t Funeral Services Far Mrs. Banner Mm. Mary CampbeU Barmar, 48, died at S:SO Wednesday after noon at the Camden hospital after an extended illness. -She was the widow of Bon T. Barmer and for 26 years they re sided in the Malrln mu com munity. Funeral senrices will be con ducted at 2 o'tUock Friday after noon from the MalTiUvHill Baptist -church by the Rer. A. Dotiglae Mc- Am and the Her. O. Floyd Blont- gomery. Interment will be In the church cemetery; She is surrired by one son, Oene Barmer of Camden; two daugh ters. Mrs. Margaret Linder and Mrs. W. D. Atcheeon of Careden'; her mother, Mrs. M. C. Campbell of Hopwell. Va.; two brotbera, Leo Campbell of Hopwell, Va, TMl CAMPKW CHWOWtCH, CAMPgli, •QUTM CAWOLIWA, FWIDAY, DlCKMim It, IMf Honors Daughter With'Movie Party Mrs. tl. E. Barnes entertained 18 guests last Friday afternoon with a moTie party honoring her daughter, Martha, on her 12th birthday. After the morle the guests were invited to iier hbme. The tiring room and dining room were lone ly decorated to carry out the Christmas motif. Thp table, from '•vhich punch and -coohler were served by candlelight was cen tered with a birthday cake deco rated in Christmas colors. Miss Ann McKaln served punch and Mrs. Barnes was assisted by Mrs. Elsie Jet^m. and Drew Campbell of Kannapolis, X. C.; three sisters, Mrs. Charles Smith of HopewelL Va., and Mrs Archie' Melton and Mrs. Edward I Brown of ‘Kannapolis, N. C., and two grandchildren. Camden Garden Club A joint meeting of the three groups of the Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Whitaker on Monday afternoon. Miss Helen Harmon, president, presided at the business se4sion. Mrs. J. B. Zemp, vice president, took the chair for Miss Harmon to present the resignation of the present officers. The slate of new officers proposed by the committee on nominations was also read. Mrs, Zemp read an interestln? ar ticle on the “Christmas Rose". After the program all gathered around a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, and amid much nerrlment gifts suitable for gar deners were distributed. The guests were then invited into the dining' room, where cookies, sand wiches and Russian tea were served from an attractively ar ranged table. American Legion Auxilitary To Meet The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Friday afternoon. Decem ber 12, at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A Stanley Llewellyn. The membership drive is still on and members are urged to bring their dues. • • • • • • BETHESDA^ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Douglas McAHi, Pastor Sunday, Dec. 14 Church school at 10 o’clock with a Bible class for every age. The nursery remains open during .the morning service. Morning worship at 11:16 with prayer, antbem and sermon. The Juniors meet at 4:30 and the Youth Fellowship at 6:80. jfiveryono is cordially Invited to attend these services. HbIm Pii irculotls ■h ■ ■; t " 1 >■} r;; jfeuA/ C' With a Useful Gift from EICHEL’S! Dresses Reduced Just in time for the Holidays * any dress in our stock Now For Christmas Giving we also have exceptional values in Coats, Suits and all items of Ready•toAVear. - Big Selection . . . Black or Brown . . . Ladies, Misses sizes ----- Dolls, Toys and Costumes -Reduced > We have gone over our complete stock of DoUS;^ Sol dier and Sailor Suits, etc., and Re-Priced all of them for quick selling — shop here and save. ^ ^ for All the Family A most welcome gift for every member of ^the family, from Dad down to Baby, is slippers. SWeWe all kinds at the price you'll want to $149 $2,98 $2M $^S8 Celebrates Birthday, Uttle Misa Marcia Stiver, daufhter of Mr. and Mra. Charles . H. Stogner, N. Broad street, celebrated her birthday on Tueeday afternoon with a party at her home. Twenty-one of the i “teeny-weeny” social set ensoyed games and were later seated in I the dining room where th* beau tiful pink and green cake wi^ ita three bdming candles was cut ^ by the young hostess. Cake, ice cream and candy was served by Mrs. Stogner, assisted by her sis ter, Mss. Ralph White. Pavora of clowns filled with candy and toy balloons were presented' each i^est. 1 Smyrl-Brown ' Mr. and Mrs. O. J, Sinyrl, of Camden, announce the marriage of their daughter, Lucy Love, to Rhonda P. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. d. C. Brown, of Camden, July 26, in York. Mrs. Brown is a s^- Iqr at Wlnthrop college. Mr. Brown attended the University of South Carolina. Cocktail Party Brig. Gen. John T. Kennedy gave a cocktail party oh Sunday after noon after the polo matches on Kirkwood Held for his house ^tuests. Col. and Mrs. Bernard R. Peyton of Virginia. - CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Sirene W. Aaron take this opportunity to express their sincere apprecia tion for the many kind expres.4ions of sympathy received during their recent bereavement. 39p OTIS B. AARON and FAMILY LAND POSTED Notice—Any persons bunting, fishi^, or otherwise trespassing on tne lands of the undersigned, or making fires, or permitting fires set by them to run or burn there on, or pasturing thereon or remov ing therefrom any trees, straw or shrubbery, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ?9-41c W. B. HILTON. Be thane. Give Records For a • Merrier Xmas B The Christmas Song B White Christmas B Santa Claus Is Coming To Town B Jingle Bells B Christmas Album, Perry Como OUR STOCK IS ENLARGING DAILY Monarch Studios Plainly Marked Prices ★ THE COST of i funeral service con ducted by this con cern is based upon plainly marked mer chandise prices, plus uniform service charges. You deter- inine the total cost, since it depends upon your selection. There are no hidden extia •charges, and our»fees are the same for everyone. KORNEGAY Funeral Home - PHONE 103 ^ . ^iitiiiiiiiEaiiiiiiiiiicaiiiiiiiiiie COMING ATTRACTIONS Haiglar Theatre Comer Broad and Rutladgs Bts Fri..Sat., Dm. 12-13 Allan Lana, Bobby Blaka Tha Rad Ridara In “RUSTLERS OF DEVIL'S CANYON" Sarlat, Conwdiaa, Cartoons M(m.-Tuea., Dec. lB-16 Tad Derf]ifdaon,-~Toni Powaie Ann Doran In ' “THE SON OF RUSTY” Wed..Thurs., Dec. IT-IB Pat O'BHan. Ann J«tfray| “RIFF-RAFF* Ovonide We Here mn Overstock on Followiiit Items; • ELECTRIC HOT WAm HEATI«S-^,ji^ Square, Round and Table Top • WRINGER TYPE WASHING MACHINES • VACUUM CLEANERS-^Taak and Upright • ELECTRIC AND GAS HEATl^ 0 • PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Beat inflaticm—Get our 'hm pre-inventory before you buy—^All items available on’easy term CAMDEN'S OLDEST APPUANCE DEALER Electric Service & Appliance 0 Phmie 26 (Next Domr to Belks) Petit lady-like styles in rayon faUles, cordes or broadcloth for best. Trim plastics for every day 1 Many Other Beautiful Bags. a* a aaaa Che B^r Severtd Peira Of Magie Sheer GAYMODE* NYLON HOSE 1.15 Ghecxfbl garden dcaisM an pesial gteuBab. Eaay to cate lor, tooiNo iteidBg atadadi “ ■ toS0”*105”slBtr^ a Fnll-faahionod, 45 gauge nylons that do flattering thitags tor li^! Three lovely shades. 8V$-10)^. VALUESI CHENDUB SPREADS 4984I VIRGIN wool BIANKBT*; Four ponnda of hurarions virgia tseol ia dz iWous eokts aad whiter72” z9F doJUabedslBst Moib-daiaag8pioQi;tOBt TOWNCRAFT WflHTE WMani iilirtys vl{F^ -iwMnili^Bililt dilMf HcTI be preud ef these Sealiitiaei^ Mfk Baart v 60) BreadcleUts with tkt aia ^ j *eellar. Yea aaaVbeal tkia vilai^'' .' T*