The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, December 21, 1905, Image 2

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1 Barnwell Peopl e* m W. HOLIES, Eimor I Prop'r.^ p&- j.4Mm o^irm ciRcrLmo^. A. k. f i t— r r. N PT TlIURirnAV. D1CCEMBKR«I. 19W iiiT t- b vaaa ■ -^ . —— r^HKALINn 8PRIXQ HIGH SCHOOL TB* Rirftrtutnment t«> b#> f+ven tW«, niiir*(Uy ev«*nln* »t Healing Spring High School, d«iorr<w. In onr Judg rnent, ooiumendtllon, for several gooi rea*on». It show* the mtereat of both teacher* and pupil* In vlie protection ami beautl- .*••log of the ground* ant) Indicate* the •‘XUtence of good and hannonlou* re lation ao e*»ential to '*nece**ful teach ing and ^earning. It *how* the confldenos that the teacher* and pupil* have In their ahill iv n>it) preparation to enteruin an an- tliMice competent to appreciate their Merit* and to dUcover their demerit*. If there be any. tt ahow* (he faith of the teacher* and pupil* In the good will of the community and their wlllln- )ie*« to contribute to Its enjoyment. People de*erve and devire pleasure at interval*, and especially at the re»t l —time of the year, the commencement of /the holiday*. And the best pleasure*, of life are home made. For.they are hot*' ■( and slnoere and dean and leave 4 io bitter taste la memory. * n ♦WtK 1’eoplk hope* to hear that the attendance wa* ao great as to put «tandlng room at a premium, that the programme was carried out a* smooth ly as the flowing of the crystal waters of the Spring and that the evening will he . the bright beginning, ^of a Merry CbrUtnaas to all there. . '- r *'A HOMK WEDUINO. /-fH M : s» Florence Kubanka daughter of Mr. 'Elijah Kubanka of Talatha wa* married to Mr B. M. (irtSeue pf Haw thorne on Thursday -evening Ivo. 7ih, by Hev John Neeley of Lsugleyi I he wedillug wa* solenmrxe*) at the horn* of the bride’s father and *fss attended by quite a uumber of relative* and fil**urts. The hou«e wa* beautifully decorated with ferns, palm*, rose* and southern stiiilax. At the hour appointed the w'eddlng march wa* plated by Mr*. Wade of Abbeville THE WINTER REAPER. Mr*. Hallle M. Ogllvlo. wldotr of ftie late Or. J. W.OglUde, died very su«l- dehly at her home near Allendale on Friday night. She was a daughter of the late Col. Oeorge W. Mote of Buford’s BrlBgiC Two daughter* survive her. For < tMJLlUr year* vhe h*d been a consistent inemlier of the Methodist Church. J0apt. A. M Ruth died at his home In Vamville on Friday nlgllt, »g«d 6H year*. He wa* a gallant Confederate soldier, serving In the Hampton Le- NOTICfK FINAL DISCHARGE. - Notice is hereby given that the nn. derslgned will, on Monday. January 16th, IDOO (He bis final account with ,J. " FT.' Shelling, Judge of Probate' for Tn« bride and groom w ere attended F«*r80 year* he wa* shenff by two con pits M r. O. T. Uieenc and Mis* Nora Eubank*, Mr. tiller Eu banks and MU* Ltuda Mathews. The bride wa* tastefully gowned in wbite voile w lih rca! lace^ w hile the ili bride's in (ids wore white chiffon with ttirfhid lace. A supper followed the ceremony. (jnrte a number of handsome gifts weie received with Hie best wishes from all. Among the out of neighborhood guest* were Mr. and Mrs. Kiley BurckhaHer of Louisville, Ha. Mr. and Mrs. Bmoker. Eubanks of Blythe, <la. Mr. L M. Eubanks ,of Blythe, Ua Mr Isaac Rountree of Willlston, Ml** l)al*v Greene of Greenland, >lis* Mat- tie. Buti khaltnr and sister of Aiken. Mr. Wsd« Kiibsnks of ffovan, Mr. Clif ton Kuhaiik* of Hlhla, Mr.-Haytoii Greene of Greenland, Mr. Perry Greene and sister of Greenland, Mr. Toni Buice of Aiigu»i*. Mr. Earle Meyer and sister ot Kilveiton. Miss Lucia M thews of Wllilston, Mr. Joe Baxley and daughters of Hnel.lng, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kubanksof North Augusta, and Mr..!. M. Smith ol Langley. On Friday the tunny f guest* assem hied at the home of the gr<Miu>s pa'eiits and enjoyed a niost sumptuous least. The hridn and groom will be In the neighborhood a lew day*, after which they will go to their new home at Edle, On. T“ p~ h ' ■ -13. if r — Next ye*r there will ho no lack of money for the support of the public schools, if the programme mapper! out by the Comptroller General and adopt ed by the Convention of Counttg Audit or*, that all property bo 'assessed for taxation at ii* true value, is effective ly carried out. A provision of the Constitution re quire* the levy aouiiaDy of a tux of- three mills on all taxable property for the maintenance o,f the public schools. The courts may construe ami declare the meaning of thi Constitution but oinnot, alter or amend its commands one jot Or one tittle, and the Legisla ture can not change or suspend or de feat any of its provisions. So. next year and after, when property Is re turned and assessed at It*one hundi^ed ‘cent* nn the dollar value the l,»glsla- turo may, In such jwUdum as...Jt may. have, redone the levy for State ami Gsnnty as it may p'ease, the levy for the public schools must stand at H mills, the rate adopted w^en the old seventy per cent valuation wa* the ac cepted rule and fashion. Under the new dispensation of full value returns she proportion of *ba increased taxa tion for the schools will be as 10 to 7 vompared withe old. For each 7 cents heretofore contributed by the tax pay er 10 cent* will be required under the new rul*. School District* so minded can dis continue voting special levle*, but that will not bring firture average Income to the past and present level*. Congressman Fatterson returned from Washington on hunday, to spend the holiday* at Irnme. lie hi* made * bu«y beginning in his fongressional service. BtxMe* urging the esUhTUbtbent of numerous rural free Usllvery routes in this District he fist Introduced bin* t For a combination post ofllce and ««>urt bouse at Beaufort. Koran experimental station of the erriciiltuial department in This Dis trict. Forvdewrtng out and dredging the Great Baltkehstchle River from the tuouth of Turkey Creek. To Increase the salary of rural mail carrier* to one thousand dollar* an nually. To establish a flsh hatchery and fish •tMlou In the State of .South Carolina. To establish regular terms of the 4,'nlted Mates circuit and district court* at Aiken. To provide for the erection of a pub lic building at Aiken, to cost not ex uding I1-25.000. To renav to the heirs of Richard Reynolds ♦4)*,000 as compensation for cotton scixe.i from ihelr ancestor by th*United States. rafund to I karle* F, Danner A Co $7^0, the cost ami penalty paid by them f<»r a wholesale dealer’s oleomar- RStviite license. ^ A8TOTAXA1TGN’. A CAREER OF CRIME. .While oiTt cnlleStlng taxes in Treasurer Rnhrrt w HVjsirpt'iiead from ambush Bfdr rtf fit:! ‘In cent piece*. Dan Murphy, white, was found guil ty of the crime and sentenced to be banged. Gov. Kllerbe commuted the death sentence to life ImorNoum-nt. Murphy anj Collin*, white, escaped from the penitentiary In FKK). His rel atives claimed that lie huu .joined the army and gone to the ,1'hilipplnes. K-cefitly he was CAiight horse stealing Li-Emanuel County, Ga , ‘mid put on the chain gang There h« was idciill- lled after some mistakes and on Natnr- rfav was returnrrt ? to tlie Fenttenttary to tfuislr serving hi* sentence. — Hampton County. TRIBUI E OF RESPECT. Whereas. It ha* pleased Almighty God to rerrtov* froiuTSl bilr beloved and daacon, W. W. Greene, To brother ^ 11 Resolved 1st. That In the death of our beloved bmthur the community has lost a trne frUnd and our church a faithful member and deacon; one who was ever anxious to advance -pure and undented religion, wo will also miss his earnest and devoted prayers, to which we have so often listened. •2nd. 'I’liat we deeply sympathize with his family and feel that their loss Is his gsln. : ■ 3rd Tlpit we bow In humble submle- *lon to the will of our Heavenly Fa ther, who docth all thing* wtdl. 4th. That hi* name, date of hi* hlftb rain and death be Inscribed upon onr ruin ute book a nil * copy of these resolu tion* ho furnished the family of the de ceased, slid request the Rarnwki.l Piiorr.K and Baptist Oourier t to publish tbe same. W. R. Owen*, M O. Wall, Com mittee. Dec. 9th. IDOft. - LIVER AND HEAD CHEESE. Take the livers and heads ’of two* hogs A Hit.tile head* are w ell cleaned put. them In a pot and cover with cold water. Let thorn" boll till the Pint drops from rtie hones. Boil the Ijvers until done. Pick them all to pieces and ruivthrough the sausage mill or meat chopper, adding some pieces |t,f -cold kAULAf y.uu U*i:i;. aiCUL *;> ure-id. the greise Irom the tojj of tl.e water In Which tire heads were Itollod Season the m*«a with with salt, pyppef, a Ut- tle red pepper, a teaspoon of (mion jtileo and some powdered *ng*. Knead it well and mold it in Vour deep pud ding di-he* Put a weight on it and lot it stand for a day. This should he hard enough to shave Into thin sllrea- and w ill piove an appetizing dish for tea.—Carolina Spartan. A CURE FOR COLD^ M'e see It stated that a tablespoon fill of kerosine oil taken inwardly N a sure and sovereign cure for cold in the head or chest. That, remind* us of the personal prae tlce-of the late ’’S.-ge of /Tark’s HIll,” the Hon. George I>. Tilltnan, who brayed the winter climate of Washing ton without wearing flannel or over cost: whenever he f nind himself catch ing a cold he bathed hi* head with alcohol. If the cold extended to the throat anil chest he took the kerosine dose.—Fur MHoosna** he used the ji/iceof lemoua, > As well aa’ femem- beled the above Were ail th* n reinedie* he used to keep himself in good health. M. itUriP DPiTlsi. ■ . Bjrnwcll, - - - S. C. From November ist to April I will be in my office every day. -From April to November I -will attend calls in the countYy or meet patients at any of our towns by appointmcHt. -I- • v • -r • v • -p • • -i- • v • • v Thirty one Countv Auditors attendwd 4k , _L kraek’* oouventlon ItT t .oMiiutiia. [ hVune Ten counties were unrepreiented The I uiceiv follow ing resolutions were adopted : ••Resolved, That we the county audi tors In cnnventloN assembled hereby pledge ourselves to follow the law in the discharge of duty a« expounded bv the comptroller general h« Li such cases made and provided '* ••WUerea* no tax law Is equitable un« Je*s equal, aud evenly enforced, Ihcrc- fore be If. “Resolved. That we the county au -ditors of South Garo'ln* in convention W-sembled, hereby pledge ourselves to make a concerted effort to enforce the provision* of ibelticohro takfsw. which h«* heretofore been almost a dead letter •on the bfioks.” / " ^Whoreaa the present law providlrg for a penalty of 1 per rent, on taxes unpaid In January and February and 5 per eemt nn March Ist, and •’Wlferfn* aucb law entail* useless complication* and umnli’ addition*! i wora by auditor* and treasurer- with out accomplishing ally Important rc- anlt*. therefore be It ‘•Resolved, That thla convention memorialise the legislature and request flrem to repeal said law and to make provision for a penalty of 4 per cent, to be fdaced upon all taxes remaining unpaid on January 1st each year— twMifca to close In March-yind in Peu of tb« t*efralllea provided bf the law now fnfbree." The Jordan la the cfooke lest rivet In thf worid. Fnmr ft* head sprkoj^vfa Ii,s month Is 00 irtlle* fn a straight line. while tlie course the iher take* prana ures jHt miles. Am] that may lm one reason for the old say I tfg that ‘ “Jordan ta a iror,! ju»kJ to tr*-r»l." President, Roosevelt's last inessagq Fb TJongrea^ conUined about 28,00*) word*. The severest, sleet storms know n In years prevailed in Virginia and North Carolina on Saturday. Hiram W. Lawwin of Ahheyllle b*« a peean tree plan led In 18.15 frora which ho sells every year enough nut*.to pay tbe taxes on hi* place. V>mptrollpr General Jones report* 90,517 dogs a* returned for taxation, 50 •cents each, for school support. Of this total Barnwell ha* 1,736 barks and Bamberg l.Aol. Chicago has opened l»a campaign »• gsin-t pneumonia bv poL ting out that«e wiui eat too much ami those who drink too much arc in more danger than those who live ternperamltven. By nhout a hundreal m.ijorlty ^Faii- ,fte-ld Gounty v-tad htet "we^k to retain the IrUpapaai v. Jji ^ election* bald so far 15 ejonn»ls« ti^Ffi goifi^ dry and but two, FlrTrctie^aiiu Fairfleld, have remained wet. 4 re there cracks In vour chimney^ Look out for them. .Win&er is a l»aii time to be bairiiM "fimi-aT hurisS 'Hnd If not ton bad. have the cracks pointed op If too bad for that, take the chimney down and lay it up new. Ida etsler and cheaper to do that than to build new house. John D. Rockefeller,-the richest of all American* and therefore the great est. captain of industry, predict* that because of oyer production In the rrext two or ttiree years there wi I bo tqh l* million men in the United StateW^Muf'* of money. v r iul out of work, althbugh wanting to be busy. HeWnggeats-Tbkt the government get ready fo give them work on great public ini| roviinenls. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTT OK BARNWELL, In the Probate Court. By J. K. BnelHnv, Esq., .hulire of Probate In . Barnwell County. Whereas C. C. Brown lia'h made su't unto me to grant Frank H. Crw^eh 1 ettera of Aihninistratlon, on the estate of Charlton I). Brown, deceased, •These an 1 , therefore, to cite and admonish, a’l and singnlar, the kitnlrixj and eredttdrs of the said Charlton I). Brown, deceased, t 1 at they be and a^iis.-ar before me. In the • ourt *-f Proliaie to be held at Barnwell on Wedniw- day, January :!-l. P.ssl. next, after publica tion hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, to ahow eause, ilfany they have, why the said administration should .not be granted Given under my Hand this 19tb day of De cember Anno Domini, 1905. ~“ \ y JOHN 1^, KNELLING. 0 -4- V Protiate Judge, l.iii Vi The Italian min ster to the United States believes that the poor people of his oyer crowded country can better their conditions by emigrating to th* Southern State*. Of course they could. Rut the coming of a people *o cheap living. . *o steady working, so cent savliM* as the Dagoes are would make times harder here for'The hero hands and heart* that .h|)ve conquered the. pa«t and brought the South Into “the splendiil morning of a better age.’’ and who are just -beginning to gather for themselves and their .children the ripening frulta of their service and •acridee. . , In UW» t.h* world had not a single steamship on the,ocean, a single mile of railway on land, a single span of telegraph upon tbe continent* or a sin gle foot of cable beneath the ocean. In 1905 it ha* 18,(Hkl steam vessels. 500.000 isyipa of railway, and more ihan 1 (00.- 0W mile* nf,telegraph, while the very continents are bound together in Instantaneous communication by more than 200,000 miles of ocean cables, and aggregates 6.000 (X>jannually, and one- half of them in . tbe United States alone. : Barnwell County, AiTA dm In latrator of the astute of Bauj. (). Farmer, deceased, and«*k for letters dlamlesory. j ' Ii. T. Farmer. AdtuLulsirulot... MASTER’S SALK. Rate of South Carolina,) BarnwoB. ( Court of Common Plea*. W. T. al ker. el *1.' PUIutiff*, ▼4 CRo Brown, et. al, DafondaTrf*. - Ry virtue of a decretal order to me directed in the above entitled cause I wlll«el!at Barnwell, In front of.the Court House, nn Tueadav, January, second. 1006 It being saleday in said month, within the legal hour* of aale, the following described real property : AH that tract, or plantation of land situate, lying and being in Barnwell County. Htat* ot South Carolina, con taining thirty three (83) acres more or less, ai^l bounded as follow*: On tbe North by land*of Sallie Newton; on the East bv lands of Cenia Thomas sod Andrew Walker; on the South by lands formerly owfied by Vlcy Odom and on the West by lauds of L. M. Groves. _ —Term* of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. H. L. O’BAN NON, Master. Master’s Office. December, 11. Ut03. HOMESTEAD NOTICE. On Friday January flfih, 1906, I w ; tll appoint three disinterested persons to appraise ami set off to >V. W. Moore a homestead In his real and personal pro perty, pursuant to a«petttioh made by him to me. All persons Interested are notlfled that any exceptions to the return of the appratsera mirst be'inade within 3n d*ys affyr the date of said retiirp.,^ , H. L. O BANNON. .. Master. Master’s Office. December, 11th 1905. FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned w ill, on Satarday‘4-3rd. De cember 1903 make apHIdutorTTor let ter* of final dDcbarge as Administrator of the e«tate of Warmn p Wlltcox. he fore J K Mneningv E»q, Judge of Pro bata for" Barn well County.. II. W. Montague,’ Administrator. Allendale. 8. C. November. 2M, l«ai. MASTER’S SALE. State of Smith Carolina,! County Of Barnwell, i Court of Common Plea*. Enterprise Bank, Plaintiff, va. W. W. Moore, et al . Defendants. By virtue of a decretal order In me directed In the above entitled cause, I will sell at Barnwell, in front of the [Court House, on Tuesday, Jannarv second, 1906,, It being saleday In said the following described, real property, situate In the county aJU State afore said: Tract No. 1. AM that lot In the town of Barnwell, containing one acre, more or leee. and bounded on the North by street sepa rating It from residence lot of W, Gil more Simms, K-'q.: on tbe East hr lot* of Mr*. M. I. Walker; Month bv lot* of the estate of Mr*. L. P. Moore, de ceased. Citizen* Saving* Bank. A. P. Manvllle and 8. W. Trottl and lot of C. N. RirnikhaRer and We*t by C. C. Ca- liff, et al. Also tract No. 2. All that lot, ceoiainmg and meas uring fifty fejat bv two hundred »nd two feet and hounded on the North hv above described lot. K*«t bv "lot of Citizen* Saving* Rank; South by Main Street and West by A. P. Man- vllle’s lot. T r Also tract No. 3. AH that lot containing about, three- fourth* of an acre. bounded North hv lot of Mr* Kittle I Shuck and on the East, We*t and South by street! of said towi£ Also tract No. 4. AH that certain story and lot In the town of Dunbarton, said Stale and Coiintv. and bounded on the North bv lot No 25; South bv Railroad Avenue: East by Hickory Street, and West- by lot No. 3. said lot being mortgaged, be ing lot No. 4 In plat of G. M Greene, half acre, upon which 1* erected my (Moore) store house In said town. Al*o tract No. 5. AH mv Interest (Moon*’*) in the brick building in which I do hu*lne*« In said Town of, Barnwell, bounded North by allevwav sepsrating fhe same from building of Brown: on the Ea»t hv lot of Brown: on*.(he Smith by alleyway •enatating said lot from Masonic Tern p’e lot. and on the Weal by a street of said town. Term* of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for paper*. —r ——‘—T’ II. L. O’BANNON. Master. Master’* Office. December 11th 1905. IiTHE BANK of BARNWELL, j i . « 1 • ' - • ■ ♦ i ♦ a 4 AR^RHOWINO NICE ASSORTMENT fTTBEASONABL* OOODR; TjACES* Embroideries, All Overs, Brilliantinjbs, P o no e n k t tfs, Lawns, Linens and Wash Fab rics. w* INVITE INSPECTION. BRIGGS, BUIST A CO. X i DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY -IX- 1; i > ; r i I \ > 1 » CAPITAL.' - - - - SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROPITS. mm * mm $60,000- $30,000. % MONE3T kcpt'ln jour honsu may be lost by theft or Are. Deposit It with ua and transfer the narnmublllty. We earrv BURHLAH INSURANCE I’ROTFCTION, end have fire proof vsnlts. The habit of depositing with us will save you many a dollar that might Munwlsely •pent If k'-pt in your pockets. CON IK ACT T.H F HAHn N()W. „ The cinvonlemse *nd safety of paying *11 your obligatkms by; chock, once tried, will never be given up. „ ... ■ t . '•• • . . . Checks and drafts c»n be safely sent to ns by mall without being registered. — Etrher call hr perton and'open aa account with a* or write us. V. F. CALROUN, Prcslden*. BUTLER HA GOOD, Vice-President. P M. BUCKINGH AM, Cashier. G. W. MANVTLLE, Asst. Cashier. 965 Custoiers sened there Saturday, November 4, ’05. « r . — - — FEW word* about coffee. A The finest grown are Mouha and drink beyond all comparison. Java. Ryan + + + IS YOUR CHILD SUBJECT TOCROU P? If so why let It *uffer whan Cainthol •fc 'give* immedrato and permanent r> r f ♦ *. + A blend of these make* a offer* you thi* blend in a l ib air tight can at 30c., with the guar antee. that It will go a* far as 2 lbs of Arbuckle, Lion or anv other coffee grade, or money refunded. The blender* of thi* coffee offer * re- - w ard of $160.00 to »ny one w ho can produce a better coffee lor the same J money relief. “SEE Cl RCULAR ” Cainthol, the great family reme dy, i* a specific fnrRb<Mim*ti«in', Swellings, Insect Bite*, Burns, Headache, Neuralgia, Ear-ache, Tooth-nehe, all achea aud paiua, . J Sold at Creech’s Pharmacy + + d* d- T •- + + • ••'(.•-i-e-!-e-i-e-}-*4.*d-*-!-«-F*^-a-;-*d>*-}. ~ -JUST- RECEIVED FIVE CAR LOADS OF HORSES AND MU,LES FOR BLACKVILLE. ONE CAR FOR ALLEN DALE: - TWO DOZEN DEP1RE STALK GUTTERS AT BLACKVILLE, AT A VERYLOW RRJOgr- ^INE MILCH COWS. Parties desiring fine milch cows please write to W. C. SMITH, ■* WlLLlBTOJtj 8. C. jCj^Will sell for cash or exchange for heof cattle. INSURANCE* Fire, " Health. •* 'Old Line’’ com- PubHftbe^ «. , 1 teirtl-r itz nA»awgi.e Piton.E Life, Accident, We represent only paniea. ^ THE GERMANIA^IFE, OF'nEW .YORK '. y JT ri . TifK NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY THE AMERICAN FIRE, OF NEW JERSEY THE EQUITABLE FIRE OF CHAR LESTON THE EMPLOYERS LIABILITY OF LONDON All kinds oflnsurnnoe promptly wri te:) and attended to in person by SoellinU & Sberfesee, ^nts. BARNWELL, S. C. VY HEN you go to Ryan’s ask for hi* Swi«a Cheese, Italian Macaroni, French Olive Oil, California Peaches, Large White Cherries, Home-made Preserves and Jellies, Dried Peaches. Dried Apples, Country syrup, Buck Wheat, Big Hominy, Grape Fruits, Force, Cream of Wheat , ynUK place seem* to be Headquarters for fruit for Christmas caitea; .. I Raisin* in the bunch. Seeded Raisins, Cleaned Currant*, Citron, Extract* and Spicevof all kind* I N Canned Vegetable* you will find—Blond. Rad Beef. Succotash, Sauer Kraut, Garden Corn. Garden Pea*. 13 ben you want to make Soup aak for hi* Soup Cair; It contain* 10 different kiuds of vegeta ble*. ie and see us: G. K. RYAN, J. S^nBLACK, J. E. GRUBBS. T ♦ : ♦ ♦ i • 4 a 4 •♦a—#*-* 111 onr Di'iitf Store we best dis play and certainly the cheapest "ever shown in Barnwell. Everything for Santa Claus. We offer ’ til 1 Christmas a fifteen per cent reduction on Cut Glass. See that beautiful cut glass howl, former price now to go at $2i>; its a bargain. Our Sterling Sjlvc% too, must go if low prices are what you want. : What we tell you about our goods is cor rect; enough said on that point. i Fire-works and Fruits of every kirtd and descriptioh for yonr Xmaa entertainment. Uur stock of Oandv is mader/Jby Eowney"* and his name on A ?vcr y pip^e, guaranteed fresh; in 1, 2, 3, and 5 pound boxcffcr . Our Furniture department will offer some Rugs at prices which cannot he duplicated anywhere. Our stock of Furniture is full .•and while it has advanced 10 per cent -we" stand by Our guns and shoot the high price pejopk 1 , which tickles us. See those' dozen beautiful Willow Rockers, almost for a song, and none will he left 3'days before Xmas, so get a move on you. / Our Millinery Department has a pretty full * stock of Ladies’Skirts, Jackets and Cloaks, either of which we will offer vou at cost. For one day before Xmas we will offer One Thousand Dollars worth of Embroideries as follows: 2octs Embroidery at 15cts; 20cts Embroidery at 12cts; 15cts Embroidery at lOets; lOcts Embroidery at 8cts. This lot just to hand. . The day will he Wednesday, December 20th. Our stocks are worth inspecting. Remem ber we undersell any one. TOBIN’S THREE STORES. For Sale. My Dairy Farm is for sale, consisting of 50 head of Regis tered and High Grade Jersey Cattle, Silo, 4 horse power Gasoline Engine, Grain Grind er, Cream Separator, and all things necessary for running a modern Dairy. Cattle ana Fixtures cash; Residence and Farm oh easy terms. Write for particulars to GLENDALE JERSEY FARM, Barnwell, 3. C. William McNab, McXAB & New Firm, Best Values J. If. Caldwell. CALDWELL. New Goods, Lowest Prices. U| • Ml A. P. MANVILLE’S OLD STAND. Main Street, Barnwell, S. C. We offer our entirrlv new, carefully select ed and 1 ' bought, stock at pleasing price*. Not a shop.worn Article in stock. In Dry and Dres* Goods all tbe standard fa vorites, all the newret candidate* for favor, latest Ktyle* and best qualities. fihtas artra Spscc.idty jKith'u*. and the old and the young of all occupations will find here the complete comfort of easy wearing and long lastmK xlioes, Sltppcr* Ac. Our ttsts irM phTtse’- afi- good "taitfs, bfttfi” Mwrob, 4996, in the beauty of style and excellence of inate- rlal. Our Notion*, Gents Furnishings and mis cellaneous goods need only to be seen to be appreciated The early call* of onr friends and the pur chasing public arc most cordially Invited. Wc an: confident that we can give complet- est satisfaction to all cash cHstooier* and that wc ran and will save you money and give you pleasure on every purchase. Very sincerely, IdcNAB & CALDWELL. F. P. LEE;— DICAfcER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Williston, S. C.. offers at lowest ItrtfHf price* a com- plHe, carefully selected and closely bought stock of the Best and Newest General Merchandise for the Fall and >W Inter Afaga, ——^— In all lines—Dry and Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, No tions, Staple and Fane y Groceries he can pleiae alt t and suit all customer*. AH competition in city or country will be met in both quality and prices of jfOMi.—■ '' 1 " 1 The public cordially invited to ‘call nncl *ee for tliemselves. I will be glad to see all old friends, to make many new one* and to prove to all that I stand on th* right trade platform. F. P. LEE, Williston, S. C. MRS. KELLY'S STUDIO, . CLSRK STREET, BLRCKl/ILLE, 8. C. For flrat claa* portraiture, work equal to the be*t done In city studio*. Latest, at vie* in card, mounts. A line of tine pictures (hand work) pastels, water colrir* and oil; for holiday trade. KoJak Album*. Post Card* made to older. Kodak work a special- ty M. Uta-. Leftnajt ■ Studio of A tlanta, ami can guarantee satUfactory work in every line of pho tography. „ . - Treasurers Notice. The Treasurer’s Ofllce will be open for the collection of taxes levied f*>r 1905, from the 15th day of October to 15th day <>f March, 1906, inclusive. From the 1st to the 31W day of J»n- u*ry, HU'S, a penalty of one per cent will be added to all laxe* paid in Jan uary. From the l*t to the 28th day of Feb ruary, 1906, a penalty of two |»er cent. will be added to all taxes paid in Feb ruary. ‘ - From th* 1st to the '15th day of 5 1 , mill*. 4>, mill*. t/MIHa. mill*. mill. per ceut. will be added to ajl unpaid taxs*., * LEVY. For State purj>.i*o* For Ordinary County For * lon-titutioiial School For Blackvilia Township, Special road tax/ Special School Levy, Ce dar Grove Allendale, Rarbarr Brunei), Blackvilia^" Double Pond, Elko, ErtUta, Fairfax, Friend»Mp, Healing Spring*. Klin*. Morris. New Forest. Oak* Grove, Old tolnmhia, Reedy Branch, Selgling. ville. Seven Pine* and Tinker Creek. 2 tuills. * *. WHlDton, 2J mill*. Barton, Big Fork, Cave. HtckorV Hill, Owen*’ X Roads, Sycamore No. 51 and Ulmers, 3 mill*. ‘Hercules and Lees, 4 mill*. Barnwell, 4J4 niPI*. - The Commntittion Road Tax Notice will appear a* soon as the County Board passe* on same. The coimitatibn road tax of twxx dol lars will be received until March 1st, 1906 J. B. Armstrong, Countv Treasurer, Barnwell, 8. C., Sept 12, 1905. AUDITOR’S NOTICE. i JAMES A. WILLIS, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, BtiitcKiiALTKR — Building, - Barnwell, - - - - S. C. Practice in State and Federal Court*. Prompt Atten tion Given to *11 Bustnea*. DICKS - HOUSE* 634 BROAD ST., Augusta, Ga. Excellent rooms and good table board. Kate*, #1.10 per day; special rate* by tbe weak. A. P. Drcxa, Prop. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Tha Registration Books will'he open fn tbe Cou rt II ouse on the flrat Mon day {**lo day) In each month for the tranawetfon of such business aa it re- qnlrfed by law. W. J. Rax)ey, Chairman. - G. R/Duulwr. SuciaUry, v ‘ otMtorwIrt* a»se»*or* wlli at- end at the placet and date* naufed be- ow for the purpose of taking Tax Re turn* fpr the year 1906. Tax payers will bear in mind that reat esiaiB il Wt>U Aa'PFI^ar proper- ty must fie returned, and owner* of. Real Estate are cautioned to come pre pared to state the Dumber of acres and value; building* thereon and value of same; w hether any ha* been sold or acquired since January, 1904. from whom acquired or to whom sold. The Auditor take* thi* occasion to say that the tax return* constitute the material with which the Auditor’s du plicate is made up and errors In the re turn* wrill cause error* on the tax book, lienee the Importance for care in ruaklngand taking return* Barnwell, C. U., from .January l»t to 7th. 1906. Mereatus; January 8th. ' 8iiel)ing; January 9ih. Dunbarton; January 10th. 4 Ashley'* Store; January 11th. Brabham's Store; January 12th. Fnrse Store; January 18th. Appleton; January IStli. Hirmir more ; JA.huai v I6th. * ^ Barton; January 17th. Fairfax; January 18th. Sycamore;-January l»th. Ulmer; January 26th. Johnson Lain’*: January 22d. Hilda; January 23d. Barnwell.;; January 24th. Aahieigh; Jannary 25th. Blaekville; January 2fltb. Klko; January 27th. WUiDton; January 29th. Whaley’s; January 30th. * Barnwell: January Slat. Allendale; February 1st. Kline! February 2nd. — Barnwell, C H.: From February M to February 20th, 1906. 7 I Dec. Slid, 1905. 8. \v. TROTTL, - Auditor, B. C. J , 1 .-I Z3 -4-