought
ly, he was speedily subdued,
detectives were about to
him into the street, where a
r, including many foreign-
tad been celebrating the
of St. Rocco, were gathered,
Hr*. Becker and her daughtft
1 with hatchets.
cut him to pieces!” ex-
Mra. Becker, as she
I to get near the prisoner. Twill
i the county from trying him. He
shot down my son.”
Advancing on the other side of the
now cowering Sica was Mrs Postle-
neck, also armed with a hatchet.
She, too. cried for the blood of Sica,
and had not policemen, - who rushed
into the store at this point, ''seized
both women, they would have chop
ped the man down.
But the mob outside had under-
] Stood. They saw the dead form of
Becker on the sidewalk and there
was a rush for the store entrance,
while hundreds took up the cry. Kill,
him! Kill him!”
Men <fc*ew pocket knives as they
rushed toward the narrow store en
trance. But the doors were Hammed
shut by the detectives and the re
serve* from the East One Hundred
and Fourth street station, arriving
at this moment, charged the mob
with drawn daha. r
The crowd gave way Mowly. The
foreigners in the throng seemed the
more determined to get at and Hay
It took a hand to hand fight
! ten minutes to clear a space about
tM door so that the prisoner could
be led forth.
The mob followed dose on the heels
of the police and when the detectiv
es took refuge on a Second avenue
down-town oar, filled with women
and children returning from the pic-
He Declared That He Was
of tl# Crime for Which He Was to
Be Paalshed.
Rather than spend twenty years
in the North Carolina penitentiary
for kidnapping Kenneth BeaHey, the
little son of State Senator Beasley, a
crime of which one of his last sets
was to declare himself guiltneas,
Joshua Harrison shot himself in the
New Gladstone hotel at Norfolk,
Va., at 5:30 o’clock Tuesday after
noon, dying eight hours later.
arrived Tuesday and
went directlyto the hotel. He came
there from Elizabeth City, N. C..
where he had appeared in court to
renew the bond on which he was at
liberty uending the deciHon of the
North Carolina supreme court on a
motion of a new trial in his case. His
bond was raised from $3,000 to $5,
000 and he had no trouble in furnish
ing it. He immediately left for Nor
folk, . and the supreme court almost
as quickly rendered a decision ad
versely to him. The Norfolk police
were asked to arrest him, as he had
threatened suicide.
Harrison made no effort to conceal
his identity here, and no trouble was
experienced in locating him at the ho
tel room, and a little strategy was
resorted to get him out. A bell boy
was sent to his door by Detective
Wright, who went to'fnake the ar-
rest, with instructions to tell Harri
son that he was wanted at the tele-
g one. Harrison told the boy that
would not answer the phone, say
ing that he was not to be easily trap
ped by the police.
Detective Wright remained at the
foot of the stairway, as the bell boy
went up to deliver the message, and
as the lad returned to report to the
detective, a pistol Hiot'was heard in
Harrison’s room.
The door to the room was fo
open. Harrison lay across the
with a bullet hole in his right
pie. Besides Him was a pistol.
as still Alive, hut an
towed that there was no chance
his recovery.
In Harrison’s ’room was found a
letter Hgned by himself, in which he
declared that he was innocent of ths
crime of which he was convicted and
knew nothing whatever about it.
The exact wording of the letter, the
police have not sera fit to reveal.
Harrison was convicted in Eliza-
N.«€., February, 1906, for
the young son of State
Senator Bettley/tf Williamson, Pas
quotank countyT'T'tevboy disappear
ed while on his way
has never been seen Hnce, although
a score of detectives seerched tor
him for months. Harrison was an
enemy of Senator BeaHey and it was
charged against him that he kidnap
ped the boy and that this was his
method of revenge. He denied the
charge to his dying hotuv
■ F ■
they start out to get his.
Very late Wednesday
Boll Weevils Here Would Be a Na
tional Calamity. *
Because of the relief existing in
Laurens and other counties that cer-
A Farmer Robs a
Hard Battle.
Robber Alter
T '
- Swwphv tt. Ctmtay.
near Caldwell. N. J.. will please take
this warning from this tale and
leave their valuables at home when
ery late Wednesday evening
Aaron sat on the front seat of his
wagon going home singing s natches
of "Rjly Round the Flag,” Boys
while {Dobbins and Charlie plodded
alongtn front.
In Farmer Kent’s undenshirt poc
ket reposed a wad of $200 in yellow
bills, the proceeds of his peach crop,
which henadsold at Newark Mar
Two masked men leaped from a
brush heap at the roadHde. One
grabbed the horses’ bits, the other
clambered up on the wagon step
and pressed a gun to Aaron's ear.
“We want that $200.” he hissed,
‘‘Shell her out er crook.” ’
Fanner. Kent quit the-‘‘Rally’
song in the centre of the stirring re
frain. Also he dropped tjje 1
duckediua head to miss the bullet
and in the same instant caught the
road agent About the neck in the
erbok of his stalwart arm and threw
him clean into the back of the wa
gon. Kent flooped over after
and fell on top. He closed the
prised highwayman’s windpipe,
then raised his head and Cried:
“Scat, Dobbin!”-
Dobbin leaped forward with a
bounce threw the burglar at his bit
into the roadside biisnev, and then
dashed on, while Kent and the rob-
ber tough it out in the box of the
wagon Behind. - T -
i jaent was easily victor. At the
farm up in front the discomfited
robber Wormed himself out of his
coat and vest, squirmed out the
back of the box and and fell with
a thud into the sand.
After stalling Dobbing Aaron
Kent examined the rear of his dou
ble wagon. In.the discarded coat
of the Burglar man he found $33.50
in cash. The discarded vest’s
kets yeilded a gold watch worth
jflin Broken I p by the Horse Run-
' —
ning Away.
The State says two horsqg attached
Tbfl Prohtottton Movemmt 1$
More Than Hall the Population of
the United States U Claimed to Be
Living In “Dry” Territory. -
Prohibition is sweeping the coun
fry. Its fecent advances are throw
ing liquor producers and dealers into
panics in many ptoses. A
of the Liquor League, states the sit
uation in these words: “The onward
march of prohibition in some sec
tions of the country is advand;
like aprairefire, and no hand
raise to sto;
it.” He concludes his
saying that five years
ago a united liquor industry might
have *
m r m
Has Bnk Appealed to Um State
Sopreme Court
This Will Postpone the Rxecntion of
the Murderer for A
The Columbia Record says Judge
Brawley’s recent decision, holding un
constitutional the state labor contract
{jus, will figure largely In the argu
ment beforq the supreme court on the
appeal, taken by the defense, from
the action of the clrcnlt court At
Orangeburg, which found Pink Frank
lin, colored. Indicted with hit wife.
Sad Franklin, for the murder, July
29, of Constable Henry Valentine,
and sentenced him to be hanged Oct
ober 25. .4; . ' u
John A^ams, colored, lawyer of the
C Dvsa
ited liq
kept back the Htuation, but.
might as welfbe made^to kip^back LJ onn Aaam8 ' colored. lawyer of the
the Hudson river with a whisk broom. “
More than half the nation is said
to be under prohibition law. Maine,
North Dakota, Kansas and Georgia
have statutory prohibition rules.
More than half the territor
territory in 17
other states is dry, and in-16 remain
ing states little intoxicating liquor
is sold. The tour prohibition states
have a population of 5,500.000 and
it is estimated 25,000,000 others live
in load prohibition territory of 33
to the hearse hearing the/remains of
Margaret Martin, colojfed, became
frightened near Randolph cemetery
Wednesday and the Jesuits are al
most too grewsom&Tor publication.
The horses were Mng driven slowly
down Elmwood avenue, near what is
known as the ‘‘overhead bridge,” in
charge of S. L-> Lopez, the colored
undertaker. S
Near the/bridge they became
fnghtenejrat something and dashed
the walls, almost wrecking
uahlthe nearse at this point and throwing
off the driver, who was run over
afterwards and badly hurt. After
running on-down the steep hill in
front of the colored cemetery the
hearse turned completely over and
was qjlit in half, the coffin being
thrown out and broken open
One of the horses Hfes so, badly
hurt that it is. not thought the ani
mal will live and it was necessary tor
some colored men, who were passing
at the time, to help put the remains
back in the wrecked coffin and carry
it to the grave.-
There were only two carriages
with the funeral and no pall bearers,
The state prohibition movement is
spreading rapidly in at least 11
states, especially where local option
has already driven out the open dram
shops in large sections. These states
include Oklahoma, where the prohi
bition constitutional amendment is
voted on Sept. 17; Delaware, and
three political divisiong of which vote
separately on license or no license
Nov. 5; North Carolina, Florida and
Mississippi, where state prohibition
campaigns are under way, led or
warmly endorsed by the governors
themselves. Popular movements fhr
statutory or constitutional state pro
hibition in Alabanur, Tennessee, ^ -
South Carolina, Texas. lowg^ law requires, specifically, that
braska. In addition to Hva, it is said 1 0^1 * tna, recoea-must be filed with
that Arkansas, Kentutky, Nebraska the c,erk of court w,th,n 1611
South Djkftfcfc/^ew Hampshire and and mu8t 58 ,nto a b 00 *- Cl
»yferifiont may adopt state prohibpf^ the tKK,k of inquests, which
university, was the leading counsel
for the defense at the trial in Orange
burg and It was he who brongh up
the Brawley decision, doing so in one
of his motions for a continuance, all
■of which the court overruled.
Adams and Moorer raised three
constitutional objections—two based
on the federal constitution and one
on the state constitution—and also
moved to quash the Indictment, on
the ground of irregularity in keeping
the coroner’s records.
a One point raised was that the fran
chise clause in the state constitution
Is In violatloh with the act of con
gress of January 15, 1868, which pro
vided that after reconstruction the
states should remain in the union
with their franchise requirements un
changed. - v
The main motion for, a contin
uance, however, was tipon the alleged
irregularities In keeping the coron
er’s records.
It was discovered during the trial
that the testimony ^glven aC thv In
quest’ had not .*jen kept in « public
offipfeAt the court house, although the
Mlroatf Station Hand
a Huga
d by Sonth’t Cetta* Crop Worth Ntar-
ly Ona BHffon DoBan.
The Unfortunate Man Die*
Honrs After He Was Bltt«t
A letter from Florepct •
News and Courier says one (
week Section Master Matth
the s , Mount Holly section.
Northeastern Railroad, had h
of hands at wore cutting
bushes on the right of way
swamp three miles south of
One of the hands. John Jbi
negro, was cutting some sma
gum bushes the stumi
old tree. All of a sudden
something strike him on the
as he looked he, saw the he
monster rattler lying about tb
from him.
Knowing that he had beeiftbttten,
he rushed from the bushes i
lowed “snake." The other
rushed from the bushes and
kina’ assistance. It was soo
that Jenkins had been
leg and be was placed on
car and hurried to Mount Holy, f
d hal-
o Jen
blttenlod the
-fAkmpoKor within
significant straw from Ohio comes in
the shape of a dispatch from Cedar
Point, where, at a recent gathering
of political leaders, 72 out of 86
members of Hie Ohio legislature
there present, declared informally
for ultimate state prohibition and
immediate county option.
red^w-be kept-Nr the etrrotrafr
office at the court house.
- Adams made an affidavit that he
had searched for the. record and it
could not Ihs TohndT also that on the
eve of the trial he had an Inter
view with the coroner and that offi
cial admitted the book of Inquests
and the original record were both in
Montana. Nevada, Utah. Washing-1 hl8 residence in the country,
ton, Tennessee, Arizona and New
Mexico are “wet.” They have license
with little or no restrictions. Cali
fornia, Idaho, Delaware, Michigan,
Minnesota, New York Pennsylvania
and District of Columbia, have li
cense, with restrictions;
each state. All obaerve a Sunday
closing law. Local option laws have
been passed in Colorado,
cut, Illinois, Massachusetts. Nebras
ka, New Jersey, South Carolina,
Texas, and Wisconsin, and many of
their towns, townships and counties
have become '“dry” by popular vote.
In the states claned as ‘‘dnr” more
than half the counties and cities have
not more than one saloon, and they
have become “dry” through the ex-
pression of the voters at the poles,
though not through a local
law. These states are Alabama, Ar
kansas, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, K<
In all his motions to quash the in
dictment and for postponement, Ad
ams was overruled by the courts Af
ter sentence had been passed, ho serv
ed upon Solicitor Hildebrand notice
that the case would be appeald to the
supreme court. There is a pos
sibility that if the highest tribunal in
this Mate should affirm the judg
ment of the lower court, and the de
fendant and his friends can raise suf
ficient funds, the case may be carried
to the supreme court of the United
States, upon the constitutional ob-
ectlons raised.
The case Involves some exceedingly
delicate points. The state’s whole
cheme for the registration of electors
questioned, and for the first time
Judge Brawley’s recent decision,
which threw consternation Into the
ranks of the planters, by taking away
the state labor contract law and leav-
tain looHidaaare infested with the *he family having
iject is [conduct the funeral
cotton boll weevil the subject is lie-
coming of vital importance to ex
perts and scientists in the depart
ment of agriculture, Should it be
fidmittod that this crop destiroving
had taken a hold in South Caro-
the result could be short of. a
national calamity, for the reason
that up to this time it has not been
discovered east of the Mississippi
river with the exception of the state
of Louisianna. W. D. Hunter, in
charge of cotton boH weevil investi-
gations, has prepared some interest
ing information on the aubject.
The boll weevil problem still re
mains, he says, a most important one
for the cotton industry of this coun
try. The insect continues to spread.
Climatic barriers have given it tem
porary checks, imt they have been
successively over come. The prodie 1
tion that the pest will eventually
reach the limits of cotton culture in
this country has repeatedly been
ntade, but an important considera
tion connected with the future spread
has received less attention, largely
because it has more recently become
This consideration is that damage
in new regions is likely to be more
severe than it has been in the terri
tory infested up to this time. The
experience of the past two years has
rather tended to obscure some of the
features of the weevil problem. The
large crops produced in Texas have
given an enormous impression of the
prospects. It is true that very re
markable results have been obtainec
in the work of the department of
agriculture. Making due allowance
for this important work, it must be
stated that the recerffi large crops
are largely due rather to a combina-
i of con
owned by the McCartha
and one of them may have
ed. Lopez was brought back to his
undertaking establishment on Wash-
v 611 ,
tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missis- tn * them no hold upon their laborers
sippi, Missouri, New Hampshire. I is used as a defense in the courts.
Orefon. Oklahom., SkSStS
J' v KT 1 f 1»nd,Sontl. Dakota, .Vermont, Vir-
ve to be kill- md West Virginia .
little money to
The horses are
>n street and is said to be severe
To .a I'hlnanmn. 'WTio Adopts Him As
* — His
Somewhere out on the Pacific is a
little American boy born of white
ents who has been sold to a
inaman, who will bring him up as
his own son in the land of the Drag
on. Tl^is case is said to be without
parallel in the history of the United
States immigration affairs. It is the
fiTfit’taseTif-lihfe'ctiaraictCT ever re-
corded and is absolutely without
When Sing Lee, a Chinaman,
boarded the steamship Chippewa at
San Francisco with his adopted son,
Samuel Edwards Sing Lee, an Amer
ican boy, with only the rights am
priveliges of an alian, there ended
so far as this port is concerned, such
story of deliberate heartlessness
on the part of dissolute parents that
hardened immigration officials were
viribly affected.
At Fort Wrangell, Alaska, Sam
Edwards married Jennie Ed
wards in 1898. On the eighteenth
day of October, 1899, a baby boy
was born to the couple and Edwards,
who was still a drunken dissolute,
lounger, with no appreciation of
No Longer Feared by the Texas Out*
ton Growers.
Dr. S. A. Knapp, special agent of
the United States department of agri
culture. detailed to take charge of
the fight agiinst the Mexican. boll
weevil, and stationed at Lake Chkrles
La., has been ordered to Washington
This change is made on the ground
that the fight against the*l>oll weevil
is over and won, not that the H^ltruc-
tive Insect has been eliminated—fbr
on the contrary. It is still in evidence
In Texas, the territories and Louis
ianna, and has just been discovered
in Catahoula parish, Louisiana, with
in seventeen miles of the Misslsai]
where It will undoubtedly exist next
season—but that the department of
agriculture has finally perfected the
plans by which the cotton grower
can raise just as much cotton if he
has weevils on his plantation as he
could without them.
There Is no dodging the fact that,
were the case not complicated by the
fact that tt is based upon the killing
lof a white man by a nvnvthe ^delegate to rongr^s^rd R Me
| would have little trouble In arriving
World's Product of Prectal Metal for
a Year Would Fail to Equal Value
* J * , ’
of This Year's Cotton Crop.
——„‘h-y+‘——..i'. ■. v.,'*■ 1 ;
Commenting on an interview pub- 1
fished in New York with Mr. E. H.
Harriman, in which he refers to the
prosperity of the South and South
west on account of the cotton crop,
Mr. Richard H. Edmonds, editor of
The Manufacturer’s Record, in an
interview with The Baltimore Sun
“Mr Harriman’s optimism in re
gard to the effect of the wonderful
expansion of the agricultural inter
ests of the South is justified, but he
is far short of the reality in his state
ments as to the value of the cotton
crop. He credits Texas with a pro
duction of cotton of 4,000,000 bales,
worth he says at present prices,
$180,000,000, or about $45 a bale.
Whereas cotton is selling at over $60
shale, and if to this be added the
value of at least $70 a bale, or just
$100,000,000 more for the cotton crop
of Texas than is estimated by Mr.
Harriman. Mr. Harriman also says;
‘Think what that crop alone means
to the country. A $6000,000.000 cot
ton crop means prosperity for the
“It is not a $6000,000,000, but
riore, nearly a $900,000,000 crop
vhich the South is now getting ready
to pick. Last year’s cotton crop
brought to the South about $800,-
>00,000, or more, by far the largest
.mount which that section ever re
vived in sne year for cotton and
I'/CwMOMs •• -
-‘But WiEu cotton now bringing twd
ents or three cents a pound more
nan at the same time last year, it is
tfe to estimate that the crop which
s now beginning to move will bring
o the South from $850,000,600 to
>900,000,000. It is difficult to exag-
.erate the tremendous importance
•f such an inflow of money. Europe
/ill pay to this section during the
iext twelve months between $600,-
ik, Wi. i' *1*
s r not far from $2,000,000 for every
orking day of the year.
“The world’s total production of
old is now at the rate of $435,000,-
00 a year. If Europe could gather
•gether every ounce of gold mined
a earth during the next twelve
tonth and dump it into the South,
would still be from $75,000,000 to
150,000,000 short of paying its in-
ebtedness to the South for the raw
>tton with which to operate its
nil*. " -*"
Some whiskey was procui d and
poured down the negro, who n that
time, Just seven minutes, wa begin
ning to suffer agonies from t e pois
on. A physician was sent f ' from
Summervljle, but it was soi s time
before he could reach the si t naan,
and the result Was that he dvd sev
eral hours afterward.
Mr. Matthews, the sectkln
as soon as b© reached Moun
and after baring' the ner*
measured the place where t&i
had stuck hl/fe"4gs in the
below V oper and by actual meas
urement it showed that the two fang*
in the upper Jaw measured two in
ches apart and the distance between
the upper and lower Jaw, where the
fangs entered, was just 4 1-4 inches
showing that it roust have been r
monstrous snake indeed to tiave such'
a very large mouth
s leg.
leg, just
was bitten no one had presence o»
mind, or took the time to kill thf
snake, and when the party returned
the snake bad moved away and could
sot be ftmfid: ■ 7-^^—
Where it lay in its bed and when
the negro stood were Justs two anr
one-half feet apart, showing that th'
reptile was of unusual length
or It would have been Impossible tc
have struck his objpet so far away.
Where the reptile had lain in th<
bashes he had made a bed some five
feet in diameter. An effort Is to b(
made to capture this monster reptllr
by a party of snake hunters and 11
secured be will be placed on exhtbP
They Carry Everything in the SUtr
of Oklahoma.
_ Returns from Thursday’s election
in Oklahoma indicate that the consti
tution was adopted 3 to 1, that pro
hibition was carried by at least 30,-
000 and that the whole democratic
state ticket, headed by Charles W.
Haskell, of Muskogee, was elected by
20,000 plurality.
In the congressional election, the
democrates seem to have chosen four
of the five representatives, according
to the returns received. The candi
dates elected are: First district, for-
tion of conditions favorable to the
growth of the plant and unfavorable
to the weevil than to a lessened ca
pacity for damage on the pvt of the
' The work of entomology has shown
that in Texas, except in unusually
wet season^,_a full crop can easily be
due ti>
1 returning from
* Theo McManuatat I
mry Harlem Miter Park, the mob
bnkt through the police lines and
The possibilities of pro-
uction in a favorable season are
shown by the fact that in 1906 the
infested area produced about one-
third of the total crop of the United
States; but the same success will by
no means necessarily follow in other
regions where the conditions are dif
ferent. Therefore future develop-
meats must be awaited with some
he began to shoot, were being hnnt-
Wedneeday night by plain clothes
. At toeHartem Hospital it was
‘1 Samuel Becker could not
home life, m&miested no apprecia
tion of the responsibility which had
come to him.
The child was healthy and large
When little Salrnny was three years
old, he was sold to the Indians for a
small sum, with which the father
purchased whiskey to continue his
riotus life. For five years the little
fellow lived with the Indians and
was then sold to the Chinaman.
Mother, father, child and China
man appeared before L. A. Sloane,
United States commissioner and ex
signed _
Just what status of the child will
be when it is of legal age is a mat
ter which immurration officials are
discusjiDg. Wifi the American min
c »naent to remain a Chinese subject?
Will he be able to Awnsqd his
citizenship should he care to return
to America?
uniiea a tales commissioner an
officio probate judge at Wra
where the papers of adoption
made out and signed. _ .
Senator Latimer a Candidate to Bar-
ceed Himself.
Senator Latimer, who has just re
turned from Europe, announces that
he is ifi the race to succeed himself
in the United States Senate.
When asked if he was afraid of
the Cllnkscales senate boom, Senator
Latimer said that it had died out In
the last ifew days and that he had
not the slightest fear of it whatever.
In speaking of Congressman Lever
as a possible candidate for the sen
ate, Senator Latimer that he did not
consider Lever a force to be taken
Into account. If he should enter the
When asked If he thought Ex-Gov.
D. C. Heyward would be In the sen
atorial race, he said that Mr. Hey
ward had expressed himself to hi
friends throughout the -State as hav
ing- no desire tq enter tfte race, gnd
that he considered him a man of
honor who would keep his word.
I at a decision. The question the at
torneys for the defense are by Impli
cation asking is, will the supreme
court decide the matter upon the con
stltutlon, or will they be guided whol
|ly by expediency? 7—;rz:
The defense also is confident that
thesupreme conrt must either
hold that'the warrant, which Consta
ble Valentine was killed in trying to
serve, was invalid, and that Franklin
was, therefore, justifiable in killing
one who tried unlawfully to arrest
hisu unde& it. or must disregard am
defy the decision of the United Sti
Court, Judge Brawley presiding
which held that the labor contract
law, under which the warrant was Is
sued, was unconstitutional.
It is, therefore,'one of the possi
bilities of this most delicate and
troublesome case, that there may de
velop in South Carolina shortly
condition analogous to that which
has lately agitated other states;
direct clash and a resulting deadlock
between the state and federal courts
Undoubtedly the federal authorities
will be heard from In case the state
courts attempt to set at naught the
decision of Judge Brawley.
The Record is unofficlably but re
liably informed that the representa
tives in South Carolina of the United
States government already have their
eyes upon this case and will keep
themselves posted upon Its successive
developments, with the purpose of re
maining quieseht and allowing the
state courts to handle the case In
their own way, so long as they do not
conflict with the federal authority,
but of stepping In at once, should the
prerogatives and the dignity of the
United States tribunals of justice be
impugned or attacked.
|The us* of dog flesh as fisdfi appears
to 'tovs originated In Saxony, and
Is la tost cart of tbs emplre'that the
Eleven People Killed by an Explosion
t—- in Mexico.
A special from Toluca, Mexico,
says: Neglect of duty on the part of
an employee resulted in the death of
Tsn Florence Timet M told by a| e,€ven p€rBon8 “ d ,nJury to tWelve
gentleman, who, while not connected mon Wednesday through the explo-
wlth the railroad, lain a position to 8 * 0 " ^ 8 j x>,,8r Ferrer
• - at Asorradero In the Anguanguoo dis
trict of the state of Michoacan.
The explosion occurred Just before
noon hoar and the two proprietoni
a aarobr of werkroen were
clustered togethed ir. the vicinity of
the boiler doing repairs to
the railroad, la in a position to
know manv things about It, that the
Coast Line has no watered stock. That
the objections made to the railroads
in general through th* country, which
have worked tfe watered stock,
Harriman schema, fixing the
Guire, republican; second district, E.
L. Fulton, democrat, defeating ex-
Terrltorlal Governor T. B. Ferguson;
third, James Davenport, democrat;
fourth. C. D. Garter, democrat; fifth,
F«rrt« dimmers!. ’
Thijjjrfiglslature is democratic by a
large n MhHty and will elect as Unit
ed Stated,auiators. Robert L. Owen,
a Cherokeo/dlan. aBd T. P. Gore, a
blind orator. They were nominated
by primaries in June.
ew Employe at Tube Vv'orfcs Nearly
Roasted Alive.
The fiendish joke of brutal employ
erry, a 1
tnploye, who came from V Wheeling.
V. Va. Ringleaders in the hazing
•scaped arrest by leaving town. Per-
y is charred and blackened by ex-
erior burns, and it is feared that he
nhaled some of the flames from the
furnace over which he was suspend-’
ed by his tormenters. —
The hazing occurred justafteRthe
midnight lunch hour, when the
surrounded the new hand. Perry
fought valiantly toward off Ma as
sailants, but severaT powerful
proved too much for his
strength. They bound him wfth
cords to a big iron crane and swunr
him time and again over a furnace,
which the workmen do not approach
unless protected by a shield. The
cords burned and Ferry fell to the
floor, right in front of the furnace.
His flesh was shrivelled from the heat
when the men pulled him away, and
he had lost consciousness. Frighten
ed by their deed, the men caued a
Should Keep a Scrap Book.
Every farmer should keep a scraj
hook, cut out from the papers every
thing that they may wish to refer
to again and paste In the. book.
Remedies for diseases of fouls, and
animals, cooking receipts,large yields
of corn and cotton, and In fact every
thing that is worth reading a second
time should be thus preserved. In a
few years it will be a very valuable
i>|- ? - YOUNG PEOPLE.
/-I Be waiter bow halted yostneMSMsta-
a tion, if yom dsalrr »thorough tatfasat Uato>
Mg sad good porltios, write for our
flnnnnffiR initaeiSkVidlmAMi nn
S HE guaranteed. Don't de
'is|88njp jtioA aonaetn ts&l
•IP Safjepjo ueqM'D '8 ‘aotsoijnqo
i 'yssii* iepTrsxsiv 99 P n © *9 ’sdoxj
paw sjfijK **°0 9 nosuM H T
9X deog aixs -WLi s.uoshm *»O0
'*}8|98njp Xq peeiawjvns pus ptog
••MO •.uoeilM W* P® jna
caw 'sdsqo puv setdmij ‘qjojf 'usj,
tunqang ■ n®* *V ‘8HTMD8UA
— ■ ■■■ ■ umJ
probable FOR.
* Wgjta to-day.
This is Bealqnarters
Pianos and Organs.
Ton want a sweet toned and a dur
able Instrument. One that will last a
long, long life time.
Onr prices are the lowest, consis
tent with the quality.
Our references: Are any bank or
’eputable business honse In Columbia
'Write us for catalogs, prices
Columbia. 8. C.
Welsh Neck High School
The* 14th session will begin September 18th. _
Literary, Music, Art, Expression and Business Courses. Large
graduates of bur leadlng.coUeges^taA- unlvdrsltles. Thoroughness'
phasized in every department. Healthy location. ButtiHage
with electric lights, hot and cold baths, and heated by steam or fur-
naces... Best Christian influences. Military discipline. Write for cata
reofot. w, pqrrett, A., if., principal
A home School of h(gb grade. Through cbn-ros'nf study and
lal normal course for those preparing to teach. S* wetor inf vantages
Music. Only a. limited number of pupils received . ud
given to'each. Healthful Mountain donate. Board and
Addrees. Rev. B. G. Clifford, PVD.,
•'l ’ iit'.patlou
Tuition $1X8.
the asking, ai
aad any
la every'way
[ '