The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, August 29, 1947, Image 8

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iV ^ wtBsmtm Bi9M-ReC THEOffiONCIi WANT ADS A4TertlMBi«nU uadar this will ba chargad for at ,tha rata ot Mo mtalBram for M words, gar taaartkm. Oaar Si words 11-Sc par word. Ada sat'la 10 poiat typa douMa etMrga. Cash, must accompany ordar azoaat ■ notut. whara customer has Liadger Aooouni For Solo FOR SALE—Seven Oaroc pics. 10 weeks old. one sow. Contset Harold T. Hall, Route 1. Bethune, S. C. 24p FOR SALE—One new one horse wagom and body with sling seal and a set of tan harness. Used only one went./V^l. s«ril cheap. See Gus Hayes or caM 637-W. 24p FOR SALE—S-roon bouse, in good condition, conveniently located. Reasonably priced. Immediate possession. Address P. O. .Box • 83, CanMlea, 3. 0. 24p FOR SALE —,New house and grocery store, ° in thickly settled community, on pared highway. Store well stocked and. doing good baslness. ■ Lights and tele* phone. Ph(me 799-W-3. 24-26p highway. Lights, water, tele phone, chicken bonse 18x66 feet with 2 buUtrln brooders, feed room, etc. Phone Monarch Studios (280) for appointment for Inspection. 24p FOR SALE—One Heatrola in good condition. Call 681-J. 24p FOR SALE—On 213 Highway. Be tween Lugeff and Ridgeway, large modern 6 room .hoaae, 30 acrea of land and pasture, ham, chicken yard, don*'le garage. Small down payment, balance like rent. H. .T. Stephens, Route 1, Logoff, 8. C.'24p Wantcid WANTEO—Any slse safe. Call Central Service Station. Phone 822-W. ' • 24c WANTED — Small unfurnlsbed apartment. Preferably 2 rooms. •‘MJL”, care Chronicle.’ 24p FOR SALE—1 milk goat, gives 3 quarts of milk a day. Will give one gallon a day when fresh,' 4^2M0. See Walter Hough, Be- thune. Route 1. 24p FOR SALE—One house, 1 barn, 1 garage, 71 acres of land. 36 acres hog and cow pasture, on creek, S miles we4t of Blaney, public road by door. H. W. Sanders, Route 1. Blaney, 8. C 24-27p TUXEDO FEEDS—The feeder's sil ent partner. Dog rations, poultry, dairy, horse fe^s. McI>eod A . Boykin Co. Phone 63. 23-2#c FOR SALE—Good used tires, vmr- lens sizes, priced from |1.(M np. Come to see us and save money. Stogner Motor Co. Phone 870. 2Stf FOR SALE—1941-42 Buick new ^change-over to single carburetor (includea manifold assembly, car- bnretor, carburetor air cleaner, etc.). Stogner Mtoor Company. Phone 570. 22tf FOR SALE—Oil circulating heat ers, designed to heat from 2 to 6 rooms. Beard Furniture and Ap- pllanoe Co., Camden, S. C. 21-24c FOR SALE—A brand new hqme df six rooms with * Wll modem equipment for comfort and con venience. A large basement and big lot. Immediate delivery. Reiisonahle price. ALSO, a nice six room cottage, well built hut needs some re- palre, a real bargain. Only three blocks from post office. ALSO, other homes of from three to twelve rooms each at reason able price*. ALSO, farm of 240 acres of fine land with 5 room house and sev eral barns, on highway and elec tric line. Fine land with large pasture for cattle and hogs, and ample water. Six miles ffom town. See SHMhian Rsi^ty'(h>ii- pany. Savage Bldg. 24c FOR SALE—One 1942 Miw wheel aim 1 base Ford track, air brattM two speed rear axle; alK>. two farm horses, 6 years oM. One Fstdaon tractor. One wood saw., one 30- inch rock commeal miU. Jamaa. Stewart, 521 Highway. j. 2s-in> FOR SALE—House and 4 acres land, 4 milofl north on Charlotte Painting and Paperhanging CALL EDDIE NOLAN PhOM Camdsc Camefe Memorial Conip^tr QUAUTY MONUMENTS WANTED FOR DAY DUTY—Ex perienced telephone operator. Ap plicants give outline of exper lence, advise how soon could re IKirt for work, and'salary expect i«d..'Kershaw Telephone (Company, Kershaw, 8. C. 24-26c HELP WANTED—male OR FE MALE—'Man or woman, -steady Income averaging 846.00 weekly. Call on customers In Camden and Blshopvllle. No Investment. Busi ness established — Immediate earnings. Write J. R. Watkins Co.. Dept. 8-8, Richmond, Va. 24p MATURE WOMAN of refinement, to be trained as professional corMtlere at our expense. No canvassing. Only corset in world sold on a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. Tes, we have elastic and nylons. For personal Inter view, write Box 421, Camden Chronicle. 24p WANTED—Small farm to • lease, rent or buy. Prefer close in to town on paved highway. Must be good land, house with lights snd water. Write “RO", care Chron icle. 22-2IP WANTED — All people suffering from kidney trouble or back-ache to try KIDDO, |1 Money back guqfantee. DeKalb Pharmacy. Phone 96. lS-2te Loot Foand L08T-*-On Saturday, black ladiee * Plastic pocketbook, containing a driver’s license Issued to Willie Mae J. West, also child's bracelet, a brush and some change. Call 472-J. at 1417 Lyttleton St. 24p For Rent FOR RENT—Furnished apartment Mrs. McLeod. 1410 Fair St 24p FOR RENT—An attractice cottag* of 4 rooms for about thr^ months, to adults only. T won RENT—One furnished bed room, 1701'- Broad street. See Mrs. H. B. Boykin after 3:39 p. m, 24p FOR RENT—Feur rooM aparUMUL located in choice residential dis trict. All electrical equipment Nicely fornlshed. Call Dr. T. W. Knight 1203 LytUeUm 8t 244 FOR RENT—Six' room, second floor apar.tment with nacosaary equipment except refrigerator. Private entrance. Shaanoo Real- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY C. Q. Kornegsy—Pre<i Hr*it PRE-WAR STANDARD METAL Weatherstrips Sold and Intlallod Ky— E. E. VEITH The only factory aquip- pod and trained mechanic in thia section. P. O. Boa 1161 Florenco,- S. C. FINANCIAL SPARE TIRE • • YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT Trawelinf along life's highway, you'll foel more secare, do your job better, when you know Ikere't a Mwingt account to come to fMF aid in caao of n '‘Mowouf. AaenoM- late nMaay regularly in a sawinga account at thia Inatitution. Start with any amount 3% , CURRENT DIVIDEND WATEREE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Fint Nat*l Bank Building S.C SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by Electrolysis. Permanent, Safe Rapid. Scientific. By appoint ment only. Mrs. R. P. Hayns- worth. Phone 1140, Sumter. S. C. 17tf Depend m Pollinatira More than a score of fruit* and more than 30 seed cropd depend on insects for iwUinatlon.^ Mott of the fruits are consumed directly at food, at are many of th^ vegetable*. Several field crop*—particularly leg ume*—are important a* animal feed** and in rotation farming to maintain fertility in the toil*. . "When you think of lum ber, tkink of Ua."--Miller Lumber Company. For Nealthfol Refrasbffloat... for Pure Enpifmeni DRINK shivar > GINGER ALE Pale Dry Golden Sv'cct Fortific-T with Vftomin 6 PRl- rlJ.'iGS '''Ss I y y Kw ^ BANKS WILL BE CLOSED The Commercial National ^nk ai » The First National Bank will be closed day on Monday, September 1 (Labor Da The Commercial National Bank The First National Bank THE $TIU OF THE NIGHT A MAM DIED He had worked late^he was tired—thousrhtlessly he walked to the right along the darkened highway. Beyond the turn of the road were the lights of home. Speeding through the early darkness, a driver urged his car along, hugging the edge of the road. A dim shape, a sudden sicken- ing jolt — and the terrorized driver, his car careeningjl' sped on— around the curve, past the lighted cottage beside the road. And in the still of the night, a man died. ’This advertisement is presented in the public interest by the| President's Highway Safety; ConfererKe and the daily an^^ weekly _ newspapers of thgj nation through their Press and Publishflr^Associationsi These are the ingredients of accidents and death at night. Often the victim contributes to his own death by not walking to the left, facing traffic. But far too many pay with their lives for the reckless driving of the hit-and-run car co,ward. To him self-preservation is more urgent than the saving of z life. To his kind let this be a warning. Of all highway and traffic vio lators, the hit-and-run driver fares worst. Sooner or later^iUs crime leads to prison and disgnice. The highways-shall be cleared of these autoliisliwaymeii. MYERS MOTOR COMPANY REDFEARN MOTOR (XBfPANY # Sales nHA ^Senrice PHONE 47 Sales PHONE 140 CAMDEN MOTOR COMPANY BOYKIN PONTIAC COMPANY Sales • - Wrecks Rebuilt — PHONE 76S-W / Sales^ Pontiac Service PHONE 60a-W LANGSTON MOTOR COMPANY MELUCHAMP-MAHONEY MiM6 Sales PHONE 1» % PHONES: Day 613-i^Nifkk 8S»>W DRAKEFORD'S GARAGE MOl^