The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 19, 1947, Image 6

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■sr: Siirprk« Shower Ib Given For Bethany Pastor And Wife 9 The Bethany Baptist church of WealTTille waa very happy to hare the Rev. and Mrs. Donslas Smith more into the recently remodeled parsonase of the church on De cember 2. They came from Pace- land where the Rev. Mr. Smith hat aucceaafully served a field of churches for the past five years. He began the pastorate of this church in October and due tu the work on the parsonage wav un able to move until this week. The church feels very fortunate in having secured the services of this good pastor and wife, and with the guidance of the Heavenly Father and the cooperation of the chbrch great things will be accomplished. Wednesday evening a large num ber of the members of the church gave them a surprise shower of gifts for the pantry and home. On arriving the group sang “Hanny Welcome”, after which words of v/elcome were extended by W. H. Stokes, Sr, for the church; Jienry Faulkenberry spoke for the i>oard of deacons and Shelby Trueadale in behalf of,the Sunday school. Mrs. D. A. Barfield broilght greet ings from the Woman’s Missionary Society. 'The Rev. and Mrs. Smith responded very graciously. A large wagon heavily laden with gifts was drawn into the room. Upon opening the gifts, Mr. and 'Mrs. Smith thanked each one for their kindness and for the warm words of welcome. Sandwiches, cookies and punch were served by the ladles of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the church. "Good Night” was sung, and all left having spent a very happy evening. •uy and Christmas Soals When It comes to ordering a monument, style is not all Important although we have many modela of graat beauty to show you. But you must above all be as sured of the everlastingly strong quality of both mon ument and foundation. That we guarantee. Work Received prior to Dec. 20 of stock de signs can be completed by Christmas day. Camden Memorial Company •Quality Monuments » • Immediate Delivery C. 0. Kornegay—Fred Pratt PHONE 103 ' Christmas Social Of DeKalb Home Demonstration Club A delightful meeting of the De- Kalb club was held last 'Thura' day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Owi J. Smyrl with Mrs. P. A. Watts as hostess, assisted by Mrs. Smyrl. The home was lovely with beautifnl Christmas greens and red berries attractively arranged. 'The president, Mrs. Watts, open ed the meeting with the club singing, “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear." Mrs. Smyrl gave a very appropriate Christmas devotional. Minutes of the last meeting were ■ead by the secretary, Mrs. C. J. Mclver, and members answered to roil call by naming their favorite Christmas rarol. During the short liusiness session the club voted to buy a TB bond. “Silent Night” was Pung. The usual program of the club was omitted and a Christmas so cial hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Watts Jed In several amuRing games and contests. Mrs, J. T. Dabney and Mrs. Shelby, TrueBdale were win ners of prizes which were book- marks brought from Holland by Mrs, Smyrl. All gathered around the beautifully lighted Christmas tree and aang carols, after which there was an exchange of gifts. ’The hostesses served a de licious salad, fruit cake and coffee. White Elephant Sale Big Success Mrs. .^Mhrie T. Gaither, president of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Camden hospital, says !h a letter of the auxiliary and other friends who contributed to the White Ele- phane sale conducted last week by the auxiliary: “I want to take this opportunity to thank you all, for you helped to make our sale a success, and it surely was a great success. In fact It surpassed our wildest ex pectations for we made 1633 I really think a good time was had by all ' "It gave donors a chance to give something they no longer needed and the buyers enjoyed the sale because we gave them real bar- galna ”Wo° do so want to Improve the Nurses’ Home. There has been a shortage of nurses all over the country. Hospitals have had to close whole wings and floors due to the lack of nurses. To date wo have been more fortunate in Cam den, but you never know when we, too, may feel this pinch. ’The best way to encourage girls to go In for nursing Is to give^ them an at tractive and comfortable homo in which to live.” • ••••• FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on January 3. 1948, L. 8. Horton* will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County his final return as Admin istrator of the estate of Carrie Stokes Horton, deceased, and on the same date he will apply to the said Court for a final discharge as said Administrator. 3S~41c N. C. ARNETT. Judge of Probate. Camden, S. C, Dec. 3. 1947. TWIN CHINEBE QIRL8 AT WINTHROP—Among the 14 foreign students expected at Winthrop college this fall, will be Helen Keng- Ting Chuan (left) and her twin sister, Marion Keng-Plng (jhuan, from Shanghai, China. Other foreign students will be from Iraq, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Denmark and Canada. (Winthrop News Service Photo i. LAND POSTED Any porsuns huntine fishIrg. or otherwise trespasalng on this land, or making fires, or permitting Entertains Home Demonstration Club ■ Mrs. C. W. Holley entertained the Mt. Piagah Home iiemonstra- tion Club Thursday afternoon, No vember 19, Pyracantha and chry- Banthemums were used In the'''llv- ing room and dining room. Mrs. Ira Ellis, the president, called the meeting to order. After tUe song, “Come Ye Thankfal Peo ple Come’’ was sung, Mrs. Ellis gave a very good ’Thanksgiving devotional. After the roll call and the reading of the minutes, the club Christmas party was dis cussed and a committee was se lected to plan It. Miss Fewell told of the success of the labor saving show and of the coming rat campaign to be had in Kefshaw county. Recreation in the home was given by Miss Fewell by demon strations of songs and games to be used in the home—club mem bers present were given printed songs and games. Pimento cheese sandwiches, date nut cookies, candv and coffee were served by the hostess. fires set by them to run or bum thereon, or pasturing thereon or removing therefrom any trees, N. Y. University ^ Awards MA Degree Miss Funderburke . Miss Aileen Funderburke, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L O. Funder- burke, of Camden, and adjunct rrofessor of secretarial science in the school of business administra tion of the University of South Carolina, has recently been award ed the Master of Arts degree in the field of business education by New York university. Miss Funderburke has been teaching secretarial science at the university for the past ten years and prior to that time had exten sive experience in. secretarial and office work. She is a natirr of Camden and received her A B de gree from the University of South Carolina.' In recognition of .the work done at New York university. Miss Fun derburke was elected membei of the Alpha chapter of Delta Pi Epsilon Honorary gradnate fra ternity in busmeas education. wood, straw or shrubbery, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 39-41C C. P. DuBOSE, JR. D.A.R. Chapter To Meet Friday The Hobkirk Hill Chapter, DAR, will hold iu December meeting on Friday afternoon, December 19, at 4 o'elagk al the bea» of Dr. oiMi Mra. Oeorge T. Baraea, IMT MSI street, with Mr*. Bama* hoatew. Mrs. C. L. Miller, the historian, baa arranged a most iatereating program. All viaiting members of the «r* tavitea ta ^ « the chaaga of pUJ MILLER lumber ARE YOU READY For Those CHRLSTMAS HOLIDAY . PARTIES? •Check your CLEANING Needs N O WJ You*ll want to put up a good appearance wherever you go,Be- gin now by sending your daytime and evening wear ables to us for EXPERT Attention, CALL US TODAY QUALITY CLEANERS Phone 112 MEN’S TOWCRAFT* SHIRTS fOfi LflIT minUT€ SHOffffil • • • Shopping will he a snap this year,,, In ONi store, w^ve corralled gifts appropriate to EVER] member of the family. Just walk right in to the wid est selection of Christmas offerings you ever saw * Remember, our low price policy permits you to giu I more by paying less—and our regular credit idani apply as usual! Gala Gift Selection of Fine Shirts! Woven Stripes, Oxiords, Piques—the finest gilt *ele<p tk>n youVe seen in jmars. All his favorite coUat and cuff styles plus some new oojss lie’ll like, lost wait ’til be sees them. He’ll never stop- thanking you. HE’LL BE EXPECTING TIES Ties go with shirU like tinsel with *1 A ^ the tree. Match hi* shirt with a selco J|^ # tion from the gay assortment of fab rics he’d choose himself. ARGYLE SOCKS—isopular holiday gifu S9c COWHIDE BiXTS-^lain or Western style*..1.49 BOX OF 3 HANDKERCHIEFS—some initials, 98c leather BILIFOLDS—<tipper* 1.98 PIGSKIN GLOVES—• rich gift 4.98 SWEATERS—two tone coat style 4.98 COMFORTABLE SUPERS—kid uppers 3.98 KNITTO mufflers—solid or gay ..., 1.49 BOIi> STRIPED PAJAMAS—Perealea .......... 3.79 ’The gentleman In the three- cornered pants deserves special attfntion—It’s prob- (> ably his first Christmas! • Rattlers • Robe Sets • Dresses • Knitted Suits • Toys • Sacque Sets • Bedroom Slippers • Brush Sets ■• Caps • Sweaters • Blankets BROTHER What Thrills! What Excite, ment! Every boy take*—a brighter view of Christmas when he sees our sporty ensembles and high qcality gifts. • Jackets • Sweaters • Dress Skirts • Sport Shirts • Polo Shirts " ’ r • Belts SISTER Just the gifts to catch a gal’s fancy! The items below are recommended to brother and boy friend, churns^ on the dtstaf! side. MOTHER Make her Christmas an es pecially joyous one by pre senting her with fine home furnishings and personal fur niture items! • Robes • Gowns • Sweaters • Blouses - ' • Plastic Aprons • Blankets • PiUow Cases • Towel Sets • Lace Tablecloths • Gloves V • Ladies Bags • Pressure Cookers • Electric irems FATHER Dead Old Dsd deserves » good haul this Chrlstmsi. Tickle his hearUtrlan a personal gift he will tre**" ure for many yssr*. • Dress Miirts •''Sport SMrts Jadiets WobI Leisori Brocade Inisi^ Cobis • Handkerchiefs • Gloves • ScrM> Books r .. gVv':.'/■ aJi .’>v" IM:.