The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, November 28, 1947, Image 10

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TMJ OAilPm CXHOWtCLI, CAMOCN, 00(1X8 OAflOUNA, miMV, NO¥t«M0 A IMT igUi ATHLBTES FOOT ^ BEST SELLER** MCALB PHARMACY Harv’t tha reMon. Tbe farm ffowa deaply. Yo« mwt raach It 10 kilt It TOOL. contalnlBf 99% ■loohlc, panatrataa. Raachaa more Oinna. Tovr SSc back from any 4tVSfa8ta if not pleacad In ona lM«r. *4-170 MASTER*S SALE Tba undarsifned Master for Kershaw County hereby ctras no tice that porsnant to Dacraes of the Court of Common Plans for Kershaw County, made in the case of Stokes, et al. Plaintiffs, ts. Stokes, et al. Defendants, that he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In front I k’!' V, of tka Coart Hoosa door in Cam den. South Carolina, on Salas Day in December, 1947, the same being the first day of said month, daring the legal hours of sale, the follow- 'ing described property, to wk* All that piece, parcel of land lying and bdtng situate in the County of Kershaw and state of South Carolina containing Fifty Nine (59) acres more or less, and bounded on the North by land of Watkins, East by lands of W. 8. and Victoria Stokes and West by lands of W. 8. Stokes and Sonth by estate land of Simon Stokasc Also, All that piece and parcel tract of land lying and being situate in the County of Kershaw and the state of South Carc-lina, containing One Hundred flOO) acres, more or less, and boucded on the North by lands of Laney, Northeast by lands of Lewis West, South by lands and estate of Jones Parker and Willis Par ker and West of lands by Alice Sharpe which is derived through the will of Sarah B. Stokes. ON AIRCNAFT CARRIlfi' Aiexandriad Priester, seaman, first class, son of Mrs. Leona Priester of Wateree Mill, Camden, is a crew member of the large air craft carrier USS-Coral.Sea, based at Norfolk, Va. ARE YOU BOTHERED WITH Sinus? Asthma? Hay Fever? Head Colds? Or Any Nas«1 Or Throat Irritation? , USE Sal-Cro-Terp Nose Drops Distributed by CHESTER DIST. CO. Chester, S. C. ^ The true ralue of telephone, service is much greater > (ban its cost. Many types of concerns depend entirely C - n upon the telephone to secure busineM. To them it is indispensable—yet the cOst is only a few dollars a o month. la fact, in all business, the value of telephone service is far greater than the cosL The same is true with respect \o the everyday home and social use of the telephone. There are times when just one call alone may be worth the cost of the service for several months. If you kept an account of the trips your telephone saves you each month and of the com fort, protection and pleasure it affords, you would find . that the price you pay is much less than the value ydu receive. The amount you are asked to pay, however, is never mord than enough to pay operating costs plus a return •n investment sufficient to enable the Telephone Com pany to secure firom investors the millions of dollars . of new money needed for improvement and expansion •f the service. fOUTIMRN BKL TtUmONI AND TDJEOIIAFH COMPANY What Is It Worth To have n msui do your building, who has had thirty years ^experience, and efficient took and equipment to work with. Well it doesn’t cost smy more. Yoi» get all that for less. ‘‘There Is Nq Substitute for Experience” More for Your Money M. E. PORTE CALL 5S2-J REAL ESTATE At Pubhc Auction Sale ♦ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will offer the following real properties for sale at public auction to the highest bidder on Friday, December 6, .1947, at 11:00 A. M.;aaid sale to be held at the office of the Enterprise Building & Loan A^ociation, Rut ledge Street, Camden, S. C.: (1) “ Two-story Frame Residence (formerly G. L. Blackwell house), 601 Laurens Court, 10 rooms, com position roof. Lot 91x200 feet. (2) Store Building, Main Street (occupied by Birdsey Flour store), 28x120 feet, and .lot back of stora (3) Irregular lot. East side of Mill Street, about 600 feet facing Mill Street, about 1000 feet ^facing Southern Railway Tracks, Eight f^res ,more or less, property bounded oh North by J. L. Guy building.* ' 1 (4) Lot West side of Mill Street, about 405 feet facing Mill Street, depth about 295 .feet, property bounded on North by Andersorf Machine Wotks. The terms of this sale arejtabe for cash, payable upon delivery of title after confirmation of the sale" has \^n made by the Court ed Common Pleas, and at the time of the sale the successful bidder will be re quired to deposit 5^® of his bid as evidence of good faith. W. R. ZEMP - JAMES D. ZEMP ’ As Liquidating Trustees of ^ Enterprise Building & Loan “ - ^ Association of Camden, S.<J. Terms of Sale: For cash, the suc cessful bidder to deposit with the Master, at the conclusion of the’ bidding, five per cent (6%) of his bid in evidence of good faith, the same to be applied upon the pur chase price in the event of com pliance but to' be forfeited as liquidated damages in case of non- compliance. The bidding will not remain open bat will be cloeed at the time and place aforesaid. S5-37c J. DOUGLAS MONTOOMERT Master (or Kershaw Co. Camden, 8. C., Nov. 12. 1947, SmdMef noM iNipriY. imrrr omun of ^UUsl a IWf ■■091'^^ WOK Mfr...iMiir M IMUMI If reUaf tram head cold dia> trass starts to cams whsn jon pot a little Vkte Va-tro-nol in sach nostrlL had if used in tims, Va-tro-aol also helps pmtnt many colds tram dsvd- o|fng. FoQow dirsetlons in packsge. VMUYAflOML KlNtMAW LOOai 190, « A. P. M. Regular Cornmaaiew tlon First Tassday tt Ifiach Month at t P. M. VlsUors Waloona. GBOROB MICSXJD. W. M. L. H. J0NB8. Secretary Leonard S. Mayer REPRESENTATIVE FOR New York Ufo Inraranee Companf PHONE 1f4>W **Wheii you think o# Imn- ber, think of Us.** Miller Lmnber Finishing i OldmtdNewFUmt Also Waxing and Poliak. ing guaranteed WORK W^Ifiahis Brothers U® rhooe 636XW CAMDEN, S. REESE ■■ ..Air-Condition —^Service=^ •Commercial and •Domestic Refrigeration / ALL WORff GUARANTEED Camden Motor Co, Bldg., 1120 N. Broad St. Phone 769-W Night Phone 104 • ELECTRICAL REPAIRS » • ELECTRICAL SUPPUES • EXPERT WIRING All Installations Guaranteed CALL 677-W FOR FREE ESTIMATE M. & C. ELECTRIC SERVICE 820 S. Broad Street Camden, S. C. Frank Robinaon CAMDEN REFRIGERATION SERVICE ELECTRICAL REFRIGERATION Commercial and Domeatic Telephone 358-R Fair and DeKalb Camden, S. C, ALL WORK GUARANTEED UNCL{ OF DEPENDABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONALySERVICE CLARKSON Tire Service WEST DeKAUS ST. New and Used Tirea and Batterieg RecappiaC'db VulTanixing PHONE 667 CLARKSONS ESSO STATION West DeKalb St. PHONE m SHEBEENS Texaco Service • FIRESTONE TIRES • RECAPPING SERVICE Waghtng Marfak Lubrication E. DaKalb Phone 137 J. Manly Smith SELF SERVICE STAPLE A FANCY GROCERIES ^Fresh Meats Our SpeckdtjT BkhopTille—Camdoa Hartaville CAMDEN WOODWORK & SUPPLY CO. > **If It*f Made of Wood- See Ug.** PHONE 248.W ' 404 RnUedge Street UNCiE lOSH CopmqKl 1945. Pijb(t«h«r* S«r>te«. r CAMDEN ELECTRIC CO. HOT POINT APPLIANCES Saleg and Service Phone 155 DeKalb St STEIN & HAMMOND SERVICE station AND GARAGE 44' '24 Hour Service With a SmUe** Eaat DeKalb St PHONE 728-W CAMDEN HDW. & SUPPLY.CO. HARDWARE BUILDERS SUPPUES FARM IMPLEMENTS PHONE 7 ESOBmmlSlnil SHEHEm GARAGE • Imt WM AHtiiw . 0 Wredwr Service Phones niqht mm Eul DdCalb St Bert Toddy kill walk better tince they removed the brut raU that's been pres- sin' agia his foot. .. Another bad thing •bout gittin fat is havin' to buy aU new clothes. MELUCHAMP- MAHONEY MOTORS USED CARS BODY-FENDER AUTO REPAIRING PHONE 619 ^ RatM,%SlrMt CAMDEN HOME BAKERY • Cakes • • Pastry •Rolls • Breoi "Sltfl.llAt a BirtMw aad Parl7 OrdM.* PRANK’S DRUG STORE "Fflling Pretcrq>lk« Is a Profession With Us** Fountain Service Seventesfi St Lontherie Cosmetics 0 Rock Drilling _ 0 Paving Breaking 0 Concr^ Work A. J. STEIN Painting Contractors Floor Sanding Termite Treatments E. DeKalb ‘ Phon^ 228J Boykin Fumitoff Co. Yaw iCaMaal<irJ)«» Thm DmIw ’ Now oad Um4 FondW* Maytac WaaiMt* w4 CaaSlaM. PHONRtto ' S. Broad Sireal V 1,1— 0 Gegieral Machine and Repair Work. 0 Waldmg Contractors Camden Machine Wodos PliaM Sas-M S. Mm 9L “Wn Wold Anytliliir DeLUXE CLEANERS "Wear Clean' ClotherT VMi Up'4k' Ddhw, SERVICS PHONE m For Best Service See or Cs^ Dempsey Befrigeratkm Sales & Service ■maf teeg* ‘ St- DooMrtljS WAITS Auto ,*| nm. sqiiilr >Wt ilLL ON pay plait