■ ■*:vi I. ^ .rs CAMDEN CmEra LEAD UBACUE; DEFEAT BISHOrviLLE IN NEAB ERRORLESS BATHE, 7 TO 3 New Law Tim Makes Dekat la This Commimity Crasehratibn'Nates b F«at«r«any here in 1940 and remained there as manager until he went Into the army air force In September, 1943. He was discharged from the army in November, 1945, and returned to the state university to complete hla law training. Mr. Woodcock. Is vice nrealdent of the Camden Junior Chimber of Commerce, secretary and treasurer of the Camden and Kershaw coun ty air port commission and secre tary of the Camden Bar associa tion. wiiniiigiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiHP Farmer-auparvisors of tha Lynch es rivar s<^l conaervatfon district this week Joteed the soperviaors of lAOO other dlstricta thronghont the nstlon tai obeervlng two major events fa soil and water conserva- tioa history. First is the 10th annivarsary of soil ooaservation diatrteta; second is the reaching of the bllllonth-ecre mailc In soil conservation district orgakiaatldBL *^0 nation’s first soil conserva tion (Jiatrlet was created by land owners in North Carolina, August 4. 1937," said Chairman Funderikurk of the local district “That district la tha Brown Creek soil eonserva- |ion district which includes the farm where Dr. Hugh H. Bennett now chief of the soli conservation penrlce, was born and reared.” > Chaiman Funderburk said that the soil conservation district move ment has made much faster prog ress than the pioneers In soil and water conservation first thought possible. “We had no idea, when the first districts were being organized by farmers, that in 10 years we would have districts covering a billion acres." he said. I “helieve that here is proof that landowners, when given ah^ opportunity, will take the leadership In solving their own soil and water conservation prob lems. Each district la ortanixed by farmers and controlled by them under authority of a state law.” Farmers In 1940 voted to or-gan- lae the Lynches River soil conser vation dtstvict. Since that time, soil conservation service tech nicians assigned to the district have assisted 1,200 farmers to plan and iMgin applying complete farm soil and water conservation programs on over 160,000 acres. Serving with Mr. Funderburk on the board of auperviaors are; C. B. Player, St. Charles. S. C.; J. C. Herlol, Dalsell, S. C.; Finley, Bmn- ham, Lngoff, S. C. “I^rraera in the aontheaat took the lead In the district movement from the beginning,” said District Cbaimian Funderbnrk. Today, according to reports by Dr. T. 8. Bnle, southsaatero region al conservator of the soil conserva tion servfea, 317 soil conservation districts cover more than 101 mil lion Sbatheaatern acres. These districts contain more than 83 per cent of the farms In the nine south eastern states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. In the 10 years since the Brown Creek soil conservation district was formed, technicians of the soli conservation service have as sisted 194,064 southeastern farmers to start complete soil and water conservation programs on almost 33 million acres. “The district program Is making greater progress now than ever be fore,” Cbalrlban Punderburic said. “During the past year. 46,888 farm ors in the nine southeastern states were assisted in starting soil con- Etori TIk Comity AgMifs Office W. aMcCARLEY, r. J. B. GRIFFITH, Am*l Commtf AgmiL MEAT ANIMAL FIIOJKCTt TRAIN 4-H MKMRCRl The 4-H meat animal project pro gram provides ciok .members the opportnnity to leem how to prop erly manage meat animals, says Dan Lewis, state boys’ clnb agent In caring fOr thatr animals clnb- sters Isam to provide shelter and other comforts, to snp^y pare water freely, to protect* against diseass and paraaltas, and to handle and market without injury. The projbet iaclades, 4-H beef, swine, and shepp enterprises. The state winner in this program is awarded a standard American-mad# 17-Jew^ gold watch in a gift box. Many of these watches are being worn b^ former South Carolina club members who have won this honor. Bight sectional educational trips to the 26th National 4-H club con gress in Chicago this fall wUl be awarded to a blue ribbon group consisting of the two highest scor ing pai'ticipants in each of the four sections Of the United States. This means two trips tor the Southern section. Then four college scholar ships, one from each extension sec tion, will be awarded this group of blue ribbon winners, Mr. Lewis points out. Kershaw county 4-H boys should make s good showing in this con test this year. We have several boys who have done a good Job with their beef calves as well as some who have swine as their project. CONSERVATION CONFERENCE FOR 4-H’ER8 SUCCESSFUL Byron Newman of the Bethnne ''4-H club and John Elliott of the Midway club were representatives from Kershaw county at' the con servation conference held at Camp Bob Cooper near Manning, July 21- 25. “Conservation in the Full De velopment of Mankind” was the theme pf the conservation and Icnd- ershlp Institute. 116 delegates and leaders attended. Using the theme as his snbJecL E. A. Owynne, businesf^manager of the SparUmbnrg Herald, opamd program Monday evening. 0th- infereac Got There lb CAMDEN ONE OAY ONLY- A ^ TUE& AUG. ZU FAIR GROUNDS lun servation work on.iRven and a half million acres. That’s almost on»i fourth of aii the. farmers assisted daring the 10 years since the flint district was organised.” Use CkroiiiclB Wamt A^ State Theatre - KERSHAW, a C rnoaTf avswy v nKING MISS *THE SHOCK! PILGRIM** Betty ^Orabio*—Dick Haynea Saturd 14! Lirdair, Aufiut 7 LANDRUSH** Charlaa Bkarrstt Sat., Aug. 7, 10:30 F. M. **SWING THE WESTERN WAY** Jack laoaarS Moii.-TMg,, Avi. 11-12 “THE LATE GEORGE AFLEY** Ronald Cdtiwan Psggy Cammtwgs WadnebdaF, Avgmt 13 “HIGH CONQUEST** Gilbert Roland Thursday. Aufiut 14 “NORTHWEST OUTFOST* Lions Massey—-Nelson Eddy FRUIT JARS COMING ATTRACTIONS PINT Do*. QUART °“-85c Gallon $1,15 Haiglar Theatre Comsr Broad and Rutlodgs Bts GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS ■ ^^hSr Fri.-Sai., Attf. S-9 **SP01LERS OF THE TIORTH**— FRESH TENDER Green BEANS 3 lbs. 25c FRESH GREEN Butter BEANS 2 lbs. 25c FRESH HOME-GROWN OKRA PEACHES CALIFORNIA LONG White enk Paul Kelly, Adrian Booth Evelyn Ankers Also Ssrfal, Comedy, Cartoon locoQoocpocooamoaaooaor Moii.-Tuaa., Aug. 11-12 *THE GUILTY** Bonita Granvilis, Don Castle Latest News Ssisetsd Short Wed.-Thurs.,* Aug. 13-14 Epic of Gold Rush Oaysl ‘tlUEEN OF THE YUKON*» Chsriss Bickford, Irons Rich 2-plsca mstol lid G Um ihi* N*wMi dwwIepiMiii i« 2- piece M*t«l IWiI ThereY no d*ebt ef JUST • esfe leel for your ntss Mm*«esed feedt. TO JmI prees t* leel — if DOMf ie dew*, {sr ie TiSn ■■■s.a Wnowyltsee* jar. Isey I* *ee be- cssee !!*• lere. Co* wMi lAU JAM AND DOMSUOSI WORLD’S NEWKSTI WORLD’S FINEST BIQSHOW er speakers at the confereaco hi* chided A. H. Ward, oxtaurtoli dis trict agmL who discaassd "Coa* servatloa of Soath