The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, September 10, 1948, Image 1

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- __ _ _ ~wX.-^>r*<A.A; -■ Ir '' : •■ " : Bfei*!*-’ rv# hti* ^ ' ' '',, , : j,- ■.°\ i' . V «'2 ObMPrcrt Expect provements Made In Sdiool Plants of No. 10 t During Summer ®*t**isive improvements have been made during tlhe ihe school An Editorial ToBevisamed Should 1 ■■■ , - . **r' 1 ^ r ^iiiTruws nave oeen maae au To Rival 1876 In ^ equipment of the •• District No. 1, Superintendent J. G. Richards Respects , movement by a froup tt g South Carolina ^ to name a pro- electoral ticket to ^ on in November s the opinion of some il observers, precipi ce bitterest campaign gtgte since 1876 and which may re- said tins week He also stated that the trustees have under ™™«***™ Mtoon ot > two-story Junior High ^ a ope-ftoiy cafeteria to serve the grammar and 1 Project, he said, would be fi- nancwi by the sale of school district bonds and would be ready for occupancy in September, 1949. . “Takiiif advantage of the vacat tton period of the summer,” Mr. Richards said, “a number of school buildings have been re nted dither outside or inside the city white schools, all m rooms, hallways, offices, -W respocti th. S ^^^b rLv - « njnu— ii.tM I® *9^ color *. chiefly n *. De ? aocr * t * Sraan ivory, brown and white; tisM Ifer* o< *' Town and 'a ♦ County.... [ resolution either members of the regular coats of paint or have been re- locratic executive com- touched. The roon id ■«"»* an electoral ticket. |ng also have beei dissenting members of tee colors restful to th " rh * * ntM “ 40 of Greenville are ott, of Dillon; Cal H. of Anderson- Max r. W. A. and State rooms in that build- been finished in tee eye. „ .— the gymnas ium has bean ptinted and the been m care- gym floor he* Biy, faulty flooring removed and replaced. The enure playing floor is now .However J ie only two McCravy, of reT JaUey and coats of hardwood varnish. ‘The hallway and dam rooms which 'by the party chairman, jer, of Leesville, was _J closed doors and re vere not admitted, given out uemocrwtar ; named a defti __ lie seats from d tee na in I convention 1 ion down and [Sooth Carolina 1 the delegation named are now being painted at the Pine Tree Hill school. The work there Will be continued at. intervals after school opens until all day l out side wood work • Labor jJDny hi Camden While in some dtier there was a flood of oratory - on Labor Day, Camden had to be content with • flood of rain. •One Meeing A Week Now that the dty manager hag arrived and‘entered upon his duties the city commission will hold only one meeting a week, this being each Friday afternoon at 5:30 o’dock. •Root Room Cloood The public r«st room on Ka.. Rutledge street has been discon tinued, City Manager Jack Tal lent announced this week. He said the rbom was very seldom ever All Who Art Intorostod In Organisation Urgod ToAMond A meeting of aQ who are interested in th* Camden Obnmber of Coniierce will be held in the American Le gion hall Friday night at 8 o’clock, Harold Funderburk, president of the Chamber, announced this week. All business and professional men of tee city are partkula * urged to be preaenfc and it hoped also teat all others who may be interested in the organi zation win also attend. to consider ways and teifo of fi nancing the work of the organi zation In the future. The dty has announced teat it will discontinue appropriations to all teat do not perform i mental function idiminut* that .•06 it is tern in the future ingis beiagcalled There wM hot be tion of funds at th*i day night Hill both MltWWMW. K iJoboThe rrtk” nr. ** c«.r*Ml*r 1 — ^ TiiHiriW7y»wiivy izih.ii hhq unc ihiii* aeie^HUoa ^ ^ t -. -■-* - • romSouth *»* •Ucioa F*J1 tuner ^ Jss ZZ!Lf.Ii2££2ft£ ana otner veterans attended toe • rellr 1 " t of the savea a con- .on*? ft* the »f two d high school to the fall rally of ten J. Leroy Balk Peat of the American Legion which was held Monday night at the 4-H Club house at Lake Sha- A delightful fish stew was Jack- 1 rooms to _ school ar. and are expected to be ready for occupaa 16. The class ♦Bondi Te Give Ti Th* High Sdwwl han/f will give a CO Station WACA at 5:30 o’dock. «Wu CUM Off ne govern- thfir win to dty the pur^ and p night soBcita- Fd- lative delegation, aware in the present political people of South Carolina, has wisely made arrangements to have the books of registration in tMs county remain open through September fa or der that every dtisen of the county may have an op portunity to register and thus be qualified to vote in the November election. In South Carolina, the piajority of the voters have been accustomed to passing up Hie November election for the reason that not ip many years has there been any serious opposition to the nominees of the Demo cratic primaries and a large turnout of the voters has not thus been necessary. rv This year the situation mayJbe entirety different. There ore strange forces ht work and there appears a possibility that there may be effected a coalition of some elements in the state which will not bode good for the majority of the people of this state. The only hope for the state lies in a practically solid front on the part of th4 majority of the people of the state. If some elements of this majority form a coalition with a united minority, the situation in this state coiild be drastil “ “ not on guard.$ Atk -seek any sort of coalition for personal gain. The Chronicle feels that tilt situation is so serious that every dtisen of K«r*hdw county should get * registration certificate and be prepared to do his or her part in the November flection. ’JR-s better to be safe than sorry.< Get yoiir regis tration certificate at once and take core of JPIJmW ■AFVAluJJrg vIJ changed are alwa Ernest Nutting f; bd H F. Bishop Form Pa i thi Haitsville Wins First Of Ovsr Will •“fjip.r 1 As of to 3 victory of Sooocos over first game of Palmetto whichwhen Sonoco 2 toO Mg ;Ernety Nutting, of Cam den, former forester of the along South Carotins State Com mission Blatant j Schools In To Open ■"““•a 1 *? DufOT Of Poll*, idwnu m Plans Of New j Admimstration j MgyBtrCemmissionor ond I City Monoger Outline Future FoHciot I Members of the Camden Junior Chamber of Com- r merce were assured that the • affaire of the city of Camden would be conducted pn a ‘ strict busfaess basis by the < new city administration loot Friday night, whan they heard talks by Mayor Henry Savage, Jr., Commissioner A. Sam KareSh and City Manager Jack 'Mlent The JayCocs were told by tee dty officialf that tho new admin- urtretion planned to lay all ofits cards on thojaUe at all times — JUJ* aia. — r . t ^—lined some of tee — ■n. .Joves made or are to the a number < I which 1 1 *fUk{ j In: Bishop hove fanned nership and will fagforeatc. :and forest deckled to get asking the of the state committee to nanst was generally jial reason Wednesday washHB doors was in may a free and on putting tee ticket. | SO people although |" Dr. John Kc- of the University of insisted they as “observers.” believed that the ticket will get te* vote of the state and [the whites who will line ■ ticket will make turnout in cor wall whs erectea on three aides of the Zemp foot ball field. A tiM/t and * Mdkflngfar cpld^ fa. _, ust wmk was begun on the erec tion of concrete stands on the east side of the field. The stands which will seat approximately 800 the Kershaw coun- has arranged to registration books in I county open w in order that all ciL r Mve a chance to regis- i prepared to vote., announced laflf lire to be taken to vaar- ^ oyer the it convenient for | for the County id- 18. 21. 1 > 25. be open in the * m Camden on all oth- |«y* except the above, •re from 10 a m. to rgesa At Meeting [dittatioo at ^ church tee group • in at 5 church The _ installed in school during the sum- of 1947 and have proved than Mrs. Campbell Steward, north ern winter resident who summers at Bar and who suffered a cerebral hem- morhage several months ago is to come to win are nearing completion and be ready Mr the opening “The erection of the made possible ast of a number furnish tee money that k be the inter ion pro- OMdi of fcoPboBamoi over a number of yoora TSo money for ~ Tft&TteFbttk rfftTSSSSwa'Ai . _ OI Lne rovC icv-vripwo- x-xv end of tee last season a pay* it of $1,000 was made on the Thua fhe considerable un being poade at thr are not at the ex * district .tax i football field itself has been mowed at toast once a war tee summer and is in a condition with a beautiful —d. lily the board of trustees 1 consideration the of a two story Junior ' , s on# story service of two r) morning at Ido'dock at tee ' use was called off. #Ta Speak At Edgefield Senator R. M. Kennedy, Jr, will be tea principal speaker at the States Rightsdinner to be held in Friday night Circuit H Greneker ^wffl be the dinner to iefa some 500 tickets who had tightened next two Hugh e Legion Auxiliary The American Legion Auxiliary of the Jamas "Leroy Belk Post will mast Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of Mrs. M. G. Muller on Rectory Squ This is the first milting of the new year and au members and ‘we invited Knight* Templar To Confer Degree* Camden Commandery No. 12, K.T, will confer degrees on a dess of candidates next “ ^ * evening, Sept 14 at 7:30 &c at teeMasonic and out Braves third I with being s lineeby the crecked. H he is uBsMato play tel HrT Bishop graduated in foraa- S’lSSTSfi {g the ace hurter, was given tee works I has been wite the by the Sonoco sluggers in a final continuously as district aeries title clash in the Palmetto at Walter boro and league playoff, the Hartaville I fore being promote* team combing tea slants of the cut position te Columbia. _ former Sail/league for 12 blows ever, during the war he was or- and 9 runoHartsvifle won9 to 4. dered to active duty with tee It was the ascond straight win army and asrved in the states and ‘ ,now, ' Mior testSTSaTby i Win appears to be in the offing Price, who was at one tfine eft for the Sonoco*. tioned te Camden. Mr. Price fin- Not only did Pitcher Jim Me- ished forestry at the Univwrity of Alamey of Hartsvflle scatter teeGeorgia telto9 and steceoomi^ Brave hit* over m many frames, whh the commission n' but ha connected for three hits in ag 0 has been stationed four times st bat ‘ tanburg, Aiken, CamdenC and Co- Several score of Camden fanshumbia te various capacities, motored to Orangeburg tor the| Mr. Nutting wll have ji head quarters in Q^den^ted Mr. Bishop te Marion. . begin te*** 1 1 enite some; 90 Given Schools Af'-schoot-hnkk for director tee achool lunch division of the South Carolina State Department oetion, has announced, honey will be part pound shipment given to the state school by the productioi I administration ot United States Department of Short Circuit /« Cause Of Fire Crossed wires caused a short circuit in the Ghsrtos home near Boykin morning fttd result* being sent to the fire , here for aid. One pumper ed to the calL Damage \ 9 jurviuawu Of'^tor Club" ImUSLDlSiEm city on run commission Irfa—nm trie commission. 4m T. allaL ; -w. — T Repo On Tonsil CKnic T £ :*■ ■ybyip, A report on the tonsil clinic conducted this summer by Junior Welfare League that 23 cases treated an total of 1517.50 Was T^fim ia the tree A iL’’ - &• ■m*: BL ^ .&$S‘ .m 1 in “S*tef i ftee trip to •of the In the HI ipi . I m *• I * b»r The Camden hi»h school football team will Friday made it ih wite 1948 season on when they meet the ■., field. Coach Lindsay Pierce bos hod the Ft' ’ f ive Sdiool or in’ ’flu ft m field.) w >$fii ponds ' in j** .,*• , _ r~*Jw**g' eptar—f-—' -eSF* ■yy.lp HHfat ■ #'fl**$*:f7 ■ ■ S' 1 iH • -Wivtw ' - '*** V 1 - fa'*' ***.< .V t E % ..., 4. w—JLL- * Lr, iii il itf mm* “ jirwh r ' y^'- v‘‘-# #?* . Wm-i