The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, June 03, 1949, Image 13

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lW County pra Roast pederatioB seiner National Publicity riven To Content Given to Content To Select NUroe |'J the nurse in North of cjety, Rospital ~A«odation~ ud Hospital Savings Aaseciatian. . fw-renchinf ef fects of this humanitseian pro- jinun to bohte- the nuke ot the 7^5 .t tb. ^SSSy’s^i!? „ the Mi— N C Student Nipse of 1949 program a success was received this week as the first June issue of “Look” r rSSb, Bethune, lfid hS?n farm terms tools as srticla titled Shortage Can Be forth Carolina nursing profes sion, the World Travel Service of the Carolina Motor Chib offered a vacation trip to Bermuda as grand prize for the lucky winner of the coveted title this year. The Caro lina Motor Club also offered a ahnikr trip to^the_person chosen Nurse as chape- cation riL-t-opy bf the Federa- Gore «>oka ‘f*^ n r M i««ntaees of co- .♦ the meeting - -— ]tg,\ “Look”, which has a readership of over WgfcOOQ, .states that CarMina has solved the •nlisting student of the Miss N.C. norm by Miss ran. “Look” recognized this addition to the contest as a valuable in' centive to the program and report- ‘ follows: Studenf .Nurse program sponsored annual hy t^ie Good Health As ed the grand'award as her i aociation “After her sdection as < Misa North Carolina Student Nurse’, .. . . - -- Juanita Mae Lee of Durham the help of the plunged into a two-weeks recruit- tate to tell high manta of nun-, After that Job, a free meat tour of the state school girls of the she anahlrinpther tyM* I round-trip earljJIn May via DC 4 ' I Bermuda, arranged by the rolina Motor Chib via Colnaial Airiinea end a free stay at Har mony Hall in Paget, Bermuda. To lp Juanita get ready for her —p, the Raleigh Merchants Bu reau donated a beach wardrobe from 15 local stores. Another prize is a $150 scholarship for post- educa- graduate tion.” study in nursing Airplanes are spraying fertili- rth of England. zers in the Proctor, Vtj calls itself the mar ble capital of the United States; about >» per os* of the nation’s supply conks from Proctor quar ries. State Turkey Crop Will Show Increase According to James E. Thaxton, Clemson extension turl ialist, recent estimates that the state’s IMS tui_. is going to exceed last NEED A TRAILED! croj^by about 40 per cent says that turkeys are now being grown in all parts of the state with the largest concentra- . . * ■ r c t' Wo hovo a War Surplus Trailer, equipped with luty.cliossit... tion in York county, which grows “ * ' of the turkeys electric brakes... Iras a heavy duty ideal for a farm wagon er for hauling lumber or other miscellaneous items. Con he teen at— about one-third „ raised in the state. Some estimates place losses from worthless checks in the U. S. as high as $300,000,000 a year. ^advantages rf co- “and stressed unity in ftaking* regardless of concluded of the FFA t5d P af?he S. S, State /October. These jpict^es ^bTFord B. Stanton, Ifidway FFA. -eoorts were given by C ^Antioch chapter wd on advisor on the Fede- lagazine and Recreation- ties. > CONTINUE BOUlW reekly bouts at the Na- ■uard Armory on Friday have been discontinued [/when the local N, ltion- d unit return from their encampment Safety Service dianapolis Races y the same Bear wheel ,t and wheel balancing ser- sred bv Stogner Motor r, at 128 E. DeKalb street >n all cars entered In the iual 500-niiie race at In- b, Indiana. May 30th, ac- to word received today by White, director of service ier Motor Company, y years ago, the Bear lervice was designated ae (jai wheel balance and [inement service at the n those days, drivers used i as three sets of tires to i the 500-mile race, due to the precision set- font end and steering con- the dynamically balanc- . wheels, tire changes are far between. Most of the thii years race finished rtntg tires. — Hng to the Indianapolis rers, dynamic balancing of tig and proper gettings of and steering parts is Just tut to a car on the high- miles an hour as it Is at 120 miles an hour, tore to cut down highway the ability to steer prop- to stop when an emerg- N are high on the list, ia no secret or special udling the alinement and’ ; of the 500-mile race to same safety service inspection with precision gauges is used on pas- ■ or trucks by the Spec- Mechanic at Stogner Company, your Chrysler- dealer since 1939. rST! tie Theatre CAMDEN. S. C. 'ri-SaL. June 3-4 Mr. and Mrs. Outlaw! Two-gun pals! e Berry, Marjorie Mfti& in .. Saturday Morning will broadcast “Talent from our stage af 10 immediately followed ure picture: Hoy Rogers—in "BIG JACK* Three Color Cartoons T THE KID RETURNS' J--Bring the Children its 25c—Children 12c rtay Night Late Show D:30 PM. —June 4 Gene Raymond rancis Lederer—in Sunday, June 5 ■,3:15-Night 9:00 ^ s out on a limb . . >W«mix.up ever! The 7 Umour. Don Ameche in JGHTLY FRENCH" ““-. Tum.. Jun, g.y Home-run musical! fun-loving OUT TO THE 9 B ALL GAME" oig Song Hits! Ne ws and c and Pet* Rm«th June t-0 tJ® ^vith a new life! ^lor^Ava GardzS BRIBE" The Grand Canyon—217 miles long—is one of the scenic won ders of the world. CAMDEN MACHINE WORKS 80. MILL STREET ’ ' PHONE 355 Tell ’Em You Read It In The ChronicU w y K if temm ■ S/sSss/ Mm Tj Tan Cmmp'm Tender Ftarertnt PORK and BEAK 10* SLOWLY SIMMERED IN RICH- TOMATO SAUCE FOR EXTRA FLAVOR* "V STOKELYS KRAFTS PARTY PEAS MAYONNAISE C S G’FRUIT JUICE BAM A GBAPE mm 46 Oi. Striti' /tfeafa »m«gf jm )\BLENDED APPLE sauce 2 h.> 29* ■ vn esews urg t - HOMINY 2H.iu.19a STOKELT a GOLDEN BANTAM mmm cobn ,7 ^ i9« STOKELY’S FANCY GBBEN BEANS m.ic.23« STOKELV’S aica FLAVOarCL CATSUP — 17a ALL OBEEN ASTABAGUS BFEABS - STOKELYS h.i 49a npKKLf'S SMALL GBaBN LIMA beans 31a STOKELY’S ALL ASPARAGUS STOBELY*8 okUNW WHITE me STOKELY'S SLICED FANCY 21a BION FLAVOBFVL TOMATO JUIOB 'a!: PICNICS HALF OR WMOLI r **M O BOUND ~ . CHUCK BOAST TLNDEE FLAFQEFUL CHUCK VEAL. NATUEALLT TBNDEH Lb. • 6 VAN vT V CANDY * 35* MILK 3 ITS NEW ORLEANS St KIDNEYMM. irOKELYS •a • NRTHF •iKi f - r • 77* ■, /s. •. rs.^M m an.r Silver !pna ? f mk mmm VEAL PATTIES STEWmfGBEET DRESSED AND DRAWN fryebs kOFUm 54* UBSLY SAfEDGE <rLAS4f5 FR£EI ■Wood* •v Hi- PKC. 31* 2 Glassos FREE! I Hi PKG. 61* •o-Pto. S Dmmd Troul lb. 32c PHIbI Whiting lb. Me iONCUSS VIAL r; .boast 69* lb. ARM °^'S iANNER SHOD NONET POD PEAS SHORTENING ..SH| TOMATOES x. i c 25a f' 93a m. u 39« « Feature-Packed June Juue Family Orel* MAGAZINE si NOW ON SALE AT All COLONIAL STORES! inn ONLY MARGARINE £39* ABSOBBENy TOILET TISSUE MOBTHEBN 3-25* ESFEESHING CHOCOLATE DEINK . .. , v BUY-A-CHOC 2 2 13* BLU-WHITE S 9* I $9 l| IT ^tt * Ok dSfr' jF' ' S si 9'nf ' ft XT. S. .V«. 1 California Large W'hUe ,% i t Ute- SHARP CHEESE •UY 3-GET ONE FOR U JERGERrS SOAP 4 - 31* ' #' STRDMrBEANS LARGE CALIF. FANCY FANCY SELECTED BSD RIFE S TOMATOES FRRSH bbd rife juicy WATEl PSD Bim WUICY - LTERMELON V u. S NO. 1 VCUOW Onions 3 £21c om$n» f . l V 7 - 1 - m, ft V t FANCY WDIESAP f H 1 DBIST BELT -APPLES 1 I pTOESE FOOD 2-u,. 7J C r cloveebloob butteb 3 lbs. 33c 1 »TTIES y^gABEElCAN 37c i ; |ff f| -i| c!# . '*> k *■ 3B [’ SBABP CSD »A 43« CUCUMBERS 1 CHEESE LAND -O LAKES IA Me 2 lbs. I ■UTTEB OOTTAG. emu. 75c 17c 1 abmoub ^ 25c FOR COMPLEXION CARE IVOBY SOAP 6* i 2 r 17* trr I ’ Kk COUPON M EACH PK&| SUPER SUDS Loo. ^ OC Pko. ■JSMIf'- SAVE EVERY DAY THE WIENOLY COLONIAL WAV AT. 1102 KROAD ST. MILO AND GENTLE Sweetheart r S* I Z U* lOAt J° r “Little Women" i? v > c. ^ f ■-.-ji.-s 1 ".. >: '■ 't u -i - it’ ■■■&*■*:■ r# 1 *1 'if ; ■ Wi ■