mwell People. c* N you write? ® u iwMi 4- II»»I«r .n>x»na. * 1)10. W.H0LHE8, Editor I Prop'r. I4P4IK8T COUMTT (IlUtLATIOI. »K!M. TMURHDAT. AUOUHTa, ■lljjl^pl ■!■■! ■■ | .1 Editor M. B. McSwc«ny of tbolUmp- ton Giurdlan, ylelilln* to tho •olicita tlon> of frleitd* from all quarter* of M* county, ha< con •entail in become a can* dklatefot Kepreaentatiro. W« »hall be greatly dlaappnlnti’d In our aatUnate of the good *en»« of the people of Hauiptoirlf they do not nom inate Me. at the head of the ticket and jhi the Drat ballot. Me will he a« good a guardian of the pnMiu lutarvat* at (Columbia a* he haa been at hotne. Hampton can never pay him what the •area him. When the primary return* are In we hope to hear that Uefc Ale. T» two M lie* Pod eeveral lap* ahead of all eompell- tor*. Georgia ahow tlmt the crotton crop ha* been greatly Injured by the exooaalve rain*. Still the yield la expected to equal laxt yekt'* proiluctlon. The Texaa and Indian Territory cot ton oropa. which are counted together, are now eatimated ntTwo and a half mll- u balea. Ticking In Texa* U getting ider headway. On Saturday Inman A Co of New York bought at ililTerenr jiolnu in Texaf 250 bale* of new cotton. C , July 21,1«94. 7 fB of bale* in aliMiliitely nece* vary tour »*ut any further rwIuciTiTir In the Tl.ibie aupply of American cot ton. Now the quearton to decide la how much present crop wlH exooeil that figure or how much It will fall abort, and a detjlalon tegarding tbl* queMion will deteimI'ta'whether cot- ton I* cheap or not. If the crop pro*- pecta fall off amhthe crop la thought to he le** than KJKX),0.K* bale*, It goe* w lllioitt i>avlDg that cotton will advance to n jieniiaiieiitly higher range of value*, aiuT If, on the other ha’.d, the pmtuluo of the crop I* for a yield of (Kid,000, the price of cotton w ill fall to a very low rmlut. At preaolil It’ may be frankly *ald that crop pro*peel* are very good, a* they u*uitlly are ut thla mmummi. In Anterlca a alight Improve- nieiit In trade condlthma I* noticeahlc, and with a aettlcmeut of the tariff quoatlon, which aeeni* likely within (he next two week*, tho Improvement In trade, we believe, will proceed at an Increaalng ratio. Hrat Caarpalga Blood. Dnpnty Sheriff K. R. Hraiiham of Co- luuilda >iaa the lirat victim of the cam paign meeting* of tbt* year of grace. On Saturday week ago he attended a FOUNTAIN PEN FREE. Carried In the pocket. Alway* ready for uae. The Holder I* of hard rubber perfect ly formed and IlnNhed : . (The Feed la of the ino*t approved pidter:V,(tlie vame n*ed la a jien coatVng fi-.tH}) imutrlng an even llow and no leakage. The Tolnt will write dud ia»t liearly a* long aa gold.. Kach pen I* tilleit with the beat ink. and tried before »cnt out. NOW FOR Til K TLA N. Stmd Pa 2A cent* in 1c and 2c atauilia or *llver. fora half year’* *ub«cription Pi Vikoinia, a t>eau- tifully IliuntraU^I 24 ,Tag* iiionthly magaalne, with excellent information for the olllce, parlor, bedroom, dlriing room, kitchen, farm and garden, with ju*t wit and humor enough to drive away the blue*. Don't put It off hut i’rite tnilay and you will have both the pen and maga zine promptly. Addree* VIRGINIA PUBLISHING ro H - may 17 " RICH MONO, V A. Rupert* mxrlved Irom aii aeetlottaof ♦•'•mjmign oveetlng at Ka*u*vcr, •Jirnriit ah«»«v ft..* Lk. norm., emu h*. Richland co.Mity. Sai.1 Joyner, a young TAX SALE. Blackvii.lx, S Editor l\-vpU: - 1 have recently been very agreeably eurprlaed io tUI«, that *unie montii* ago from what I *nw aud beard I feared tbatthe poor of our.county had fall»ti To carry out the plan adopted by the iuto had hand*, that Mr. W. A. To**, the watch over them, wa* curelc-n to their aud very careful tohUown lute - «r, bill th* Grand Jury I. aeem* »a v rt to .eportto the Jill) court that he ban in every way di*charged lit* duty. The CommUaloner* did the »anie, and with my own eye* I beheld a fuw day* age in pa**lng (being aiixlr, wa* thl* *oina |>o- whlte mail of that neighborhood, wa* there, under the influence of liquor, and Imagined that the deputy *liuriff w*a« after him. He tried to pick a fu** with Mr. ifhiuhuui. who p>ok Joyner’* pl*tol aud kept It ln -*elf defence. Joyner went to hi* home, got. a *hot gun, re turned and when thirty yard* from Mr. tiraiiham *liot him, lodging over 150 nbotln liia body. Death followed in a few day*. Joyner wa* put in lUchlHiid Jail, hut threat* of lynching liavit g been me J7 Hie (Joye'rnor liad him re moved to tiie Teiiilentiary tot aifc keeping. Attention Reformers. To the Reform Voter* of Barnwell Uodntyi__ , litloal eneniy of Mr. Rom who Miarted .lect three of It* meinbera to act ms man- tlioae falsa rumor*y 1 fear *o I* why this commuuicacioti, ami must respect fully request that you allow it space In your paper. If thcro Is any thing contemptible It is a vile behind your back slanderer, and were they exposed more frequently perhaps wo would have lesaof It I am glad our,•«t»r are being cared for and they have no complaints to make, If busy body without foundation, It seem», did. I am nwt In any way Interested in till* matter but only wWh that men might have fair play, Kiiisto Rivkr Barawell Bapllst Sunday School ( on- veuiioH. n»la body will meet at Seven Tine* •fcaroh Friday before first Sunday In Moufmbr. ItfiM. Friday, August 21,12 m.—1. Sermon, R. W. Ltde or <4. N. Askew. 2. Or- ganiaatlou.X X. The work for thi* Uou- ▼outloii, W. D. McMillan, VV . D. Klee, V -4M',G Britton Saturday, September 1, JO a. in.—I Itavotional Exercise*, J. A. Hunter. 3. Verbal Ke|>ort from Italegata*. 3 Training ta Give, Wu. Havnesworth, €. K. Kdonfield, J. U. K. Mlll)'> '*. 4. Renneii to young, at 11.30, J G. !Yi|- Jlam*. 5. Hearing the Lcmoii on teach- Jag the Truth, K N. K. Bailey, C. K. Tylor. L. A. Thomson. 0. 'Hie Teach: ere’Moral Influence. M. M. Ackerman, _^_ ====c===i=== , K. U WUli*. A. !’. Manyttle. ?. Mtl- their taking a idedge pr atude ale In the School,. 0. C. Kllfey, J, A. JsukliM, G. W. Reutz. Sanday, September 2. 10 a. m.—1. Addrea* to School, H. S. Hartzogand S. G. Mayfield. 2. Missionary Sermon, T. T. Llde or A. Huist. R. W. Lion, Trosldent. C. P. Ervin, Secretary. Wiiai.xys, July 23d 1H04. Com crops in this section are very f »e. 1’he cotton la tolerably good. Far mer* are busy plowing between show er*. •» The family picnic and barbecue at the residence of Mr. Ervin Given*'* i* said by witnesses to tar exceed anv tiring of the kind they ever witnessed. There were eighty two persons present, seventy nine of whom were of the fam ily, 54 grand children, oua great grand child, together with their parents, making up the total. Tlioee present aoatend that there is nothing like hard times In this section. Thy day passed off pieasant'y, with songs and frolic aud pleasant conversation; without mingling the name of Tillman or But ler or any other candidate even with the eboms. At l p. ar. wo wenvlnvited to the table where every thing seemed to he placed to tempt the ap|>etir.e r The supply of the very finest provla- iMisasfully sufficient and would have aufflceil tho crowd for three Jay*. Ico cream and cake were served at three o'olock until all were satisfied. Your curresponriant extend* many thanks to Mr. and Mr*. Given* for their courtesy In extending him a special in vitation. The school here ha* been In progress for eight month* without vacation un til the present. For the bcmdll of both school aud tcaeher wc have vacation of a few week*. ‘ * - Hoar. The seiton) at Reave* Creek^near Whaley* T.O. has hern *ucco»*fully progr«s*ing for eight months, but tor the benefit of teadicr and *cliolsr* there is at present a short vacation but aooordlng to an Hem which Is often misquoted there Is no rest for the wick- •d. The teacher has been Induced t<> JTend his vacation In New Fora-t Academy where lie take* charge of •bout 23 pupils during the eight weeks •f vacatiowat Heaves Creek. Patrons. Hubbard, Price . Clsyt ui; Double Pond Club, D. W. Uodiford; Duck Branch. Club, J. G. Googe; Denmark Chib. II. H. Crum; Eijlsto Club, J. B Hunter; Elko Club, X. H. Mansell; Four Miie Club, M. M. Turner; Fileudsiiip Club, J. S. Still, Sr.; Fi»h Pond Club, J. II. Fender: Georges Club, J. H, Ltneastor; Great Cypres*Club,J. C. Miller; KearsoMill Cliiti. tv E. .^ase; Milhous Mill Club, Kobt. Hightower; Midway Club, G. E. Hutto; Imd Oak Club, J. M. Sadler; Reedy Branch Club No. J, J*. L. Baxley; Reedy Branch Club No. 2, \V. K Sad ler; Richland Club, K. F. Baxley; Rosemary Club, J. A. WisadwarB; Si- loam t.lufi, L. G. Richardson; Sour Hi’andi Chrli, J. tj. Wlso; Sycamore Club No. ],JohnCoue; Sycafisore Club No. 2, J. tV. Deer; Spelngtown Club, F. M. Ray; Three Mile Cluh^ C R. Clayton; Well Branch Club, K. L.'S'tn- der*‘, tVillisiou Club, Dr. W.C. SnMth; /.ouave Chib, J. IL. Bates; ChittV Club, W. k. Chilly ; Hammond Chib, J. U. Morris. It is the duty of the Kforaaabl com mittee to see that tlte above Instruc tions are carried out, and especially to •ee that every “Mefonro” member of hb» club attends the meeting on' the 1V’.h of Augutd to elect delfgotca to the County Convention, .1 — 1 wo dd caution “Reformer*-” not to •h) meetings and conventions get he rt erem provided for confu«ed with those called by Mr Bellinger, Ckaknian of- tbp Democratic party, lu'th«M are sep arate and distinct. A. Howard Patterson, * • Chalrmau of the Reform Tarty of Barnwell Couaty. * l^aruwell, July fidd, Hfiii. Htatr or South Carolina,> Barnwki.l Courtt’. 'J BY VIRTUE of summaryTax Kxe cutious to me directed hy A. F. Free, Treasurer, I have levied upon and will sell on Monday, the 0th day of August next, it being salesday in said month, within tlie legal iiour* of sqle, to the highest bidder lor cash, the following described property, to wit: . One Lot in the Town of Barnwell, containing one acre, more or lc«*,Tin'i bounded on tlie North by an alley w ideh separate* it from h»l formerly +vwnf-d iry Drt (i. It C. T’ikW, on thu East by J«l- fersou Street, South by an alley wlih h separates it from lot of Holme*, and West by Jackson Street. To be sold-as the property of Mrs. II. MT Wiggins. — A r y 0 —— One F.ot In /ffS> Town of Barnwell, containing one (1) acre, or ire or and iMiuhdeff North by lot of M. J. Pate, East by lamU of G. Duncan Bel linger and West by street leading to Hair’s mill. Levied upon as the prope.rty of J. L. Grubbs. A LSO, IN riatt roxu TowNamr, All that tract of laud, containing two hundred aud eleven acres, bounded hy lauds of C. F Smoak, X. P. Siuoak, Dafner Davis and others. Levied ti|Min a* the ptuperty of life estate of Chas. Proveaux. AIjSO, " IN HKD OAK TOWNSHIP, One acre of land, bounded by land* or M re. Crawley, Altaway aud ^*n e Han- kitisovi Levied u|Kin as the property of Ed ward Bailey. ALSO, . IN KOSKMAUV TOWNSHIP, Two hundred (2(Hi) acres of laud, bounded on th* North by Long Branch, Ea-t by Ro«emary (;reek, South hy land* of Mrs Mary Willi* and Wcskby estate of Joshua McCreary. Levied upon a* the property of G. P. Cnmminga to satisfy tlie aforesaid Tax Execution and costs. Ter pis of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. ALSO, IN POUR MILK TOW NSHIP, All that tract of land, coptalniug three huml red acres m<»re or fy*s, and bounded on the North by land* of Mrs. A.J. Hahkiiisou, East hy land* of es tate of W. K. Ashley, South by the Sa v- ih River, and West by lands of ia, * M. blekson. .1— e ieit upon and to he sold as the pritwerty of .Mrs. M. C Woodward. . .. J. W. LANCASTER, . . Sfieriff Barnwell CouiKy, Sheriff’*Olllce, July 14, 1S!I4. FORMAN UNIVERSITY. GREENYII,LE, SiG. The next *e**ion w ill begin Septem-' lior 2«th, lisyf. For catalogue or for in formal Ion about the courses of study, Me** Hall*, private tetanling or other detail* apply tirtha President.’ C. MANLY, D. D. j'ilv2C Carolina Midland R. W Go. To take effect at fi.4.» A. M. July P, 1801. Sunday South Hound. ~5T7nr Xortir Bound. “I 2 1 <* >. t-. x c ~ s a H — * a rs *1 « ij \ 75th Meridian Time. I n i.~ •a a z r* ^ ^ H r hr S i-W [ia STATIONS. .1. M. k. M.r 2..3(» 1 : .I5 Lv •Selvern..Ar. 5 2.56 C.58 *,.. .Wagoner... 4 3.16 . 7.08 Perry 4 1 = I .X * 7. 5- - r » r *5 r* z - - -,, , Or * i x r. M. 1.15- 3.17 12:10| 3.02 12.20 1 7.52 .Salleys..,. '12.001 7.4^ ( 4.00 1.25 7.43 4.3*> _ 7,48 ;>.;i3' 7.1# * i 7.32'* .. .Springfield.. i>11.33 4 Whaleys ' 2 Walkers f — Ulackv. ) Lv. 10 35 5 00 8 00 Arl 0.03 10.35 Lr) 0 17]Bl.55 : ... 7.31 11.10! 7.20 11 00 7.15 7.00 4 . JLAr. li 00 5.00 Ashleigh. o 9.21 11.05 9.28111.25 9.38^11.55 9.4S I 12.15 ) 9.32‘12.25, 10 00 12.40 I I ..Woodward... 3 .. .*. Barnwell 6 - . .Morrises..... 4 * .. Brownell' 2 .fcnvea 3 . .'*SeTglinj.... 7 47' 4.3'» 7.12 4.25 10.0o l2.5j>.At*Allendale Lv 7.35 4.(0 7.23 3 45 1.111 3.25 7.05. 3.15 I - (1.57! 3.0Q *j ' N 6.50 2.45 • 1 * ' * i a. Si. i '.V SUNirAYT/NTT K. U. K. M. 6.45 Lv Seivern Ar 12.ftJ 6.58 Wagrimr* 11.47 7.0$ Perry* 11..35 7.19 Sally* 11.2.3 ‘ 7..M > Springfield rijw 7.43 Whaleys 19.56 7.48 Walkers 10.5ft IUK> Ar| 10.35 J.vf 10.47 M.5e ' 11.00 11.24 11.29 11 38 Blackville ♦Lv (AS Ashleigh Woodward Barnwell Morrises Brownell (paves . • Selgling n.45AT“ Allendale I.v io.;v» 8 (N) 7.47 7 42 7.:o T.SK, 7.111 7.05 ft 57 0.50 Dr. RYAN A. GYLES, SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR, NOSE,THROAT, CHEST 2nd Door frdfci Bank, BlacuvHle, S. G ayrl2-Uiu. ' Irtish BLAC’KVILLE.a C-, I have taken the Agency tor the Cel ebrated Walter A. Wood Lata Im proved Tubular Mowing Mai-nlne and Steel Wheel Self Diimj Ing Horse Hay Rake, the very best, lightest in weight and draftot any machine* in America. Any further Information dedred will be cheerfully and promptly fkrnlshcd on aptiplicatlon io G. C. RUSH. 1 m. • Blackville. S. C,,' Mortgagee’s Sale. ‘WOFFORD COLLEGE. •\ WANTED. An ox not over five year* old and not lea* than iVUlneh** to top of shoulder, nor Ics* than (Kt iuches from .forelock to root of tuih ' • T. B. KLLIS, Jr. Martins, S. C., July 21,1894. J»»ly2d 2w NOTICE. The annua] meeting of the Blackville Alliance Couipauv will he mr A!pgirif? thirteenth to elect a board of dlrector*- for the n-xt year. All st(>ck holders are requcsietl to attend. August 14th L'9!at II o’clock a. my in Warehouse. —By order-ot' A. 1\ WOODWARD, — ■y J e*rae,.t." “ J. L. JOHNSTON, Sec rata ry and Trea-i'irer. Juiy2G-3w w LAND FOR SALE. A smell farm about a hundred acres, twenty cleared, balance in w’oods, two and a half 11 rile* Ir >m Barnwell. r For particular* apply to The people. (april-20-tf) —^ T. B. ELL/S, Jr., Surveyor and Civil Engineei SpeciarartentfbtTirivrn to ihiTcaniputatlon of vrater-pms at Molair House'. Olncc two doors South of hotel, oil AVRst or opposite side of street. At Sally’*, U. A. »t N. R. R.^/rotn 3d iioiiday in each month to Wednes day evening. OMce at Price’s Hotel. Will be at nis homeof.lce at Blackville •every Friday aud Saturday from Ist of Februa-v to 30tli .September inclusive, and every Thursday, Friday and Sauir- day, from 1st October, to 3Dt January iuciuslve. Will makeappoinfment* with patient* to meet them at either of hi* ofiic*** at any time. Patient* will find it more comfortable to have their work done at the office, though if devired will call on them at their residences-any where within thirty miles £f Blackville . Barn wkll Couktt. 1|’. V. Ular vs. A. P. Woodward, r Whereas a certain mortgage effecn ted by A. P. Woodward to Paul S. Fel der, on the —-day ofrebruary 1880, and recorded in office of H M. O; for tho County of Barnwell, in hook 5 J, page 41; and wherea*tho said mort gage w as duly a**igned by the *ai^ PauUS. Fehhrr to W. V. Izlar for val- uahle consideration; and wherea* the condition of the said mortgage i* broken, nml tliere i« now due and owing on the said mortgage'debrthe Bum of one hundred and fifty-seven and 10-100 dollars, with interest from the 10th day of October 1803: Now therci'orc, by virtue of pgwer of sale cbntalued In the said mortgage deed, I will offer for sale t>» the highest bidder for ca*h. at Barnwell Court House, on the first Monday Ip August 1394, during the legal hour* of sale*, the follow Ing real property : •'All that lot 01 parcel of land with the buildings thereon, situate J lying and being In the town of Elko, in the state of South Carolina and County of Barnwell, containing one half acre, and bounded on the North by land* now, or lately, of W. T. Cave, Ka«t hy lot of Mrs. A. N. Cave, South by Tot now or lately of t;. 11. Mathis, (separa ted from the lot of said Mathis by the WiRNton and Elko public road and fronting on said road 108 feet) and West by lot of Mrs. A. E. Harley-.” Purchaser to pay for paper*. W. V. IZLAK, Mortgagee. X. T. IZI^AIt, Attorney for Mortgagee. SPARTANBURG, two Necessary expense* for one year. For Catalogue addrea*. ‘ dTV GAME WELL, Secretary oFFaeulty. „\ PATItlCK .\; . BflOWfi \ invitfsthe attention of all Cash payiNfipTRchasi ^tashi^rblc a,^. sale at - . ’ ’ MILITARY IpTITUTE, -A.NIJHI4NOX. W. C. ’ 0004! in Tsiigllfth. MAflipniAt* * ** r xa - '-—*• * ,• x7 a ■ ■ ■■ ewsB ■ ■ r* * ^ ii:*, Latin, Greek, German. French, Physical ami I’otitTcaT Science, Draw ing and Book-keeping. Scud for Catalogue. 7 col. jornrb. Patrick, Superintendent. South Carolina College, COLUMBIA, S.C. ”7 . o 1 Session begins Sept. 25th. Nine reg ular Courses, with Diplomas. Sitecia) Courses, with Certificate*. Require- no'llm for admission niodirted. Hoard $S a mouth. Total necessary expenses for the year (eXcJuslve of travelling, clotliiug, and books) fioiu (112 to |152. Send for Annomicenrent. For fiii tlier information address tlie Preshjetit. James Woodrow. Cori|er Clai*k ^ R' AV®ijU€| IBlacxkrviHe, 3.0. not M-attar hi* energies over all creation. • . . . Acting on this i dtidition. which I* not a theory, 1 have decWed to self to providing for the comfort and good looka of my eu»U»meta. H Ah spei la? knowledge of their wants I have gathered from l\te best iiiarketa the fisost selecJ aiid,superb stock ever handled in thla aaclioa of Nootb Carolina. |V1Y SEhECT SPECIALTIES are Hat)., Clothing, Shoes, Shirts, Chffs, Collar*, Hosiery aud Undei Wear for* men find boys. ^ . ,, A lovely stock of shoes and * or Mow* **” Misses. And lower prices than any.coiii|ietltor in the Si.rifi can offer. Messrs. W. M. Altman aud W. W. Moloay are W*4i me and will be glad to M« their many friend*. ‘ , ... . , Before buying give roe a trial and I will give you happiest satisfaction. SOLOMON BROAVX. * * Chealp Cash Dealer. -FOR- -FXA. For Rent and Sale. We represent the Corbin Banking Company in Aiken and Barnwell coun ties, and have for rent or sale a number of valuable places in these counties. Persons desiring to buy or rent good places on good terms will do w ell to call or write. BATES SI M MS, 8eptl4-tf Barnwell, S. C." GO TO P.J.Zeigler&Co. ALLENDALE, S- C, If you want to buy the best Mowing and Reaping Machines oq the market for the least money. They sell the fa- mmi* Walter A. Wood machttie ami all. Repair part*, such a* Rivet*, K-ftifc Head*,Ac. V. ■ ' Ileulquarters for Horses and Mule*. Buggies and 11 yr ness. [jtrooj- ly iVfLLlSTON; BARNWEl-L Next Susaiou Begins AVetlacstlay, ScpteBiber 12.1894. s* - . , We w ish to call vnur special attention to the many advantages often d by th* wiliisron High School, oiir tmarding kfrangement* casuot bd excelled by aiay si:hoof In the Slate. Our building* arodarge, romf*M’table and well equippenk We have *» paratb dorniUorh*.* foreglrls and U*j s. One hundred boanliiig*u*- dent*’ca'i be-comfortaldy accoHsInoilaMul. We employ only first eta*» veachera. The faculty consists of five professor* and two lady teacher*. The teachers Hvo in the same buildings with the' students. Tlie boys are under military regula tion*. Our school i* Christian but tiou-sectarian. All student* are required to attend the ( hurcli and rtumhiy Sciiool of their choice. The High Schoollsilfc- rided In four cl»**es; Freshman, Sophomore, Junior aud Senior. When tho Course of study l* completed a regular diploma i* granted During the past »e»- siun two hundred and seven students were enrolled, representing almost every *-cl bin of.the State. . Besides the usual English . *iir*e, instruction will liegivyi* in the following hranctie*: Ancient and Modern Languages, Commercial, Law , Commercial A Ith'iietic. Book-Keeping, Music, Art CalWlhenlea, Eloculloii, Typew riting, i'eli'^rapuy, Mi-nography and-MiliMry tactics. EXPENSES: Literary Department, per month....... 90 to l-i 00 Music, Instrumental, (w ith u.seof piano . 3 Mu-ic. Ymml, per month T *‘. .: •-- 3 ^ Art, per montli ' 4 *** Bour.i, per uoutli ... . . 7 W to 10 •!> Hoard and ’I’liitiou payable monthly iu advance Uniform for Boy* ...: 14 no Utviform for Girls '... .' t - * 8 ConH«rtedwith the HighSeli»*>l \* the Palmetto P»a*ine** CoMegr. _ Complete Cotuiuercial Course in this iustitulioa, iaelml ng Book-Keeping (In all it* various lorinsj, CominercUl A rithmelie, Ci>»aw , rcial 1j»w. Ac. For tlie entire coarse, ^'Kl. It take* from throe io five montli* to complete tliia course. Wlten « student pii*«e* » *ati»faetorv examination in the Commercial branche* he will rewive a TNydoma fnwn the Department. Telegraphy, Complete Course. 225 00 TyiHlW-ri’.lllg, ** ..... Hi MB Stenography, —“————.■ 1 , .... !W 0t> Regular stmlv h<>ur» at mgliL Student* are not allowed to ntlm tlw streef»or leaie their neons after ik-ir*,,without a special permit Irma the Principal. 44ihh1 Literary Societies » e rauied on! in uonnrcthoi with the srbool. All stailen** arw required to atteud. We guarafiter that any yopqg man can ewter the Literary Department of nnr school ami attend rhe e,ntirisession of nine am! a half scho lastic montli*. board, tuition a: d ill exjiense- included, except books and chdh- ing for fr»»m #H5 (Si nr#125:90, aoconllng to the class entered, f 135ffff wHI eoier ' H»art1, tuition ami all exp-n.e* except l>ook* and clotldn* for a young lady in IJtcrarv Department for tlie entire *e»don of nine ami a half m.-ht>)a*tic month*. Bamberg Hardware Store, C. J. S. BROOKER, Proprietor. Keeps a full line of Pnfrdware, Tin Ware, Agate Iron Ware and (inn*. \ FuljLstdck of Base Ball Goods, and Vall.y Tip,ail sizes,constantly on hand. A* to prices 1 wili not lie undersold hy any .Southern dealer. I n*U the calls ami patronage of my friends and the general p biic. C. J. S. BROOKE*, apr5-1y «, Bamberg, 8. C. Three'Trade Truths. T Life, Accideql, LIGHTNING, and f LIVE STOCK INSURANCE —At Lowest Rates In—, Strongest Companies. Butler, Calhoun & Co. r —OFFICES AT— • ^ " THE BANK QF BARNWELL -anx>— Wm. McNAB’S store apriti J.J. Dicks&Bro. C r ** H. & We shall be glad to have your patronage. Respectfully, ^ IT, K. K. BAlLEYr-PHm ffiiL For further information,.address WlllUton High School, WIDDton, S. C. GLliNH SPEINSS VATEE —WILL CURE— Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Chronic lleptstiti*, Jaundice, T»»rpor of Liver,and general debility following u|m>m nMlarUI disease*.^ - Dr<>|e»y Dlarrluva Dysentery, ( Onstipatlon. Ilemorrhoids, Uterine, Reivld and Cysthr Disease*. II vuiaturta audCaV- amantal dcrangeineut*. - -^FOR SALE BY— . *T. ATeLKN TOBIN Corner Bi'oad and Campbell Streets. Augusta, Ga. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groce ries and Plantation Supplies. Experience has taught;us that in knowing WHEN, WHAT and WHERE to buy the merchant succeed* and the customer i* satisfied. We buy when other*,sell amh there fore get I..west prices. Wu buy good* of standard grades and »o give mil 'pa tron* the best that is (o lie had. We buy where ca*h gets the best bargains, anil share ail advantage* fairly with out customer* At our new quarter*, ijie mo*t con venient and commodious in Awgii*ta, w e.keep constancy full stoekw of all good* in our, lina of.husine**, and are cordially Inv-ite our Carolina frCtoid* to make, our ^place tlicir fieorfffa head quarter*. By giving us their custom they will leiirn the three troth* that NOW is-the time, our house TILK place aud our good* the GOODS tlfat they •kontd buy. We hnmlle cotton on the f^et* for fifty cents a hale. Messrs. I.. K. Dicks, H. M. Hair and Ti R. Erwin are wirli us and wilt be pleased to see their friend* from over the river. Remember w;e are only three blocks from the Union Depot and at rhe junc- fitm of all the street car Hue#. Come straight to see us. J. J. DICKS & BRO., AUGUSTA Ga G, DUNCAN BELLlNOERt - - Solicitor 2xu. CiRcrW. '* WILLIAM H. TOWNSEND; Latk ok ElLiott A TowNSxxp; l!kackdi: i, S. C. II. L. O’BANNON. Bellinflef, Townsend’A OBannon,. A-TTORN K Yrt LAW jiOllice Kyaa- Building, Ihri’hwell S.-Ci-j No. Port Royal and Augusta Railway. J. H. AVKRILL, Receiver. . THROUGH AXD LOCAL TIME TABLES. In Effect January 28th, IS'K | No. 1 1 hilly. | Meridian Time. | No. 2 Daily.[ No. 4 Daily. 5.00 |i.m. 6.50 p. m.T 7.25 a. in. 9.20 a. in. 9.32 a. tn. 19.30 a. m. 19.49 a. m. li.29 a. m. 11.45 a. m. 12.50 a. m. Lv. Augusta .Vr. Ar. Allendale Lv.. Ar. Fairfax Lv. Ar. Yemassee Lv. 0 Lv. Yemamsee Ar. Ar. Beaufort Ar. Port Royal Ar. Charleston 8.59 p m. 6.55 p. m. (i.43 p. m. 5 4-> p, wi. 5.35 p. at. 4.49 p. ■. 4-W) p. IN. 3.15 p. m. 11.15 a. m. 9J5 a. u Between Fort Royal and Beaufort and Charteston. I No. • Daily. i ’75 Meridian Time. J No, 5 Daily. | 1.15 III. Lv. Pt. Royal Ar. 9.5ft p. in. 1.21 p. m. Lv. Beaufort Ar. (> :tl p. m. 2.25 p. m. ; Ar. Yeiaassee 5.40 p. m> 4.3ft n. u>. Ar. Charleston Lv 3.15 p. in. —rV- Coiinection at Allendale for Carohui M/Ulaml Stations. R. H. WRIGHT, G, P A . GEO. T. BBYA» t T. P. A. Kadime Works, Howard Bros. Propr’s, ■ :AI(*I.NF.C.K<« itari nACMllfilHT^ BLACKVILLE* S. C. To the users of Motive Power and General Machinery: We call your attention to the fact that W*i arfe prepared, with latest improved Tools and Machinery, t» %Ur work on any Machinery used in tttw eoh*»try, Such as _ ~~ ’ ' COTTON GINS, GRISTMILLS, COTTON PRESSES, ; PULLEYS. HANGERS, MILL GEARING, Shafting and caattng* o4 Iron or lira** of any *ize. Special attention given to GIN WORK. 4, Having a firet claaa Gin*Builder,.we can doail kiudsof Gin Work, new brush wheels, uew saws, boxes, Ac; 5hW* sharpened 6y hfiad. i«wL SHOES SLlHPEKS^ W>hare them, perfect good*, fresh frhnt Cite factories, finest qualities and* moat fashionable style*. We invite the ladies amt gentlemen of the county to’call'and fto for theniM selves, confident tbfil we can please the’’ most critic febl.Vtf leal ta'Stes. T. S. CAVE* BRO. VALUABLE iJANDS IN BaWS^- wfelHstud Aiken Conhtles bMofiging to- tlffi New England Mortgage Security 1 Company. • Persons desiring’ to bny‘or rent Will 1 dd well lo Write to hf call off W. ML Magoodytfr*. BARJ^fELLC. H., S.C., For full particulars.' m wfitS-ly s_ ■ V ; ’V fSi. ■