The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, December 19, 1947, Image 2

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eHiioiim.1 iMrNii „ csiittiraEi ^ teitlitva «0 the Mr tato of IMSm a IM «« tteroby aoaiM <» aigko ptjmmi to th« va4er«lgM«, taa «& fortloo. IT aoy. luiTlac elBlSM •galaot tbo aatc •»• (ConttouM (roi^ p«go,OM)f d«it atteMlTi^bi tiM umo pr*^lciu*/aiifuia PTOgTOOM ftonpod 1>7 taw'. 4P'4Je MARTHA KIRK. Itaoeatrlx. ear« Jolm A. Aotioo^ Attoney. CuBdfii, B. C. CtaptAw, B. €., Doe. 11, lf47. REAP THE BENEFITS OF OUR PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE l(J^o to 25% Reduction In Price On All Small Electric Appliances^ 822 |>«KALB ST. PHONE S24.J Mt p\u* TO* PIUS VALUES eivi YOU MORI FOR YOUR MOHFY tough armorubur triad ' Actually outwaan iteeL Setting oew records for long mileage. IFFICIENT TREAD DESIGN Sharp angle traction ribs give better road grip—smoother rolling—longer tread arear. PiilllGUE-PROOP CARCASS Stronger, pre-stretched cord packed ia extra amount of real rubber—helps resist road shocks —bruises—Moarouta. MODERN SHAPI- 1MPROVID DESIGN Near shape that relaxes the tread ta- stead of stretdiiiif it arbcn inflated. Harder to cut or puncture—areata longer. TRADE US YOUR WORN TIRES — today — for near, tough XeOys. Toa*H get the Best Tire Deal ta Toam. STOGNER MOTOR CO. Your'ChrysIsr-Plymouth Dealer Since 1^39 128 E. DwKalb Phone 570 of Chriatnuu oauslc will be Miaa Oeoe WUItams, Miss Mvtaa Bor- gesa, Edarsrd Thompaon and Bd. M. Craig. A cordial tnrltatloe la .extended avarrnna in the oossr {monify to attend this aarelfpe on the Sunday before Chrlstasaa,' CATHOLIC CHURCH At the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual help there will be music appropriate to the Cbrtat- mas season Sunday. On Christmas eve at midnight there will be a special rnksa and masses will be held on Christmas day at 9 and 9; 80 In the morning. LYTTLITON STREET METHOOIBT CHURCH The choir will sing a special Christmas number at the morning services Sunday at the Lyttleton Street Methodist church and the pastor will preach on the Christ mas theme. Sunday evening the young people of the church will have a special Christmas program. SMYRNA METHODIST CHURCH A Christmas program will be given at Smyrna Methodist church Sunday nighL In charge of the Sunday school, of which M. L. Bar field is superintendent. All ara cordially invited to attend. UNION SERVICE AT LUQOPF The Presbyterian and Methodist churches at Logoff are uniting in presenting a Christmas program Sunday night at 7;30 o'clock at the_Presbyterian church. Every one is uffeeA to attend. Because, of the program ^ the usual preaching ser vices at the Methodist church will Tiot be held Sunday night. Buy anU Um Chrltlmat Sssilt- ADAMS HATS Americans Foremost Hats Sold By D. C. Dixon’s Bargain House BSl Brood Stroot PhoM 506W CAMDEN, S. C. (Cotttinned from page on#) Bart Saagars. Homa Baantiffca- tion"; LeJaona Davia, ''Orgarixed Agrtcnltura**; Jndaon Daoney, •What Wa Need Moat"; Pavld Kaulkanbarry. “Soil Cdnsarvatlon”; Brown Btovar, "Ara Thare Any Daad Heads In Tour Flock?” and i. W. Baker. "A Nation’s Power la Determined By the Fertility of the BoO.” •dttdgee for the conteett-,irere Rev. Donglaa McAm of Camden and Rev. Dougtaa Smith of Weat- vUle, 8. C. • After the conteet the Future Farnen entertained their gneats. famliiee of the members, with a delicious fish supper which was prepared by Jessie Rotert Cauthen and Annie Taulken The auditorium whs set up as a chapter meeting rooni. displaying full parapbanaliy of the Future Farmers of Ammca. The apeaklnr contest was open ed and closed! with the" official | FFA rceremon; Red Cross Notes Sadi# K. von Treaekow ."WE BELIEVE” During the past month, which marked the 30tb anniveriary of the American Jnnlor Red Cross, 19,000,000 of our natlo^r’s children Lave taken the following pledge: "We believe in service for oth ers, in health of mind and body to fit ua for better service, and in world-wire friendship. For this reason we have Joined the Ameri can Junior Red Cros®. We will help make its. work successful in our school and community, and will work together with Juniors everywhere in our own and other lands.” When Christmas comes—Ser vicemen In the Army of Occupa tion, in military and naval hos pitals and patlenti in veterans hospitals will have cards, tray favors, tree ornaments, and other holiday decorations made by the Christmas decorations unit of the Junior Red Cross. The Camp and Hospital com mittee of Kershaw county chap ter, American Red Cross, is fur nishing the individual Christmas trees for the wards in the Fort Jackson hospital. . Col. B. C. vonTresekow is chair man and Marian Heyman is treas urer for this committee. ESacb year our chapter takes some special work for Christmas entertainment for the Veterans bogpital in Oebimbta sad Qis Port Jackaoa hospital. Ia the reorganisation plsae of this committee the Votuateer Spec- tal Services charimsn la expected to take an important pert in this work. Since the reelgastion of Mrs. John Wall, oar chsptsr has no voloateer special services chairman. - CASSATT GIRL HONORED Miss Margaret Elliott, a grad uate of Camden High School and now a Junior at Winthrop college where she ia. majoring in Home Eksonomlcs, has been initiated into Phi Upsilon Omieron, natlonsl liome econoihlcB honor aociery at' the college. | WILL SING CAROLS | The Community Choir, colored, will sing carols throughout the city on Tuesday, Dec. 2T The choir of fifty voices will begin at the -bid court house at 5:30 p. m.. and will be at the post office at 6 p. m., going from there to the Camden hospital and then to. points throughout the city. ^ RETHESDA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ■ Sunday, December 21 A. Oeuglas McAm, Pastor Church school at 10 o’clock. In stead of the usual classes there wii] be a Christmas program, in cluding a 30-minute motion pic ture In colors, "The Savlou? Is and evaryMto At the ll’.lS .choir wfil slag land tbe pastor win ghre g mas sermon. At 5 o’clock Si the afternoon the adult sad jaaiar choirs will give a program of at 'B'waM t:tS aai m at S^M. may ke made at say w % vtees. UvsTToas is eoritalM to attaad ue shove servtog rMWavl' SAV, ' ^ MU04 FAPIHEH trTTOTK MCXT TOWN5* N. FDUC MILES'* AS THE CBOW fLtes f^FOuQ S io>/ULES? J HOW FAR WOlX.0 IT IF tH CAH6 CROW MAO to walk ANO CARRV A CiASOuiNE CAN ? KA C»OW WOULDN'T WAL<... ME D ' be smart enouoh to stop in at MOTORS and have HtS OASOLIME OAuCiE ANO All mis other OADoETS ^CHECKED anO Put in first ^ ► class coNOtric^ » before me starYs ^ out oh a trip -O' lATRJ^O^ •1947 Buick Convertible ^1940 Ford Coupe •1942 Buick Sedan •1937 Ford Coach •1939 Buick Sedan •1931 Model Ford Coupe IPLETE FRONT END AUGNMENT AND WHEEL BALANCE EQUIPMENT ,Sun Scientific Brake Specialists Engine Tune Up DayPh.6i3 WRECKER SERVICE NiahtPh.SSS’W :SER MELLICUAMP-MAHONEY a - — M 0 T □ R 5 =. ™ - 615 • • • , - 5 C ALL WORK Born”, This Is a aplendid picture ADDITIONAL WANT ADS FOR RENT—Three rooms, private, unfurnished. 814 Fair*St. Phone 449-J. 40c FOR SALE—Juat received .ship ment of linoleum yard goods and some art squares. Boykin Fur niture Co. 40c NOTICE All offices in the County Court House will be closed on Thursday, December 25, for Christmas, but will be open on Friday mmrning as usual. BANKS CLOSE 2 DAYS The Commercial Nati<mal Bank and The First Na* tional Bank of Camden will be closed on Tluirsday and Friday, December 25tli and 26tli. PERCY SAYS... THIS IS NO BULL ... and if you’ll drop by his pla he will prove to you that he carrl FARMING IMPLEMENTS that w make any tractor l«ip with joy. Just mention a few items, we suggest you » the i % Fertilizer Distributors • Grain Dri mCultivators and Planters % Wagons %Di8c Plows Weeders ' m Tillers ^Harrows %Post Hole Digger mHammer Mills Play Santa to yourself this Chrisl mas ... buy one or more of these item ... and this time next year you’ll be gla you dropped by to see Percy at — Camden Tractor & Implement Company E. DoKal^^Mreat 'Tlmma 735^ COMING ATTRACTIONS •~AT—• Camden llieatre FrL-Sat., Doc. 19-20 “SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE” Phillip Terry, Jacqueline White Also Selected Short Subjects Sat. Night, Elec. 20, 10:30 'BULLDOG DRUMMOND STRIKES BACK’ Row Randalf, Gloria Henry Mon.-Tuea., Dec. 22-23 Rsy Milland, Marlene Dietrich In “GOLDEN EARRINGS” Also Latest News Wednesday, Dec. 24 —One Day Only— “SEVEN WERE SAVED” Richard Dennintf Catherine Craig 90BOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOC . Tbura.-Fri., Dec. 25-26 .A new high in the mualcal akyl “THIS TIME FOR KEEPS” in Technicolor Esther Williams Jimmy Durante Also News GIFTS AT UNDER $5.00 UMBRELLAS 4 Variety of Lovely Plastic Materials 16 Rib $5.00 value : A* $a.98 Gabardine SPORT SHIRTS by Wings TABLE, and CHAIR 'SETS Sturdy Table with 2,Chairs $5.00 Value RED ONLY Special $2.98 WARM and PRETTY Fuzzy-Wuzzy BEDROOM SLIPPERSi •White •Blue •Red Women** and GirU* Sisea 2.98 LOVABLE DOLLS We still have a wide va riety of Baby Dolls that will make little eyes sparkle on Christmas morn $5.00 DoUs -- Now $3.75 e Others at $1j98 and up^ Lovely Lingerie FOR HER Satin Slips 2.98 - 3.98 Gowns of Rayon Jer sey — by 'Blue Swka $3.98 Bed Jackets by Roeamonde $3.^ Rayon Panties 98c up * L And A Wide Viriely of Other Wanfted Gifts. Embroidered PILLOW CASE SETS Big Selection Beauti fully Boxed $2.98 Other Household Gift Selectiona* Table Cloth Napkin Seta SILVER PLATE TRAYS and WAITERS CARVING SETS, etc., All Under $8.00 lAND THOUSANDS OF OTHER GIFTS AT PAJAMAS for HIM Color- ftti Array hi WiBft lOMr Str4>ee tW Patteme •.a'i" . - r'- i. 'A ri. .A'-':*