The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 23, 1947, Image 16

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MX « ■ ■. ■ / . ■ j ■ THl^MOtN CMXOWCtl, C/I^Dtlt, tOUTH CAXOLIWA, WIIPAV, TiMiV M, W In extending oni congratnlatione to the Clast of *47 this thought occurs: ytwt ra^mmmnt tVtm <»iitmlwrtn« n# my|y fMT* of education progr«M in tliia com munity, Mul have already given every reaeon to believr'that you will be a credit !• your Alma Mater. We hope to know you bdtter and to •erve you better. Come in ndien you can. You will awayk find a cordial welcome. DRAKEFORD’S GARAGE E. D. Drakeford 'ai^ i% gid four oma is more than • mere parchment. It is the key to your future, as well as a badge of merit testif]ring to long hard years of - ■ —. - - - . — » conscientious study and devotion to duty. We compliment every one of you with me hope that the coming years will bring smple rewards. CAROLINA MOTOR COMPANY « S. C. -CLYBURN, Mgr. PHONE 210 Liberty 1011 News Her, J, C. Robinson, who was extended a call by the Presby terian churches of Liberty Hill and Heath Sprlnjfs. has accepted the call to become the pastor of the charge and has moved Into the manse on Monday. Painting, reno vating and other Improvements having been done last week, making it ready for occupancy, but some other outside work Is still to be done. Installment exercise will be for .Heath Springs church on Sunday next at 3 o’clock in the afternoon and for Liberty Hill church at 7:30 o’clock same evening. Rev. Fred Hopkins and—other not known yet —will conduct the services. Our people feel very fortunate in securing the services of Rev. Mr. Robinson as pastor, after be ing without a pastor for several years, and also are delighted to have-Rav. Robinson and fkmlly as neighbors and citizens of our lage. Dr. and Mrs. T. G. Hall of West minster were guests one night last week of Miss Louise Jones and sisters at the family home here. They were going to Richmond .to attend the graduation of their eon, Rev. Robert O. Hall, at the Pres, byterian University of Virginia. Their sister. Miss Jennie Jones, ac companied them on the trip from he^e. Young Mr. Hall has accepted work In Greenville, but will be at leisure for some weeks before fak ing up his work there. Mr. and Mrs. Ames Cooper of Camden were Sunday guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Jones. We were glad to see Hon. Roach Stewart and a friend of Lancaster In our village on Tuesday evening. Dr. C. M.. Richards of Davidson I was visiting his brother, Capt. N. I S. Richards, this week. Miss Juanita Neely and Misses Landrum of Wlnthrop cotlejte. Rock Hill, stopped by on Wednesday evening. Miss Clara Johnston spent sev eral days with relatives near Great Fall last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Eskridge and three boys, Bobby, Charles and Bill, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ounnlngham Mrs. Kuly from Owensboro, Ky., is visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo. B. Cunningham and Mr, and Mys. S. H. Cunningham. Mrs. J. A. Butler and baby are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. 'Thompson. ' Mlss Sophie Richards of the school was at home on Sunday. Mrs Boyce Bankhead of Chester and Miss Margaret Richards of Co lumbia college were at home over the weekend with their mother, Mrs. J. G. Richards. John R. McCrae, well known singer, was at home with his- par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T, P. McCrae, for the weekend and delighted his friends by singing In the church choir, and also a solo on Sunday at the Presbyterian church. I Mrs. F. A. Drennan is at home ' after a visit of tiSro weeks with ' her daughter, Mrs. Williams, In Camden. July 1,’ 1947 ‘ Is Deadline -— Capt. Brenchley, commanding of ficer of the U. 8. army recruiting sub-station at 1703 Main street, Co lumbia, announces that all fopner members of the army of the United States who are Interested In Join ing the Enlisted Reserve Corps, must do so before the 1 July 1117 If they desire to hold the rank held at the time of discharge. Capt. Brenchley further an nounces that time served In the ERC counts full credit for longevity pay; that an opportunity Is given to attend OCS and upon comple tion. be eligible to apply for Regu lar Army commission. This Is an excellent opportunity for men to maintain contact with jt -t'r Let our expert body and fender men repair and refinish that old car of yours and make it ■ V look like new. NERAL MECHANICAL REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRW # / Wrecker Service -■* •« > ■' V * Mellidiailip-Mahoney Motors ois iUldfdf* StTMl CMiirff, S. C Gonsemfion Notra Serlcea lespedeza is beiag cut for hay on a number of Kershaw farms this week. J. B. Cantey used his new Holland pick-up baler for the first time in baling his serlcea and found that it worked very sat isfactory. Among others cutting serlcea were Jlggs Team, R. 3. Kirk, W. H. Stokes. Allan Norris and ESdwin Boyle. Serlcea comes out in the spring and furnishes hay and grazing, earlier than most plants. Most of the cuttings were made from disposal areas designed for terrace outlets. Terraces were constructed ,the past week on E. T. Bowen’s farm near Blaney. Lines were surveyed by the Soil Conservation Service and terraces constructed by James Ward, local AAA contractor. Soil conservation essay awards were made Friday evening at the Thomas Tavern by the supervisors of the Lynches river soil conserva- Tlbn district to” the high school students writing the best essays In the county. Miss Betty Lou Dow- ey of the Blaney school won first place In the county. Farm conservation plans 'were written the past week on the farms of E. C. Goff, Blaney: J. S. Ed monds, Ridgeway, and H. T. Lovett of the airport community. m ^ring Reviral At Blaney Church Rev. J. W. Swails announces the opening ot th^ spring revival at the Pentecostal Hollnes^v church at Blaney, under the direction of Rev. H. R. Robinson of Darlington from May 28 to June 7, Inclusive. ’There-will be special singing and services at 8 p. m', dally, and a cordial invitation is extended to the pubic to attend. other men who have been through experiences similar to theirs during the war, and yet be subject to re call to active duty only in a na tional emergency declared by con gress. Applications for Enlisted Reserve Corps are being received dally at the local recruiting office located at the American Legion here in Camden. Electric power production in Greece is 20 per cent above pre war. DON’T See us nntn you h«Te prices and senrice to oom> Prfimpt Delirery On: • 4-6-8-10’ MEAT DIS- - PLAY CASES • WAUCIN COOLERS • VEGETABLE CASES • COMBINATION RE FRIGERATOR AND DRINK BOXES • DEEP FREEZERS And Other Equipment If we haven’t got It wo can get It For Beat Service See or Cell Dempsey Refrigeration Sales & Service Commercial A Domestic 'Phone 818-R Camdeni S. C. USED CAR For SALE OR TRADE nl—1942 Ford Tndor . #1—1941 Buick Sedan- ette #1—1941 /Ford Pidrap • 1—1941 rFord Tudor • 1^—1940 Chev. Twn. Sedan Sedai^ • 1—1938 PlyuMUth Sedan .. •1—1936 Chev. Sedan •1—1938 Ford Tndor • t"J*** •’"Mi* Sadu "e" • \ •1—1941 Chow, Ford T, ’DeLuxe” •1—1940 Ford Ta •1—1936 Ford •1—1936 Chev. •1—1929 Ford The Above Cara .and Trucka are Priced to SHAW MOTOR CO. Phono 46 Kerahaw,: Gironicle Classified Ads Get AGAIN We Offer This WEEK-END and NEXT WEEK Quality ftUfllll GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Morton’s Salt plain ot iodized 4 for WHIPS EASQ.Y TaH Can CARNATION MILK 3 for 35c 1 FRUIT JUICES GRAPEFRUIT JUICE No. 2 can 3 for 25c Sweetened or Unsweetened GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46oz.can 19c ORANGE JUICE No. 2 can 3 for 27c Sweetened or Unaweetenod ^ ORANGE JUICE 46 ol can 21c TOMATO JUICE No. 2 can 3 for 25c TEA TIME IS HERE AGAIN! _ UPTON’S TEA . Vi lb. package Sunkist LEMONS med. size dozen SUGAR 10 pounds T MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 4 No. 2 can 2 for 29c Standard* Pack TOMATOES lico American SPAGHETTI With Cheeae Sance . ’ • Hunt’s Prepared PRUNES 1 lb. 12 oz..Jar 21c CHEE WEES4asty and tempting 7 oz. jar 45c /1l^ DANDY GBITS MAXWELL HOUSE Snowdrift SHORTENING 3 lb Jar or Can L35 SOAP POWDERS At Reduced Pi RINS0-lge.jdig. DUZ-lg&pkg. DREFT-lge.pkg. OXYDOL - Ige. pkg. Super Suds-Ige. pkg. Swift’s Bland SHORTENING 3 Ib. carton 1.25 LARD 1 lb. carton 23c BAND FL Plain or Self-Riainf 5 lb. Bag 10 lb. Bag 47c 93c 2 lb. Bag 5Ib.Bag 17c 39c .MEAL-Water Ground 10 lb. Big 49c CLOROX Quart Bottle Camden 15c m OUR MEAT MAHin FRYERS Crehmery Buim "WWa QoAlitj aad Swriea Mi^ TBONS 282