The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, March 12, 1948, Image 12

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PAOl TEN — ■■ ■■ THE CAMDEN CWNONICLE, CAMDEN, EOUTH eANOLINA, WtlDAY, MANCH It Ita ^AC Overttf^i. .( FOi ■ m t « ^yi f!; f-- m •' ' • ■*<•( ^-■ I >« ;' f 'i ■i..: gJ/J. Im- •■ ft'- ^ Ft-'"If I' ?»■ h.' V L ■'^3 BE3SUNE NEWS OF THE WEEK ComlM as a surinise to their maBjr friends was the marriage of Mias Mary M. Brannon, to David Hunter of Bristol. Tenn., and Co- lumia, Friday evening at the home of the bride. Rev. W. L. Baker, pastor of the brldeV performed the ceremony in the presence of the brides family and a few close friends. Miss Blanche Brannon, sis ter of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Hoyt Sales of Columbia was beet man. The candles were lighted by her brothers, Lawson and B. W. Brannon, Jr. Mrs. Hunter Is the' daughter of Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Brannon. She is a graduate of Be- Ihune High School and received her training as nurse at Columbia hospital. She is now employed as •nurse supervisor at Veterans hos- Adbrilis Pajn Star sttlct (teUshttu^ comlortlas help tar ffui pfttM Oif NtaoxtUs. Lombsse^ BdatUiSt sr MmisIsU uy iSa workrtaraesa tbs Mood rfest «loas MsOr turto suovtotliif sata •• vwi M wmt. tfUoy ur« and stoop mor^ltomtotUbtr. CM >«siaid ot diegiM todoy. Qntek. coo»> pMohOotlcTsctlon or monoy bo^ fusrsnteod. plul. Mr. Hunter is engaged In office work at Fm*! Jackson. The obt-of-town friends present were; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Exelle, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Atkins and daugh ter, Mrs. Ray Ward, Mrs. Julia Memo, Mrs. Hoyt Sales of Colum bia, Miss Blsie Brunson, Fairfax, and Miss Sara Brannon, Jackson ville, Fla. After a brief honeymoon the happy couple will tokke their home in Coluinbla. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Smith were, Mr. and Mrs. Rembert Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ogbum of Lugoff and Mrs. J. J. Hanna of Wadesboro, N. C. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Barr were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H.vatt of Gilbert. Mr. and Mt«. Lawrence'^cLaurin ghd sons 'uf Columbia wpie Sun- PK THEATRE BETHUNE, S. C Friday, March 12 “GOOD NEWS” in Technlcolor--wlth Juno Aliyson, Peter l.awford News of the Day and Comedy Saturday, March 13 ■‘MARSHALL CRIPPLED CREEK’ with Alan Lane. Bobby Blake Chapter No. 2, Vigilante Alss Cartoon Saturday Night Show, 9t00 "HIGH CONQUEST” with Gilbert Roland, Anna Lee Moeday-Tuesday, March 15-16 “BRUTE FORCE” with Burt Lancaster, Hume Cronyn Movietone -News and Comedy Wednesday, March 17 ^ “THE ROOSEVELT STOR^ with ^eenth Lunch, Ed Begley Also Selected Short Subjects Thursday, March 18 *1 WONDER WHO’S KISSING HER NOW” in Technicolor—with June Harer, Mark Stevens News of the Day and Comedy day gueets of their parents, Mr. aad Mrs. J. N. McLsutrln. \ Work has begun on the erection of a new Seaboard Depot to re place the one burned more than a year ago- Mrs. Tom Ed Hearon spent the weekend in Richbnrg with her mother. Mrs. Hearon was accom panied home by her little son. Tommy, who has been visiting his Irandmother, Mrs. Jordan. Announcements have been re ceived of the marriage of Miss State Theatre KERSHAW, S. C Friday, March 12 “OUT OF THE PAST* Robert MItchum, Jane Greer Saturday, March 13 “PRAIRIE RUSTLERS** Buster Crabbc Sat, Mar. 13, 10t30 P. M. “CALCUTTA** Alan Ladd, Gall Russell Moii.-Tuea., March 15*16 “NIGHT SONG** Dsns Andrews, Mene Obsron Wednesday, March 17 “SO WELL REMEMBERED** John Mills, Msrtha Scott ■ ^ - I 'I I mmimm mm Thursday, March 18 “WILD HARVEST* Alan Ladd, Dorothy Lamour NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS A 4% additional PENALTY will be applied on April 1st to all UN- PAH) COUNTY TAXES. Execution date April 15. C. J. OUTLAW, County Treasurer • “This farmer tried natural soda on his corn and got good results. I'm paMing his experience along — hoping that it may help you raise a better crop, too.” Hatchet Mary Frances Oarls. a former high achool teacher here, to LL Col. BennetL USMC. February 28, In Les Vagus, Nevada. Tom Bentley of Evanstbn, III., is visiting bis sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bethnne McLaurin. Mrs. D. T. Yarbrough and Mrs. Hugh W’ltherspooti of Mayesville are spending this week at their, home here. Mrs. Yarbrough has been with her daughter, Mrs. With erspoon, since last fall when she tell and suffered a broken hip. We are so glad that she is improving so nicely. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gardner are vlsHIng relatives in Durham. N. C. Miss Inez McManus of Columbia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Catoe. Mrs. R. L, Hughes, Jr., of At lanta spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. King. -CitATION The State of scuta Carolina, Connty of Kershaw. l^rsoant to Girder of the Pro bate Conrt. I will sell at pnb'.ic auc tion. for cash, to the highest bidder, in ur in front of Git’s Transfer and Storage Company, on Rutledge Street, Camden, ^uth Carolina, on Wednesday. March 17. 1948. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon the pmonal property of the late A. J. Mitchell, deceas^, consisting of a lot of honsehold and kitchen famitnre; one 1941 Buick sedan automobile. 51c DORA M. LEAGUE. Administratrix of the goods a*d chatties of A. J. .MKchell, de ceased^ NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All parties indebted to the es; tate of Andrew J. Mitchell arr and herehr Tintlfif>d to make payment son, Harry, Mrs. L. W. Cooper and't© tne undersigned, and all parties, NOTICE TO D^BTOM AND CREDITOR^ All parties indebted to the es tate of Marie K. Shannon are here by notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all parties. If any, having clalma against the said'estate will present them like wise, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. 50-62c CHARLES JOHN SHANNON Executor Camden, S. C., February, 1948. FINAL DISCHARGE 'Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on April 7. 1948, Simcm Ehchel and David Wolfe Wallnao will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County their final return as Ehiecutors of the estate of Sara Frances Wolfe, .decaaHfld. and pn the same date daughter. Carol Ann of Durham, N. C., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry King. Miss EWelyn Nichols of Colum bia was the guest of Miss Eunice Sevarance Saturday. Mrs. Jennings Watford and lit tle son. Jinks of Georgetown, were recent guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Watford.- Mrs. D. M. Mays accompanied by Mrs. Mark King of Anderson is visiting in Miami and other points in Florida. ^ .. DISCOMFOfm * - 35 a Par Pottle if any having claims against the said estate will present them like- {wise, duly attest^, within the time prescribed by law. 50-52p DORA M. LEAGUE Administratrix Camden. S. C., Peb. 24. 1948. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice Is hereby given that one month from this date, on March 27. 1948, Ruth C. Redfearn and Rufus J. Redfearn will make io the Ero- bate Court of^ Kershaw County, their final return as Administratrix and Administrator of the estate of W. T. Redfearn, deceased, and on the same date they will apply to the said Court for a ,final dis charge as said Administratrix and Administrator. " 51-2c N, C. ARNETT, Probate Judge. Camden, S. C,. Feb. 27. 1948. ^ thpy will apply to the saia coun for a final discharge as said Execu- tort, 51-9« ^ N. C- ARNETT. Probate Judge. Camden, S. C., March C, 1948. ADAMS HATS Americans Foremost Hats Sold By D. C Dixon’s v Bargain House 981 Brood Stroot Phone 806W CAMDEN, S. C,— Subicribe To Tin pre-war 9r/ metal Weathei Sold ond Inataiiiij E. E. oidy fadny^ P«d ond tromea, in tiiit aoctioii. _ P. O. Boi imj Flormco,; WANTED CUdlector tuid office oMUtont. Muat hove cor and be well fomilior with Comden streeta ond aur- roundinfa. Alao muat hove good educotioa ond oUo to meet public. *Thia job hoa wonderful future for right patrty. It offera o fair aaJory ond Cor allowance to start with. ^ / Answer in own hand writing and give full paur- ticulora about yourself amd experience. W. L Massie 122 Vs S. Main Street Sumter, S. C. lour Last Chance You Must Pay Your PoU Tax NOT LATER Thai SATURDAY, MUCH 13 In Order to Vote In The City-Manager Referendum TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED FREE JUST PICK VP YOUR PHONE-CALL 190 ■ it Be A Good Citizen.... Register it JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TAere's New Glamour in the Way it Goes StMW'j tom com 1 oi «o*® _ oi „a.. I SOOpoona* ot “ ^ pen ill P»**“*^ to ioe-w'^^'*® jjj'riae dtewin**’ ** ^ OMCIS _ CoK •• CHILEAN NITR T arb the glamour of its tapered graceful* ness for granted, if you will. One ^anoe tells you it*s tops. Take an inside peek at its newly fashioned interiora — and see if you*re not dazzled by the luxury that greets your eyes. But wait — just wait — till you learn what makes this banner beauty run off with the )rear*a high honors on die highway. Dollars to drariunas — youll fairly itoh to get in and GOI R>r now your ri^t foot oomnwnda a Fire ball power plant tfaat*s as eager es a panther on die prowl — yet is so quieted in purr and pulse you barely sense its telltale throb. Now you slip through traffic or light out cross-country as relaxed as a beby with hia botde — in a body diat*s bountifully big, oozily cushioned, and insulated against die usual noises of traveliilg. Now you experience the first soiendfio sys tem ever devised to shield e car*s ride egainst road noise, shake and the vffinitioo build-up ffuit previously took adventege of an automobile*s tendency to play sound box. Now you ride die washboard roads and cobbles as diough diey were carpet — diwnlf to ooU springs all around — plus extra-low- pressure tires, carried on Buick*a own wider, more stable Safety-Ride rims. A.nd leaf but beat, if a Roedmaater*a your choice, you can enjoy the really effortless driving—in a new kind of drive diet not only frees you of gearshifting, but that ioe$n*i aven shift itself! i- ’ IPs Dynaflow Drive* — a drive thaPs devoid of all halt, lag and hesitation through all •peed ranges — because here, for the first time, the passer plmU itself doM whet geara used to do. Rwt is, yoa*Il find die new Buiok tperiding . with more dien e score of new edvwioes -r- in ten brilliant models that spin three seriee and give you your olioipe of three wfaeel- beaes and four power ratings.- - ■ ta W to MNW i. rArUlR MtalMl NiNwk, MMSwi So uhy dally? Here, certainly, is die of the year for smartness and roomiaigl* for the newest'in driving ease and relaxation — and ftw aU dioae basic I diat are forever Buiok*s. sJPlaoe your order widi your dealer noe-i whether or not you hava e car to trsii“*'j and hasten the day adien you*U reach iIb*| motoring heighta you hanker f<H*. *(¥t/o"atatomUmmOui JtmdmsoUrmoMt^^ kat'anikMe ★OYNAiunr msn »jss!s%m irTApa-imusmm ir ★ mo TOtOW-fUM ★ioamMI ★ OUOMUnC mUHT AOVANCf ★ omopmexcoummosio ftnixmouspmitispOtsmi AlMSMAtTMOMU itSOOYtri Whet? bey Vi .yj^omob: A - ■/'' ij t i. • BUICK wiHbuild AMIIIC* NODUCI rp».9ACI - fUIN IN TOUl tUAr IRON AND mn Camden Motor Cohipaiqr Bethuni ■ lizo Browl SlTMt . I • _ ^ 'I-'' ■ CAMDEN, SwC , y Motor CMiqmny Mahi 8lr^ S.