The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 14, 1948, Image 1

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. 7 • ■^ The ;me 60 CAMDEN. SOUTH CAROUNA. FRIDAY. MAY 14,104S mg ■ A I^WnPOT 9 v,Mntu-Fifth Annivendri [emorial Services On iunday For Victims of (jlevel^nd School Fire IJ5— Memorial services' will be\held Sunday afternoon at 4 -k at BeulP.h Methodis^hurch for the seventy-four women and childreir-^^ perished in the tragic Oleve- U school house fire on Thursday night, May 17, 1923. .services Sunday will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary tiis tragedy, the worst ever to befall this county. Henry F. OoUlnn of Colurn- Mbsufh.' pastor of Beul^ Th There will be npecUl muilc ft occasion.' A treme-ndoun „ expected to Attend, and fhnee Krave In which 80 of the '‘ToMhe fire are buried will orated with flowers,. 'oreparaUon fpr l;he services flay the Beulah cemetery ba* ^ cleaned this week and put In Client condition. , he 25lh anniversary of the fire a up many poignant memories, he climax of the oommencwnent of the Cleveland school, eight I from Camden, had been reach- ortly after 9 o’clock when an flip which hung OT«r the little on the second floor of the fling where the play waa being n fell to tho floor. The lamp fled and In an Instant the was a mass of flame, jic seised the audience of par- brothers, sisters and relatives I the graduaUng clast, come proudly to honoj the youngsters. Some three hundred people were In the room.. There was a concerted rush for the single exit that led tp a nar row woodM stairway. In a breath, it seemed to persons who escaped, the entire building was a mass of flames, and within an hour the buUding was a little more than a heap of smouldering ashes, the fu neral pyre of three and a half score of people. Those who lost th«lr Uvea in the firs were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Humph ries and their son, . Thomas B. Humphries, SO. assistant cashier. Bank of Camden. John Jeter Johnson, Jr., 11, son of the Rev, J. I. Johnson, pastor of the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Miller L. McLeod and two sons, Undsey, third grade, and Milton. * , Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Browm. Shell J. West Thelma West, 13, and^ Rebecca West, 11, daughters of L. M. West Jesse E. Pemrce. (Continued on Pago Eight) lour Aw^ds Are Won I By Local Jay Gees At Annual State Meeting Coroner’s Jury Gets Confession Made By BtdielcT Bethnne Suffers From Ike Lack (ffPluHie Service F-Tlie-YMur Cap 1* Of ThoM WUolt Wm Foo By Tbe Local iber Of Omimmroa Camden Junior Cham- Iff Commerec won tbrao cups including tbo Dt silver cup awarded icft |project-of-the-year at the iaal state convention of South Carolina JayCees at Myrtle Beach over weekend. In addition it awarded a placjitie’^ for Qg finished second in an* er state-wide project Camdtu chapter placed I in trade promotion, which also for It the project-of-ths-yoar and In pubUo affairs and second In fire prevention, ke awards were made st the pet Saturday night and the I and trophies won by the (3am- I JayCees will he placed on bttion later. project of the year award M the local chamber meant of all oI the projects in the (or chambers in cities wider In population the work done oe local chamber In (he field lie promotion was the moet ttdlng. le local chamber, realising that wtional activities tending to- I obtainiug new bueines and tn- thereby sustaining increased olli are essential to the growth [Vejtare of the community, ap- ged a research and planning ilttee and a guidance com This group contacted the Research, Planning and De- Tient Board, numerous cities owns and leading bnsineaa men fe state for suggestions, chamber staged a Kershaw Night to which tha Oover- I members of the State Ra- Planning and Devalopment I were invited and all dvlo groups and orgahlsattoiia county partktpated. Tha bw contacted several hutnami [Wustrlal prospects and waa Cental in assisting likve located In <>h I ^e field of public the Wer went all cut In ^ty manager term of for Camden, having led the for this change In the » management field of fire prevemtlon ^ber was instmtantnl H placed bidwsmi wr ^its and tha atrfort,.thi * we protection tot the •evelopment In ♦hft area. PWMds were made hjr a ®f Jadgee who passed om iH prepared by emtk cr- I todnewspaper dlp- [ oth^ data on tha varhms the JayCees fse^ during the year, the Camden chmitar la AUSTIN 8HEHEEN JayCees Name Austin %eheen New President «• younger chapten- d tha H It OTIm. aV a _ a> oae of the most Kelly In ^Boiue IW* ^vcck u. bo n TSr'liT J«0 and Wu'ln “"'V Austin Shebeen, young business man of the city, hms been elected president of the Camden Junior Chamber of Commerce and will assume office the first of July. He will succeed Frank E. Rec tor, who will become national councillor. other newly elected officers are: Lane Woodcock, (but vice mwsl- dent; Julian H, Bums, second vice president; Thonias B. Clamfc aec* retary; Isaac P. (Jolly) Pitta, tn^ urer. Elected directors (or-a two year tenn ware James B. Darby, Joe A. Raupco and Ralph B. Stevenaon. Jr. Bteeted dlrcotor fSr one year was M, kaaiacr Hortoa. Jolly Pitts sad John a Laaf- ford, Jr., wera alaeted state dlrao- ton. Rold-ovar dlraeton arc David B. Harter and BHhu R Sehloshnrg. Mr. Clamp, the secietary, ami Mr. puts, ths treasnrer, ware reflected. Buems Plans For Charily Admits Bludfeonmg yfUm To Domlh With Hnramsr And Says They Had Quamsled Incessantly ' A sworn statement by James Lee Boheler, in which he admitted killing his wife, Mn. Lois Jackson Bo heler with a hammer last Thursday morning, May 6, was offered in evidence by Solicitor T. Pou Taylor at the coroner’s inquest into Mrs. Boheler’s death held at the dourt house Tuesday even- ingi The jury returned a ver dict to the effect ^at' Mrs. Boheler came to her death at the hands of her husband. BohelM-’s confe«8ion offered in evidence by the aoUcltor foUowi In part: “Thle la to certify that- 1, . James Lee Boheler, make I statement true and clear of aU lies and (aije statements that: “My wife. Mrs. Lois B(A^er, of Logoff, 8. C., said the was leaving me for good. In the meantime she said she wanted to be single and told me Toes- . night that I would have to leave there for good. We went to bed. She fuased all night long until about Z o’clock Thursday morning. She went to sleep. About 4 o’clock, I got up out of the bed and decided to end it alI-»-I walked around the bed two or three times tiding to decide what to do. I went Into the kitchen and got a hammer —went back to the bed and killed her—^went and washed the hammer off good, threw it into the toUet nearby, did not get any blood <m me exo^it a little on the hammer hsudls. "In the meuutlme my wife and I have fussed and quamded all our life. She never, was satisfied with nothing 1 done. When We lived in Charleston during the war, she never was 'satisfied with nothing I done. I got up every morning and fixed my own breakfast snd she lay in bad aale^. "We ci^u. baak- home firom Cbsrtssfsn. I wns wcrtlns nt Sumter with M. B. Kahn (3on- Btractiou Oo. of Columbia. She took a bad of aabea out of tha stove on Friday night, February 7, 1947, and the house burned np that nlght^whare she had sat the aahea Ih the back porch. I lost all my fumltnre axeapt one bedroom suite. I had work ed bard and paid for all of this. Thera was no insurance on the house and fumltura at all. This still SMds my Ufa mlasrsbis , after I had worked hard for an of this in 'Mdsary. “This is all I have to say. I win plead gnUty in this condng arm of court When the court sets in and my trial comes up, I will not answtr no question at all. In this statement is aU I got to say.’* BohaUr than want on to say something abont havtng gotten no rent for his place last year. Shariff Otb DaBmhl' tsutlflad that tha statamauit was In Bohaler’s own handwriting and that ba made It withoat any help, throats or anything. Bohater was captnred last fVIday evMiing a comparatlvaly short dis tance from his bmna. He t(dd otn- cers when arrested that after he killed his wtfa be got In hla ear and drove down the road to Wtams- boro until he came to some woods. Ha drove Into the woods and stop ped at a place where he bought half-gallon Jar of com liqnor. He then drove Into the swamp where be remained until apprehend ed by Rnral Officers Leo Rose Snd WUbert WllUams. Mrs. Boheler was found Inst Thnrsday morning dead M Icr bed. having according to Bobaler*s state ment to ofOoers bcMi hit a Mow first on the right tcmpls and an other on tha back of bar head and then several more tbnee on the heed sad taee.'^ ~ (Pliase tnm to page tour) •lukls —mmammsi Nnnmsl Phomo To Boaj Towm Of 800 People At MeP—^ Eiflit Miles Dis- Uml—Relief b Sought At the aannal miitfng of tbs Kershaw County Ch^*er of the 'American Red Cross, ,Mn. Leon ■dklosbnrg was atpoteted to caO a maaClng bf the hands of the orgnnl- sntiens tcgccbcc to dlmuss tbe cemMnntloa and ooordtaatloa of ef forts to render eeslstaaee to diarltF. This meetfrig was bMd te tho Heat room of the Hotel SanClald on May f. Aftsr tiU dlsenaslon of ■ad rsports frvn different lions ss to tksir charity werfc in m and . county to tmmMmilR Ik gpotwaa dscldad te Affobt • to make plaas Mil «a8 n m n dote to be The town of Bethune, boasting a poptristion of be tween seven ssd eight hun dred and with two dozen businsai establish ments, including a garment factory, is without telephone service of any kind, the near est phone beiBg at McBee which is about seven miles distant Some time back the franchise of the Central 'Cariftm Telephone Company of Bethuao was cancelled because of the numcrens complaints regarding the sMVlea which was being given. It wns felt that the cancellation of thli fmaohise would enable the town ts gat prompt con- nectioa with tha Southern BeU Telephone (Company but thus far the latter company has not been able to install eonncetlona MeanwhHe the Mulneas Interests of the town arc i^arlag draadfully because of Che Ia<4c of phone ser vice.'A new garment factory which 5>pened In Bethune some two or three months jgo la ooa of the busi ness enterprisM which is said to be suffering for the lack of such ■ervioe. . » Bethune has only one doctor and quits naturally telephonic connec tion Is highly Importnnt to him as well ss to other people in the town. There are a«v«ia1 large timber dealers there. Recently Mrs. Kathleen B. Watts, secretary of the Camden Chamber of Commerce, wrote the Southern Bell Telei^one Company asking if M could not expedHa tha astabUsh- ment of phone aarvke In Ba^nne. W. O. Bdwards, distrlet manager. In replying to her tmmbT. sMd: "We are vitally oonearaed and in terested Isonarvlca for Bethune and have glven^rious eonsIderaUon to eaUbllshtnc talcphona service there. ^ ^ “Please bear In mind that fu^ ■wuhtny servloe to a oommnnity sc far removed from any of onr pres- ant fScnitiec is a mSJor Job. We Sc m eS^tsd VUb mtertsl problmns, and I regret that I am to give you at this time any dafinlte sarvica data. However, sar- Ticc for BaUiune Is receiving our moat urgent attention, and as quick ly as I can get something detinits, I wUl advise yon." Mayor C. B. Mitchell of Bethune has been working indefatignbly to get phone servloe esUbUshad and wlU continae his efforts. Gnxidsn people are also incon venienced by tha lack of phone scr- Tics to Bethune and are helping tha Bethune people In their efforts, DuPont Company Acquires Titte ToPhud^te One mors slap uma taken ts eemplds ths cf ths sKs ait Cwndsn, t. C., hy Uta E. I. duFant da Namourt and, Campany. Upon taking up thair aptlaiw Tuaa- dsy, tha duPant Company have aequirad tHIa te an area af B60 aersa of land in Karahaw eeun- ty, A C-t Mwut thrsa mltas wm af Camden, herdaring tha •aulh bonk of the Walarea rivar, and extending mN»rex- InuitMy one and ena>fo<irth milaa southwardly batwaan tha Seaboard Air Una Railroad Company /nain line and U. S. Highway No. 1. Oaado to tho proparty war# rsoardad in Ksrshmir seunty Tuesday. Ths approximate purehaas pries is fTijMO. It ts laamad tha diiPant Cam pany also have opHonn an ad ditional proparty adlalning the ah SYS aNa an ^ aasl am of the taubaard ratlraad and bar- daring tha WMsraa rhmr. Several More Candioates In Red Hot Municipal Campaign Three In Mayor’s Race; Seven Now In Race For ’ J ■ I » Two Commission Seats Three candidates are now entered for Mayor and seven for Commissioner in what promises to be one of the most interesting municipal campaigns that Camden has had in many years. The mat primary is to be held on Tues day, May 25. While the entry lists have not closed snd other candi dates may yet enter there are no reports of further possible candidates. DEWEY J. CREED ' ^ Dewey J. Creed Is New Entrant In Mayor’s Race . Members Of Present Council Says Will Seek Best Man Available For City Man ager If Elected Henry Savage, Jr. Announces For Office of Mayor Says Ha Will Make Only Such Promises As He Knows He Can Kaap If Ha Is Elactod Dewey J. Creed, local business man and member pi the present city council, an nounced Tuesday that he would be a candidate for Mayor in the Democratic primary to be held on Tuei^ 4ay, May 26. He was tha third snirant in the race. Mr. Creed is alderman from Ward Four in the present city council, having been elected two years ago out of a field of three candidates. He is chairssan of the water and light committee of counol). Mr. OhMd U a native of Ksnhaw county, bavlag been bom s lim miles from Camden and having at tended the Camden schools. He has lived In Camden prsetkally his an- tire, life He was chairman of the Ker shaw County Fair for severSi yunrs. is a past president of ths Ktwanls Club snd of ine Bed Fet (Skrlne) Club. Daring the war he was on the pulpwood committee, charged with securing pulpwood (or the gov ernment In annpunelng hft onndidney, Mr. Creed said: "I was deeply interested In se- cnrlng the dty msLnnger totm. oi government (or Camden: I same out ristfooted and''Vbolehsnrtedly for this form of government ns soon ss It was first proposed an^ there has never been at any 'time nay doubt ns to when I stood eu it “I want to make ft plain that If i am decisd, I shall do nil in my power to see thst Camden gets the highest type city manager avail able and that he Is given control over sU dspsrtmsnts. I promise the city manager my wholehearted snport In his efforts to conduct the affairs of the city on a bnslaess- Ilke basis. I also feel that he should be given contrd of all de partments of the dty. ”1 feel that my experience in City Connell has given me an intimate knowledge of city affairs that will be of service to ms In the event am dected." Mrs. A. B. Marion Dies At Hospital \ Appeal To Bigkeet Tribumd f Local Case Goes To U. S* Supreme Court One of the first Heiihaw county cases to be taken to the United Statep Supreme Court in many years, if not the first in history, will be that of John l^wn, whose convic tion on a chiurge of manslaughter in connection with the death of his brother-in-law, Edward Speights, was recently upheld by the State Supreme Court Brown it under a sent ence of 12 years but has been out on bond, and will remaia out on bond, until the highest court passes on the applica tion for a writ •as Whst, his nttor- •eys, meltoS to IM xtats DtW—>» Court for iwpMeu to npflir to tho UatloS Stntss Suproao Cotc^ jlsr • eri t of ssvtloxsrl naS tho at- mt ^ ‘ ^ ‘ obUlnsd whlls hs was fcs Wo RkMsaS oouatj pAy obtniust ktlsasl^ Mrs. May BumStt Marion of York, widow of tho Into J|^ A. Marion, died at tho (3amddn bos- ptnl Thnrsdsr morning at lrl6 o’clock sfisr s hriof lUnsss. 8hs was tho mother nf Anfbrow B. Msr^ km. local sttomoy, st whoso homo she was visiting vhso aho wns tnh- sailL ~ Fnueml ssrvicsB win b# held FM- dny sftsmoon. May 14 ht 4 s’eloA from ths residence In York, con- dnetod by tho Rev. WUlinm Boyce snd Rev. Mr. Crsvsnor. Interment will follow in Rose HIU oemotsry, York. Mm. Markm. who was 14 yeais old. was a native of Camden, the daughter of Um late Dr. Andrew W. Barnett and Harriett Shannon Bur nett. She nttfnded Camden gram mar school a^ Wlnthrop ,(3onege. Bha waa a member of the Ascoclato Reformed Prsabyterlan chnrdi. Mm la snrvlved by three sons, John Alsocnndsr Markm of York, Andrew Bnmett Marion of Chmdea and WUUnm Fimada Marion of CreenvUle*. one slater. Mrs. (9. C. Whitaker of Oamdsn. and one broth sr. Arthur L. Bnmett of San DIago, CallL Toiait9 Chronicle ^saiinni I'l — TUa iaaua 'of Tb* Chraolola oi ■lata of If pages, two sec^oas of eight isfea eaah. Be auu you thare la tha wMt is tho Hen^ Savage, Jr., prom inent attorney and business man of the city, last Friday night announced that he would enter the race, for Mayor in the Democratic prima^ to be held on Tues day, May 27. In announcing hla candidacy, Mr. Savage promised If elected to give the dty a hoamesa-Uke, honest gov- enunant and would keep the peo ple fully tnfonuad as to Its prob- leuia and the coaiupt of Its affairs. "Preelection prfu|4sis,’* onid Mr. Savage, “are too easy to make and too hard tp keep. I think ev«ry one who intenda to be absolutely and honeet with the people should only make such promisee as hs knows he win and can keep. One tronble with moet politicians Is iKaiy readjbatisa JO idQUy them simply to ght votes, “From whot I nndersUnd of the preasot flnandal condition of our dty, too many promlaaa hnva al ready been made for Its Incoms. If tbe dty cannot pay for what It has already bought Is It right to promiss mors thirngs that coat money unless the promissr also promlssa to roiae. taxsst *'An 1 promlas is that with tha cooperation of (he eonuniseloners tho votaaa aaleet 1 wtU. if elected, give the. people of Camden a bast- ncss-11k% honest govwmmMrt and keep Pm people fully informed ns to Its problems and ths oondnet of its sffrtlrs, through having all of oar meetings open tq the pablk and periodknl pahikhag ropcila. "We wni aee to H that the dty govsrament will he the govammeat of sv«7 dtlsao without prtvll^ or favor. “—— *"I1w aaiactlou of a dty manager is a matter for the Mayor and the two Commlaaionsrs, an with equal vota. 1 haven’t the allghtaot Idea who aright be selected. I have aena in mind and hnva not heard any one tnggsated. We wfll get na many appUeatlona from qnallflad paraoua aa passible and wflidi U|om oarefnljr to the beat of onr dblHty and try to select the best man for the Job and if ths one selectsd doesn’t pea out, we will promptly replace him. We want to see to It that our new form of govamment mads to work tor tbe benefit of this town to which we are so devoted." Fiiepds of Mr. Savage have eoea- piled a parikl Hat of pnbUe aer- vicea which he has rendered dor- g the past to yean aa toBows: **Ona of the orgnnlaers and first president of the Young Men’s Baal- nsas Lsagne of Camden (1918).. (Cswttauad eti Raga KlgM) *,Cv Mm? \ • •l!?' 4 i. ? .-4 OiiindlOfFann yfdimea Name Mrs. Parker Prerident Mrs. Roth J. Parker waa alectad praddent and Mrs. O. J. Smyrt a 4-ysar director at tha aanoal aprluf masting of the Kcrahaw Cmty Counefl of Fanp Womeu held Sot- arday. May t In the FIrat Baptist ehnrdi of Camden. Mrs. Pnriter wfll succeed Mrs. W. C. West ns preaf- dMt. Dr. CaHiaeu of tha Stats Board of Health waa the guest apsaker at the meeting and hronght a vary Informattva and latwcsUag mea- aage on cancer that was of Interest to aU council memhera. Mlaa Qena wmiaan rendeiud i lovely vocal aalectkm and Mrs Team Oettya mads a riiort talk on Natleual Rmua DenMuatiothm Weak. One of the hlgh1iglita» of the aettaig was Uw awardlag of 18- yuar ptua to astou qC .tha maotoam The mamhaft .mho rubatved thaae ptoa have bafla4l It The - The three candidates In the. race for Mayor now In the order of their announcements are Mayor Francla N. McCorkle, Henry Savage, Jr., and Dewey J. CYecd. The seven candtdatee for the two Commissioner seats in council la the order of their annonneements are: T. C. Gladden, Roy Mathla, John M. ViUepigua.'A. Sam Kaiesh, A. J. Stein, Joe McKaln and W. A. (Jack) Moore Mr.^ Savage entered the reoe tor Mayor on last Friday night and Mr. Creed entered Wednesday. Messrs. Moors and McKaln entered the Commlsalonera race thla week. Citisena were enrotllng at a vary fairly rapid rate thla week. Book! of • enrollment are to be found at the followlug placet: Precinct No. 1—W. F. Nettles and Son. Precinct No. 8—City Filling Sta tion. Precinct No. 8—City Drug (Jo. Precinct No. 4—The Chronicle of fice.. .Pi^Inct No. 5 — DeKalb Phar macy. Precinct No. 8—Carollao Motor. Co. Seme people are laberlag un der, the impraaelon that they will not have to enroll If thoy wtro rsglelorod for the oioollon on tho oity menagor form of govornmoht Thio- It not tho oaao. In erdor to^veto In tho primary K wilt ba heooaaary for a votor to plaoo hit namo on the oUib rolls. The city Denecratic BxeouUve DommHtee thla week dedlgnatcd the voting precincts snd tho nian- agurs of oleellon as fdowa: Pfeclnet Na 1—Recorder'a Court Room with Mrs. Wllhemtna Bailey, John Wtlson and Mrs. John Hen drix, managers. ITeoliice No. 8—City Ftlltng Sta- ^ with Mrs. M. O. Roekaboa Mrs. (Jlareoea Christmas and Mra. Wil liam Johnson, managers. Predaet Na 8->Carotlna Motor Oo., with Mrs. Jos Nelson, Mra George WHaon and Ihu.. <3raea idgan, mgaafam^ Proclnct No. 4-John T. NetUaa’ roMdance, wHk Mra BHen Nattlaa Jo^Stover and Mra Margaiut J. MUte, managara Praelnet No. S—Dr. R. B. Stev en’s resldeaee. with Mra R. R. Pitta Jr., Mra'H. M Mndto and Mrs. Allison DaBosa aMum^rs. Prhckmt Ha (MMbra C. M. Hough’s rsaiasuea with Mra C. M. Hough. Mrs. J. IL Roau sod Mfa W. R. Rough. ma&agcrA 4 « Nine Nurses To ” _ Receive IMritunas' On Friday Night Mine nnrses who have completed the prescribed course of training In the Onmdcn Rospitnl School of Nursing will he awarded thefar di plomas at graduating exarclaaa which will be held on the lawn at the hosidtal Friday eveaiug at 8:80 o’clock. The oddreas to the graduating elaaa will be drifvered by A. Stan ley Llewallyn. of Cnmdmi, and (he diplomas will be presented by Henry G. (Jarrlscm. president of the board of dtaractora of tha hoapimd. Mambafri of the graduating clnaa are Mteau Betty Sue Roberta of Camden; Margto Alene Tiassiali, of Karabnw. Tloy Lm Himphray of Bathnaa Miry Funri RAtou of KsrShnw, Bulnln Haatar Ba^ of Laaeaatar, Mittle Mae ReyaoUa of Lugoft; Reha Joyce Baker of Heath Springs, ■uunn Dorn lOlsa at Btanay and Rebecca Ann Humph ries of i:%a haoesMuraate aenuou to toe claaa waa praadied on Bnadny morning by the Rev. O. F. Ment- mcry, ppator of the FIrat Bapdgt drardi. Install Burglar Alarm System A burglar alarm ayatem. aring the bettcry Impulse power, la helag tastallsd at the HoffW Jewelry Cmnpaay store on South Broad ■treat T^ aystam has a alran attach ment. which bellowa plerctn^y whau the dreutt la broken thrm^ ^ pf flnaa, forehNf of wlaK dow or dom of toe huDary poumr It would ho hufoainSi tor ton^WMljt If out of tUl -i t'.' 5/ i ^ t »r-. - L ii i. m *4 ;.V 4 .. I ? V.. ,V « - ■»3