IT, *>■■■■ (Samdnt Wt, ■■■> 11M North Broad Street Camden, 8. C. PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY Harold C. Booker - DaCosta Brown - - - - Editor - Publisher SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: All Subscriptions Payable In Advance One Year $2.50 Six Months 1.50 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Poet Office at Camden. 8. C., nnder act of Congress March 8, U7> All articles submitted for publication must be signed by the author ^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1948 In Such An Hour It is to be hoped that all of Camden will unite heartily in the increased dhurch at tendance campaign to be conducted dur ing the months of October, November and December. This campaign, launched by the Camden Kiwanis Club, endorsed by the other civic club of the city and having the coopera tion of the churdhes themselves, should be productive of great and lasting good in Camden. We are living in a confused world. Everywhere there is doubt and fear; ma* terialism and skepticism. Regimentation, totalitarianism, cominunism, bureaucracy, bear down with such weight that freedom is gone. The venomous serpents of corrup tion, immorality, gamblingdrunkeness, iworldliness, have poisoned men with their sting until he is crying out in the darkness for > ill CAROUNA #om, ° UMD, » WHOBHV O# Tm COCA-CBtA COMPANY •» BOTTUNQ COMPANY CAMDEN \ tpjrn ?