r. It merely showed state wnicn Democratic leaders for ticket the voters want their dec- Te the credit of the govenimeikts and the people of the United Sutee C. P. DuBom That Mer Irfc* " >Yailable C0BMl* n P«0PI* dm cere of the teeene, or dehclent. Is oov one of the moat h- other modes ci truu- PpsUnaster DuBose poirtted out .* the inauguration of na- Jde worM^de^etr j^ocd that ^ gwsri^Poet peckates wiii i rout- Zj expeditious delivery $tt- .^Se world, accordiM.tQ yjjfc. P- DuBose of Cam- in *' iei.^ U wm • lck ’ ^ ov erseas-bound ur borders c\ , ... stand ready w give ouq> patrons the fastest par ed post service offered any- wh^e,” Postmaster DuBose said. . While mternational air parcel HI V°te For Stales Rights Ticket ‘'^°~iturday iree ^ exi ^ counties lest Saturday expressed a de- cidcd preference for Governor J. Strom Thunnoftd tpr President over Harry 8. Truman. sJS&p S*ThS*^ the votes wee fsked to express their choice. lJ T b* following dispatch from Houston tells the story •The States’ Rights presidential f by. De ticket was preferred __ this coun w — r , which has Texas’ largest votina """Tlttibh—and two ^esT^ ties also gave J.! and ty was the. Wright 933, “Harris c< the States’ _ a margin of 3, Thurmond- 1.W3, Tlw referendum did not re- ove Truman and Barkley from te ballot as the Democratic can- dates for President and vice president in these counties, how- SS. 5Cftt *“*- * v * itaMe Rights candidates, preference in a referendum election held Satur- Umted States and its «, for several months, , . airborne service is be ing launched for the first time in history. % ■»<: State Road System n Kershaw County Now Has 403 Miles Harris county the States’ 44 936 vote, to 33i721 for President Truman and Senator Alben Barkley, his running mate. -*** “The margin in Brazoria coun- ♦ ' .Mt ,V,V When Duty Calls i— r T -i w W • - The prompt response made by this t firm and their complete understanding of oil requirements has pained the con fidence of every family they have y Funeral niON^ los important fimetiona of govanunaat with efficient inetitatlone of this kW4n every state and several very efficient ones, also, being operated by the Federal Government - - - MILLER’S for Unbnr 4 m wife ■■ #f a m 1—S 1 la a B getMkSeaaaea^^a A>®ii«no#r rtamiiton b Birtnpi®c® Alexander Hamilton, fhmona American sutesman of the Revola- tJomury period, wan not a^nattvn of America. He was born at Charles Town, Island of Nevis, In 1773. DR. F. 6. RICK T'*; Chiropractor Sgft N. Main it Phene 1390-V Sumter, t. C. Hours: Ali—M end by Neureealemter, X*Ray JELl BULLDOZER AND SKIDDER I am tqiiippad to do: .x'-, * rV •Fond luilding •Land Cleoring •Ttrracing oSkidding Timbor w~rw Any tort of grading ond bulidozor work and skidding. L W. BOYKIN, II Phon. 1M .A- «< Camden, S. C. -T-t# The teUHnilMt. in U.e rt.te highway system in Kershaw county amour* to 403.34 milts, as of July 1, according to a mile- wwaaaaaascsa jr g issued by the S. 'Department.™ The state IS. Gypsum roducts bastes Siding 0 lb. Shingldtv t ors and Window* t mant and M. Mix