The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, June 28, 1906, Image 1

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' •la VOL.XXXJj- BARNWELL, S. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1906. Doited States Senator and State Offices Opens •qaandered now. Two mor* Judicial olrculta hart been provided, but atlll they clamor for fxtra Court*. He help ed to defeat the appropriation tor" the Myngeht of the expense* of these ex tra Courts. If elected he wlH endeav or to reduce extra Courts. He favors a liberal appropriation for Bk-Oonfed- erate soldier*, and.he wan'* to see it go to those to whom it belongs and not to those who do hot need it. AT SAINT GEOBGEF. Ail the CsadMates for Ooverser sod the Otter State Offices with Pew Excep- tiees Attesd srnT AMross the • J ~r *' ■ Sesstor Till Ahsest. 8 4 — celled to order at b^ Oounty Chairman B I. Den nisand Was opened with prayer by the Chairman Dan oatUaed the purposes of the The people of Doroheeter Cooety were gathered, he eatd, to eee febsas eandidatae, who had offered IhemselTee for Offlee, and, seeing them anfl hearing them, to pals upon their fltness for cfSae. He referred eloquent ly to thoee who had made South Oar alias gnat in history and emphasised | tta necessity for those to whom the " Allot h|d been entrusted to keep well Jnetr trust. ^ The Hon. T AN 2 XL of OrsenvUle, eandidate for Governor, was the ffrstspeaher Introduced. Mr. Ansel was greeted wlvb applauae F.r.t of all be desired to thank the ladles It argues well for tlgn otJUMM that they should of Sumter, eandidate for Governor, was the next spesker. He planged at rnoe Into a discussion of the liquor question. This Is the leading issue hefofe the people, because In involve* more in dollars and oents, and carries along with It the mor .1 and Intellecu welfare of the people. It bee been contended that the public schools Is tbe proper place to which to apply this "blood mtoey," because Id that wav the youth of the lard will be edu cated against drinking Tals le a fall aoy, because tbe liquor nabtt is just as apt to strike your brightest boy ss your dullest fuol. This money- Is not i rotng to the schools, anyway. Out of 4 txpendiarby the drunkard for a , ug of liquor all tbe profi a, except two cents, go to other sources and other people than the drunkard's family Tbat Is all the sslve his wife and children get to heal tneir hear 1 aches He gave the drunkard's prayer and the prayer of the so-cttled good cttl- x*n, who takes this 1 quor money fo* his children’s education. They talk about putting good men in charge of the dlspenaary. T ju can’t get a man who is a decent man who will take Charge of this dirty slop. This Is the troth. If you doubt it ask any one of these good men who are running on th’a platform to go in and dUh out tbe dirty stuff. Not one of them will do It The system cannot be cleansed, lad yon crucible as big as ths moon in which to boll it* were you to heat that cruel >ie with all the coal stored In tbe bowels of the earth, were you tq give to each of these candidates, who talk about purg<ng It, a dipper with wbleh one might empty Lake - neat In tbs blsssclf la not running on bit good looks, however, for in tbat event -he «f tbe others would be over him He wssn’t elteted but lie came so elo* to It tbat be felt It his duty Co sgsln htiwrif to the people for tneir He leprood tbatbe rep Piedmont and he Is proud Of tbs magnificent vole he received in hM old jidletal circuit, where be is best known. Bo has tbe endorsement Of his ooQnty. It Is only upon high yroondi tbat be desires election. He kb* groat prlnelple of hlgh- •bd he standi niqiallflsdly work of toe public tbe youth of the country country. There be lygcfi otrongly tbe Importance of tbe ^ nsebooie Good readme another to hie platform. Tula le a of greatest Interest. W* "don’t went soon roads that we shall have *±=gtt_f01lgion Jolted out of us bef re wt get to onurob ’’Be favors seeking sad , ** tnesfttni all from the National Gov eroment for tfala pnrpoee. He la op posed to tbe State dispensary aod he to Ib-favog-ol.iniyi oonoty option as WCwsee a e -anty dispensary and pro- wfMssnii if the county officers are able to take charge of tbe county V tf alts to other matters why are they net able to take care of tbe county’s liquor selling, he asked. He Is oppos- to one county dictating to ano* her to Wbat it shall have Let tbr-Gjv tbe board to take charge selling Of liquor and let the Governor hi responsible for them. Pay them a salary. H doesn't believe In M. Let them report to ofIho Circuit Ooort. Pen old Oonledtrate soldier and Jtojtim go to bis grave In peooe. WSoa. —■ with wbleh one might empty Lake 1 ^ Mlohrgkn irsncoop, ttra vo mch or Mo, but wtontbay found tbat they tbs others a sp ou, which would reach from to oole, with which to aclr It, and then let them stir, while the others sipped, this process might go on for centuries, and at the end. the jclj. wmAsn, positions bo then introduced to Ha is a oandldat* for H* has represented New County In the Legislature sev sral tlmea, and is to day tbe county’s fitofee Senator. He can prove by tbe nofide khat throaghout bis whole be bse been oooslitent in tbe has taken. He favors biennial sssslrms of tbe Legislature, tow* restricting the hours ef labor, and liberal appropriations for eduoa tonal purposes, but Is opposed to tbe higher education of tbe negro. This list statement evoked applause. He favors a marriage license system, and the •oonomloal enforcement of tbe Govern ,1. He believes the dispensary eye lathe best solution of tbe whiskey be favors the repeal of Rwurrlng to the ne gro question, God never Intended tbat fibe negro abould be anything else then tbe servant of tbe white man. It be bad bis way be would wipe out tbe negro college at Orangeburg. If you have corruption in the State dlipen •ary, wbat would yon have If there were 41 county boards? Ho does not tbs Baysor-Manning bill. O ae for this Is because on* Of |b« amendments provides tbat whenever tbe board thinks tbe dis pensary to a nnslanoe they have tbe right to dose it up. That to not gov ~ by tbe people. They say tbe dia ls eorrnpt. All right. Why U corrupt? It to because man origl opposed to the dispensary law ef recent years barn placed to Bat then to ao question and tbe BMee law. told him that elnee voted out in err counties tbe Jug traffic on hie Md bad more than doubled. Pro hibition bee failed la Newberry. He to toady , willing and waiting to defend on tbe dlspenmry He, 100, good roads sebooU. Everybody of thepeoptoto being any Richard Tilghman, a Rich Kresi- dent of Phiiddelpbia, Pa., MB. J E. BRUNSON. y Mistake le the Di m A awful tragedy occurred at Phila delphia about ten days sgo. Knowing that his Ufa- was t»«pay4- It In a few hours fojtjhla.-fsitalf take m taking poison trofa a hot tls in the medicine ohest Instead of the harmless drag that he sought in the dark, Btohsrd TUghman, a so ciety man, clubman, member pt tbe City Troop, a descendant of one or the original Maryland families and c'osely related to the Whelans and Llpplnoot ts, made every arrangement bbat prudence or sentiment dictated before he died. He first had bops that hie life conld be saved and waking,up his wife 10 their apartment* at the fashionable Jinooln, No. 1220 L oust street, and bis daughter, fifteen years old, aod son thirteen yeap old and told them what bad happened. Mrs. TUgUman, who was Gabrielis dc Pots tad, daughter of the beautiful mareibuem de Potetad Fornarl, at ooe time lady-ln-waltlng to Isi bills, Q teen of Spain, and the cblldien did very thing possible to aid husband ind father In tn* tff >rts to save his resldnm of purifi< 8 matter would not amouQt to akhlmbleful. Mr. Bruo son referred to no other Issui, but de voted his whole time to rasping those who favored tbe sale of liquor tn any manner, and urging the people to rally to Its overthrow. MB W. A EDWAEDS, of Salnds, filed his pledge as a osndi date for Gjveruor, but, jidglng from bis speech to-day he has entered him self lo the Wrong olsas. His entire time was devoted to an attack upon tbe Southern Railway, which would have done credit to the most ardent aspirant for the (ffl ;e of railroad eom- tniasioner. Mr. E1 wards dtolared that for six years ue uas been onduotlag a fight In the CLurts aga’nvt the oun- •ollJatlun of toe Sou n Carolina and Georgia extension with the Souiibdrn RiU way. He findi, so be acid, that this corporation is practically in ojd- trol of jinr Government and that there le Apparently no way of escape from I s aboeesr He declared that It dls criminated against the peopie of this Sta’s, causing tneir p uperty to de crease In value, and (incidentally tfa- property of landowners In Georgia to inoreaae in value. H j then begantoreaa from a paper whicn he carried a hlsto-. ry of his case already refur ed to, hot bis twenty minutes were up before be was more than fairly started, and It never became apparent j ist wbat be was driving at. He was granted an extension of time 4a which to explain briefly what he was after, but just a* bo cpsnod hl« mouth to speak the band oegan to plav and there the mat ter ended, for to*day at least. Then came v - — .MB. A. O. JOMES of Newberry, who 1» also an aspirant for G ubarnational honors. He u the representative of the homes, of the mothers, of the eons, of tbe chll dren, who stand for pure democracy and who oppose corruption and graft All bis life he has stood for that whlob was purifying and uplifting, and he b willing to abide by his record. He b an enthusiastic supporter of higher education, but It U to tbe denomlna' tlonal oolUges that the State owes most. He believes In an economical and honest administration of the Gov ernment. He favors a board of arbi tration In Scnth Carolina to settle al differecces between capital and labor. But tbe principal thing which has brought him into this campaign is the 1 quor question. Three years ago he published in the newspapers an ar tide calling attention to the condi tions in the dispensary. He also nrg ed the psasage of a law which would allow the viting out of the dispenser les In ootmtiet desiring to take such action. Tost suggestion was largely instrumental In tne passage of tbe Brice law. Now he Is reedy to go fur ther. Personally, be opposes the se e of liquor lo any way, but he Ik willing to alow the people of each county to vote on the question ss to whether they shall have a county disprnsary high license or prohibition. Tbe State dispensary mnit go. Conditions in Newberry to-dey are better than In twenty years. If the prohibition law Is not absolutely enforced that faql doe to circumstances that whenever a 01 violation of the law some lawyer is on hand ready to appear for him and get blmcff He has been In the thiek of every fight against tbe State dlspen sary and bo stands today right where be always stood Mr. Jin as was fallowed by the Hon (Col tinned on Four m Pago*) POISON ViGTIM. TAKES FATAL DOSE .rt/U Realii- isg His Mlstaks, Calls HU Wife sad CkMrro, Bur Nothing Conld Save Him. Phones Friend* Good Bve. made, lo accordance with Mr. Ttlgb- man's request, to take tbe body to the brother's bouse, where the funor al toolystoce. . Mr. THgbmao was bom In Phila delphia at the residence of bis pa rents, Mr and Mrs. Richard A. TUgh- msn, No 321 South Eleventh street, forty-on < years ago. Ho was edu cated in Poiladelphia, and was grad uated from the University of Penn sylvania In the clam of ’86 He was a member of tbe Delta Pol Fraternity and cm* of tbe most:popular members of ths First City Troop. He entered Ms father's Chemical laboratory 1m mediately after his graduation from college. ' - Just eighteen years last month he married Miss Gabrielis D; Pots tad, daughter of the Msrshloness DePote ■tad-Fornarl, who was JJliss Chap man, daughter of Mr John Chapman, and granddaughter of the celebrated Dr. Nathaniel Chapman, of Pails delphls. * * fiMATOR TILLMAl'S PLANS. ... . ,j. ■**».. "j! jjrigjr ‘-Kr- Fill BAs Prevlon* Leetnre EngaaemeBts. Senstor Tillman will make, no change la the plane already announc ed by blm for tbe preaent summer on account tf having opposition for re nomination to the sea ate. Tbe fact that W. W. Lumpkin has announced himself a candidate to succeed Sena tor Tillman as senior senator from Sooth Carolina will cause qo immedi ate change. As was announced sometime ago Senator Tillman will attend the po Ittloal rally In Greenville Cjuoty on Jnlv 7th. Tbat will be Immediately alter hie return from Patterson did not make favorable grogjrei%*Mr. Tilgbman directed them to telephone for a doctor. * • The physicians fought bard to off set the effects of the poison, bat had to admit that they had exhausted thsir remedies and that Mr. Tllgh mao would have to be prepared for tbs worst. > - • He took their verdict phllgaaploally end directed that a telephone message be sent to Ms brother In Bryn Mawr, summoning Mm to tbe Lincoln. 'Tell Mm to take -an automobile, so tbat he will get her* in time,” said the dying man. "Bend for the priest, and when it U all over take my body to the house of my brother, so that I mar be burled from there.” Mr. TUghman expressed Ms regret to Ms wife and children that be faould have made such a fatal mis take, 'hen they were going to sail f|0m Niw.York the next dsy for an extended tour of the Continent. - Then, after he bad told them of tome arrangements that must be Springs, 111., where he is cobodaled to speak on Jnly 4 th. It is probable that be would cancel the Illinois en- j sgemsnt and enter at onoe into the South Carolina campaign—tbat Is upon the adj urnment of congress— but for the fact that be made a con tract sometime ego with the Illinois people to appear before them on *tho day named; rr." . —— After the Greenville county meet ng, Senator Tillman srlll be actively with the South Carolina campaigners or a month or until tho end of -the list week to August. After that date he will be out of the state nearly all tbe sammer and fall lecturing Ip different parts of the Uailed States. During the month that be le with the campaigners be will make every opportunity count. Hs has wanted an opportunity to discuss Issues both state and national for a long time, and was beginning to think that be wonld not have his wish granted this year, when the annonnocmant of Ur. liumpkln’s candidacy reached Wash ington. There Is genuine regret on tbFpart of Senator Tillman that be wae un able to attend Thursday's campaign meeting at Charleston. Tne re are many tnlngs that be hop'd to have tbe opportunity of telling tbe Charles ton voters at that meeting, and It a sore disappointment to him made, be had a telephone brooghfc-to his bedside, and called! op many of his friends in the olty, to bid tbeCT Into wall —; Tbe priest came and beard the con- >sslon of the dying man, and admin istered the last rites of the Church. Tilgbman then asked his wife and children to draw near the bed, and while the physicians, one of them a friend from boyhood, withdrew to a corner of the room, be made his tocehing farewell to the little'group tbat he loved above all. He told them not to worry, as It was a fate from wtyobibereB&uil b* no escape, and then be sank back In his bed, still racked with the pain wbleh be had endured with euoh wonderful for titude, and in a few mtnntes was dead. Mr. Tilgbman had spent tbe even ing at a rf union and banquet of tl e olaesof ’86 University of Psnnsylya nla given at theJJnlverslty Club He had been la the habit of taking tab letk when troubled with alight attack of rheumatism, and when he returned to Ms apartments shortly after 2 o’clock, darkened Ms room and re tired, before be remembered that he should have taken a tablet. After extingulsMng the light,” said Mrs. Tilgbman, "he desired to take the Lthia tablets, es he has been suffering lately from muscular rheu matlan. Two bottles of the saae Kite and shape were side by side, on* containing antiseptic blohlcrlde of merenry tablets and tbe other citrate of Utbla, and in tbe dark bo chose the wrong tattle. "He plaetd two of the tablets In • tumble of water, stirred them untlT they dissolved, then he took three or four swallows before ho notloed tbe error. By quickly drinking some tepid water, ne prodnoed nauaoea and thought tbat be brought up t he entire contents of Ms stomaoh. Vary soon, however, he was smsed with oramps. Tbmi hs called me and explained tbe mistake he had made "Dr. W J. Roe, of Nou>1210 Locust street, wae Immediately summoned, but tbe antidotes administered and the washing oat of the stomach failed to save Ma lift, and he died a few minutes before eight In tbe morning. For i lx honrs the physicians fought for TUghman’s Ufa. After Dr. Roe bed worked over the Clubman for wMle, they decided to send for Dr. Bibert 0. LvOohte, who had lifelong friend of the olobman. Toon they all went to work together. The dying men suggested a nu of antidotes, all of which without giving Mm any relief. Tbe bookings for, the toor were can celled by Lieot. TUghman, a brother of Eighteen candidates told tbe stories cf their lives and their hopes Tn Hibernian ball at Charleston on Wednesday night. The crowd varied from about 300 males at the opening to half that many towards the close of the meeting. ^ Conspicuous In a front seat was Vinoent Cbtcoo, known as the on crowned blind tiger king of Charles ton, who interrupted several of the speakers with questions relative to the dispensary. It was a sweltering night, but CMooo gave away fans On «hlch were printed the pictures of himaelf and Tillman, labeled "Gblooo that Ma duties here are such tiUtt* was nable to leave Washington. he ¥*44 Mur to Fray. The Herald says Andrew Dram mibnd, a negro Isan, wav brought to Sosrtanburg recently by Deputy Sher ff W. J. Wblteand lodged in the «U charged with having klllod Ber tha Dean, a colored woman, at Reid vtlle. The Dean woman was shot bv Drummon on last Thursday night aod died Friday morning. Drummond claimed that the sbojting was aod dental, but the woman before she died made a statement to the contrary. She stated tbat there had been seme trouble between her Mid Drummond, and that on Thursday night the ne gro eeme Into her room and told her tossy her prayers for bo' was going to klU her. TUN •not her. It was generally thought the Rildvllle section that the had been aod^eotaHv shot. A SPICY TIME At the Charleston and Colleton Campaign Meetings. LION AND RAGSDALE Both Offer to Withdraw and Leave the Field te Geo. Yi Charges Lyoa With Rsasiag Be- casse Gea. Yosmaas Conld Not Attesd Meetlags. and Tillman, the two determined." The campaigners wore given a royal time .during the day. by official (Jharleaton, led by Chairman Danlei L. Sinkler, and wbat they wanted they did not have to ask for—it was all there. Much Interest was added to the meeting by the arrival of Senator Ragsdale, candidate for the offloa of attorney general, who was not present at tbe opening of tbe campaign at St George Tuesday, aa It has been ex "Ipeoted tbat bo would vigorously op « Mr. Lyon’s vliwi OQ tbe so-oali- ed ^‘horning issue.” Tae result ol their first encounter la stated below Each had only fly* minutes to which to present Ms side, which accounts Tor the Lack of more detail. Mr. J. Willard RigKfelo, of Hor nes, made Ms first speech as a caa- dldats fur the offlee of attorney gen eral. Ha opened by remarking that when be determined to make the raoa ne had done ao under tho belief that the offlee belonged to no man, tbat no one was entitled to claim It to tbe exclusion of others who sought it He was accordingly surprised to note in the Charleston Poet tbet Mr. L.ou deserved the office. As for himself ho would say that he did not ask tor the effloe except to so far aa the people might elect to give It to Mm after weighing Mm to the balances. But, ’Bald' he, if it most he said that -any one deserves me cffi.e, 1 tell yon to look atthedis t nguuhed so* vices rendered to Souto jarolina by LeRjy Yoamana, ano every patriot mn*t feel that If the effioa belongs to any one of us It be longs to Yoilman*. (Applaose,) But I take It that it is do* to ho one. The efflee of attorney gene is not a political m* Whether or not a candidate stands for the dis pensary ‘ sfaooid not determine the question. The^fflo* requires certain autfes un elect him attorney general he toil* you he will proaecutk the grafters tf you elect him attorney general bo Jells yon no mor* than what he to In duty bound to do. I stand here aa on* who boars the right from the supreme court of South Uart 11ns, as a young lawyer, and pledge myself to proseout* any^vtote 1 tor of law who oouies under my pur view. - There was quite a bom of interest* at this. Mr. Lyon looked around to wards Mr. Ragsdale, who rapidly came o the front and asked tho chairman f he could first ask Mr. Lyon a ques tion aod then reply. Chairman Stok er said that It would be taken out of Mr. Lyon's five minutes If hs did so, and It was agreed that Mr. Lyon should proceed with Ms speech. Said he. just as our fathers years ago proclaimed and Obtalned for us the right of local self-goverhment, I now eoms to lift my votes for that dearest right. I do not think tbs dis pensary has accorded you that right. baa been forced on you improperly. When tbe people eee tbat It Is corrupt and rotten to tbe core, aa I tall yon It they will wipe It out. It le corrupt. However our commit tee may be tinned, wo have breached the walla ahdripven you a glimpse of tbe rot tenneeswl thin, and It Is np to you to drive nut the grafters. Our committee cannot prosecute. We have practically finished our work. 1 have formal report to preaent, but the rest la very little. ■ My candidacy resolves Itself Into one thing: Will yon uphold the ban ner that 1 have raised and assist me my fight against graft or will yon let them oome out with their foroes and trample yon to the dost? The Walter boro meeting on Thurs day was absolutely devoid of any spec ial features ixjept a continuance of the Lyon Ragsdale dispute shoot get ting out of tne raoe, bat as yet nobb ing has come of It. In his speech Mr j Lyon did not refer to tbe matter of withdrawing, bat talking about the corruption of the dispensary and said no ought to be elected so as bo eoulo prosecute tho rascals tbat had been run down by tbe Investigation. Mr. Ragsdale spoke next, savs that ne did not pub himself as tbs o_ly man a 8jubh Carolina who could properly fill tho offlee of attorney general. H* «aa not toe only man woo oould de vise plans to bring about honesty in administration. Referring to tho offlee he tots it services entitled any man uO it LtRoy F. Youmana should have 4trbot e man, f enerally, ought not to be given ifflje because of what ht naa done, but because of bli oharactar *nd ability. Hs bad not entered the woman Wauled to Lijri.oti H r. : Mrs. Emma Ktuffmaan, wife wealthy Slone Falls brewer brought into court of a was the conclusion of her preliminary bearing on a charge of Jiaylog caused the death cf her maidservant, Ague* Pjlrela. She was hissed when |he went 1 nto tbe court room and when she oamrout en angry demonstration was made and cries of .'iLynoh her” were heard. Mrs. Kauffmann was held on a charge of murder The otee will be called for trial in Novem ber. Mlsi Pulrela, who was 17 yean old, died June 1, and was burled at Parkstoo, this State. The body was later exhumed and was found to bear 46 gepar»»» w/'nr.d* A Dangerous G.,nuriv«noe. That feminine contraption the peek a-boo waiat, described as a number of large hole* Itnperfectly surrounded by small threads. Is one of the moat del ectable articles of wearing apparel ever devised by the dressmakers. It has probably tangled more men into the tolls of matrimony than the Della Vox earl, the Marcel wave, or any cf the other weapons with which tbe gentle sex to wont to arm Itself when on oonqnest bent. Wbst Is New*? 'The State says aa Interesting com meat apon what Is "nowa” Is given in tbs reports of the death of the hotssSyaonby. Tbe New Y pengavo tbs "story" troqjir _ _ . sltlon and more than a coin mo in sash wps devoted to the subject It most have been a man of national reputa tion that oonld have commanded tbe same position and equal space. All of which goes to show that thoee days thsro to such a thing as "fasas" Ootr) beasts as wall as among tlment tn this race. All I have a right to expect Horn yon tea fair deal, and a fair deal la to take into consideration tbe integrity of the [candidates and their ability. the pa4 yon have endorsed me and T1 * Q0Wea “ wonMM> bare tried to merit that endorsement. I am a- staunch supporter of tbs dispensary, because I believe it Is tbe best solution. I sm unoompnm s ingly opposed to grafters. Whatever are my viowa as to tbe dispensary, no act of mine will ever be done that will ek to protect a man who robe the state and appeals to me as a support er of the dispensary under tho he lie! that I would help Mm I stand for the purification of tho dispensary and for pure election*, baie favored the Investigation of the diapensary and I hold that It was tbs oommitee’s duty to complete Its work and report It to the legislature that appointed it It la now too early to judge Its work, and simply because m/ opponent has been pro minent to ths Investigation as a her of that committee la no reason why you should vote for Mm. The •ole qualification for you to apply Ms general fitness. Chairman Sinkler read a totter from Attorney General Youmana anaouno- ing Ms candidacy, to which hs toh how Ms duties Interior red with Ms participation in ths campaign at pres ent, believing that he ought to attend to them rather than look altar Ms own interest to canvassing for vote*. Ma J. Fraser Lyon, the other ean dldate for attorney general, followed. Hi said be would make a serious prop osition to Ms frieod, Mr. raoe to (tolrnCTcfimibs. He wlthhelo nto pledge until ne saw that L/oo would run. Aa to withdrawing be salt -yon had entered the contest again*. Mr. Youmana hooauso he believed Mn. pnyfeioally incapable of making th canvass and to us expected to ru. without opposition. Hs bad no deslr to oppose Ool You mans and wouio os willing to withdraw without an ; string, to Ms withdrawal and alto* Colonel Yoomans to be etooiod with out opposition. Hs wonld do tills U Lyon wUL Tali wai reostved wttL applause by the aodtooos. Before Mr. jjron oonld reply, time was called upon Mr. Ragsdale and a ior oi uuer. Sesstor. Whiskey Platforms is the Gehertetorisl Race. Poll List ef Candi dates for all Places. At noon on Monday Stats Chairman Wills Jones dosed the list of for tbe State c at St. Georges on Tuesday, were six eleventh hear entries, on# of these being Qapt. W. W. Lumpkins. Tf Columbia, commercial agent of lbs Georgia Railroad, who entereftii* poae Senator B. R. Tillman for United States Senate. Tne Colombia Record says ths entries M Today wae that of Fraasr Lyon, of Abbeville, ehtof dis pensary investigator, who to sol for attorney general. Five minutes attar his ptodgs came tbat of ox Senator J. W. Ragsdale, ft Florence, a dlspenmry candidate for the eame place. This iMrd candidate for tbe ptoee to tho incumbent, LeRoy F Yon mans, of Colombia, appointed by Governor Heyward to soooood tbe late U. X. Gunter. Mr. Youmape sms attorney general under Governor Hampton, and is over seventy yean old. The last pledge to oomela, Just ft vs minutes before closing time, was that >f A. Crane Jonea, prohibition dtitotn fey governor, from Another anti-dispensary madldsts to 7 ;.f ji ’ - JtLj. • yum SS 3mi h, of Timmonsvllto, a looal op- ilonlst candidate for lieutenant gov- irnor. , The other gubernatorial antrloaam F. Ansel, oonnty dispensary advo- of GrscnvlUe; Senator Goto L. Slease of Newberry, state dtopentary te it stands; Joel B Brunson, of Sum- r jer, straight proMbitloo; W. A. El> ■■ Mfi j _ W. ms wards, prohibition, of Wards; B. Hanning, of Somfisr, dto| formed; J J. McMahan, Hjpeosary refoimed; Lieut •rnor J Am T. Sloan, for ItsuenaarT. Don uf MmraoreM. Near Roati, a Swittiriand vlltogi in the Zasrion Oosiiaad, the poiux aave muae nigaiy ssnaationsi disco v For » Iuom time a iemjia iarm uouae wae occupiedb; a family uamen Cbarnoiser, cooststiog of two brother, and a sister, a few days ago, tiu ittinmmmm fsnato cause to snarea La. use. An u&msasa quanity of stoton goods was found, bus worse thing* ware discovered later. A wall exoltet susplelon owing to It peouiur shape she wneo an opening was mule a rough ool- fto wsa found with a female skeleton, olothesstal adhering to It. Its Ictodt- ity nas not yet been established, bu. *nat some awful orlmus have been committed lo. the house appeanrto bt now practically certain. ______ tttov— Official suttistios compiled by the department Of oommeroe and laboi •how how tho agitation against packers has damaged foreign trade, is January, before tbe revelation In The Jungie ’ nad gained wide pub McLeod, of Leo oonnty, on itatform as Manning. The 1st of ontrtoa follows: U ilted States Senator—B. R. T1U- natwBIgefield, and W. W. Lnmpkjn, rf OAumbla. Oongrees—First district, George 8. Legare, of OuartoHlQai iroood dto* riot, J. O. Patterson, of Barnwell; G. Tooto, of Aflteo, and Butiar B. Hair, of Saluda; TMrdjdtototot, Wyatt Aiken, of Abberflto, aad I. N. B gga, if Picktas; FonnkL dtoti1Ck. W, 0- Irby, Jr., of Laoieaa, J T. if Spartanburg, and G. H. N Greenville; Fifth dtolttol, D ey, of YorkvUto, T. J. Strait, of •ns, and W. P. Pollook. of ^ Sixth dlstrlot, J. E -rs; Sevwnkb dlstrlot, A. F. Levor, of xlngtcn. Governor—M. F. AuasL 0. Lr Bieese, J. E Brunson, W. A. Ed wards, Bk I. Manning, J J, - , Uoity, tbq axporution of canned beei of two phonos over the previous year, ruary snowed a falling off of 3,000,600 puuuda. March snowed fifty per oem decrease with a lorn to packers ol 0600,060. A^rll shows a deoreese oi oTar Maxoh of 600,000 pounds. Nay showed a similar oscresaf. Ths portatioo of fresh besf In April Ann May showed a slight decrease. John T. Sloan, A. Lieutenant M Lsod and Charles A. Seeratary of State R. NL MoQown, of F.oretof; J. B. Morrison, of Berke ley, L M Ragtofl of OoWKTW tf. P. Tribble, of Aediiimr: Attorney General-J Fraser Lyon, John W. Rsgsdato sad L. F. fto* , *wii Uulnn Seulesb China Thursday signed a treaty ao- ojrdlng eompto aatisfaetion to Francs lor the masaaore Of six French Jmnlt missions!rise at Nanojaug, Kiang Provinoe. In February tost. Cob pays 1200,000 indemnity to the mis sion and 6400,000 Indemnity to the daoeased mimiftnariits’ fa miles, builds a memorial hospital and poalabra ths ringtoadsrs of tho rioting. In addi tion posthumous honors, which the people of Naoenang demanded, will be granted to the Chinee* magls whose suicide was Nil signal Mr tbs outoraak. French gnaboam in tbe vicinity of Hanohaag will bo withdrawn. of Abbevtlto; G. L. Walker of rilto. Stale Traasuier B> H. of Fairfield Adjutant General—J. 0. Boyd, of GraonvUle; L. W. Haskell, of Ooldm- ola. 'l&SggPm Railroad not be trates Oaoator, of Thrash; John a gsltow? of Sellers; J. M. SuMvanof Andemor, J. A. Sommorsot, of John H. Wharton, of Stat4 Superintendent of ■ -OB Martin, of Greenville. BAGS rOB ATTOBNXT I Tne race for attoreog be, next to! aor. Mr. Lyon toft] placing Ma oheok and hands of afrisnd. JNtta troubtoe. Mm that for ua to t tf tsos against 1 did to I win I do not care to of this old with Hampton to of Sonth Oanritoa’s thsso dark days oi ! ttakrtbe proposition to it tally withdraw. Rubbed by A special from DaIIss, Ga., says Mrs. Salito Golden, postmaster at that place, was kauoked down and robbed there Tnnreday. A masked entered the cffljc with a knife In band and told her if she swmmid hs wonld kill bor. Attempting to she was knocked down by two mows on the bead, thrown Into a oloset sad tha robber than taok the asonay to the effijaand sscaped. Thereto eloa to tbe rohbsn ?friMiA fltod Five minutes lator a mono man Tn Mr. Rsv. Sam 1 jade a good president, bat " things are now rlfi for Bryan