'i!^‘ * • • • I Chronicle 60 CAMDElf. SOUTH CAROUNA, FtfllAY. MAY 7, 1948 Number 8 .tin fit Cmrenttpm On M^ndmi [^haw Cofiinty Democrats Want Party To AdopirCode of Principles and To Requira £lecloi| To Pledge Sdi^KMrt Kershaw Coun^ lode clean election^ * ,n anti-poU tax le^< . that each elector ii®^l •• subscribes to and ^^blHaial coiiTeiition held on Monday in the d a code of principles which would RM and opposition to FBPC legio* IM lof^lation. The resolution sug- vottet^ R he or she believes in, su^ The resolution waa ad^M w^ o^ two dbseifiBg votes after Senator R. M. Ken- jr. and Chairman L. 0. Funderbnfa had spoken In favor of it and ^v. Stiles B. had spoken in .oppaeitimu N. 8. IMcluirai wae reelect^ M > membw of tht eUte •ommittee. Ta« raeolatloM oSwaUttee eoMiited oC.Thow- M AnenuB, C. B. Mitchell, of BeUiua, uA JL T. Bowen, of Blanej. The eonvention bed procoeded in n nther peocotal tone nntll tbe reeolntlon resardias the adoption of a code of prlnclplee camo qp. Senator Kennedy took the floor and dlseOMOd tbe aerkmanees of the aitnation confromting tbe Sooth today.' He told of how tbe Democratic party h^4>etrayed the Sonth and eUted that he was preiired to rota for any Repobllcan. except mwey, if Tramaa wera renominated. He orged the adoption of the reaohiUon. Rev. Mr. Linee asked permlasion tojaddraec the conrention and he Tigorotialy opposed the leaolation seyiny that it woald drlre many good people oat of the Democratic party. ' Mr. Funderburk spoke briefly tn faror of the resolntion. . A steading rote was called for and the motion was adopted with Ally two diaMnUng ToCee. (Please tarn to page twelre) f^golution deplored suA and policies of President Ttnuaan nttd of the National oAmcratlc party «ged the eute conyaatlon to fM^a Itsalf , exCTt every effort to praTSnt the aaialnatloa Preeident Harry 8. Tmman or any othar can- ite advocating the prlnclplei he is advocating that it use all of lU Inflaence to fight apd Tent the election of such candidate If noml- John (hrl West acted as tempomy .chairman convention and J. K. deLoaah was elected jnent chairman. Clarkson Bhaste was elec* aecreury, and James Rosboroagh treasarar. 0. Funderburk was re-elected, over his vlg- 0 proteet. as chairman of the county DenSi* ktic executive committee, Mrs. Lena Clybiim, elected vice chairman, Mr. Rhame secretary Mr. Roaborough treasarer. aected delegatee to the state conrentioB wera onus Ancrom, R. M. Kennedy, Jr., J. dator Sts. Arthur L Joaes, Lorlng Davie, and L. Irnnderburk. Alternate are M. H. Heyman, old Booker, AlUson DaBoae, Thomaa Holley miUsm Ctettys. trial Day Will Held Sniiday WOl B« TM !• Of AD Wars In a To Bo Hold At Cometory * en wUh pay homagt I illustrious dead on SUn- aftemoon at 5:30 ek in Quaker cemetery the annual Memorial exercises will De held John Carl West, a : attorney of the city, principal speaker at ccasion. Me (or the occasion will be !d by the high school band, nmunity chorus under the pon of Mlss .Marlon Burgees chorus' of' school children by Mrs. W. C. Salmond. musical program for the ex* follows includes **ABsembly pnd March” by the band; a The Star Spangled Banner pry one; “How Firm A Foun- by the band and choruses; ch by the band, “America” I band, choruses and audienee. by the band and taps by Savage will read “Tlie TJn- S(4dier” and Vera McOaaklll "Flanders Field." Mayor lie will make the addreM of ne and the Invocation will be Rev. s. B. Lines. The mar- Ivill be Col. E. C. vonTres- 1 Major Moultrie BrailStord, »nder Shansion Heath, Major [Cantey and Col. John WiU. E- C. vonTreeckow will pre- Dd the speaker will be Intro* John K. deLoach. r?e crowd is expected to at* be exercises. own a6\ Jaddns Nsmed New CiMUfeuiiider Df Legkii Post Job JdBkiBA known youBg bnfin«|8 Buin of the city Bud m vetonmiof the sec ond World War, %a8 Mon day night eideted command er of me Lei^ Belk post of the Americav Isegion and will enter upon ^e duties of that office on the first Mon day night in July. He will succeed Granger Komegay, who has served lor the past year in the poMQon. Elected to servo ss vice com- mandrea for the conMeg were John G. West, Horaon JUgglns. Roy Traesdale. M H. Bnffr^^nd Clyde David. Father BaiMo was elected chaplalB, Donglaai Montgomery, Jodge advocate; M. B. Williams, finance officer, and M. It Reason- over, senioe offlear. AH at these wUl uke office the some Ume as r. Jenkins; The adjutant for Me poet will appointed by the new command- Mr. Jenklna has held this posi tion for the past yanr. Mr. Jenkins, the aew commander, is manager of the Oaaldea Motor Company la is qalte Oaa^i a asQvi County Primary Nay Be Held On Tue^ay, June 29 SUtlo Ezerativo Committee '\ytll > Recommend Esurly Date — Candida^ For County OfficM Announce Kershaw county’s two members of the lower house of the General Assembly, Representatives Clator Ar- rants aUd Arthur Jones, an nounced this week that they would be candidates for re- election hi the pnmarv this summer, which according to a recommendation to be made by the state Demo cratic executive committee may be held on Tuesday, June 29 instead of in August as formerly. Arthur Stokes, county superin- tendent of education, announced this week that he would aeek to- election to the poaltlon which he holds and Mra. C. M. Hough also announced that she would seek re- election as county game warden. Mr. Stokes is serving his first term St county superintendent of education and Mrs. Hough has been game warden for eight years. Two other coujxty offices are to be filled this year, master and clmrk of court. Mrs. Lena Clyburn ia clerk of court and Douglas Mont- Bludgeoned To Death Mrs. Lois J. Boheler Is Found Dead In Her Bed; Officers Seek Husband Mrs. Lois Jackson Boheler was found bludgeoned to death in her beef at her home in West Wateree near Rabon’s Crossroads Thursday morning and sherifTs officers are looking for James Lee Bo>beler, B2, her husband, in connec tion with the .killing, ' . Mrs. Robler and her husband came tp Camdsn to a movis last night and on their return home took their children, Mary Lola, 7. and' James, ^ te the homa of Mra. Bohler’s grandfather, L j,. Jackapn.^ ::r . This morntniC Mr. Jackson said he went out lito liiB yard ahil- as he did he saw Boheler get in his can and drive off rapidly np the Winnsboro road. A short time later be saw Henry Elliott Jackson, a brother of Mrs. Boheler, come running toward his house. He told him that he had found his sister in bed dead apparently bludgeoned to death. The alarm was spread and Mra. Boheler’s father and other relatives rushed to the house. Meanwhile (rfficers went to Winnsboro where Bqheler works but he bad not sh'>wn up for woilt. ( Mrs. Boheler was an employee of the Jaelyn Hosiery Mill. Books Of Enrollment Open Interest In Municipal Primary Quickens; Two More Candidates Enter REV. H. U. SPELL Will Re-cccupy Church Sunday CongmgaCkm Of LytUaton Straet Methodist To Find Thoir Senctoery Greatly Beautified Nine To Graduate From Hoqutal’g Nursing School Sunday Morning At Tho nrnt Baptist Church, And Friday Night klaureiti uenh^n U> the members of the grad uating class of the School of Mursing <>f ttie CanoKlen hos pital will be preached Sun day morning a the First Baptist church by the Rev. 0. F. Montgomery, pastor of the church. The services will begin at 11:16 a. m. «' The graduating exer^dses will bs held on next Friday evening on the'lawn of the hospital at whkh time the add/esa to the class will I>e made by.A. Stanley Llewellyn, of Camden. The dtplomaa wlU bs presented by Henry O. Carrlaon, president of the board of directors of the hospital. ' ^ Members of the padnxtluf'class are; Misses Betty Sue Roberts of Camden, Margie Aleoe Tknesdale of Kershaw, Tlcy Lee Hnmphrsy of Bethune, Mary Pearl Hilton of Ker shaw. Bulala Hester BsUey of Lsncaater, Mattie Mae Raynolds of Logoff, Reba Joyce Baker of Heath civic affairs. He is aecretary of the (Camden Klwanls Club and is chair man of the board of stewards of the Lyttleton Street MMhndMt church. Mr. Komegay, tfca retiring com mander, has made an duriahle ree- Old in that posklsu add is belag boomed by meminni of the local post tor vice oemdiiuMMr for this district of the atata defEvtuMut There waa a land atiendanoe at the meeting iC Ra paai an Monday night When the ele^MM wm hM. LonlUiiitOf Natkmal Guard MugtGo Tp Camp Gaft K 8. DavM ef gm loeta tnat of fhe Soa|irClha|liiA Nation al Guards has bean netiflei that the local unit will be expected to take part tn the field training camp which will he held July 4-18. In s formal order announcing the training. Adjutant General Dos- ier states that the personnel of tbe unit should begin making arrange- e ia all Bo°*ery ia master. Senator Kennedy does not have to ran this year nor does Judge of Probate Arnett, Treasurer Outlaw, Auditor Ogbnrn or Sheriff De- BnihL The county Democratic executive committee has ,pot yet fixed the dates for filing nor set the entrance fees bat It is sxpected that it will leet shortly. When the Orangeburg, county committee met Monday to fix dates for filing it was annoanced by both Senator T B. AryanL Ja. and State itateentlve. Committee Jnliaa 8. Wolfe, Jr., that the state eonvea- tkm when it met In Columbia woaM receive a recommendation from the state sxsentive committee that primaries he held June ft. This early date would not give candidates mnch time in which to municipxl political campaign with the entrance of wock and would »i eturtailuA stalewldi ptt%9 otfloors. robably Quota Is Raised hi Cancer Drive \ Andrew Marion, campaign ments with employers for leave of J^^^^ian of the drive for the Aniw* absence during that period. He said that It was very desirable that We^^ay t^t the drive had been all nnlts attend with their fall •nccessfnl and the goal has strength. “Attendance of all officers The tempo of the stepped up considerably this week two more candidates in the race for city commissioner and with reports that there may be additional entriea be fore the end of he present week. The two new can^ataa to enter the race for commissioner are jQhn M. ViBepifne and A. Sam Karesh. Meanwhile the books of enrollment opened Monday morning but thus far there has been no rush of voters to. enroll. It ie expectsd, however, that this will come later. Messrs. VWsplcite aid KaieMi entered the race for commissknMr Wednesday. ,Eaeh stated that he wee runniag independently. Mr. Vlllepigue is a weU known business man of the city and ope rates John M. ViUepIgus ead Co. dealing in coal and fuel oU. Ho baa bean actively Identlflsd with ctvlfl movsmsnts. Hs is a great lovsr of ••Oris and for many yoare was «l«k F«« 0 Southam was *^rith the Lancaster and for the purehasa of I^fioB Amdlitfy .Legion Auxiliary monthly aaet- f tbs in ifa y®- ^ Ooadala. A ^ me day of tha mestteg Eunk® to base tha ouxlllary, Mrs. with the auxiliary. Cuke ^the LytUaloa church will base vary costly. Thay base all ba« donated by families in the church, as hgss s handaoma brass cross and two handsome vases. The former annex has baan con- verted into a beautiful chapal with a p^pit and other tixtarea and' will be us^ for small eervieat. The exterior at the churdi has haeii xestneooed sad will be repaint ed but this win not ba flniahed by A smaU spire has bsen added to the tower of the church and carillon bells will be installed In the tower shortly. White an of the work wiU not be finished by Sunday tha andl- tortum wfll ba oomNotai to tha axtent fDR It can ba asad and the this conudttee of the Cdumbie dub that ^ OB th# program here. Jeff B. Bates, state past prssldoBt of tha Oolumbia club and former district governor at the Carolinas dtetrtet of Kfwan- ts, was tbe gneet speaker. About fifteen members of tbs Co lumbia cinb taCludlng President Arthur L. Humphries and past Prasktent Hill White attended the meeting. P. f!. Baxley Died Thursday Morning P. C. Baxtoy of Aflandala died at tha' Camden bospttal 'nnrsdsy High Sdiool Band WiU Present Annual Concert The Cxmden Ciy Schools will present the Cemden Hifh School Band* in its Second Annual Concert next Thiiisday and Friday evenings. May 18 and 14 in the Gtammar school apditoriam. The concert on Thursday evening will be given in appreciation of the *’Build-The- Band'* donors in which over $1,000.00 was contributed to the band for additional uniforms, color guard and instru ments. This concert will be repeated on Friday evening wHh an admitfion fee. remainder of the work will aot tu- BKwalixg. He was tha sou of BL F. torfore wlfli sarvleas belag' hold In the diurch. Rev. H. L. SpeU Is sarvlag his ftrst year aa pastor of the Igrttlw tea Strict char^ W. ReMa Bsasp is the’Chainma of Cbe butMlag eoanrittea The chardi wfll mam oeavert the indlag which haa hcca aacd as a l-m** LfS!* * f Erta am ilaiificaal IwBlil ecteck at |Ei ThdJtewcll hscac Baxtey aad Aim Falder Baxtey aad was bora la Barawall coaaty 7S years aga Mr. Baxtey Is survived }fr two ■istera, Mia. J. B. Cafetou sad Mice of Camdea. Bis wtte aad two chUdrea dted mcay yaaia rnacral scrvlees wlH he oeaiact* ed at the ceamlecy at Liberty HBlI M ^erdeek ^7h^the] The oae-hour program will begin promptly at 8 o’clock each evenflig wMh apprmdaately 60 yoong mu- ■IcIaBa taking part The program win consist of three lively amreh- ee, Boaaa’s famoae Weahtagtoa Pott MiirdL Oeastgaard fqr Kail heerteaisr hgr Balph Ibree aMidera ewteg a Bhfhoe Wtmmff ia Mk RUh* wBI ha <£10 teufrt; The Heavens Ars TelUag from “The C4’eatkm", Haydii. sad Allegro from “The Bohemian Oiil“, Balfe. Two otiiar saleetlons will be Organ Melody by Chonette aad The Teddy Bearib Picnic hy Bratton. The Oaiadea high jMshool ^mer* leaders and amjorettea will esrva as BBhera at both parformaBcea. Ihaferseaaal of the high eehocl hand Is aa toflewa day morning at 11 o’clock in memory of Chris - Vaughn, who met death in "a plane eraah January 27, 1944. Mr. Vaughn was a devoted mem ber of the First Baptist Church. He served as Train ing Union Director and was also a member of the Board of Deacons. He was partic ularly interested in visual education and in making use of any means to magnify the work of the church. The smpllfying system it to fslt to a most fitting tribste to a youag m4^n who Invested so mnch time and love for his chorch. The am plifiers iastalled in the church tow er will broadcast the music from the organ oyg a radius of 6680 feet. It will be heard by. most of the residents of Camden living wHhln a mile of the church. Mrs. F. N. McCorkle, church or ganist. will begin ap organ recital of hymns each Sunday morning at 11 o’clock and play for fifteen mlh- uates. She will play again at 7:46 each Sunday evening. The dedication of the address and amplifying system will take place at the morning worship ser vice at 11 o’clock Snnday. James Anderson, Associate Snperlnten- dent of the Snnday School and^ member of the Boi^ of Deacons win pay trihate to Chris VaaSha and Mr. Montgomery, tho pastor, will attar tha tiNeatoi Thin wammiM tt Is poMai out will aat saly show ansmlatlsa lor Bohte Chrtodaa yeaas maa hat will msaa aneh to tbs hsaaty of tho ehareh ssrriess sadi Sunday as it calls tho people of Oam4ea to worship. Setuon BtuebaU Tickets On Sale J. C. Walton, huslasa manager of the Cmaden Chiefs, anaonaoed Thursday that season baseball tick' ets had gone on sale at Fraa’s Dmi; Store. Drug Store, M A; K Coffee Shop, Sarsfidd Hold WUs