The Barnwell People tarn m sm timvv P A . ft ft. •n Til** ..., fj <« TIM RiliAY. IHCl K^ltlKH 1ft. »«;. • Tb* krvt PummunVaiH^lnl UWR Kfi I? A ► V , M .... jLjT wUIIn* h«:« IT 1 • *• »|i f*Mi mi • ^ 9 H II. kn*vHt9f Hcitlai o •• In Innnnn MmmUt. k* (IrtMn l*mmnni pn)4 m * t>kan« ••1 mil»« MnnUa). Mf.T. A. Omnna of Ayurtnnbnra In Uivn on HniunU) . Mr. nrl- a» ee is lxs(Ucslf»l. I5\ ontcrof IV. IV. V. ('. U m. \ cN All, K R. < t 1 iy* (iirroN (^L'loiTox. Next Snuinlay i* the day appointed for orgauiaatioii of Township CluRs nud we repnMish the action taken by the Convention held on Saleday. The folUiw ing Township Organizers were elected: Allendale—W. A. All, Sr. Ilaldock—.1. S. Calhouti. Hennett Springs,- d. 11. Ratea. Kich Laud—It F. Rax lev. Four Mile—l>r. M. A. Turner. Kifsauary—J. Ai.dis Woodward. M’illi-ton- hr. W. Smith. Ke.l Oik —W. F IIol 111 m Itarnwell—I’. It. Ilagood. > Itlaekville—W W alker. Oeorges Creek—(j. VV. Morris, tircat Cvpress-J a. Jen kina. Sycainorr—J. W. Jenny. Roll Iktiid—J. I*. Orav. in > i I* In A n-Miluthm na« g« be held ill all I •ecewbr •rda«, * unr|» ainUy. M ijor£, S|iann llaiuniond waa over from Rlnckvillcon Monday. j Tax nayera are getting thicker rouiu^ about Treasurer Free’s door. Mr. Tt. II. Manvfllo is at home from Augusta for rest and recuperation. J. R Itiirckhalter K«q. is expected to visit Raniwell relatives ncit week. The Charleston ami Western Caroli na RailwaV w ill sell holiday round trip tickets at 3} cts. per mile. Miss Lnu Kglestonof Winnshoro will make her home w ith her sister, Mrs. S. K. Prentiss, in Barnwell. Messrs Chari®* Carroll Simms and W. A Holman are attending the Grand Lodge A. F. M. in Char eston. Our devil suggests that Old Blue and Whistler drown their differences in a copious bow l 01 Chrisinas egg nogg. BanrweM !*• mimeronslv and hand* soniely represented in Charleston this w eek, notwithstnudiug our absence. Mr. George R. Toil.I is visiting Barn well af»er an absence ot two \ car* in the far W e«t. The White Oak Spring ha* not lost its Witchery. According to recollection of all this oltlce the package of I'hk PiuiI'LK fc.r Tuten was sent oil all right la*t week, and Its lo-s occurred on the wav. Mr. A T Allen rd Allemlsle has sit horse- enlerrd (of the gsla Week race* in f'tiarlcwfoM. An«**og them la '* r W J, Barker's up to date Invincible Butler. POWDER Abiolutelg Puro SOVSt CSKISG sosors to., M« VOSS. nur conov TIHUM JWUIL XOITCE. There « ill he a Drama “A I.imh O’ The Law,” given by the amateiy tal ent of l liners, at the school house, on Thursday evening, 2:Jd insjt,, beginning at 7 ::i(» o’clock, after w hich there w ill be a festival. We hope a goodly crowd w ill be present as the proceeds w ill he donated to church purpose*. Come one. Come all, who desire a treat. Parents come ar.d bring your children—behold what I'lmers can do. Voting men bring your sweetheart*, give, them a delightful evening. 'General admission Te;i Cents; Reserved Seat*, ^Fifteen Cents—two for a (Quarter. Re sure to come. KttRIIAKDI* NEWS. Mr and Mr*. Clark Condon and chil dren and Mr*. LiisaWlh W vise, of In diana. arc visiting at the home of Mr. < tiarle* W rise. A sociable wa« given at thr hospitable home of Mr. J. P. Co|iy4mnl last Tuea 1 ml tnKBVMM* ss^ms’SO *es we pwMIsk Use mHosw* nf t at. I- • Tsmwsws in tfce t •Hgw* i.ermem* Cmv- venikvn wn ~sI J*t. Me • l*b every Man In I be nwwv b 'mwM fe ad ll. lie prove* M* rase Iwnnnd "the sbad* of the shadow of a JouM.” A a coif on growers you are calljJI np* on to confront a situation m(ncli*\ji«*t only seriously menace* the welfare of thr coltoi) growing liHlnslry, f 1 "! threatens all llnra of pHulurlhin ami every avocation with the nMHjt-*itfiar-j j ra-sing, flnaiiclsl depression; a matter I of grave iiilcre-t t<» our entile cltUen* I ship. This situation h*« not resulted from any lack of thrift and industry on the part of.nnF people, from any vicis situdes of the sea-oiis or deficiency of the crops. Our farmers have b •en diligent, the s.ea*on* have been favor able and the harvest ha* been abun dant. There was a time in our history when thrift and industry, blissed with propitious seasons, and resulting In an abundant harvest weni the surest evi dences of plenty and pro perilv; hut such i* not now the ca-c. Thrift and industry no longer meet with due re ward. Propitious seasons, *0 far from being regarded.a* blessing*, are now- looked upon a* misfortunes ami an abundant harvest, *0 far from being re garded as an indication of plenty ami prosperity seems to point to bankruptcy ami ruin. I>e*|rite Fthc great triumph* in thr arts and the grand strides in industrial • science which have taken place during | Uie latter half of the pre-eiit century, we arc t**dar w itnessing the )nnge«t and most pmtrartcd period of falling j price* and c Mittoued business depress- i ion this rwwMtry bvsever eaperlencetl. Twice hetoce In our blstory as a natl«»n tia«e there been w ilncaned similar . I rl-A—f vbn lining pyn-e* awl ewn- 9 sw»wn mm* vtw snwMAfMsw *•** •# v.-w# tWa | W»w4 M«n** TV mmm tsf Mw »w**s nmVe -Vtw s*sMsS *«>**»* • s« sa ges-s 1 » ksa tn 4w*bw In w—wwv t-*■» lag* *■ IWU , T W w-m etfWtMbsn In ’ ba T wl*e I nIn>e< la ttUM waa fa I Mv”s«"W. ba IV WW«|I|? mtllbsw* Tba «yMr|*elevw- lallnw l« lajtr wa* M4 MlHbsws and tn (at; it was fi.l mllbwn*. and t be re as* s Corresponding Inrtease in ibe volume nf ntonev In Weelern Kttr«»pe, Coviott rose from an atryage nf 5* 4 d In Liver ( hoc* of powl In IsjV to an averwie of A p* an,| lower ptk i. • it lees, VV i •Ire and bvve a. en •trv that wonld tv *1 Ml ■e ft' l'4 V Ilfs f r Id* ■f eti IfV rn KW, an«l frtvtn an average of u N.* |n the hartesil-ig |n>iMt I \'ew York In IMJ to an avrnfgc id Idje where P:i v were produced. in Isd'i. , ’.I IVe r*Ye now erttif roiitliig the growing It should bo borne In mimlMhitt tin* agonies n[ a I'oudlllou In wb cli a -la nd vanue In the price pf eoiiou (lom tiuuarv volume of money i- cal i d upon to IH.I* took place in the face of tn effci't the enlarging exebaug* « of In- rapidly Increasing productbui Itoili in ' creasing |>npiihi.tiou, Im rca*)ng pro- I ndi:t and In t bia’-conn try. The year 1 duct ion ail^l ex pamlirg Iti-iuc** ad iv I- |s:l7 anarked the maximum of money expansion and the termiiiation in the ri»c in prices. Panics now took place boih in till* country ami in Europe. Nearly all of the hank* failed and iheir papers went to the vTall, resuliing in a most prodigious conteadloii. of the money volume, botli here ami "in Eu rope. The note circulation in thi* country which had been 117 million dollars in LSJ' was reduced according id Muhlemau in hi* ‘‘Monetary Systeip of the World” to 5'd million dollars in l^ld and according To Prof. Slimmer to II millions in IMI. Cotton which -old al an average of Itijc in IsJh sold at an average of r».tUc in |s|-1 This decaoe is -till rememhered hv oar oldest eiit- zen* a* one of unusual hardship amt great huslms* depression. Money* was so scarce ami price* of I dal worl I i» *o n -f.iiion* a< all pna'iids so low, lb il very few pro- I the expr Ib-iicv of idling b pie w#te able to meet Itvcir otdlgattnns ) ami prodoeing <>uls ball a* and the largest anioniits of pro|>ertv I vrr lorcitilv •eoilmled of ih had b> cba'.ge bands at ruinously low I of Oxriisteirn** oidmoii *"< • gores under the aVrlB’s hammer. md *rr wnb b*>w little w The U»w |»v k^Ni of rulitHi iliiw j Win«l il.** ft if |Imi «ll«l l»ti| f« »nlt i ||t«* f **'4l 11aiif NMrfc« «i In «#« I* I Irtttlkrv* lf»* ||m4| v for ||Ht %••!»••*•«» of «!••§« tw* | trfawl *Ml f* •! i «B4§M^I %im mi In |«|« foM I—im i^yHttrinTFni to the ic i»f money. B e tic*. A* populaiion'and i.rnditrt rot in- erease the volume of money remaining the -airtc, price-* mn*t tall, the more pe make t he le-.H vve gel, and i ndu - f r V i <>: . -*4 -tajitly and diligcnllv applied mh-t soon dig it» ow n g* a\ e. \\ e vV tS 5 It'ive to restrict production circiimsci Ihed votumc are now d spo-ing of tie la ter pint of our cotton crop with wlialevcp comfort may l>e dcriv-d frjun tin’ knowledge that we have work'd for iirithieg ami foui.d our*e!ve*. Never wa* ■Hu' *av ing truer than it j- today “t bat t here i* only r» penny ’a dif-, fcrence lid w eeii the mail who Work- and the man who plav *. and ll,e man wboplav- gets it ” The economy of the administration of public all ilr* througbout the civilized and cr,miner- if iif Hmw-i • aubI * |e».p> | Hm*a •b#»» |-flOW'se that | WmlMs . _ ef r»«*il1"te»i«-» tbsw | ^ 1 -feg mv ih.n v sit y« «r* of Mrti sntil# kitpeflencw 1 eoine beftifw Hy nil fiirrot* gnd Ctl** toiuer* and the geiietal puhlld as tb*- lu arer of RE | T l.R N KB w ihau I batw eyrr betitfa b?en in pusilion to give lucm. i s Hav ing l.ceti for *o ir-itiy vfsf* at the vrrv forelronl of the upweaMlilc pro- c--Ton ill this sCi’tion of ll^ir > la I e I tin glad to offd- to tin- public bargain* in all line-of im rcbaioli-c yiat will sustain aiirl heighten my reputation a* the uiakcrof price* for B r*tcru SbulL < 'aroJiiiHt My stock* were never beforu ngvrc cofuplele in every department All were bought before I be recent gen eral ndvaocc in prices all along the Huh and that advantage coupled w ith other* that are helpful completer-my pet£pct preparation for Hie Fall Campaign. Aljd I pjojii'*}* |hat mv i'U-!ouicr* du ring llo' coming Fail and ii IllU-r shall he mv copaitoers, sharing et|iially in tin* hcuetlts I s«cured by placing my or- defs durli'g tba Jipi log awd-rwi ly Suui- ; mer. Without atteniptirig the iih|M-s#ibh itoice work nf fully C* 1 <1uguiHg l*ie gianl* that I have gatliereil frotii tlte mund world I s-k atirniloti to a few iinvaru- mndues* (•Hr.| lads -tniw ing e« av; lete.'.<•** itl tuf my * *n stna k la all D- t-afimei.tA* tone B r Clothing. i K- . hr- K ■ |a § M II IL •4 * ♦•*•** «*• iMMNhi 4P hi f Jk 4Lffrta -f Ito mnmfi . • • 4* mmm&HwmkiHH mmmH' mm M * • m w* f * % | Iff # Mi fimv u4 lw flip • ^ .% nit# | ”MMi mt fblf l|«## 9^/ Ml H be 'f MMr•#,) ft4f ff aim ItftI f* f*4M m» «*+ 9 109p Hf# HHH0W^, BM mf* 4# fMMNfll flMMMMMl 4|M* M* %#(## 199 HHmH #HMHI \ - ffHK'%> •**. HbiriRb* # m*- % 9f9# 9 wmm A #4# i# ##m tta# ft - [ INI 4Mb f 4MI4A - i-ft# * •• T- 1 mMWl ml 4>* ## urn# iHm0 | 9m mmmm 1 9P t| «m f^mi im g 9 «4m#| % f • M»m % HfppftmMMk 9 9m il— 1 r [ % •9. % *4 H 1 mmm »t % it#** Mail, | m. im **»+#% % % %-^t i 4MM'4M S f I <»>■■ m*m fll < ***4lm9M9u I fmHmMM>m# 1 inm^e ff m m- * %nmI# #9 ff iHimm 949 fMtbnglNMtM 41 fMNM I m % 9m«a#mmA 99Mm9 Mm Hm InmI <9mg Ml mmf Hr-- 41 M 9mm # ftrmrMi Uii t u»l# I# 9 9»«***l ImHh fimiliii mill •4IM. 4ImI r%rf# n9rf m4 49 bit tlM mNAfM llmM febr| f Si %f It «»•' Hni#* 4 If 4 *•¥ Tol 9.Im»| lei t 4M 4 I % . | M. Krmik J.4 *»•*»»«•%• i«i;ilhM« nufli tlrnl Ii** I* tli** w^tiior 1*411ii*'r nf th«* Him of K •I 4 Im'im'V it 1 ie of Hall\ C a till rli Curn FRANK .1. ( IIKNKY. Sworn to Tn*fori‘ m* 4 atnl suItmtIIhm! i'i mv pn^enri*. ill!?* KJtli day ot llecem* ■ If^r, A. I>. IfSSO. • 1 ■ Seal. A. B’. Gleason. • Notary lT.blic. fl all’s Catarrh Cure i* taken internal ly and acts directly on .tile blood and intiCMl* surfaces of kite system. Send for testimonial*, free, F. .1. Cheney A Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by ilruggi-t*, 7.V.. - f 9b» m m «9m< If IM M-AtA’-l'—'. *»• AMRiiM #w «4 • * M « ibl tb» fNHTM# »M* 9m» 4Hk- A • 9#'<'9p Mi i9»>* + Mmm • WMm i9m HmiH #«4m9m^«R#' m •# mmi mi | m9m% mrn4h Im# Imm 4Mm9p# 99m imMmliBm * ■T4||lwii 9§9i9 *9mm4 • ftmm 99 99 441 49i9*iiri| f • #4i*a |.%« Iimi 1 ma m•■Aa 14 f%ti 9M9 iiiw fmm 1 #9mI mi •%• I»hm ilm! Hi* Ml«4mk9m# m %# I bps asntwd Bad Im m 04 9> *# §«mI Hall's Family Fills are the best. * WQlltPfl - A l*«'HITTON* as Teaeher. lldlllCU bv w young Indy w Ito ha* gTaduaieil and al*o taken a graduate t orirse at the H.C.C. I. A'blrraa, Teacher, lawk lto\ I fl. f Iw | W lllisUrff, S. C. I tlh f IMTMs— % Mi** *4>e»*W , h| btMtml 49I9II t#ff hmijf lilt, hfrnmrm 4§M9t #m • mm ii hi mil m »m** iSm m^mm *49 Hm% % mi9*%M» mill miftt im# 9 "• bami !•% im 4% H Ii »i %p9» 41mm*# •# mm im f • *> 4t mmA 9m#*‘♦•m * ^ ♦ 99MMP9# •»R » |.| > N IX 4 \K\B M.I.. A treat was glvcw tbe pcnfda **f Barw- j well by the Kev. I'mf. J a VV im. TllWW, I D l»..rd ^a *|| III I’ar-dina t nilege. Ia*t I Friday evening. W ben be lee-lured In | the 0|irra llottse at Ihc rrque*t nf the cnngregalinn of the iTesh) terlati church, <>n * I he Kx|ierieiice of a s mi It em Soldier in a Norihern l , ri«on.' In the lecture he gave his own feel ing* and experiences from the time lie left hi* home in Mississippi at the^age of 14 years and S montli*, in lsi>2, as a voftmteor in the 17th Miss. Regiment until bis parol from (be prison til I’oint Lookout. Virginia, in -lihio w ith references to historical fact* showing hoiv the prisoners on both sides were treated during the late war, a,ml the difference in the policies of the two governments in reference to them An audience of about one hundred were In IheOpeia House. Among them such veteran* as the Rev. Dr. Jno. G. B'il- liam*, Capt. J. B\ Lancaster, Col. F. II. Creech, Judge T.S. B'eekt ai d Mr. A. F. Manville, w her during the lecture could recall their ow n experiencea in ilia service, and also nisuV off the young er generation who have gn»wn upslneu th* war, Tba admlanbin fan* para appt|ad Ms I ha payoaawi fa# |ba wsgwn IM tba |*isw- 9»t%»f%4* «f49mi«t IMml im IMkifP 9i« aa saa MAhasa ad baMag awaw^r vn akpa «oA Mp asdMbbnA I **td Xww Worked prisou- P. #' • A *AA A-w ••»% ' #hn4 9M l*'•»**>. >aa»' |.i«d b* bv* imw ssv van ran iwsagvos mv# •' I and vbsgrtn w Wn b« retwrwed a that tbev Must bs* art at lilierttr. you must reiovnober that I had ' Ward tor the coliv h-tiioi i*f f liese ers.and up lo Ibat note bad every rea son to suptioae that (Im-v would lot eon* victnl. and ITv|u*t eoMfra* *that I was somewhat elated ovyr my *ucce»-fol manipulation, UfTnlDog that I had at least been io*truineiitsl in ac-complisli- ing *iicli n pliiratiiliropir work, and ex pecting al! the wot Id to so m rise up and call me blessed: so you csffi ea*i y gue-s how 1 f* It when he came in and frustrated all mv fondeat lto|>es by say-, ing that they were not guilty; and that was not all he said either. A fieri he had read lit* verdict, he added that I . r' w as convicted ol "love of a high and aggravated nature.” Now, if that was not impudence I don't know wh it you call it. Even if he was so prejudiced as to acquit the prisoners, should he have ►et at defiance the whole eoyiity B'hat right ha* he at a single gulp to swallow all the law- hook* in llmokshle court? I« there no higher vow er to which wr inty appeal? I* hi* devUion the ulti* niatuin ol all'hvi world? TV hat right hsv be t<> Inflate himself w Ith that ex pwnalfe atwnMpberw %n-l tben | bsb b fw#Xb Ms tai w rpvtBwfl, *M b'**' t»# U eswnvt.twA'nl b*«« a# * btgb •ggf «t Mest •WSw^.'-' X |MM# I bat I h *** ^ #9991## %#4949 M' ’ ‘AvMflB* ^ 4# Im 4 i. 4R9§ | #{#>9 941 lim #1999499 #9 9> 4MN#9N99> # : Imi 8 4 9m mmimi H mmH #HiHN9*9m99 #199 4 » am# v9|tm* 49999 # •§' v 9 ##99 <99419## #tf# * M# s; 9#9 v99 4P # 99 9 9M# #* ## #^9P4i 9(|»*#9#« 9 Xw #9 I# Ymffc. # I 9k #4 • 1 1# ##• | ft«#i l»rj mi •# pmw 1 rewt. | 11*44 iH# 1# I#? 1 # IlHniil •nf d»nnnd ftmwv | If*-# t atvf ytxminr 1 any *4 tb# grvat prv ni«#ti*« ngww* tes of J %%r%i • 9k##9 ttojr I tb# rvNMstry. wltb*» •it #njr re«|i«rst »r 1 ll#r< n#nt and tils- | even the sltgbfest ••roplr a mint cod' boow Uslge of lb' I !*«’«% f art and tb# r read by tUb* only S 9P#9#| #444911 ixf im# *♦#9 Ia4f g# 91 9i*t a #iMlp9lf I im a w im 1 Hr Irian* |»i h Min it •••tnf#. mtrttigrr tbl# j avh! |«m94rtl ninle^ riivrr In (••• M9i« a w* ■■# w*«b *ifi#M#9> ibevirv based 111*101 the prrpoatrrou* by- |e>thes|* that th« titumpii of art ahd lb# tenuity of natnrw would simultaneously for a period of twelve years produce In all line- au overabundance of thf > ueces- -aide* of life and thereby hrilig about want, • niharrxssment and distress was accepted tlren, vfa* accepted In the for ties and i* being accepted now. Du ring the embarrassment and distress of the twenties. Mr. Raring, who was af terwards Lord Ashburton and whom Sir Archibald AHi*on designated as the greatest merchant of his time, Ift a speech in the British I’ai Imteeiit said : r Tt is an observation than which noth ing can bewtore true that an alteration ir. the valuation of the’ currency i* w hat nobody, not even tlte wisest per- '•4 | *•** Il bizl leg. ton bluet v, *1 prevents Mill wrai with ileoeftlve rev iked statute* pissed tliir destf ■#n bloc’ nreompllsh* d«Jhe deep laid ' tio-stiippn and bmg -Aieri-hed seheute of lit- fund A# the Vessels lor imr eott.n hate (p holders t6 strike dow n one half of the ( come over empty we are vuhjei tid to money of the consllthlU'h. 'TTte fund ihe payment of tlvulde frHglita. In liolder.v ^Intent uJmmi doutiling the «dtllijf*i» to all tin »e dLadvatilag'-s we value of their credit* and recelvh.g in are compelled to *c!l in eoinpetitlor. Interest money far more valinhie- than that ih which the original securities weffc paldlfave not scrupled to throttle nar irei and put humanity under their heelsl In 1S7N five years after silver had been stricUfct%dow 11, crippled in dustry and halting trade writhing in the agonies of a contracting yolttm6 of money demanded tire restoration of the money of the constitution. Dftr law •Nillntt laillfeHill #IM*# •*ur f,H |» A tA*i*f« *| til ceive. They talk of alteration in the . r . . price Of bread and pfov-Mons never re- by tl»A cotflagx of silver to aT annual ag lln*l otlH r IM ffectiog that tlte alteration is not in the amount ranging between a minimum --M'.n i value of these article* btu In that oJ the <>f J4 and a lAaximuni of 1- mtl , ‘« u • * th .|J • t currency in which they ar# paid” and j dollar*; though the minimum w... ad- d Of It b|||«h) all this talk alrfurt overprinluc- h#r#d P* hf tb# autlmiitie* y#» lbt» Hi* Hun as ”tia.h ami Idln sAKWs" Mr.j ywlf te«np#rml ib«Uiluf •v-Fv t Haring was right, th# facing prhrns ; p#»«^ xni| lb# d#p#««*tUN *4 iusisw** tte» #*-1 the wanf. entbnrrn*s*n#nfarM diarvse |w !*•' Iba *••• m| |ba< MeftaM W s* rwwseil bt * gfawl Ml* isfalM tb lb* vwlmnsaawd «vsW4#y|w^tel» If !• lb# vabsn •§ Mb* ••*»#nwny , Iw tat# |bw SUbsOMi nd sM«<«b|AMb Mwfls^tw 9. I m ## #9 #MP^i*49 ••••Ad#* #4 199 919# I iftM I §44## At. 9#999P99 ♦#* ||k«| #1 IM 9#M#f wan a^am4# 9ggU9(B#0 *#•#• »»*» t •Ha# 1 ### ♦* MHl 49 b#4 Im9 IM f#M i«4 #Mrt9 A 1# «MI I ititf. 1. 11 A I uted ltd a 1 .unpt lu all that liuit I't w ith silver slaiuhvi'il i-oi'htt ie* for t ( c in gold whetj they can sell lor !<»■>.: in *i',. vvr. Again, when our sa’es lire made wj are not allowed to avail ottr- sclvci of tlte ptirclutse of the the products of thi* low rate of intcr- es:, nntay.Nf macIn.Tc:y .'.'nd cheap latior hut are compelled to come home and buy our.maiiufact ured articic* in a restricted market and pay a toper cent llivziiv.jr ~ r- makers compromised by pA*sing ilf 1 Itlgher price by a : v-ti 01 w hich pru- Rlarrfl Alisoft act which provided for . tect. the simps and pltitidei -‘.hv Hi Id*. »rrexpanshm of the volufuo of money B'e »ic again coiiyve ll' d to iMoteml I- -{ • •••- frwos nviits ns lw*s. I bn«u 1% years. I re'uioesl it# •I’-sllljr i"ndn I such Hour goe* far ttiwar*!* making (mute happy an* ||Ol| W** k-ei»n.g an iiijoyMieiil iu till# State w ithout n divorce law. Shoes and Slippers. in addition to Hie standard good* of the Ray State Shoe a'ld fa iltlicr Com- pany w hidi alw ays give complete satis- raciioit 1 carry many other lirst cl»i*a lines and can suR" anybody, from the base ball loving schqol hoy to jood grand mother in the chimney corner, from the ditcher or huntsman to -the dainty hall room belle,- in comfort, style and general adaptation. ^I^A-t" R:iggi’i«f Mild Ties Mid all Fas 111 and Household Hardware t-oiuo to oV IxfforA litiv ing- Mv stocks -w-ern iMiugh*. le-fore Ih*' ad Vaiice ill price ami a word to tfi# wise I* suf?lv‘i#iii. nut* For Ihe Ladies. m* 9# #J)i itb# ip 4491 y I# # *+*m* #i9»9 #H*####9i'c #• * •#•* t 4 *## #fMa#4N9l9i *49 ###999 99949 ###v '«# #<9A9 Kff# “i ##pli I Hk# 4N9i# 4499999? ###• 1 *4# 4*mH #9 %4t## M99* #%t iC##^ : 4H9M##HH M4HI IHMHMIi #Hh| r ♦:#*##