Ceatsrm ^ For fine ^ Workout H^lmlioP B«»t In tWe Uaff^ lyiSrSWppW to the Bwagger guys of police doparttaent Jlnostof thocity at the lot in tlio paat two determine what- they ht of the setup- I 49 TOO know what Impiw TBore than anythlni etoe. A# fine traffic control be- U after the game by the *!LartBient And #e Tenmre '^erery Camden fan who Ml ielopy to the game wlU ^ SB that the blue coats '*Se*piirked Orderly and Match before the game and ^ the final out has been lad there is s general rush, g,d the cops on duty at.tlfe It Intersections, all the way goat office comer, J^thst It's a fine Jobf ’ you think ^ of Ua.”— Compaaf. ANTISEPTIC Mdirtyre Heads Red Bh)od ActivitjF^gram * The local chapter of the Ameri can Red Cfoea has receired word from Vioe Admiral Ross T. Mc Intyre, wartime surgeon of the U. S. naTy and formerly White Houee physician, that he has been named director of the National Btoo& program of the American Red Cross. Recently approred as a Red Croea actlrity by Its board of gor- emore the long range program coh- lemplatee the proTision of blood and its derlratires without diarge for Uie products, to the whole na tion. Dr. ICcIntyre * will hare auperri* Sion of the most far-reaching health program in the peacetime history of the Red Cross. It la being un dertaken in direct response to the urgent need of the medical pro fession for blood in earing of life ae well aa in treatment and preVen- lion of disease. Camden WUl Get $2,382 F^om Fund e • ' The City of Camden will receive 12,382 from the semi-annual dis tribution of the motor transporta tion fund, State Treasurer Jeff Bates announced last week. The fund is apportioned to all incorporated cities In South Caro lina on a population basis, and con sists of money from the licensing by the South Carolina Public Serv ice Commission of trucks and buses to operate on highways In the state. The total amount to be dtetribnt- ed to the cities is |179,060,. the treasurer stated. TMt CAMHI CHROHiCtR, CAMOUk, tOUTW eAROLIM/V, PItIDAV. AUQUVT $, 1947 BsssaeaasmmaBammKsmmmwmBaBmKmesBBmmafmgaamsaassssmsBmsmsssBsssgss^a PAQK TMIIII Curb Market Is Praying Success, Dedare Owners Saijra Adwarfiakit Q—dnyiaa Busmen In Fruita And VegeUblea And Otiber Cosnmoditiea LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY OPENING IN CAMDEN i,TeU established old line Sonthem Life Insurance Company is in- Meted in establishing an agency in Newberry, Camden, Lan- Mter, Batesburg. Wlnnsboro. 1700 are a resident dt eitber of the above towns, or vicinity and ilsh to increase yonr income by developing your own Insurance i{eac7 with full Home Office cooperation, please write immed- bteir ciTing your age and sales experience, fov reply will be treated with Absolute' confidence and this may the opportunity to establiah a profitable Instance business of- mr own. Address all replies to P. O. Box 1317, Cidumbia, S .C. Harold, and Ed Segars, who ope rate the open air curb fruit azsl vegetable stamd on Market street Just south of DeKalb. believe that it pays to advertise. Following the insertion of two display advertisements in the Chronicle, these two young men declare that business hae Quad rupled and they are hard put to take care of the demands of thelg trade. • They have what virtually can be described as a 'cut rate" fruit and vegetable stand and that their prices are far below the average Is exemplified by the demand that comes from the bnylng pjfbllc. Camden Fire Siren Heard In Florida For a fact and this Is Just how it happened. Just imagine it. A fire siren sounding in Camden was heard distinctly at Del Rio beech in Florida Don’t believe It—well It’s true. Last Thursday the Camden fire de partment responded to a call which took them west on Rutledge. It happened that Ralph Steven son was talking over long distance phone with Ernest Freitag, the lat ter being at Ijlel Rio. As the fire truck with siren screaming roared past the Stevenson building. Which prompted FTeltag to re mark. "Bee yon have a fire in Camden." . Ike Jones, Jr. Is Selected A former Camden man has been selected through a nation-^ide competitive program for training in the naval aviation college' pro gram at Charleston. The. Camden man chosen for the naval aviation college program Is Isaac R. Jones, LJr., of ETlIerbe Lane. Are Yoo Bothered With- RODENTS, ROACHES and ANTS? If you are—apd particularly you who are m the grocery and feed and seed business—then let us 'give you a Free estimate on their extermination. a I We Have WUh Ua MR. WORTH TOWFXY an extamiinator of eight years experience. He is also assistant manager. C W. JOHNSON, Jr. ^ Lakewiaw Am, Bethmie News Mrs. Amanda McKinnon’s birth day was celebrated Sunday, When all her children and grandchildren gathered at her keme. Mr. and Mre. Q. R McKinnon and Peggy McKhuion of Evans, Oa.. were pres ent for the day. R B. Sima of Rock Hill spent Tuesday with Dr. and Mrs. E Z. Truesdell. He was accompanied home by little Kathryne Sima who has been spending a month here with her grandperents. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McLaurin at tended the graduation of their son, Richard McLaurin,'- at Carolina Thursday when he received his Masters degree.' D. M. Mays and family attended the Cheraw-Oreenwood game in Greenwood Thursday evening and visited Mrs. Mark King, who is a patient in the hospital here. Miss Stella Bethune accompanied by Mies Mary Norwood of McBee spent the weekend in the moun tains of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jerman of Camden wers gneets of relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith and family of Lancaster were gundsy guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kirkland Watts. Roy and Julian Clyburn of Flor ence and Charleston were Sunday guests of their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Clyburn. The circles of thp Presbyterian church met Tuesday afternoon at ihe following homes; Margaret Morse with Mrs. Thornwell Cly- burn; Jean Hillhouse with Mrs. R. E. McCaskin and Minnie Forbis with Mrg. Nita Newsom. Mrs. Stome Yarbrough and Miss Betty Yarbrough of Hartsvtlle spent Thursday with Mrs. Dsisy McLaurin. Dargan Clyburn, Jr., has return ed to bis home in BlshopvUle after spending a week with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cly- burn. Mrs'. M. C. MeCaakill is vlsiUng Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McCaskill. Jr., in Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Jowers and family of Rome. Oa., were guests of their uncle sad family. Dr. and Mrs. E. Z. TrnesdMl, Tuesday. A temperance pageant was pre sented Sunday evening In the ]tep- tist chnrch instead of the regular evening services. ' The Sunday school room of the Presbyterian Senior Womsn’i Bible class was mgde beautiful with cut flowers Sunday morning by the members in compliment to the teacher, Mrs. E. Z. Truesdell’s birthday anniversary. A lovely cake and a piece of silver was presented her by Mrs. Hugh Witherspoon in behalf of the class. Mr. and Mrs. Lavin Severance and family of Columbia were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Severance. Mrs. Fred Bell of Ninety Six was the guest of Mrs. Robert Waters Saturday. The Kate Ward and Hattie Hues- te'ss circles held (heir Baptist so ciety 'meetings Jointly with Mrs. R. K. Tompkins Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Oliver have retnrned from a business trip to Atlanta. Miss WlUie Esther Ratcliff has returncNl to her home here after attending summer school at Win- throp college. Miss Joyce Fowler, who has been working in the offloe at Winthrop college this summer, spent the we^end here srith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Q, H. Fowler. Miss Dniacllta Ratcliff and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hall of CoIumbU Vnd Caxpden were weekend gneets of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ratcliff. John Bethune and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Watts of Charleston spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mays. ^le J .P. Be thune returned to Charteston with them and Mrs. John Bethnne re mained for a longer stay with bar parents. (Mr. and Mrs. Nell Johnson of Taxi Stand To Remain As Is; Says The Oty But DriwewaYs To Auto Lot Must Bo Kept Clear At AllTtmea The taxi drivers have won out in their fight to retain their pres ent taxi parking area on Broad ►treet. The council committee, having In charge the taxi stand problem, have decided that the taxis may remain in their present parking area, with the exception that the driveways into the Ace Auto Sale company lot are to be kept clear. It is reported that the lot now used by the Ace company and own ed by the Schloeburg brothers, may be the site of a modern chain Store, as negotiations extending over a long period, are about to be closed. Father Of McArn Called By ^ath The sympathy of this community goes out to Rev. A. Douglas McArn in the passing of his father, Daniel Hunter McArn, at Laurlnburg N Cm last week. The funeral rites were held Fri day at S p. m., at the McArn resi dence at Lanrinburg, with inter ment in the Laurlnburg cemetery. Mr. McArn left three sons, Hugh M. McArn of Laurinburg,* Donald O. of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Rev. A. Douglas McArn of this city; also, two sisters, Mrs. Harry W. Malloy of Laurlnburg and Mrs. John Ashley, Jr., of Mt. Airy, N. C. Blaney were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. U Mays. Mrs. Tom Bd Hearon and son, Onuny, are visiting mother and grandmother in Rlchburg. F. C. Kell^ of Portsmouth. Va.. visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Mitchell last week. Miss Mary Ellen McLaurin at tended the 'Tindel-Hughes wedding in Neeses Saturday and Is visiting in Columbia. The quarterly WMU of the Bap tist church met Wednesday at the church here. Watch Your Kidneys/ Hdp Them Qeaiue the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Tour kMam an eoestMtIy Sltertaf WMU BUtUr irom tk« MmS aUMu. Bsi UdMytapaatloMa 1m .tkair wark—So aot act M Natara inlaiMad—(ail to ro> aaova taiperltiaa tkat, if rauiaad, auy poiaaB tha tyaUu aaS apaat tha wkoia boey Bwcklaary. gyaiptoBM MV bo aacxiac boekaaka, pariiatMit fcaadanka.attMSa of dluSaaa^ Sattlag *9 alskto. awaUlac, ~ aador tka ayaa—o (aaliag a( - oaxiaty aaS loaa at pap aoS ati Otkw ai«M of kMooy or kloddar orSar ora aoaaatUmaa keraias. too froaeaat ariaotiaa. Tktra akaelS ba oa Soekt tkat traatawot la wiaar tkaa Daam’a Pitta. Daan’a kora aaw trtaaSa tar aaaia tkam fatty Tkar'kavo 0 aptlea-wMa ftpotatiM. Ar» iQaaaiiaaaSas ky pstafii Paasia las WTMao MOTi Doans Pills Demand Hl^di In OH Products The present demand for oil prdd- ucts is higher than ever before in history. The ability of the indnstry to meet this unprei^ented demand is strained not by lack of crude oil in the ground, but by limita tions of transportation and other I acuities occurring largely as a re sult of the war. Most oil companies are having difficulty in meeti^ the lull demands of their customers for products. Such a situation usually results tn an increase in product prices which brings out added aup* plies and tends to balance supply snd demand. A number of price Increases have recently taken place. It is our opinion, however, that under present conditions where a short^e of fabricated steel and other mateiials limits the industry’s ability to produce, transport and refine more crude oil further price increases in either crude or pr(0duct8 will not be ef fective In increasing the overall supply of petroleum products. We feel that such price Increases would only be inflationary and should be resisted. Standard Oil company of New Jersey believes so strongly that further increases in the. price of crude oil or products under present conditions are not tn the best In terest of either the oil industry or the public, that it is following the general policy of not increasing prices unless such increases will tend to maintain or bring out ad ditional supplies. As is the case with most other oil companies, the products of Standard Oil company of New Jersey reach the consumer pripcipally through dealers and dis tributors and the company believes that Us “Hold The Line" price pol icy ba| not worked a hardship on these Independent businessmen who handle Esso products. We are continuing to share our available snppliM squitably with all our onstomert. W£R£0M THE I £V£L Bob Thompson Gets Commission Csunden HiEh Graduate Fin- ishes At ROTC At Fort Banning, Ga. I- J Robert B. Thompson, son of Mrs. J. W. Thompson, 1012 Fair street, has received a commission in the Officers Reserve Corps at the Fort Bennlng ROTC camp. Thompson graduated from the Camden high school in 1943 and will graduate from Presbyterian college in 1948. He served one year and seven months in the United States army and waa in the BTO theater of ac tivities. He was with the 90th Division and received the pnrple heart KERSHAW LODGE HO. 29 A. F. M. Regular Communica tion First Tuesday of Each Month at I P. M. Visitors Welcome. GEORGE MICKLE, W. M. L. H. JONES, Secretary ^....Whch wereum TMT OVR movefSAU dependable: OF VOUR FURNITURE IS CONCERNED ORR TRANSFER a STORAGE Pho«M 99 Rutlndgn St COMING ATTRACTIONS —AT— Camden Theatre Fri.-Sat., Aug. 8-9 Laugh Laden I with Giris Beautiful “COPACABANA” Groucho Marx, Carmen Miranda Also Selected Short Subjects Sat., Aug. 9, 10:30 P. M. ^‘BACKLASH” Jean Rogers, Richard Travis Moik.-Tuea., Aug. 11-12 ^‘HONEYMOON” Shirley Temple, Franohot Tons Also Latest News Wed.-Thurq., Aug. 13-14 “THE IMPERFECT LADY” Ray Mlltsnd, Tsrssa Wright Also News—Selected Shorts 1 Dswid Burr Frank Robmgoo I CAMDEN REFRIGmnON SERVICE 1 ELECTRICAL REFRIGERATION 1 • CoouBurcial and DomastIc TgigpliuMg . Fair and DnKalk JBB-R . Csbndan. B. C. • ALL WORK GUARANTEED • ^Mi’l molch fho BIG-CAR QUALITY AT Li Volvwto Htad ■i ' / . 1 ■, I'i- m 5V'-4»* t • ■A '-i’' ■■■; ifg, ■ !■' '"f r. • -I* f, a. iiil Clarkson's Station PHONE 667 ti Corner Church and DeKalb , V A . • e ' ♦ • . ’ .V % \ ^ • Bw saw Omvrolst b Iba fswaef-pricsd --a. am^A m bJ ^ HQPOu QOi sVMB w w As lyps af car sagiss sAMi halde <4 laeords for afUdsncy—far gMnt sMud- amai powar fraai svary aiMse of tpsL tkarwm, Ctiswabf*s Vaba h Head hr gbab*a*dwaAtoaaif( Ihaea oosabi (1) ones of lawaef prioai; (2} bSHom of atlas of sorvloa to ewaars; and (3) niaahsr of aksaan sarvad. b feid, Ids slunly Chav 1 ■GWtGVW 0 fengar halt laday, rsgordbii of typa, sba ar < Ckawslal ghae yea As MO-CAS Wylaa sf lady hy CAI COMKWr at I •MUT'iw eaSFan fart af Ms Knee-Act^ OSdbif RMe—4er Ikii^ tea, h gKb- dve.te Oawsli* la Me pries lanta. •• wlagi Kggg your Dm te Btud llBfillW •f ftm OPEN 7 DAYS A WEBK yiiB Jack IUm« CHEVROLET LANdSTON PHONE 123 N. BW^DIRs CAMBHUI, a. C