The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, July 30, 1948, Image 7

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trm Coart of ^ rotor® •• tba «•' itato Hi !» ^ ' ^‘"'’ • **“* ^ ff c. arnott Jodfo of Prob®to g C^ July IMl. ISte^ Ffid®y» u Tat f^ACE iiotur*» ’utard®7» J”^y VALLEY” rjiirieo StofTott Inly 51t 10*^^ ’^WG Of THE ^BLERS” Ii.i4tii. wmi®w Wright il<>..Tuc«». Auf. 2-3 SfflE MATING OF MILLIE” Ford, Evelyn, Koyo» We(be«I«7r Au#. 4 -secret SERVICE INVESTIGATOR” Ji Bridaeo. tynnoL Woborto Thind«7« Auf. S-' • THERE’S LIFE’ Coiml Mnrray Town, ;hool Rw. J.V Murray, pastor xa the MoOiodiot ^Jhurdx. waa ono ^ <11# roproaomatlToa from South ^JJfrttoa ttth# Town and Country Mi. There were 45 ^nth0rn atates fr^ Maryland to Texaa present Caro lina ta ad^on to Mr. Murray Cope; +w‘ C. Beadi, Chea^; Rev. c fl C’^o^Tod; Rev. B. Sl5*S?*’ •nd Rev. L. C. Turberllle, Fort Mill. , Oomet ven In the achool were 5^ l»y Dr. Arthur 11®^ of the departmert of arrl- culture:; the,Rural Conimuntty by Dr. Mary Mima,,'extension aociolo- «!rt of Louisiana State University Human Relations by John G Har- o^^Lexlnfton, N. c.; Music: In fte Rural Church by Rev. H. Vance T^lor of Atlanta, Oa.,’"ahd Cr#at!re WrlUng by Rev. Jamea M Sails of AtlajAa, Oa At a banquet for the school, Sen Bon Weevils Are SM Very Active ^ Even with the h«li irjr weather tiiw bell weovlla are doing damage In eeme fleMs, JBhunty Agent W. C. MeCarfey aald ThUraday. ‘^Farmara aheuld pretaet the young belle by duatint with Texaphene or in the eaee of yeuag cotton B. H. C. eheuid beVueed," Mr. MeCarley aald. “Seme of the-older eetton la far enough advanood whara tha weevils do not hurt fha boHa.- 4n that ddi R Ta hot recommended that this cotton b« poleoned.' On PnMOee Cr^ spoke. He emphaaix^ the flght^ Congress to prlvhte farmers with a greater proppotlonate share of the national InoOme. Signiflcant raoommendaitlons were made In several courses such as longer tenures for rural' minis- Mrs.J. D.Gimsls Hurt In Car Wreck Mrs. J. t>. GilUs, Rutledge street; suffjjred a fractured right arm, a broken nose and severe lacerations abc^ the head when a car, driven by Mrs, T. Lea Myers. Mill street, skidded on the highway at the In tersection of U. 8. 71 and U. 8, 521 two milea this aide of Sum ter jeet to. tha of tha Damoerai Mm& «lata tha ffite vata gtran yaart afih aad aoUdt ycaii agalm this yaar. K almmd 1 . to render a tahr and tanpwtM For Of piohaiJi D D. oiuw inis eiae or snminr of Grorgii^ last Friday and tamed 8DD1l6. Ho oinnhiiiAiMdwf 'thA w# « . ters and a more^ nearly , Income of rural imd urban Cattle' mid iirdeiT meh in Aufr tralla' are reported “rolling ‘ In wealth." Sabflcribe To The Chronicle Mrs. Myers,' together witV --v, ♦hree children, Ihomaa 8, (Mai^on 8 and Stephen 2 montiia owreh- caped wHh bruises and alight cuts. Mrs. Myers, wife of Oovncllman T. “L. Myers, was driving from Sumter to Camden. It was raining [uallted hard and the asphalt surfbce of itors. the highway was unusnally slick. .. JXhera 4a -4uppoiiooHced gradient ’it the fork in the highway and It was on this slope that ■flie car started to skid. All of the occupants of the car were taken to the Tuomy hospital In Sumter. ^^Latw' Mrs. Olllia was removed to the Canuden Hospital. Mrs. Myers and diStfren were able to return to their home. AD persons, with children under iyearsof age, coming into the Gty f Camden from any area uhere bb) is prevalent, dkall inmiediately ntoct tiie Gty Health OfHcer, Mr. naM Morrison, Phtme 199 or m. cmr BOARD OF HEALTH H*Em You Retd It In The Ckrodde PIXIHEATRE BXTHUI^ac Friday Eakurday, July ICai -BLACR MART" In Technicolor—wkh Yvonne DeCario, Dan Dnyea Obapier Ho, 7. Odfen Alao Cartoon Saturday Night Show •*HER HUSBAND'S AFFAIRS" with Frahchot Tone, Lucille Ball Menday-Tusaday, Aug. 84 "STATE OF THE UNION" with [Spencer Tracy, Kathorlne.Htpbgni Van Johnson Movietone New# A Comedy Wedaeedey-TImreday, Aeg. 44 "ALL MV tONV* with Id O. Robtnaon, Burt Laneaeter Newa of tlw Say A OoamBy Hidshipi^n Thornwell F. Rush, USN, Clias of 1961, son of Chi^ of Police and Mrsi Alva J. Rush, of Cam den, has completed his first year at the U. S. Naval academy, Annapolis, Md., ahd is a member of the new third (Sophombrie) class. He is at present on the Midship man Summer Practice. CruiBe Idimhnr Political Announcements (CooBty ElBe8on) (All political announMmenU are 110 peyehle in advaane). For.C^omgTBsa I hereby ennonnce myself a can didate for election to Congress from the Fifth CongreaeloBal District subject to the rules of the state DHttocratie Primary. I am asking ^ people of this district to give (he fncnmhent a vacation and an opportunity to go higher. If elected. 1 will repreewit faithfully and eou- setenUouely the DistricL the State aud the NatioB. ROT a COBB I hereby announce my eaadldaey for re-electloa aa County Saparln- tendaat of Education .'or Kerahaw county, aubjeet to the'mlaa of the Pemoeratic primary.^ I wish to ex press my sincere epprecietlon to the people for the confidence pieced In me four yeera ago, and aay to jm that I shall greatly appradata it if, you will allow me to serve d see- t^ ierm.. — p . , ARTHUR STORBS . V For Maciatnito IMCuUi Townahip I hereby announce tor re-election es MaiSfirete of DeKalb Township, lubjectdo the raise of the Demo- cretlc party. p ROBERT E, (Jack) DAVID For liofistnilo West Watcree J hereby ennounee my candidacy for the office of Meiiatrete for West Wateree; subject to the rules of the Democrete party. 1 appre- For. Ilofistrulo I wish to announce that I eeekhig electioiS to the ofOee of Megtatrete tor West Weteree Town ship, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. I am now and have been megfetsate for Lower West Waterpe .ToVushIp fpv the peat II years and iriah to take, this, opportunity to thank each end every voter of the Township for fhefr pait aqpport and solicR this continued aupport and vote In the coming election. p . A. B. NBL80N For Mofietmto I hereby announce that I will be e candidate for Magistrate of West Wateree townahip anbiect to 'the rules and regulatl^a of the Demo cratic party. p LENARE P. ROSS - For Mmgktn.tR i hereby announce that I will >e a candidate for Meglatrate. of West Watcree Towndtlp and ptedge ttyaetf to ahkte hy the rutea of thd Democratle ~ -> H. W. BAMDEBi. For Mmgktntm (Buffalo Township) I hen^y announce myaelLa cua- dMute ter Magistrate of BuffUlo township subject to the rules and egulatloBs of the Democratic partT. a F. ROBERTH " To Votoru of Buffi^ ^ Townahv I' hereby announce to the votere of Buffalo Township that I am e candidate fi^ Magistrate in the coming prhxiary subjeot to the roles ef the Democratic party. If elected 1 promise \o serve in a fair, on* hlaa^ and\ worthy manner ea of ficer of your county. Tour aupport and vote will be always remember* ed end eppreeteted. RRX JONR8 For Mocbiroto I hsaeby announce myself a oan- dldpte ‘ for ’rwelectlon as Magle* trate of Flat Rock townahip sub ject to the mlee of the Democrutle party and adlctt a continuance of aufpert . p U A VINCENT - 1‘ I . -tPS -Mia* I hereby gnudl^ iNwelf • didst# for rt>electien tp Congraea from the lYfth rnngreaainnal Dis tricL subject to the rules of the Btate Demoeratle Prlumry. I should Me to take this —^nit of ■f to yem the psoite e( the 01^ %netf wij wMvp ttppf'MMfXm Of yovr peat oemfidenee and support sad to easurs you that if reslsstsd 1 wm oootlBue to rmwdiigt flMth- fhOy and ososcleotiiiiy tha Ma- rlcL tha State and the Netloo. p IP, RICMARDB FotHommOI 1 am a caadldate for te the Seuth CaroUna House of raasotaUvsAia the oiBidliuiiManr. subject to tho rulos oftBoimoio- cfiuc psn7* J. CLATOR ARRANTS |fe’re,JH|iMiB9 EViRY 45 SECONDS hat’s H aoaa OF RaBrMBmtmtivBa I horeby ennouneo myootf a can- didato for oloetlon to tho Sooth Cundfha House of Raproooatattvea la the coming primary sulilect to tho ndoa of DoBMcratfe party. WlLUAM RrOBTTTS bnerica! FBrHteM 1 heroiy announei mypalf a oan- dldata for tho House of Represen tatives. subject to the mlec end regulations of tho Domoeratlc party. »’ P TOLL KELLY For Ha Of It is with Blncerest humlUty that I annonneo myself as a candidate for re-election to'ibe House of Rop- rBiettMt^ ter l^haw County. I UlaimMte apprdeiate/your gea- orotts support in the past'oad bag of you, your siwport in tho egm* tuf sloetloB. f ARTHXTR L, JOWBB For lloii of HoprogamtBtivoi I wish to announce that 1 am sttarlag for tho oftloo of Rsprasen- vplrqui Kanhaw couaty at tho and has# my claim for rddbgnltlon on the part of the votsre on my attitude regarding the wastage of taxpayers mooiee. I ea- tmy ouadida^ sahjsot. to tho •IP rsgnlatloaa of Mo Stats c party of -South CMro- P JOHN RADON tt^mysalf a cam didato for. Clsrtc of Court of Ksi^ Shaw eouaty ’aabjsct to tha rules of “"'’’’“fflftjsn * . J£« figk2*.S^SUc for tha oftloa of Clock sC Oogrt of Rsrahaw couaty auhlset^to the ndat aad rogahUloBs of tha Dsmo- eratlo puriy. P MDWARD OQBPRN la jam tuN more fiM Moar-oornDCbts t sis OUR OWN TEA TEA ^ JflS: 27e cedHmeHM.#^ ^ « Fre^ Fruits & Vegetables LwicCaUr. LEMO^DS doc. t SSe Fraali Lome Graom Tap CARROTS 2 iHuidies 19e PEACHES . Ib. a9c WUlB ^ POTATOES 10 lbs. 43c Cdif. IMW WUM POTATOES SM 3Se ONIONS... 211w. ISe Now Crop SwBot POTATOES . , 2llw. 20e LETTUCE........ per head 15c OXYDOL 35c IVORY FUKES ^ 35c f , LAVA SOAP , 2 21c IVORY 9PlpW ^'35c P&C SOAP ■» Homay Dow MliiLONS each SWRETHEART 35c ...2.SSi2|c 4t-Oa Packers Lshsl Gtoupefxult JUICE...... Fine Oranuiated SUGAR..... 85c •Mb 4 >.f..«• (Jolden Maid 1' wpitc HOW Bvap. . ^ MHjr..;... 3 S5 42c •fUd Amertcen ** i - * • • . CHEESE, i... >^ 6tc PLUMS...,"^.19c Souttiem Style Veidlle WAFERS . ; ., .. » 25c A. A P ^ . Uk Ml m^Jktrn flLLSBURY , manweia 'SV^ JEWEL aiH VhMa ^FUMCES ' ^ OfPOOOOBBO FMV #W fMMi ............ A, 35c w3Bc?APEa,.„.. ’DEVILEp HAM. Ife WHEAr..;.. .. 2 35c 'NSicfl^pE . & 19c BISQUk^ ...i;.^ 27« :'v Fine 'Meats e/SC 1MDE<AlI|^ •*•«••••*•• »t• • ]ba. SolootV^BliUb CHOPS.-.. .iBle ^ i/ IK _ AM* • •• ••*••• • 1Mb‘ Drsoaodi amd DimwBi FRYERS. .....Ih. DrasaBd md Dmim TMtatiY 3ii' tmetommotm .§ ffiuii U- > ' • •'•vs. •••«••••«•• • *,