The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, August 08, 1947, Image 7

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THl CAUDgW OMWOfUCLl, CAMOtW, tWTIlCAWOHWA, FIMPAV, AUOUtT 4 1M7 ^ The Sports Dedc Of pgANK a id£Am aroirrs editor PAOM wm ^ MUtoD Stock? » fZ, M0ba«. Ala. di* of dob. Now ka to iUff Of tkO Ctoa ^ yon o" totomtod, n!^ flr»t vro Job «p to - HMrd of bim dowa with ■ 8o®*r* toBil'PfO toain to fJ^taTlted him to tryout in the W-I loop. .vyrocketed to baaebaU I be has a IncratlTO i rtory for BIU Wrlglay iba ^ I nut Stock chatter la bat to a aUtement that fntereated In baring a D inched In Camden. Thla riready In correspondence gad we may bare some- gfaating to talk about, a r. 1 meet Stock at Wrlgley ^eago tote this mmith ap that way on ts^ gap yoor fingers croaoed. re a friendly regard for j lools who persist to ka bat passing act at the tar some batter poles the of the lot, or a dinnker a nerre-thrUler bn the dMkta m IE0 RSHTS FOOT ilAH KiM-btla h m Bnt on the other hand, a lot of the tona are getttog resentful, whldi erentaally msy hurt the st- tandance at tha samea. ^ ' * The bleachers and grandstand gare Bob Scott a big hand tost week Wednesday for his fine per- fwinance against Bennettsmie. The real highlight of the game was the manner which the local hurler bore down in that <fourth frame, when with the sacks loaded and no one down, he struckout the next three batters. to the erent the Chiefs get into the O’Shaughneesy playoffs in the Palmetto loop, where oh where, are we going to place the fans? The attendance at the game toat Fri day night with the Snmter Fisk- atMra here, when some 2,200 to 2,500 fans Jammed the park to OTerflowlng, forcing the halting of the game for ten or fifteen min utes as many hundreds s^aought spectator locations along the left field foul line, waa the largest In Camden htotory. It wUl be eren greater during the ptoyoffs. We hare auggeated that the baseball club group secure the lo^ of all STallable benches In this area and hare them placed along the left field line. We hare been asked how the crowd last Friday compered with polo games or Bulldog football at' tMidance figures. Of course it was not as big as Is In erldenee st Cam- den-Sumter football games, or as large as the crowds that used to turn out for the polo games during the days when the Essex Troop brought thousands of O. 1.8 from Ftort Jackson, When they battled the Camden or Ifulberry foursomea. Bnt the average turnout of baae- ball fans exceeds the average of either the football or polo events. Which of eonrse gives ns a chuckle, when we reeall some eight years ago. when we aitiued that Camden would support a baseball program, provldtog we had a good team, a good ball lot and lights. we WM definitely a football-minded com munity. Well, time haa told the story and showed os Just bow night-we were. aSM* kr MfWiif i They laughed a| ns and insisted lMgiM(M(M«7TbHehtotor wece all wet—that Camden ' « maHa lad poatiiH mew ' I hot. piriplrias ftot. leMie, la k €i*€tkM la K M t rak wkb NMraksla » tani tmi m htip pmmm a rioat ctw faoai ilnelopiBS. i) Sdixbrfal to Mtl b Itatm I tad tefrtihwl... ia graaM- j., .doc* not ataJa cat aUa . aor dattroy ciaaM. Gat a bot- I at how quickly k brinaa aat relief. Mad obactioeaw (her rtluaMc iiifotaMrioa. At m, m. and %\M bottlaa. R,icMn| nuuln...tlt«i.kantina ■.. . kruiset .. . itcMai tUa. RA'BALM ; or TNI COMMON ATMtlirt root rUNOI ON CONTACT The Chiefs carried a golden horseshoe in the Bishopville game Saturday night. Suggie Horton had them hog tied so far as hits were concerned and bot for that dropped ball by Catcher Jones when Mims stole home, the Lee county club might have stopped the Chiefs win ning stVHlL mounted to nine straight BkiDopvlUe plgyed tbe game wlthent fonr of Its star men svattidile hocaase of beach vaca tions The fame waa tbe fastest In point of (tola of any played at the Legion lot itbia season, taking Just one hour And thirty minutes. Ace Hortfm In Fine Qiuntdng Feat; But Loses Biakopwillw Piteker EMm Chief a.* Miaw Stwala Home To Win Ball Game Sng Horton. BlsbopvlUe bi^ school southpaw, pitched fourhlt ball Saturday night but lost a heartbreaking battle to the Camden Chiefs when BUI Mims, Camdea second sacker, rode home in the eighth with a golden horse shoe around his neck, giving Oamdan a 3 to 2 decision bver the cellar- title holders from Lee county; With the game all tied op at 2 all, Mims opened the eighth by waiting on four wide ones to get a life. He promptly stole second, making It by a hair-line decision from Umpire Irby. He took third on Robinson’s Infield out and then proceeded to try and pilfer the horn 4 station. Mims bad a good start down the path before Horton made hit pitch. But Jones, visiting catcher, got the ball and tagged Mims, only to bsve the apple fall from his hand. Um pire Ace Parker had already called Mims out but reversed his decision when Jones dropped the baU. Camden drew ttost blood to the contest scoring a run In the third. Tbe visitors came riidit back to the fourth to take the lead. 1 to 1, on runs scored by singlet by Rosa Horton and June Truesdell and an error by Mims. Camden'came baek to even the count In the sixth when the visitors put two bobbles on the record. Horton had the Jinx sign on tfie Camden sluggeri, fanning Scott three times, Blalock, Stone and Lory twice each and Leary once. Against Horton’s ten strfkeoats. Scott, Camden chunker, got ato. Scott walked but one Itotter and Horton gave passes to fonr. \ The high light of the-game came in the second Inning when Omdy Horton, playing in deep right, gathered in Stone's long drive and made a perfact psg to Joaea at the plate to retire DeLury who raced in from third. There was a* large weskead at* tendance at the game^ the tana hav ing learned that the ball park to the coolest place to Camden m a warm Bight Camden S 4 t BlshopvUle ,...2 t I Scott and Stone; Horton and Jones. Ticker To Bring Games To The Camden Fans FOOTBALL SQUADS FOR TRIP TO MOUNTAIN CAMP Bulldofa Opaa Season BblkopTflli Drafom In Laaa Thaa Fhre Waeka * last one weak now remains before the Camden Bull^ footbaU squad, U strong, will pitch oamp to the North Carolina mountatoa near HeadersonvUlc for a two weeks tratotog and condlUon- tog parlod. Tkta .year’s football camp wUl bo at Carlyle. Returning home August SO, the sqmd wUl start iptonaive training for tho opeatof game with the BlsbopvlUe Dragons here im Sen- tember 12. ' WhUe the grapevine says that the BuUdogs wUl be an all-around improvement over the 1M4 team, bnt Coach Lindsey Ptoroe decitnea comment. In running over, tbe Bulldog per- sonn^ for this year's team. It to noted that Carlton, who played left end last year; Thompson, left tackle In ’44; Myors, left guard, snd^ Howard Noriia, right gaard. are veteraas who wUl be back In the line this year. 'Rogers and Morty' MuUer are bidding for the center position with Rogers having an edge to expect ience. Marehall looks good fbe i1^ tackle, and Raker, a big rangv chap for right ead. Others who loos UKo certain fixtures ea the first team are Don Morrison, ^ tackle; Kerr, left Md; Oeorge Beleoe. left guard. aad'Tbomaa Smith, a guard Jim .Moore, Who played with the Saratoga, Fla., Highs tost year, ,1s a likely end prospect, while Ted Melton is available for tackle. John Anderson looms tbe beat bet at qnarter, while other backfield talent coaslsta of Charley Smith, Jim Team, Jimmy Cox. Oene Banner,.Leon Branham and Bobby Arnold, tho totter a moat womlslng blocking baek who win be college material two years from now. The probable, return of Giles Hug gins win give the Bulldogs a lot of pow«r timt this Idg fellow can poar oat wfesa occaaloa .iomsads, HnggtBs. who to the only O. 1 ptoy- er listed with-the Bulld^e. will be givMn a aaifena if sad when tbo state high school sihletic board approvaa. Tbe Camden squad boasts of a number other promising ptoyera and some of them may develop Into oalataaiiag lalsat Coach Pierce has an eleven game sebednio magped oat for hto charges with six of tbo gsmss slated tor the hoino lot.. Subacriba to Tbo Chroniclo ‘*WhoB yon tbfaik af htom- ber, think of Ua.**—Millor Lumbor Coapamy.. fUNtRAl I ME PHONE 0 3 laf8 the Fanei Uncle Jim Si f N S C TT iO^'e *••••• Famflitt, bm lbld>t^ of tho fnwfi Aw^athow bad aa- proaaad Oar quiet locallw eatsida ^ ^ trafffe soma gidbll'an aaparial ap- paal to naamy fgpdiiaa. « -'V- V , Trade, Sett anm$euik In Camden PN OKICLE KT IT/J UNCIE OF DEPENDABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSiONALySERVICE CAMDEN ELECTRIC GO. HOT POINT APPLIANCES Saka and Sarnea 185 DeKalb St THOM^ TAVERN "Fine Food For Fine Folkd’. SHEBEENS Texaco Service • FIltBSTONE TIRES • RECAPPING SERVICE Waddnf Marfak LubriMitkMB E. DaKalb 1S9 SHEBEENS GARAGE • Baar Wheel Alifnnit • Wracker Service Phniipq 17R rilUlNfS night 202.J Eaat DeKalb St r < I CAMDEN BEAUTY SBOP Beauty Aid For Every Need^ Viait a«r dkplay ef eiA* atamding cbbah awl flaw Bovehi^ phone'm CLARKSON Hre Smice " WEST DeKALB ST. Naw and Uaad Tirea amd Battariaa Recapping St Vuhraniaing PHONE 887 CLARKSONS ESSO STATKW WMtSalhlbSt PHONE m CAMDEN BCBiE BAKERY • CsJbes • Plee • Poetry • Retie • Bread **lpecialisimg k Bfarlkday and Parky Ordmre’* The Rex BUlsrd ball bas InstsB- ed a ticker tape machine with] blackboards for listing tbe reeolts of sU baseball games, races, foot ball games and other eportlng | events. This Is an accommodation to thsl sport fans of Camden and vicinity who are Interested to the reeults of competitive events. While radio broadcasts bring football games la season, the coverage is limited be cause of the poor reception fori most stations. The posting of I scores and game details from thei ticker tape will enable the fBaal {o keep close tab on progress of] aJ] games. ntte Loses In Final lltotch To, Bobby Spurrier . Bni Pitts, Camdaa tennis ae%| rated as the man to boat to tho I annual 8ovth Carolina tsanto toar>| namoat tat Daiitogtoa last vraelL| dfriffad la aiay atndght set final ( •rsat to Bobby Spurrier. Prasby*} teriaa bollega aca, .Satafday. Spurrier breesad to the title by| sooTM of 10, t-l sad 1-0. Sfoni did not lose a set to the toaraa-l ment. Pitts had played brilUanttyi up to his ftoal match and badl bemi doped by tbe experts to ba| In line to take tbe title avsat. STEIN & BABOiOND SERVICE STATION • AND GARAGE **24 Hour Sorvko With « SwiU** Ea^ DaKhIb Sk. PHONE 72S-W UNCI8 lOSM CaamelX 1944. PeWNMn FmIui* Mrvie*. Im. • Rock PrOUtog • Pavimg BnuikiBg • CoMUko Wsrk A. J. STEIN Puintfug Cottkruelora Plour Sumdbig Ttomito ‘nrohl E. DoKilb BODV-PCNOBR RlPAmiNO WRECKS RESUILt AUTO PAlHTmO OLASt INSTALLtD CAMD^ BODY a c a w. c Enron niONE 7«SJ * iOlSMMfMSl. J. Manly Smith SELF SERVICE STAPLE a FANCY GROCERIES **Fresh Meats Our Specialty^ Biakopvillo—Caaidco Harkavillo 8EGARS CABINET SBOP ^Everything Built to OrdeF* PHONE 78B.W RnklodRo 8t TgdL Rm town sot s«ys hit b* to ptislokle • • • on toooimt ol kooTf tioioo Om Onvinont gits oi^ • • • Tho hat fn om amstai boon iMingnr* CALL 167 FOR BUDSON’S TAXI^ AU. PASSENGERS Parker, who was caUing back of tbe catch, kept the action spaadadl •A Four of the BlshopvUle ptoyera I were former Camden Junior Lofton | talent MELUCBAMP- MAflONEY MOTORS USED CARS BODY-FENaSR AUTO REPAIRING PHONE ei3 Radadf* SlM*t * FRANK’S, DRUG STOKE "FilEBc Fwtcriptfaa b ■ FyDliiSoa Wilk U(” Fountain Service Sovunkoam ft Lcukkcrte MAYFAIR DECORATOR ProfoMiouol UpkobtaruTi PREE ESTIMATES Pick Up ft Dcltoury Sorutou ftSl 141 St PHONE 878.R DeLUXE CLEANERS "IFear Clean ClgthetT Pick Up ft DoHfury SERVICE PHONE m WATTS Auto & Borne Sofiply RADK NORWALK TIRES OUARANTEEO t YKARt •Wl SELL ON THE EASY PAY PLAIT PHONE f •ao B. DeKalb CAMDEN BDW. & SUPPLY CO. HARDWARE BUILDERS SUFFUES FARM IMPLEMENTS Electric Hudgu for Sato urRgtok PHONE7 Per Book Sorwico $00 or Cdl Denqsey Refrigeration Sales & Service roumnwtol ft Donaoakto Pheoa tISdk OamStSb A 0. 1022 1047 Twenty-five yean of service to* yon. Agency V^sr ^ TOWUt WAIIXCir SmFP and FRANK M. WHITING STERLING SILVER F. D. Goodgle Jowoler Pbome*231-W to oioe ko ‘ Way. If »'•* and a to kolp Boykin Furnitiire Co. Now amd Ueod^KndCoro Wi •fU. The Camden Chronicle QaaSky PrinkiBg •Lotkarboada PEavulopoe •Mod P< •Wodftag mmOi oSocial . mom Si CAMDEN WOODWORK' A SUPPLY CO. <*lf IPa Mado of Wootb- SooUa.*' * PHONE Jp-W 804 llEHadgM(DStoto8 m ” D. C DIXON’S Balaam Boases Two Skorea •SI and ns tnOAD Uto haadto a eemplets tia# el ..MM wofMn and ehlMhaoto f^donaA Raeibdawaoe and ' k 7eH( ophDu ^^ ilL k ' etokii ‘ I • .-Me' -PW ‘►I