The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, September 12, 1947, Image 2

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y '.ti . J J ■: ki t m 5M£ vns ®KYi« 25IM.. 5«i» iM 3.75 ZM BIRDSEY’S BEST ' 2J0 4 BROTHERS IM MONEY SAVER IM WHOLE WHEAT (prtiuun) lo ibt. j^i SPECIAL'DISCOUNT 200 lb«. OR MORE BIRDSEY’S QUALITY DAIRY FEED,* 20% * loo Ibf. HOG RATION ” SCRATCH GRAIN <Cofft Whe«0 ** .LAYING MASH. 20« -f I m im sss SJS BIRD5E FLOUR ft FEED STORES ■vti PtmdTWIOMtmATOVOU HEADQUARTERS FOR STEERING SAFETY See Oun NEW MANBEE saENTinC EQUIPMENT FOR BALANaNG WHEELS AND TESTING STEERING NOW AT YOUR COMMAND \pn Sa^etif'A Sake DmiY pat ap wllli •khamr* welibl* «r waiMar ■! yar froat cnA. TImm •ra immgtr algoala. Oar acIaoUlle taat wiR ghra troa aaora aad corraat coraf COMPUm INIPKCTIor' OP ■TiBsnra WMBL BALAJfCB-n SAPI, SCIENTIPIC IT AT . . TOUM POR rum AtSWO. Oar MANBEE aqalpment—dadHeatad to your a»fety—4$ tha nawaat, finetu most sriontliic way to tast and correct fcahy aUnment ar balance. Stop bjr cad see It. An inspection of yoor ear wlU ba aaada witlMMit obUi^tiM. Don’t pat it off-^for eafal7*s soko. IF YOUR WHEELS WOBBLE, SHIMMY OR ARE HARD TO TURN.... SEE VS NOW I Mellichamp'Mahoney Motors East Rullodg* Street Day Phono Sit Night Phono t56-W ,v>.vv D '« Auto Seat Covers Iiidmdoany Tailored BY SKILLED CRAFmiEN You select the material and style you want and we Tailor Them To Your Taste, ANY MAKE — ANY MODEL Tops—any kind—and Headlinings -in still^*— YFe specialize in Auto Upholstery and Trim ichs. ' STOGNER MOTOR COMPANY PhoM S70 128 E. DdCalb St At Camden’s New Industry Pikpam ADDmONAL WANT AM * FOR SALE--OBO SaadiiKtoii No. S Standard Typdwritar, in ax- lUng, fleod hmfor carriage for selling, need llongor carriage tpr .09. SenrlM $S5.00. Triepbone 109 Motor Co. 2t« WANTED—Two ezpeidenced me chanics. LIqoor heads need not apply. Jordan Motors. Phone 90, BishopTllle. 8. C. 2<c Snbacribe to The Chronicle notice TiMHUy, mJ «i*y. Sept 15,16 L.W.P0RT.dJ Great Fall*, s. A cross section of the interested people., of Camden** new industrial program. The program aponsored by the Jaycees of Camden. Many of the people at the affair wefie atirpriaed and happy to realise new industry will come to Camden in the future. Health For All TUBERCULIN TESTS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Thousands of children are troop ing off to school this week, many of them exposed for the first time to organised learning and to the mental and emotional strains this process inrolves. In the rush of preparations, parents must not for- rsrrr LCSSON Cultivating Good Will UB880N TEXT TOR SEPTEMBER 1« —Provertw S:9». »; U:l. M; »:M, »: 99:19, 91, 99: 9«:90. 91; MattlMW 9:9: Ja^gim 9:13. MEMORY SELECTION _ Sloned are the pMccmakcra: tor they ahall be •ailed Um ebUdrwi M Ood.—MatUww 9:9. Ihitansity m ftm MDJTOttM UOTUt Lmbm mftFMM sad Ssftoaw* Mate miMttO aad aaar- dgtoad to laitrsaHaaW Cmmtil •i Jta- mjlmm Mwaftoa; mm4 to sawIfMaa. my wnxiAM cvLaaRTfON, o. d. Of Tha Maady Mbla matuma. CMcaga. TT IS troa that the Christian Ufa ^ giys offense On occasiim. When a controversy exists between men and God, the Christian has no other course of aettoo than to aUgn hUn- C an Ckid’e side. As be takee stand in sneh easas, bs should do it in lava, but nevertheless with ffnnneM. Iha Bibla nowhare conuntnds a critic^ spirit or a perversa attitude, n rather empbasiaes the necessity at flnnncss in the course of right, '• firmness ttiat loses nothing of its tbroui^ baing temparad In fires of lov*. Tbs ChriaMsa biysni sR sttsra givs hlaaseir I* a Ufa aumi- sympathy, kladasai and Thus ha win apsa avcMMs af sppertaaity, ef wii> naes, aal af tarvloa In which Ihs Lard assy ba graally magnllad. L Ceatrtbating Faatars la Ms Marring af Oaad WIR (Frov. 1:10, tl; niH, 29; 29:19; 99:20, »>. I^ARIANCE and strife mar good T WlU (Prov. 9:90, 91). Notice that this strife is unoccasioned. When we etriy with men to no purpose; idieD men bay not harmed us, end with bitterness of spirit we turn upon them, we of course forfeit ev ery opportunity to influence them for goo<L The msa ef variance ilmilarly sheaM be passed by. We are aal la emalato bim; we era net t* aaxy hfan; we are te ef l^.iyye. get that their (hildren , will also W exposed to mauy germs whicb they have avoided In the protected iHime background. Their chances ot being attacked by tuberculosis germs will probably increase and it la moat important that they be given tuberculin tests at regular intervals. ^ Young children do not get TB often as adolescents and grown persons, yet the disease kills more than 1,900 children under IS years of age in the United States annual ly. Tuberculosis germs are passed from parson to person by contact with opan cases of the disease. The only' way to make certain that a child has net been exposed t.o an open ease 'Is by tuberculin testing. This simple test is not s protec- 'tk>a against TB, but it does tell whether the germs have entered W Vfl IHMm YI9UR WfiBCKflP LOOK AMD M9B UKI MBW WCUL HOW AiOOT tX MISTTR- MOW ABOUT IT?I Complete Wreck Rebuilding Service SmitNE OVERHAUL ' BRAKE SPECIALIST w • * onPh-ta WRECKER SERVICE Night Ph. 85S-W dib,MELLICUAMP-MAHONEY A -^MDTDRS-^—= -Afc*—^ Qx*o<a:^M., S C er Ihs I leeee aU epperfasMy la him far Qed. fhe eaMh ytfeR af geed wUl imelves tha vaahiRg ef feath. Lai « wMh aB diligaiMa, wUh Ihs help ef Oai. baafeh feeas aar heailB aad mlads al at thes* attHaiaa which hart aad aiar. n. OMMribathig Faetara la tha lUkhig *r Gaed WIL I N THR first place, tha soft answar of the controlled spirit wiU esteb- Ush good WiU (Prov. 15:1, 18). The toft answer does turn tway wrath. Tha men who is slow to eager ap* peeaes strife. Lei ns aei esafniu a.seft aaawer wHb as BweaavlBoliM aae, ar with that y eanuoaoly call dyble talk. Happy Is that maa vrtw kaews hew le preaeat the tralb eeaviaclagty, whe eaa asake mea, ,dasp<te his appeslag ataadarde, aaderitsai that he has their geod al heart Of eaaraa, there is eae ahaslaie regalalla Is saeh a taa- thaaay, aad that Is a Ufa whaOy Ryd far Gad. ^ Another factor la making good wM la the act of kindnesa (Prov. 29:21, 22). Thla pataage, you win remember, is quoted in Bomana 12. Here is tte onwortunity for ua, la an mettera of paraooal injury, to plao* our caaa in the hands of God ntbar th^ to seek raraof. By lurii acts' of kindness, as we trust God. y tkaU be obeying tha Lord; and who knews hot that our ana- mies may thus be tuned to him. A third CQOtrlbatiDg factor in making good wiU te that of making peay (Matt 8:9). So often this business of attempting to make paace is a tbanklns task, but that .thaaklessnesa is only troln human sources. So far as (Sod is con- yrned, he het pieced his seal of approval upon ^ry, child of his vdio seeks to Iced men Into peey with God and to. make peace be tween men. (3od Speaks jpf them as being **caUed” sons of God. It is one thing to be a aon of God; it la aiw other thing to b* acknowledged as a son of God. m. Th* gevee ef Gaed WM (James 9:27). *T'BAT wiadeaa wfl Ised by portly. gcrttoaeaB, appreaekahlaacsa. eoeroy, aai wUl tIaUty airt 1* Rms shave la to Maas wha knew hho wh* has haaa sMrta aala oa O. Oar. LN). the body. A small amount, of tuber culin is injected • Into the skin .hrough a tiny needle, as in the Mantoux test, or a tuberculin- ireated patch is placed on ,the bkln, as in Yollmer’s patch test. If, the skin at that point shows a red. raised reaction within a few days, the germs are present, either in un active or inactive form. If the tuberculin test Is positive, the doctor will immediately fol low up with a chest X-ray-and other tests to determine whether the germs have taken hold A Iiealtby child will usually fight off the germs in his body and the dis- (ysse will not develop. But if re- Fistany is feeble, due to generally poor hyltb, or if the germs are Attacking constantly and in large quantlttea, tuberculosis may ryult. It must be ymembered that a child with a negative test today may hare a positive reaction with in a few wMks or so if, .in that period, he -has byn exposed to TB. The family doctor will de termine how often tests should made. In addithm to showing the pres ence of.TB germs In the> body, tnbercnlin tMts in children providie clues 'to the MurcM of infection in the loylUy. 'When parents co operate m this detective work, they ay not only protecting thetr own and their children’s health, but also that of the community u a wholes In the next article, infantile parelytis will be discusaed. lust Received a supply of EXIDE aad BOWERS RAT TERIES—•ffuaranteed tmcondiUoiially for om year, or moro, (>ricM begm at $14.20 for ‘ cars. 3oe US whilo our supply is good. •Gordon Mfg. Co. has finally allowad A a few of their host CUSTOM CO^RS—prienl were higher hut for the time being we will adll ouriifor tim old pii^. A set of coven keeps your clean and increases riding fftadart also. •Our shop sUys full but we will gla4hl take your repair woik just as soon as poeaftl^ Camdan^ ^public kaa consistently favored u\ writh a larga wtdume oi repair work and we fe.| ciprocate by drnng quality work at reasouakkl prices with a guarantee t^t counts. Service Motor Col Dodgo-Plymouth Dodge "Job-Rated** Tracks Only Factory enginoored parts aiui quality 517 S. Broad St riUBe CLOSED, MONDAY SEPT. dUlifiea* HoUdar) Open as usual Tuesday Morning 91 OcheV ABOMBM Hona of AT EICBEUS you wiU find a wide selection of sturdy, long-wearing, easily clean^ apparel for Boys and Girls of all ages. Washable School Dresses ini Ginghams, Chambrays, etc., Stripes and Plaids. $1A9 to $3M GIRLS GABARDINE RAIN COATS Excellent Value at up WORK GUARANTEED CITATION Tha Stats of South Carolina. (Joniity of Kardiaw. By N. C. Aniatt, Probata Judge: Wherea* D. 8. Murchison. Sr., made suit to m* to grant unto him Lattera of Administration of tha Eatata and affecto of Ethel Mace Moyhison. These are, thayfoy, to cite and. admonish all and singnlar the Kindyd and Oeditoy of tha eaid Ethel May Mnrehteon. deceased, that they ba and appear befoy me, in the Court of Probate^ to be hrid at (femden. 8. C, on September 25. next, after pablfytkm hereqf.* at 11 o’clock la the foKnooe, to show causa, if say tkay have wUy tba said Adminkitratloa rttould not bo feranted. 2g-27c Given oader av hand this 10th day of Beptamhar Aubo Domlaf 1M7. N.a ARKRTT. Mtoa M Fratato. Giri’g Boys Zelan Blue Jean Wool Lined or riaki DUNGAREES — $2.98 . FRUIT OF THE LOOM BOYS SHIRTS LONG OR SHORT SLEEVk IN SPORT OR DRES9 STYLES Arriwing Daily Boya Pants—.Bhorig and Lang* NEW WINTER / WmE or Wool Matoriob COATS / ALL AT NEW LOW Check Our *• Valuea m? PRICES WE will be closed MONDAY, SETT. iStk V.