The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 14, 1948, Image 7

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TNm ONROMMLI mmmrmmm ^ Mayor Siys Oty Mam^r ^ Gcvenonent Is Lt^cal Fom • « of the fact th*t Camden is soon to enter upon ^rnairer form of fovemment, the following: story «.nce written by Tina Cannon, a member of the Columbia Record, will be of interest here; . mtnwer form of for- Florence^ ’ Ciri8»4 in ^ by the South Caro- ^ )tuembl7<. ' wei>iad the city nui«or % cent’ wye Mayor ■nioinae. ‘and %o brtler® :„ly logical form of for- manager of H hired .Edward L. Bla^- ^ civil engineer. JBe- AlfW '^;;,r:'there ie a ciU; .^^ed of four. Jamea r^hipman. C. D. Co* T. Rice. Councilmen are month for their duties, byor receives 1100 month- o«ncll meets once a [3ty council meets once and holds budget,; or de- meetings a3 the occa- Blackwell handlea firing of municipal em the departihenta on their recom- mendatloaa. City concil is not con sulted . on employment matters. ‘I try to employ competent workers, regardless of their poliUcal beliefs and feelings,’ Mr. BlackweU says, and adds that, tn hts opinion, sudh procedure cuts out the ‘spoils sys tem’ entirely. “Once a year, the mayor aad city council eleet_ heads of de])artmenta, but the city manager has the power to ausp^d the heads and all other employes. “A 3-2 rote of city council could oust him from his Job. Mr. Black- well says, since he. is working ‘at dhe will of council,’ and for no specific length of time However, there’s not much danger of city council voting against him, as they have described him as ‘the best city manager we ever had.' “Bom tn Darlington county near HartsvlUe, * Mr. Blackwell was a civil engineer for 16 yearr, working putment and the federal gorera- raent tn the coastnaetlaB of bridges and roads. He .has been city man ager for the psat IS months, and declares that his MiginMring back ground is definitely an asset in his new work. . / “A direct result of having an en gineer aa city inanagw hat been Florence's new paving mrogram. About 176,000 has been expended in the past year for new paving, the first in the city since the IftO's. It was accomplished without a bond issue, with the city paying one- thtrd the coslo, the id>atthig prop erty owners on eacb.sideo f the streets. contribntlu one-third apiece. The paving program was be gun la^ summer, and is expected to he completed this summer.” Ug Marhett^ Jeh The maxketlng of fresh fmtts and ‘vegetables has become one of the eountry’s major tndustrlea during the past 80 years. Retailers tn the United States sold nearly 014 bllUon dollars worth pi fresh produce tn 1048. The farm value of these heelth-fiving foods now excee^ any other cash crop. Inclodii^ wheat Ahnost every day of ttie year, fresh fruit and vegetable wholesalers have on hand between 78 and US different products of ^ soiL ' • . C^MiDHI, tOllTW CAMOUilA, WIiOAY, MAY H 6oath Carolina Cotton Has Unifmrm Statue Length I rking with the heads of'with both the state^ highway de- - -- - ^—- —-—— — ^ AY BALL wMi your Nrfy line Neighbon SOUTHBRN BEU AND miORAPH COMPANY LOOK America's iding Trucks^ EVROLET wce-Desiga RUCKS p Amuricoii butinoot IM I ®*»«otl looks to Hio looBof^f Advanco-Dotigii Inickf for slondordt of valuo on Iho Chovrolot flrudet bring footuros of tomorrow^ nco-Dtsign focRturii -ot Hio P**** In tbo volimio floMI ond look oi thiin now *y In our showroom. ^ooK eS>” LOOf^ SfijM Syiidbe-Meib Track Tr aed tpOeed Axle • Haw AdvsweeOi CwUral aad Psaf-Operalsd feik- Ixg Orslw la S-meed kmcniidm - - s-a * IBDNDm ^ ^ ixgliie • txchwlvely declgeed Hew keodlBiit to toH leW. mw Chewetol Advwcs Pedgw trade bHng yoe Ow Mww't draawlmd hi eeray fsetora 'ef efth^ y' -v A . « looi‘ ow OefaWH Cek Keck ctoato esel ek k dhrae hi end aiad ek feroed enO Ak b heatad hi «M weeStor. Ito Ce^ b. eMi a My-od|Mlehto teal aed aS- ai' pric^ 'i cewpeUHve raetec-cesir IGSTON MOimt Ihe riepte MoiQi of the 1947 Bomb Carolina ‘cotton crop was rather unusual as i^tproxlmately 97 jperoent of the crop was, by ofBelal UiK>A classi- ihown to be In only three staide lengtlMh- 1, 1 1/33, and 1 1/lf Inches. This unfformlty in staple length Is Inriety the result of the planting of varieties bred to give good yields of uniform st^ite with medium JengtlM and dasbrable ^penning qo^tles. * TUe has been the goal of the South Carolina Five-Acre Cotton Staple Improvement Conteet oon- duoted by the.Choneon OoUege .extension Servloe during the past 30 yean. Omtestants are now en rolling with their county agents for 1949. Priass for ths oontest have been made available by the Cotton klanufacturen Assodatton of South Caroli na and* the South Oaioltna Cotton SOMt Qrushen Assodatloo. i2?yy*| trespass NOU^' Trespaslng;^ shooting <rf fire arms, or fishing on the ISmmw Hilton Farm and pond known as the Hongli Pond is prohibitive. Any person or persons win be punished by law If vloUted. _8-llc R. g. sowmx , ADAMS HATS Amertafs* Foremost Hats _ Soldier D. C Dixon’s Rai^ain House BSl Broad Stsaat Phona B06W CAMDEN, S. C. PRE-WAR STANDARD METAL WeathersMps Sold and lastaUad by,-« E E VEITH Tha only factory oqnip- pad and trafawd machaidc in thio gacHon P. a Bok 1161 Floroooab S. C UNCtt JOfflT OF DEPENDABLE BUSINESS AND PRCFESSIONALySERVICF J.E ELLIOTT BODY WORKS to Yaarg Ezparianoe ill Camdan** DaKalb SL—Photia 711-J NHa PlMMia 1B7-M CAMDEN BLOCK CO. Wwl Mblb SttMl mom m SHEHEEN’S Texaco Service • FIRESTONE TIRES • RECAPPING SERVICE WmWii, . E. DaKalb PbcMin J. Manly Smith « SELF SERVICE STAPLE A FANCY GROCERIES Blaboywflla Camdan' HartawQla CLARKSON 111:6 Service WEST DaKAlfB ST. Naw -and Uaad Tfarab and Battanaa Rucapping A Vulwaniriog PHONE 667 CAMDEN WOODWORK & SUPPLY CO. “If IPa Mada of Wood— ikoUb.- PHONE 24B-W 404 Rntlodfo Stroot HNClf lOSH Copjrri.-ht IMS. Publlfher. FMture sirvlc, Uie. CAMDEN ELECTRIC CO. « HOT POINT appliances Saloa and Sarwica 18B DaKalb St CAMDEN HDW. & SUPPLY CO. HARDWARE BUILDERS SUPPUES FARM IMPLEMENTS * Gone and Arnmnnitioii PHONE 7 630 Broad Stroot SHEHEEN’S GARAGE r • Ba«r Whoal AUgnbiff • Wroefcar Sarriea Phones SiSiiVj Eaat DaKidb SL J Thu Bunny nutt'i art worldn* V my- ^ b**d io'u whun ibuy gH old tliuy caii' bmm thu tblngi thM yonqg foftg llko -. • Tht buit way 4o throw dteo It away. CAMDEN HOMEBAIKERY • Cake» • Piet * Paetn • Rolls •Bread ‘VpM'I.UiIil, n BIrtMiiii 1 ud Pi^ OrteV 4 , • ^ meluchai^ MAHONEY ^ MOTORS USED CARS BODY-FENDER AUTO REPAIRING PHONE «S FRAM^ „ DRUG STOIffi -FBtoc PwMTipIlD. b « PralMdM WMi U.- Fountain SeroUe Sufontaun A Luniburk «*\IMi Your pi^ k TolliMn’8 Swla*^ TOLUSON’S WASHETERIA Phona 623^ for PbAnip and DoUvory Sorwioo AND nOAD r^Ayikyw^ A 1 » • Osatril Miclri.,. nd W«k. ,« WdOra CMttMbn DeLUKE CLEANESS JOHNNIE’S GRHX Camden Machine "Wear Clem . CMftnT Roal ItaUaa Spagliatfl SmSa Vbh U. * b^bnrr SmPaad* wsmrngmm aimbm. eorvici rBaul and CVagagt •We WeM AnpWlar, PHOmMS - ^ lamuh la: TawBP* Bdykitt Fnmitnre Co. Yoar KaMnator-Daro- llkana Daalur Naw and Uaad Puraltuio MaytM Waahura and Giw Stcaog PHONE m A Broad SCraat • WATTS Auto & Erne Supply CROSUY RADIO RKPRICERATORS NORWALK TIRES aoAaAMTBiD t viAaa ®WI •ILL ON THI lAIV PAY fUiir - - . PMOiSlB 6S7 iNai. Balcbn am • JJ u" '■ -S3 •1* f ® '"ft SV s T.-; ■} ^1?: . ^ -J ml' ]i| 13_ VI'/J ..'I: ; 4 k', mU. tv ^ I • ■m ! ';4 * 5 ^ fit i.'. m ■'1^