The Barnwell people. (Barnwell, S.C.) 1884-1925, January 07, 1904, Image 2
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.y , — i ■.
fe-'i.. •—* A
Tfpc Barnwell People*
JK3. V. HOLMES, Editor I Pmp?;
1,iR(«EST < or vr.v CIBCULATIOS
V ■■■»g
« 1 " •' J. ,- ' ' ' ’ **'"
'KxiiWunJc** from cotton fuetonr njinr
•f|?n report manv opcratKe* retumin^,
to t he farm*. The hitch price of cot ton
•end the e«ibarna»snient» of tlie
have opened their eye* to the fact that
■country lif* l* better a«nl bri*htor than
■hired exigence In pri*on TiHeK p **
tjptton wotrid he^elllntc nrrw at S, or
7 oent* a pound, if evert farmer in the
Houth had made what he t'lanted for
]a*t year.
And If thia new year every farmer
ahonId have the good luck to make a*
jnuch a« he ealculate* to do will not
yhe price next Fall get down to un-
prorttable Hgureie?
Tobacco acreage front Virginia to
Varnvlile will be cot down thU year
and king cotton’*,bordera correapond-
I’oaaihly tobacco will pay better than
cotton Uiia year, a* men will mno'.e and
■«hew and name women dip anttlT no
matter what come*, and with reduced
aupply ajni .undim!ni*hed demand the
oldi-triiaf or a new one nitty Wntipr Ojluc*
ifoi the weed.
Northern capital and
> another victor/ last
craft scored
week over
Southern enterpriae and endeavor.
,Prealdent J. Skelton William*, or-
•ganiter of the Seaboa'd Air Line *y»
tent, was sidetracked by Ne\v York
and New England capital, with tdlence
and awittness, and apparently with a
Mace of treachery, for up to the day be-
‘ f<»re his ouster Mr. Wllttama wa* confi
dent of the security ofdvts-aeet.
10 brandling out too rapidly Mr.
tVil.Uun made up a train too Inavy to
’ 'lie pulled up grade In had Ifnanclal
wentber and stalled. Boston and New
York came to his he|p ami helped iheui*
it’a a pky, but the way of the world,
and a warning to large and little folks
^against overdoing thing*.
Alone. Without are winter and the
AvorUI, but, this one .niglit of all.tlie
year, is given to the past, the counting
.of,the wealth of memories of the tlay«
gone by.
Book shall lie cloaed, i>eni l> be un
touched and lamp-at«»4 uuliL The
dilckory log*, red gleaming on the
hearth, the pipe of .fHie Virginia clay,
lllled with fair weed of ohl Mecklen
ihurg, are solaces and friend* enough
dor this vigil with the dead, storied
■years. *
Jn arm chair,ease we sit in silence of
«pee,ch, the dock up ui the mantle,
adilng the footfalls of the /.econds, the
strikings of the limir*, while from the
|«Uy of fire light come *nft voice*, as if
air and dew and rain drop prisoned in
the wood in the Springtime of leaf aa I
growth, released by the alchemy of
heat are whispering their old new hap
piness of freedom.
And memory, swift winged a*
thought, goes back to its first dawning
as straight and sure as the carrier dove
speed* return to the cote where the pa
rent Love taught its first flight, How
ftJir that morning, how far away and
£et now so near. As if after the bvp-
glstn of the night Atie gv.den glory of
Ahe sunshine tilled the vision to its far
^inEizon, the air was burdened with the
-sweetness of the bursting rose*, the
woodlands echoed with the song*
ihe bird*, above »he boughs were ttend-
Ing with their wealth of Eden ft oils
*nd every blade of grass made beauti-
fuT WlTTl dSVrQfU'P
And there were loved one* wjtJi u*
the full summer of their Uv* *.
Who walked with us aod lieliTduJ'
Jimds sud helped us triumph uver
uhildish troubles, and told J* of the
perils of the way before, of tlie clouds
that should hide the sunlight from our
•[ighleuad eyes, of the passing of the
<mw drop*, and tlie turuing of the
/rults to a*hes on We lips and ro bu-
terness, of the silence of the songsters
js hen the birds of prey wore on w ing,
■/•f the hidiivg of tlie serpents by tlie
irfeasant streams and'tlie growing of
■the night shade airO the bramble and
the thistle that would be it: Ah*
wasted garden of the roses. ~ *
And nil too soon tliey grew aged
With the burdens of The weary yeais
amrtlt* gray dust of travel fell upon
Aheai jfnd the vrdee from tlie oilier
whore called them and they went away
tt .and left us alone, save for the memory
of the time they were our guide* and
An I as the strange way broaden* and
■jv3 follow the inexorable law that
.drives kbe journey onward, and new
driends come and give us the comfort
w>f their presence, the companionship
snf kindred souls and help to heal the
wounds and lift our sorrow^hat we
t>ear, and are true and gentle and kind*
Jy th roil Kh nl1 ihe years while tlie
Pharisees draw their robes about theft
jiud pass by on the other side.
And when earth is in her fairest
temper and heaven above bends over
4n •erenest calm again the still voice
scumes, aiTow swift or lingering iu It*
■nutnmons and their eyes are closed and
»t|lied and we lay„tlu-ir
r List narrow homes and
|>lanting tdses (there and randng me
auorUla above,, we take tip again the
«:<dder, beavieF cross upon ua au J keep
siur faces set toward that fair laud
where hope whispers and faith prom-
ifses that all who have gone from ua
■are waiting our alow coming home.
And the friendships that we gather aa
harvests of the following years are
ilfs’s heat riches, for *o change or
their vol
itedies in tfcl
/ T C
them of their value. 8o we csfrr
these cherished treasurta fin I life’s
work will bd well done If, aa best we
may. we give to others a* much of
hspplhese as baa fallen to* ohr shares
and live tbe charity that i« «]®t of long
prayers iu the market pise * or the giv
ing of. .afms before men, but of that
-whirh- hr long sntferlng cnd rktnd. rTOtr
e*«lly imrv'»iel. tliin.klng no.eyjll, >fco
litf.le. virtues.v<*rv kind, t*r larger faults
blind and the afternoon *aUall be a*
blessed as tlie morning.
"'Th- pipe and the gee burn low grow
old and-ao we lay our treasures and
-teotihres to*ale«p,. at the New iYe.)r's'
cjining. r- _ ? ^ r - ■
DecemltcrSlaf, 1008.
People fond of politic* will And much
to Interest them in the national game
of J!*t, w ith tlie .Presidency a* the’
prU <• At prwacul-it appears tlmt onl\
the Jfemoeratlc.and KHpohlicfeh par:its
will tske p ret in It, as socfaltats, pro
hibitiouists ami ether side show split
Tiffs do not gmoimt to nnvtltiiig in the
quadrennial battles of the halb-ts.
8o far Hie-public dlseusston has b.en
more df.meinthau of platforms, for so
little regard has been paid to before e*.
lection promises That the generality o'fj
voters put morq faith In a caw ildate’s
personality than in tlie ready made
platform on Which he does his run
ning for ofllce. "
in the Itepuhlican camp a rather fun
ny condition of affair* is b«C uulng
more humorous every week. A few (
ufmths ago It fieemeddliat Air. House-;
velt was absolutely sure of renomlna-
ilon. No name'bnthis was luoutioned
in that connection. But as Hie nomi
nating convention, draws' nenror it I*
very evident that with a large, and the (
most conservative and respectable,’ eie*v
inent of hi* party, the I’to-iJetu Is not
popular, although he IS feayed because
of Ills.rough rider popinarHy and the
power of bis position, fiio these oppo
nents of his, men whose souls arc 1
wtaappad tip- Ll Lusitiess, are IcUiujt.
tilings drift, taking comfort In
thought that the Democratic party may
nominate a nmn more to tlieir liking,
apd if so they M ill very yuietly help to
elect him.
Thire are others, to whom politic* is
meat and bread, and pocket money,
who cannot afford-to make open war
on him without losing their Imhl ort of
flee p lilic Ins defeat in the general elec
tlon would perhaps be equal to tl^ fow,
neral services of the republican party
and their own casting out front good
'I^heae people are ri|>e and retidy to
knife Mr. Koosevelt, pruvidad they
could do so w ith safety to themselves,
and they are the crowd anxious for the
nomination of Hanna, who would be a
saifer and stuer camUdarte. They are
playattg their game wit.h rare **kill
probably under the siledt direction of
the elders and chief piicsts of lire re
publican pat ty. C"
The hopefulness of t-he Democratic
party is made man.!lest by the read!
ness of a number of very good men to
—party Candida e. Heretofore
Cleveland and Bryan overshadowed
and crowded out all other, timher, but
a*they have had their big days and
chances new force* come to the front*
Of the deutnciau spoken of, Olney of
Jjassacl.iisctts. Jnd^e 1‘arkeror Mayor
McClellan or Kdlror Hcarst of New
York or Gorman of Maryland, either
would make a better rrestdeut - than
the country 4i*« had In half a ecntnry.
There t* thj* one consofalloir that
there can never be a more dangerous
man in the White House than its pres
ent tenant. U- ha* since his succes
sion Irumj acting a* political executor
of his predecessor and ha* measurably
kept hi* promise to carry out the Mo
Kinlejr policy. .
- tihoold he he the party nominee and.
he w ill feel free after the 4th of A’a ch
iiexTTFar to formulate a policy of bis
own, in keeping with bis strenuous im-
pwlses, and that Is at nrjtje his greatest
strength and largest weakness.
Barnwell, 8. C., Dec. fll, T.HI3.
Harmony Lodge, No 17, A. F, M.
Whereas, God In hla wisdom, lull-
nlte. ha* been pleased to remove from
our midst ami from the wage* and. la
bors of earthly life mir esteemed and
wortliy hrother. Hudson 8. 8(111, and
11,4*. iaken him Into the Lodge Sn-
temple m»t «n*de wifk
'^ r fr
I'he cotton emplin this eomty this
ear IsiW per vent < tf. ’(.'hree l«*irth*
• f thc crop ha« already been sold and
ost-of the remainder 1* .now 'being
, , . fuelled to market owing ,to the high
ha* lost a member, who to the cause M * "
‘ ’ ret,U\
^fcandwetwaal In’the heavens, whertHFe
vel'l revelve-th* .wages' of his ex* led
station, a* all true and worthydbrother*
have who have gone on. before.
An I, whereas, in lil*4*arh th e lodjre
Till* 'placr-ls on an ah’ llr*o from
Charle>tou eti Auguda, and when the
first railroad in the dloited btate*Of
asty"ieiigtk,*4ho South Carolina Itall-
/ .road bet w een Charleston and Ha ruberg
cherished and lu aocordaiice with Ma
sonic ti'C expressiou* of sympatiiy and
regard heconveve.l t« h-a family.
Xow, tliere&rre, he it resolved bv
Harmony l^od/e No »l,7. A. tf’. M ( j ln
v-gular cominnnicutlon this day as-
««arhted; t1nu we deplore the death of
our brother, w hoso worrit we r^ncm-
her and apprtulntu ndlTmllhse'love
frhmdshlp we have eiij-.t-crL That we
extend to his f/tmHy our sincere arm
pithy sod unite with them in tlrerw
sorrow over hi* loss. . . - 4
Resolved, further, that a page In the!
minute* of this lodge bo dedicated to!
hls.ntemorv; that the lodge he draped 1
in mourning for the i:-ual period, and
tiiat aji.ony of these resolution*. «uita
hly engro sed. be sent >t<> hi* fsimilv
arfd alse.that the comtty-papei s be re-
<|iieated'to publish them.
tfco. Al.'Bate*, v. -j
— <Nr’n»n.
' ■ il A. denkios^
W. II: Joi ea.
f -
Or An Old 1t*ii.Rdsh In south
GFrom The Columbus, Ga , Enquirer
• Bun) ...
Barnwell Oonfthoose, 8. 0, Dec. 81.
—(HpeeiaL)—.This I* the county seat of
Haro well. Countjr, »ne of the largest
**tt< 'n'|Hrod*jciag ovuulitres
*iroilna? '
was always.i ryal « id true, his bret.l
ren have lost a rlevored ami s4neer«S
friend, hi* family an ageetionate guar
dlaii stud his country a 'true wad loyal
Ultfaen. *■' ' »
And, whereas, it i* tWh*_y»«f was almut Mwaa planned
that his memory should he kept .-nd' <0 . Mtj|d „ th .. on ^ Court-
; • ■. •: .... t . ^ c-' '
’•JOW is the time to buy Improved
Jjlj farm* cheap. Lands are cheaper
nor.- than they will ever be again.
Only a limited number for sale, it la
the only safe and *ub*taMla> Invest-
went. Tim ctcmaiul 1« tncremilog.
oouth P r '* w> * are advancing sod we cannot
' ou) v*5*;- uttvone acre to the woiW’* supply.
11 Is the prevsiling oidnlon that we
w ill haver see low priced i-otloti again,
t his nteati* higher prices for the farms
that pn*ttHlcethe fleecy staple. ^ *1
1 offer (f»e following farms for *«le hL
very IdW-'pri'tJs for the next 80 dav*.
te”ms cash, or cue-fourth ca-h. halanrc
in rive equal annual iimtuhnents, <1%:
interest on deferred payments.
This niav he ropl last opportntiltyTo
buy a good place chcapu.u easv terms.!
bouse, hut the Htlrun* of the t>lace met
and s«itt a petition to the legislature
asking the Itigi-latoi* not to permit the
railroad to hei arried tit rough the tow n,
as the cara wtHild kill all tlte children
a-m! cow a, /The legislature, granted
their request and vhemad was carried
through Black villa 10 miles distant.
Ten year* before tlie, late civil war
the peop-e t.f Barn weli decided to build
a raliroad-'to Blackvllle and had /X-
pended f ">*< (XHt grading it when the
-*r me ... -n.l io -r... W i
y ar* alter -the war the *t"ckh<dder* j_
W ooilWard.
All that tract or plantation -of b»nd:
comaining 89 sens, anot* or less,
hounded on the North liv *Oharlest.onf
and Aogusta road aud lanrVs of Jtitla>
I*. H'a.ten, East by lands of M rs. Bessie*.
(’. Felder and 8(*uth t>v land* t»f Mys.i
Bessie C, Felder and We»t by land* oi ■
K. H. dk*7| (f. Dowling. Also al lhai
riant of land containing WO acres, inure,
or ie»», bounded on th« North by lautls’
of Annie Price, East by II. ,1, Brabham,!
Booth by Mrs C. FHiUt aibl H eat bj
lands of Dow ling —ffl Oo pet acre. |
HARMONY 1,01 >G E, NO.,JL^A. F. M.
Rarusvell 8. C. Ill tDec. A. D. 1U03.
Wberen*, the Sftpreme Architect of
tl.e<L T niver^eydn HU inflttite w-Udom,
ha* see«t fit to tr*in.late from hi* earth)»|
bybofs, our worthy brotlwtr, of no. L
Allen, to the Grand Lodgedon Tiigh,
there to recoivc his wotgaa aa a Master
Masons ~ '
„ And whereas In his tleath. Mils lodge
him sustainetk-a loss, hi* loethreo ale
priced of a true, devoted and sincere
brother, his family of a brave and
chivaIrotj« projector, and liia country]
4*1 * tGi d «od fsitbiul oitiaeu^
sold tha road to Jit. 4. 'V.
who'built a w-oodett tram-road and ran
a tittle engine on it. Hy in turn, sold
it to tlicktock companvwho put down
iron Cbm and ran a rcgbhvr t aiu.
Thgfirr*tengiftet r wa* Mr, Ge - ,
Ke'ywTdf t'olumhus, win*-lost hi* lib-
ne/r Midjaatddu a railroatl wreck Ivn
yearsotgo, 'M r. Geo. Krcne stion went
s, hot Ills h oilier, Mr. .la*,
eene (who,-married hi* flr«t w ile at
the w t Iter's hnuit:) and who Vas the
tlrst tvroHiau’on thi*,, re*l»h*d ItFfe so'n*
lijne. ’tDe w«Msr'resltl rit r*f Barltwe I
G<* up to the ftMte of hla w lie’s
dost it; - when he went Itattk to t'oluin-
hii*. He married again in Columbus
and 1* now a well know tt resident <d
that city. ,
In the meantime the road had been
gr/.diiallv rpxteiu'wl on -the norrii to
S ivern and on tin* * >'Hh to AI but dale,
when the jvurhem IfattVirr;- nw tlrng-tr
^ine jLrum .Colttmltia t« Savannah,
nought the road and'vxTt'inled it‘a in the
north aipl on Xhe South to a tmThtSU
miles Irom .Savsnnah. on .the AtlarHKr
And wherea*, it i« meet and proper,
and in accordance with e»tah ishetl
Ma*or.ic custom, that an expression of
sympathy nod aegaru 4>e made to his
bereicved f.tiaily now, therefore, f»e it
Kcsoked, by Harmony |.mlg“ N«h A7
A. F. >1 . in rtoju larurnmihunhuftiof) this
day a-seuibled, )h .t we deplore the Sbd
ilen depai lure • l*» eternity ;»f our*
brother, whose worth we have appre-
ClHt.ed aittl whose love atwl trlrttdiblp
we have eojovpdg.that we* sorrow w Ith
hi* family 111 hi* death, him] willingh
(tear teatkqouy a* to his worth,.-his
tenderness «)f Ireart, Id* brave and
loving natare v and, withal, thediivalry
and sinceritv «>f IH* li’S}-
Kurt'her Kcsol ve«l. That a .pnge£fr> the
minut) s of the Lodge he ioseril*ed to
til* memory. Hie lodge draped iu
mourning -for lh*^ ruquUite -penufl, a
copy of these resolutions, suifahltt-**n
grossed, he sent to hi* family, and also
published in -the county p iper*.
* _ - CVni loA Cnruoll Bimms^
. -Chutniutii,
- - II. P. Anderson,"
. O. C. Bax.ey.
A trnsconv Attest:
11. P. Anderson,
Becretarv. -Il
Mr. 3-M Youngblood died.of dropsy
on the 80 lr tilt , after an illi.e;* of
about fl 4 tt*efr HOrHtbs. Tw«sorphan Jit
tie daughter* survive him. llejiya* (Hi
years of age. All hi* Ilfs, he ‘ w«5r*
gm.d inaH-,--«ipr)glit, *ob*r and doing
his duty iu ’T'eace «nd war. He w«.»
butletTItt-the CMd Baptist Church yard.
Ring MeneHki-of- Abysminia, * mighty
huuter, has promUe I to send to I’reai
’fieill Rooseveftrwrrrfitms and a ct*«t»le
of elephaat tusk*.
VN hen an Inferior sends to a superior
such a gift the act amount* to an ad
mission of the sovereignty of the latter.
But a* Bing Metielik aoknovvledge#
no superior his gift would apn^ar.
the etiquette
cording to the etiquette of "Kif«ter,jh
peo|de, to be a challenge to the Prtsi-
der.t a* a sfayesof might^ game.
Bo King Mcnelik's meaning is that
Mr. Koo-eye t must tight with the gift
lions in the Abyssinian wny and If he
comes out triumphant he may seek Tlie
largtr aniin.ibv—elephants—in Mere-
lik’s hunting ooiiutry. Should the
President not see iTin'that light Mene-
lik vrill no doubt regard the President
as a tenderfoot.
It rests with Congressional wisdom
to presoTve thy President from lieing
caat into the den of lioi+s, arid at tlie
same, time to preserve his reputation as
r, genuine game sport. - ' -*-h
•' It is excepuional to find a family
wltere there are no domestic rupture*,
..occasionally, but these can he lessened
by having Dr. King’ New I,He Pills
Around, Much tiouble they save by
their great work iu Stomach and .Liver,
troubles. .They not ortf v relieve you,
but cura. ifoe. at •Cieceh’s IMiaruiaey,'
0. N. Burckhalter’s Drug Stow.
m m ’ * I
Tlve Department of the. Interior at.
Washington is now ready to deliver by
registered ma|t wall unrpa of Die
United States, including all recently
acquired territory, lo.’ 80 cettL*. The
map I* $ by -7 feet in size,' mounted on
muslin and gollers.
The law pen nits the sale of only on*
ipany copies cap b« furnished as may
be desired for aeparate buildings or tie
partoieiiU, Send draft or money or-,
der made payable to the order of tlie
Financial Clerk D>*partm*iA of tbefo--
. Wrior, ia the iostmution of Edward
Aniw iheui ABMLjgf note ^ J^awvou, Chief Cicck. i ^ ^
■Coa«t Lii
11 am;
ijdjjfi Throned) PuJkuau
now run ihtough BarHwjej'ljtw ce a day
trom ifaoksouviile,’Flair WI'-friYo.k
City, 'i he Coast Liiic'Ju^- dlso exieml-
cl a line from Denmark to Augosta
til ough Barnwell, and through trains
pasa through daily D'oni Aaigueta to
Mr. W, ,1. Wood, of ITviiiml'wC, wenf
from tins countv to Tadimilms ncarlx
in years ago and i* sliil a resilient of
Unit city. . *
^ J 4. 8. S.
—— ——• 1' ■■ ''
M’eatbcr Bureau.
Yoluntnrv Dpw i v.-rs’ Mctccrologica] Jb-c-
urd. Mouth of Decem ct, IhoU biatiou
All kbat tract of land,13 miles from,
res, nmn
or h-*«, and bntmdeif b> liitul« dl Henry*
Bellera and J. B. Ruuntrec.—
aere. ■ 1 - —r-
AH (list, tract "«T land, 2 miles from
Govati. containing 3.M) ucn-s.-Gumrc ot
less, bounded on the Ni-uih; by ('liar
lest on a nit Angu-t* road, on ihe H esi
bv lands of.I. B. Zorn, on elm Nor 11 1
ViV.lands oCO'. A. A<luio«, anti on tlie
East liv laiula'T.f Mr* 3tromaiv, w iili
mill site afid aH'inacliiifWiy ■Uocielo—
fb,fH) per acre. i
AU tlii^t tract of land, 'know* bV
AT ere MliI trtyct, near tD.iir.—^i.tX) p**i-
ac re. ' T ' '1 ..
-.- • --—--t—r*-:—;— —_—. , -• ;" ■. - L . ;, ■. ■
Ha-good place near Bsirnavell. C. IL,
coi.ta.niiig CIO acie*.—$B<00'per acre.
48} aerie of land In (Vx ll-ton Town
ship, partiv in the corporalc lin.its of
Mm town" of Elko, 1 tM'-c ilwcfflne
honsB amp barn* and -untile*. wVir.e
clay land, nearly all to i-tt+Uvatmn.
small poition In g>-oil pine timber, rents
wwll Price 11.812/0 - ’ -
D. B. Hair pla'ee, 1- r i!1 Mere**, •> dtuild-
ln»fs. Bonmlatie-• N by lirud-of Mr*
C ! .Max
I . I
j r. Mi'jtu atiksi' rec u»
. . jiil In
in. Menu! cues
General Jaum# Lqngstreet died on
Saturday at his honie, Gainesville, Ga.
He liad suffered a long time with can
cer of jthr eye, hut I'ontracted a severe
cold which resulted in acute ppen
iiionia, eaiisiug bin death iu two da**.,*
He was born in Edgefletd' District
January 8th. 1851, mured with Iris
mother to Alabama in UL3L, ente-Fe*l-
We*t Point, graduating when 21 years
of age L . , _
He served with dUticetlcn during
the M-iican war
lie i(i*c dtr ith?Tank of Lieutenant
General In the Confederate army and
pluved a lar e partln the campiilgus
oi tfm 4 r,,, y df Northern Virginia,
After the war lie wa* weTI taken care
of by the Republican Pie-ideTira, hav
ing Hi led several prominent a nd nrotl-
table ofHces.
Tbioi fa- t and hi- attack on tlie mil
itary >-.Nraer of General Koliert E. Lee
l Ahbed liiuf of popularity in the Boutli
lf> *
21) ‘
• |
-t -
Iiamtte!i . 2), (j* *
Dear Sir: The Trmtt— of Fair
Ground. Cub leak jl1, X. Y., werij/glail,
to pay 15 cent* a gallon niorw -foT“ fi»i*-
,<0 7 yoe; and no w onder. 'l w,o oilier pwint
agent* said it would take 160 gallons of
their Vaint to coyer ihe buildings.
Our agent put it at 125 6r' ! Ta#8. -dt
took »LV
\Ve’•aved tljem 35 . gallons of paint
niid painling i worth tl to >3 a gallon,
as tlie painting costs two or three
times a* luiu-li as tlm paint) less 15
Cents a gallon ^oii 115 gallons. Buv
♦ HD-
That’s how to count the en«t of
paint. The eon putting it on i* fj or
f4 a gaMon. You see, what that means.
Go by [Dcvoe.. .
, Your* truly.
T V. W. Dkvo* 4 Co .
New TMrk.
t —TlieLecislatnie m»*ets on T'tesday,;
42th of January, 1904, and w4il be inj
session exaetD’Torty day^^lark the^
predictioair^-Grecnvilta Mountaineer.
"After all, what fa happlneasT”
“Oil, thal’a-easyT*’
" VVelt, wliat Is Ilf”
‘‘UappineM* is a condition that youjj
don’t really appreciate uiitiLyou rench
a |M>int where you have l« lc«k hack To
Jr.*' * \ *
; .
• - . • •(.><»**, ’t
jbf stuck to my engine,- although
eyery Joint ached and every nerve %#♦
racked with pali\.” writes G. W.. ftiri-
4amy, a locomotive Bwmaib of Bur*
4ingion,4«>wa. "I was wieak and pale,
without any app^ijM and all run down.
A* 4 was about to give up, I got a hot-
copy to an Individual, but to schools as lie of Kleotnc Bitter*, and after taking
It. I.felt aa well a* 1 ever did in toy
life.” Weak; sickly, rt»n down people
always gain new life, strength *8(1
vigor from tlmlr use. Try them. 8*»-
Dlactiou guaranteed by Creech*» pbar
ns,•( , U. N. Bar.-kbaiier *1)nig Bfore
Uripc 60__ _ -
5«r 32;
59 1
•> •}
-41 j
45 ;
*' I
. jMean temp
I Max. temp.
... j -.-07 -
D'tc 24,
05 .2..- ,-
Min. tbtnp
2s-- at
”T7 Dafe'27.
.05 Total pre
«:ip *in.dus
L 2 11.
3 .
’(■i, *
4t i . tail il,dies,
45 ! ' - T.
42 No. of ditv
41 !Clear l!* -
3s • P’r’yclvll
44 i " “-—IflMi/ty T '
45 _ . 13 Da’t C .* ol
l;i ir<.-t,_
45 Light,
.51 jHeavr,
.Vr (Killing
4T | 1 58 Dates of
35 it _ oJiail
42 >lcet 8
A Rare OppoiTuuitj for Barn-
tvclJ and Vicinity.
dlavinp; decided to g« into-the WhoiesaUf
- . ,1’usiness in thdtJit^' of New York,
.• .4 t '.'-s' - •. *- * .
. r- •"* 1 will sell out n\v I*AJ-
a ^ • . • -. • . :» r ■
mat ^
•Store fixtures for Sale;
Lot For SaLr,
-- Come early, bef«rre t’he stock it
* a
picked ‘ovor.
Horse, Bug^y,
ness For Sale; "
Wagon and Har-
NOTHING wfll be ‘charged in
House Furniture For Sale.
Sale begins' Monday, January
14th. 1904.- •'
27 45
68- -.22 _44-
85 3d 48
Hi, st’m 2,»,
Sum. 1766'iH).;
Mean. 52Jk,;U.i,-
2 11 Prevailing
wjnd Dii'c-
Rcmirk*.—Fog - *
Monthly meau temperature 4.10 be-
low^normnl. ' .
Predpiutlon 1.50. Inches below
norinaJ. >
Ov D. "
** ^ Voluntary Ohseryer.
* [nelmijng rain. hail, sleet amTnmlf-
ed show. 1 Fj-iiuj luaxiiuuui audanini-
mum reading*.'—
werlesa pi save hor. I’he iuo«t
ns aiid every remedy
ufied, failed; wMIb. c**ita*iinpii'Oi was
slowly hut surely taking het life D 1
tills teriiiile hour Dr. King’s New
Discdvery fur Consumption turu jil do
spair into joy. Tho first boltleHiroiigl.t
imniediate ie!ief aud its continued Use
completely cured Tier. It’- the most
certain cure In the world for all thmai
and lung trouble*. Guaranteed Boule*
50o. and $1,00. Triul Buttle* Free at
CrekctC* Phariaacy. L. X. Burckhal
ter’s Drug 8tore.
Rev. C. C. Broifn, D. D , will deliver
one of Ms llomnroua lectnres at Great
Balrkehatchie < diwradi oq Monday after
thutUirM Butiday in January, 1004, at
1 o’clock, p, 111. The. occasion is to
raise a fund to be applied to the
church cnuetery, Tlie public is cor r(
dlally im itud toitake part w ill) us.
Res pectin I l y,
■■■ —.'...-i. B. tt Bast. .
liHrling Uc.-t, K l.y Turkov ( reek. B
l>v e-taie of > A Lieu. Hair, >W. by J.O
Hagood and J. E. Best. ,
Pi ice. $fiM)
L F. Woodward p!.*re Tid neves,:
ViliMfUgs 1 Ibiwnnarle*.; N. kv-e»tat4 wf:'
F. Miller, K l»v J,.r.3aP BHmch, s. m
pilbftc mad to Oratigein.t g, huiI \V . b>
••state oDJ. Duncan. Alte.i. -
IHdw, tl.OOO
J. A. Rpirntrpe place 89 acres, 1 hcP
dirg. Bonn,i.iBies: N.afc M' liy Inml-
of s L. IVacock, E. bv lend* icrmerlt
owned hv J. Sander* and Miss K.
Rmm'ree, S by lands ot Bander* aim
8. F. Harley.
Price, 5350
J C.TA \. Hanktnson prlacftJB}).»icres.
2 buildings. B«Mimtarie."C Partof llir
"dlyDdnii of esfarc of S.— ILinkiioon.
Ailjoljilng jandv of M. W.R: ^ ini BJMey.
Joseph Asbiev and Mr*.Vi!. l’hlr>ol '
Price. |4tX)
Fioyd ti Hankinson pivee. !»3 M-rys, 8
bBildliigs, RonmlarIt**3 N. bv laouls «»1
J. AslTley, E. & W. by nuukiftson ami
S. by J. Ashley.
~~r— Frii^^ AI400
... TTarley Pbrne—fir>Qj«rrea. 2(?) cleared,
(lafaiice in wo id krrtt ttinber, g tenant
■ItiiU'e* on place, dwelling receiitlv
-fin.i ned^+miles frooi Burn well (Jmiit
House, on ptiidlc roHil.
Bounded hy lands of Weatlmrsnee
flick*, J.^ O'?*’Patterson, 7 iin«s Till)
and K. L. Patterson,
^ nip ft *,<
Sinton Pric-tf'r I’fsce, 8;<) acre*. 4
hi 1 ndthg*. Boundaries : X. bv KtHls-cf
Mrs. .V. K, HaV'cv and lot NtT. 5, E. bv
Elliot handej-v'iitid M.'.ljiima, N by H.
1 Tr-Tonp r,1 Vir chccli.-t t - a l--aud ■ w. -h y
laiXf* orMr/. tffirley. %w. fttitfon and
TI urricwttc Bratuli.
r 1 Price. $3,750
K. G. it W. Hai ford yilac*. ToSncres.
1. liuilding Boumlaries :*-)!. bv lands
of J. M. it J- F^Halford, A man da
Hardin. B by Thomas Con wily and J.
E. Cade, IV. by M.u«-E. L’.KAwauu '
l’ 1 icy, fCO
Ban ford Plaice—2-25 acres, nenrlv all
cicarcai. good day land, 1 two- sfon
residence, 1 [enant libuse atid harus aiid
stalde*; near Elko.
Hounded bv tiiihilo. road loading
from lUackvDIe to Elko, and lwr»d» of
Hair. Alice D. Thomson, Vdoin,
N. H. Mansell. ‘ f .
Pi ire, $3,000.00
Kkxxw Pi acx.— in Bed 'Oak Town.
ship, fe* Acte*.
I3n 1 *11 well? S. C-
U \ vx.kt! IT.acx.—Ip Red Dak Tow n
ship, 130 Acres.
—U-aui.r-C- -1‘lack.—hi dtich .Land
Tow nsllip, 515 Acres.
baalbe'rG CDU NTY.
UcVoRM Bhukik Tew-Moiup.
..- D-11. it IL M, Rice, |dace,4 ,U0U ac_re*.
Boundaries: N. liv landsarTATC. r r(T
Tbe fanrlHr <»f Mrs. M. L. Robhitt of. flni } ,t; j,;. K. hv qsuriilic .icutdAo-
Barg^fton TOTii , saw her dy lnjf and hS ,j Allendaie awd landa of
w erw-oowerleau t< “ ‘
a k i 11 f vffTpli y s 1 cbvi
D. II. Rice. B. hy land* of D. H. W,
It. fi li.ifi . Rice, and W. bv hinds of I)
LI. RiceT
P-dee, $4,7)00
IlsMMIkXD I’oWTtWirtP.
Wilson—160 acres’ honfided N. ... u
B. bv Geo. Rv Rowell a\td A, W. Bohler
afid W; by lllyaees Wilson. v -
Price, $750
• •. -- 9
ITartson Pieoe, 180 acres,-2 mile* from
Wedgefleftl. Bounila'les.: N. & E. in
lands ot J. Ay cock, 8. bysWHInml t.’o I
R. R., W. by lands ok41. ff,.-Middleton
. ’ ‘Price, $1,21*0
Price* reasonable and teani* ease.
Apply to J.O. PATIVsKSON
Best location in BarnWrl|.
Good opportunity fur a grocery btv*-
9U) 00 per4ucaitb.
Apply ut v '
AH-personaiMMImreby forbidden «f-
Aer tlifa date to elK?*r upon the laad*
owned or controlle(t\J)y ns in U11H
Food Township, Barnw^HsCounty, for
the pur|K>se of himtlng, flsHlug, bent
ing away wood, -atraw or le,
turing stocb or trespassing in
-nianticr wbutevef, tender penalty oi
prosecution to the lull extent of the
~" 'a."P; ttrnr; ——-
. j AlH. ft'G. Gvey.
w*. ..I..:-;, .
Alt Overseers for the yawr 3903 will
please send in to thi* oflvee at once
their list of bands for the year.; By
writiny a Postal Card to me, you will
receive the pro|>er blank* r«ir '*ttie jnir-
pose. Don’t fall to give your 'Post Of
fice. >-
0. W/Skiker,
R.O. Roberts, Jr^,
' -- C’ieik.
LOOOone ytair rdd Paperilhell <Pecan
Trues fur sale al 10 cents each.
IP © Still.
Bliiokvilie, 8. C.
: ;^ r a 3, & '
-v 400 round* of pme Eden water mel-
on seed fiom large and wall-’shaped
— Law p* icea, 6tC-^«rite to - •
yiSARNWELI*; - - S. C-fS
"• <=> * . # ^
offer for bjiIc . -
Thu ]> jil! purpose horses mitl m\ilvs Owl live, grwd
judsiineiit eiiii select :'inl ready money huy.
Biaggies A>;1> "W agons., too, are at tit your service in. vunt vrrMy *w4.
at priees undergroiind all competition. See tiieni «indJyou v
will seek no liTther. % *.
Harness. Ilarness.
• ■ ■ _ ' .. ..~ "-j -t; '---e. - -■ ' '• **-- .7, . ..4* , , • ,
^ An immense stock of nU^rnde^ from th®
; cilOKTvST TO TirL CT1K.\1*EST!
I^^Sepaiate pieces sold. If you need nnythin^ from -
a Brow liaiid nj) m tlown yoii tiui get it ttt Druwii |>lkufl
here. ^
SadUJ^'s for aH sizes and hotii.sexes. -*.. r V *.
Lap lh the-s ior-a 11 -putjHaae^aml people. .. - . ~T--_„
AVhijts lor slow and swill teams. ^
Belore luiylnjt anything,in the above lines come to
Headquarters ami you'll he pleased if-good goods Aiul
tveatment and below par piices can satisfy. • • -
A nice hnr»p, buggy, wagon
harness, very viicap. Iifqidfc at , .
1- - • _ N Kra*m-F’s.
TO REN f'r Tr
NIcp Rootits nr a coriifnrtaldp •caittsS'C
in a q'liet- conrement ami «fasir*dih»
residciiua uarl of K*rnvvc,|. F01 |>»i-
tiLitlars apply at this •'flic**, ^
WAX I’ED, Pcrs'ninmn, Dogwood,
Hickory and Holly l.og 4 . Freight paid
Lliarksion, tf. C.
Auditor s Appointments
■Tlie County Auditor or his represen
tative will he at ih« following pjacca at
tlie dates opposite each nainC.
All lax-navcT* are *;arn stiy tequest-
E. Sr ed to iWeottthfi Auditor ami make prop
er return of all- per«oruil property.’
I his i* a vetry iiup'*rtaut matter lliaM^,
frequently negated and fhereliv cans
ing tlie taxpayer and tlie County Au
ditor no iittle 1 rouble. Come jirepand-
to nnawer all nutations in regard fo
schooj ilisttic’*.
Bnelflng; I’ucs l^iv, .tuny . 6th.
Dunbanutn Wednesdar, Jany. fith
Ashlev’s Store; Thursday. J «nv 7th.
Furse’s B ore; FritiaT. Jany 8th.
Barnwell; saturdiev, Jany !J(h.
" r Monday, Janv. 1 Dli.
Appleton; Tm-edav, 8anv I2fli7~
Duncan Bams’ Murtr, W«ediiesdj»y,
Jany, 13lh.
Barton-; ThursHay, Jany llth.^,^
Alieodalp-; i’ljday^ Jany. 15 h.
Barnwfclt; Satnrlay,Jany. Krh.
Monday, " 18th.
Fairfax; Tuesday., jflrh.
Sycamore; Wednesday," 2()th.
'Ail .Tuaurship C minfafawtaera will
plea*c si*e that 4 in-lr
over seers war*t
out all han' 1 ^ n fFiMy^anA
w«»T^Jheir^roa.)s,*;tittlng out Hie right
t.f war: and. trtherwUe putting 4a aJt
work requieod
speot i ve road*.
R.'C Roberts, M r,.
hy lav, on Uiekre-
O. W. Barker,
Cowuty Mupervfaor.
Treasurers Notice.
Ulmer; Tliuraday,
23 *t.
23 d.
27 ft.
Barnwuli; Satindwy,
“ - MoiuLiy,
Kline; Tne»day.
Herciile*; Wednesday.,
Hilda; Thnpsday.
- Ifaruweik; .Saturday,
" - Monday, Feby. l*t. ^ ‘
Biackville; Tuesday, ", 2d.
W ha far; vVt dnesrla.y, '•* g 1.
^ Barnwelfc; Banrrdav, " «th.
— “ Monday., M 8'h,
Elke; Jtie dav.- ** Dth.
W|iils*fti'-: W*?dnesdav, " ■ 40th.
Kennedy's Store; Tlmrulav, Febv"
i 111).
Barnwel) until after Fehy. 26th; af
ter w lihdi 60 per cent. tK'iialtv wLI lie
added on all pvtjiertv eetori eil. [
Trea‘*wrer' , s Ofbce, BartrweVI County;
B. C„ Bcpt. 28tli, 31)03.
Tlie Treasurer’s office will be opfitt-
for the celli-cGon aif the taxes levied
fur l'.!03 fsom the L>tb day of Octrtbi*
tin 111 the 36th day of March 1004, lo
ci usive. •' 7
e cofimaita^lon tax wiJDbe recarv- _t
^ *f?l MiitL 1st. I'd)!.
From thelstxlny of January 1004 un
til the 31st duy a»f January IfMM a pen
alty of 1 per coin, will d« added to ati
unpaid taxes. tVian the 1st day.-of
Fidiruary 1904 aKitll the 2dth day of
Kehrmiry 1004 a .penalty of 2 p*r cent.
Will be added te all 'Unpaid taxea.
FronuHte 1st day of March 1004 ttntll
tlie 15th day of Beeoli 11)04, a penalty-
of 6*t»er cent, wlllHbei added to all un
paid taxea.. ' T
IBWfY.. ■
For State purpose* 6 Mill*.
" CiaistiMrtional School 3 ’*
" T7rdinaryO>«r*»*y - # “
rt Rw)NtV kaan H
** Reiudeidivg dteoorde ^
8PB?. I A*. BCttOftL LE'V Y.
Cedar Grove. Did Olnmliia: il ’niill.
Allwmlale, Barbery Branch, Waek-
ville. Double Fonds. Elko, KdfatO,
FkirfirxiFriendtdrip.iKIine. lies*, M«u»-
tp, Morris, Nhw Forest. 'Oak Gniy*,
Reedy Brand). Beigllng, tkveu Flfiea,
riuker’sDreek; 3 milU. 4 .
Dimer, ©weti’s X. Roaile, Crane Sa-
vannali. Cave. Barton, Big Fork; 1
WlllDton; 2j mllla.
Hercules; 4 mllU
B-.rmve'.l;, 4^ inlHfi.
(V .
■ . -1-,. '