The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, January 16, 1948, Image 2

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TMl CAMPm CMWOWtCLl, CAMDWI. tOUTH CAIIOUWA«^gtgAY;_MmMgYJ^ Aid Is Asked In Control Of Forest Fires In County ’ . k St ■' r I ii ft if ‘S' phone bnrnlnir, -“’■■“.“‘.frr:!?: I Colored Funeral Directors To Meet Here On Jaiu 23 With the fire aeaeon Just ahead. T. R. Mima of Camden, district ranger, this week asked the co operation of all in an effort to check possible fire hatards farms. At the same time ho an- den concenied. nounced fire stations to which for est fires may be reported. The stations are: Rangers’s of. ^n^e“r"Us"'' !;Kcrke5’a;«;‘ed;^r:;ch^^^^ 170 W^aSden T^or Rural phone into the adjoining woods thereby -M4^VMMtt towrr C.sastt rural causing untold damage to growing ;JJJi’. BuKi o Toler- Kershaw. Umber. Fires can be kept out of K^aw phone 204; Ubertr HiU the forest Just by Jeeplng a few sjd7r™5'on*r‘, "i.s Th" Witt the coming .pring grain c.n bn donn bjr niiing u . nud sorine blowing.” aaid tnra pk^ or disc harrow,. Cfi Notj- mJ MiL “the?e wm\e field grass fy som^ember of the country Mr. jiima, lu <7 protectton personnel whet The South Carolina Colored Pu* neral Directors and Ehnbalmers As sociation will meet in Cainden on Friday, January 23 at Mt. Moriah ASPHALT HLE As Low Aa 25c sq. foot installed Free Estimates Gladly Giren % Rubber Tile — - - 75c 8Q. ft,’-—Installed % Inlaid Linoleum —Installed %9xl2 Felt Base Linoleum Rugs — $9,50 • Yard Goods— Felt Base Linoleum •••98c sq, yd, • Window Shades, 36x6 • • • 98c and $1M • Venetian Blinds—stock size • • • • $6,50 you plan to bum. This is asked so that men employed by the For est Association will not make use less trips to a controlled fire as the men might be needed to help tiUppress a fire that is not con trolled.’* Will Celebrate Ijee’s Birthday The John D. Kennedy Chapter. UDC, will meet at the home of Mrs. J. L. Guy on January 19 at 4 p. m This will be a special celebration of the birthdays of Generals Lee, Jackson, Kennedy .and Kershaw. All members are urged to be pres- <nt, and any member of a UDC chapter elsewhere is cordially in vited to attend. Bethune News Miss Uarolyn Bethea entertained with four tables of bridge Tlmrs- day evening in the hotel dining room. Qnesta were serred ice cream, pound cake and coffee. Those playing, other than the-regn* lar members, were* Mrs. A. 8. Wayne, Mrs. Cy Schultmann, Mrs. t. Truesdell and Tom Ud Hear- tt Wng iunir” «” f”"- »« ““ colored undertakers and embalm- ers from over the state here. The-oponing-aesslcn will .be At. 1 p. m. At 3 p. m., there will be a rcess for sandwiches and coffee and the group will reconvene at 4 p. m. The evening session will be gin -at 7:80 o’clock. The principal address at this meeting will be de livered by Perry J. Brown, of Greensboro, N. C., ex-president of the N. C. .Funeral Directors and Morticians Association. BROADLOOM CARPET — 9 and 12 feet widi $8.50 sq. yd. Any Size Rug Made To Fit Your Room. CAMDEN FLOOR COVERING COMPANY 402 DeKalb TeL 119-J BETHE8DA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, January 18 A. Douglas McArn, Pastor Church school at 10 o’clock with a Bible class for every age. The nursery remains open during the morning service. Morning worship with prayer, anthem and sermon at 11; 15.' Outpost Sunday school at 3 o’clock: Juniors at 4:30; Youth Fellowship at 0:80. Everyone is in vited to attend these services. System To remodel a house, first figure the cost of materials. Then esti mate the cost of labor, and mnlti- ply by three.—Miami Herald. AUTO Seat Covers IndividuaRy Tdlored BY SKILLED CRAFTSMEN You select the matenal and style yOT want and we Tailor Them To Your Taste, ANY MAKE —ANY MODEL Tops—any kind—and Headlinings in stalled. We specialize in Auto Upholstery and Trim jobs. Hot Idea In line with other suggestions aimed to bring back prosperity why not have the government put ‘Tost No Bills” signs on all the mail boxes?—Life. ADDITIONAL WANT ADS score, Mrs. Tom Ed Hearon, second high, and Mrs* L. M. Best, bingo prise. WtHlam Taylor tW l>oa Ans^etrf Calif., is visiting his wife and Ut ile daughter, Mary Elisabeth, at the home of Mrs. Taylor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Josey. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. MeCasklll and children have returned to their home in Charleton after visitlttg Mr. McCasklll’a mother, Mrs. Cope McCasXni. The auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met ’Tuesday afternoon at the church. A program oh Foreign dissions was presented with Miss Mary McKinnon in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Paschal McLanrln of Cheraw were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mc- .snrln Saturday. , Bethune McLaurln has retgmed frMD Chicago, ni., wkera he sfsttt Christmaa with Mrs. McLasria’s parents. Mrf. McLenrin remaiaed for a longer stay. Mr. and Mrs. Henry King and Mrs. Amanda McKinnon have been qnlte ill the pest week with fls. Misa Alma Pitts of Columbia was a weekend gueat of her aunt, Mrs. Bessie Seegars. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Baker visited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. XawU Baker and family in Bur lington, N. C. dor the ystr trs aa follows: shiiMol Master. X<. D. Barr; _ warden, Cy Mitchell, Jr.; w^ Harold Copelaad; secretary, nle King; treasurer, A. k. Laarla; Sr. deacon, B H. Jr. deacon. Wilton Smith; J. M. Clybam; itewards. McLaoria and Tom Ed Hear^' Jake Catoe and John Catoe went to Wariiington day to bring Mrs. Jake Catoe children* who udU mske tbeir here with Ifir. iad Mrs. John FOR RENT—? bedroom bungalow, unfurnished. Phone 109. 44c NO TRESPASSING Any persons, fishing, seining or otherwise trespassing on this land, or making firee, or permitting fires set by them to run or bum there on- or pasturing thereon or remov ing therefrom any trees, wood, draw or shrubbery, will be prose cuted to the full extent of the law 44-46C E. C. PEARCE, JR. ^ ^ DISCOMFOICn ^ 35 S Par Bottle [ And—We*ll Be Here TOMORROW To Back Up What We Do Today STOGNER MOTOR COMPANY Phone 670 128 E. DeKalh St FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given tha‘. one month from this date, on Febru ary II. 1948, Mrs. Edith J. Ward will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw county her final return as administratrix of the estate of Victor Ward, deceased, and on the same date she will apply to the said court for a final discharge as said administratrix. 44-47c N. C. ARNETT Judge of Probate. Camden. 8. C., Jan. 16, 1948. Notice of Application For Corporate Charter Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned will after the expira tion of three days from the date hereof apply to the Secretary of State of South Carolina for a cor porate charter for a proposed cor poration to be known aa Miller Lumber Company, said corporation to have a capital of IS.000.00, to have its principal place of busi ness in Kershaw County. South Carolina, and to be empowered es pecially to engage in a general timber, lumber and building supply business. 44c W. T. MILLER W. P. MILLER Camden, S, C., Jan. II, 1948. / When you’re in llio drivr’t human fivM ero in your kondt. Thst’i why it'» »o importent to keop your car in porfoet mochonical condition. Evo^ Clo h prociou*—yours, your fomity'f, your frionds. -V DrKo with s doer contciSneo by hoving m, your foctory-irenchitod now cor doolor choch your cor roguUrly roconditioa it when noodod a whon you drive there's LIFE AHEAD, handle wWh cere! N »A»sto«ac*» ROWI ADAMS HATS Americefs' Foremost Hats Sold By D. G. Dixon’s Bargain House 951 Broad Street Phone S06W CAMDEN, S. C. CITATION The State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw By N. C. Arnett, Probate Judge: Whereas, Edward Barfield made suit to me to grant Eklward Bar- field and Lewis Barfield lettora of administration of the estate and effects of Emma Barfield. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Emma Barfield, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the .Court of Probate, to be held at I ('4imden. S; C., on January 21. next I of ter publlcatiOB hereof, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause. If any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. 44-46c Given under my hand this 10th day of January Anno Domini 1948 N. C ARNETT, • y Judge of Probate. Notice All., persons are warned not to trespass for any reason; or to al low any liveetbek to enter there upon. the undivided lands of the late H. B. Stokes without first ob taining written consent from al the heirs thereof. Any violations will be prosecuted by me. 12-44p WM. H. STOKES. SR. irs NO FUN to drive with POOR LIGHTS Don't pel ap with dim. mimd- jwtud ligatu—whan you can an joy driving with bright, proparly focuaod Uibta—it coata no raoro in battery pouror. Our now Boar Haod- hgbt Taatar i# a aciandfie inatni- mant that quickly tdls bow atrong your bulba aro whathar diay aro fo jfocua and what adjuatmanta ara na^aaaary to obtain propar Ugbte for safa, co^ortabla driving. You’ll bo amasod at tba ditfar- anca a fafw atmpla adjuatmanta can Baaka in your kmdligbta. Tkia now teater givaa an acourata teat — no guaaawork. It cKacka and doubla ckaeka all adjuatmanta. Wa guar* anteo ikia aarviea. Step in m a fro# ckock«up today. i- /dsntVy 9**)* 4^^ ^ tki$ Happy Hear sign. Mellichamp- Mahoney Motors Rulledf* St. PkoM 613 Ever “starred” in scenes like these? Boy, your troubles are over ^en we service your car... pep it up... grive it a new outlook on driving life. Just \ watch us work! CAROLINA MOTOR COMPANY S. C Qfhmnif Mfr. •PURE OIL GAS •GOODYEAR TIRES -bhowe no - - FLOUR O BXniA QUALITY » a EXTRA rRES.lNESS • EXIT. \ ECONOMY iiJ lb$* $01^. BIRDSEY’S BEST 2M 4.70 4 BROTHERS '2.22 4M MONEY SAVER 2.10 4.10 HAVE YOU HEARD? Recent laboratory tests show that thik strength of Reeves Concrete Blocks exceeds the crushing capacity of testing machine. TEST RESULTS Sample Nqi Size In. Area. Sq In. Face Shell Thickness Weight Lbs. Total Load Lba. Unit Load Grow Am I 7%”»7h**aI5H 120 IVe” Min. 37.28 143,900 1199 2 do 120 do 38^80 177,400 1478 3 do J20 38.78 200,000 1987 SPECIAL DISCOUNT. 200 tr~ OR MORE — COFFEE = C-J \ BIRDSEY’S BEST Vacuum Can Ib^' 49c 4 BROTHHtS ^ 1 Ib. 39c ij 3 lbs. i./d FAIRPLAY I b. 27c 3 bs. 79c j| Ac aa authorimd mw Car Daalar wu are bait aqtJppad te do ^^^-Ihrfab. are''fepno-ouE^uarvioe taorouga, Toiir^^t^ DOLLAR B-ayt More at BIRDS^ Because AU of The « Services are Ferh>rmed Widi —NO m-BETHEm PROFITS -ONLY 1 HANDLING CHARGE REDFGARN MOTOR tX). Your FrienAj Ford Dealer BIRD5E1 Avarata 1448^ ! REMARKStSamplo No. 3 not iMTokea; etrongth ozcoods capacity of toetipf zM chine. ASTM minimum roquiromenU: Grade A, lOOOpgi; Grade B, 700 psL ' ® With our production any rush order up to lOfiOO blocks can be delivered immediately, t Reeves Concrete Block XIo. CAMDEN, s. c **We SeU The Best And Service The Rest* Front End Afignment and Wheel Balandiif Engine Tone Up With Sun ScientiHc Equipneid Jfoake Specialists—Head light Focnsnig oopPAWj WRECKER SERVICE Nfaw Woet DaKalb -waarf •**«••*» FLOURft