The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 23, 1947, Image 13

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•r sickneM amfinMiMnt in I Liberal noB-oonfillBlf boMfiU. 3. Complete Surgical Operation Coreiuge. i Expense of Doctor** Tieite to Hoepital. Tune fdr a< 5. Lom of Tune iJt accidents or 1). ffn You ’tin trofucl »L.( oflL CtoM of 1947 want to congratufato con^^rak diliccooe sao pcnemrsncc ]foo have ojpned the door that leads to^ the fdHer filcand the enjoyment of things gained only duough sdWenW and self-mastery. Yoors has been a prood recor^ and yon hsTe anmk rmaoa for pride m your aooompushiDcat. We wish you godspeed in all ftture endeavors. r I'LEOD ^al and f\ Students shown, reading down from left to right, are: Morris EDGENE OABNEY.'soh of Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Dabney; West- Vllle, S. C. Guard on basketball team; pitcher on baseball team; social and literary co-editor of Annual; memb^ of FFA; members of Beta Club; treasurer'of Senior class. Superlatives—Most handsome boy, friendliest boy. Ambition—Attend Forman university. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES BEITTY JO FAULKENBERRY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Faulken- berry, Route 2, Kershaw, S. C. Editor-in-chief of Annual; edkor-ln- chief The General; president of Beta club; member of Glee club; mem ber of JHA; member of Sextette; forward on basketball -10.301. Superla tives—Prettiest, best all round, most intcHligent, most likely to succeed, most popular. Ambition—Attend Winthrop college. BOYD HENRY GASKIN, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gaskin, Route 2. Kershaw, S. C. Class reporter; member of FFA. Superlative— Most bashful boy. BARON DeKALB Sunday Evening May 25, 8:00 Processional Invocation Rev. W. F. Estridge Glee Club “The L^rd Is My Shepherd” Hymn .Sextette “The.'Holy City” j Introduction of Speaker : Sermon Rev. O. F. Montgomery Benediction ;. Rev. Clyde A. Quinn Recessional WILLIAM CAVITTE JORDAN, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jordan, Route 1, Kershaw, S. C. Vice president of Senior class; president of FFA; production manager of Annual; press manager of The Gen eral; forward on basketball team; batcher of baseball team; member of Beta club. Superlative—Most conceited boy. Ambition—Attend col lege. ' ” PEGGY SUE MOSEILY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Mosel*. iar Assistant sport editor of Annual; art editor of The Generalf member of Glee clntj; member of JHA; clads poet; cheer leader of basketball team; right field of softball team. Superlative—Most bashful girl. Ambition—Work In Columbia. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES BARON DeKALB Friday Evening, May 30, 8:30 InvocatlOTT ISAAC PHILLIP OWENS, JR., son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Phillip Owens, Westvllle, S. C. President of Senior class; secretary of FFA; sport editor of Annual; news reporter of The General; forward on basketball team; shortstop on baseball team. Superlative—Most athletic boy. Ambition—Join the Navy. PEGGY ANhF OWENS, daughter of James Clyde Owens, Route 1, Kershaw, S. C. Treasurer of JHA; reporter of Beta club; co-art editor of Annual; gossip editor of The General; members of Sextette; member of Glee club; forward on basketball team. Ambition—Work In an office. Sweetest—Class superlative. EDWARD THOMAS YOUNG, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. young, Route 2, Kershaw, *S. C. Vice president of FFA; secretary of Senior class; business manager of the Annual; members of Beta club. Press manager of tho Press Club.. Superlatives—Best all around boy, biggest flirt boy, most popular boy. AmbKion—Go to college. CLARA REBECCA YOUNG, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Young. .Vic Box 113, Westvllle, S. C. Vice president of JHA; treasurer of Beta club; art editor of Annual; gossip editor of The General; mem ber of Glee club; member of Sextette; guard on basketball squad. Ambition—Go to Winthrop college. Class superlative—Kggest flirt. PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO STORY RESIDENCE — N. W. Corner of Foir and Laurens Streets. Here It Is! • - Lssk! Onr new, improved HospHalixatioii Expense Policy HJt: 1. Up to 125 days for any one accident, oporatimi, ^ — A aLa %■ n niraiAa 1 TWO STORY RESIDENCE—Uurens Court STORE BUILDING—Main Street (Occupied by Birdsey Flour Store.) ONE'LOT—East side Mill Street, faemg about 800 feat OB Mill Street} approshnately 8 acres. de* 1 Infantile Paralysis Benefits to $5000.00. DAVIDSON, INSURANCE COMPANY ^ E DeKalb St Cantden, S. C Day PboBO 100—Night Pbooa^S ONE LOT — Weft sideof Mill Street, facing about 400 feet on Street, by about 2M feat deep. Bids for any of the above are asked for by June 15, 1947, and can be banded to Mr. Lae Mays who .will give c4hmr information if dasbed. If bid or bids are satisfactory,'sale will be made, subject to approval of the Court W. R. Zemp"^ Trustee for The Enterprise Building St Loan Ass*n. 4tV»i HNtgMMI NIAMHMXrm The furs are flocking to the cool com fort and safety of our ^certified cold storage vaults. Here no moths can reach them no fire can destroy them. Your furs need and deserve this cer tified prot^ion. The cost is little. ^Csrtmed mem that ronr furs art stored in cold far stonga vialts which meet the rBM standard of the Simrlcas Institute of BeMgeration. » ca PIKMIE n A ■-. CLEANERS AND _ , Rev. J. A. Dabney Salutatory .- Theo Hearon Solo-—“The Lord’s Prayer” Rebecca Young Introduction Boyd Gaskin Stand Tall Bette Sue Horton Think Tall* Marguerite Hilton Song—“Whispering Hope” Glee Club Live Tall Eugene Dabney Poem :... Peggy Sue Moseley, William Jordan Presentation of Class Gift ! Ike Owens Acceptance of Class Gift E. A. Williams Presentation of Awards and Diplomas E. A. Williams Valedictory Betty Jo Faulkenberry Alma Mater Benediction Rev. Boyce Davis THBO DOCIA HEARON, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Z. Hesron, Route 1, Kershaw, S. C. Member of JHA; member of Beta club; re porter of Tho General; guard bh- the the basketball team, captain; pitcher on the softball team. Superlative—Most athletic girl. Ambition— To become a nurse. KATHRYN MARGUERITE HILTON, daughter of Joseph C. Hilton, 'Route 1, Westvllle, S. C. President of JHA; member of Beta club; art editor of The General; forward on the basketball team; catch er on the softball team. Superlative—Friendliest girl, wittiest girl. Class historian. BETTE SUB HORTON, daughter of Mrs. Geneva Cobb Horton, Box 116, Westvllle, S. C. Second vice president of JHA; vice presi dent of Beta club; production manager of the Annual; sports editor and exchange manager of The Oeperal; guard on the basketball team; short stop on the softball team; member of the Glee club. Superlative— Most conceited girl. Ambition—Typist. LORENZO THOMAS FAULKENBERRY. son of Mr. and Mrs. [ D. F. Faulkenberry, Route 1, Kershaw, S. C. Twelfth grade; re porter of FFA; member of Beta club; forward on the basketball team; ' played on the baseball team; participated In public speaking contest. Superlative—Textile worker. FURRIERS Co^nbk. S. C nww the Team you can count on There’s Nothing Like Slacks And Jackets For Smart Summer Wear It’s sfsy to spot the woll drossd man como sommortiiiM. Ho wears a smart casual sports jacket toamod up witk a pair of kandsomaly tailored slacks. Complata your summer ward robe BOW. Wo’vo a compUto liaa of jackots and slacks in a wide assortment of fabrics, cedors and weaves. All modestly priced. WE SPECIALIZE IN OUTFITTING MEN W. SHEORN & SON Quality Man’s Wear FRroAY MAY 23 W eek-eni ARMY SHEETS Slightly Used But Good Conditi<» Special 98c J. Paul Ross - 932 Broad St. Camden, S. C. COMING ATTRACTIONS Haiglar Theatre Sorrier Broad and Rutledoa 8ta Fri.-Sat., May 23-24 • “RANGE DEFENDERS” Bob Livingston, Ray Corrigan Max Terhune Also Comedy, Cartoon And new Serial, "Jeaae James Rides Again." The Serial with a Surprise Ending Mon.-Tuea., May 26-27 Speclall A Drama Packed with Thrill and ExcitementI “DANIEL BOONE” with George O’Brien Aleo Pathe Newe >onoooooeo<>oooeeeooooe< Wed.-Tkura., May 28-29 They're Makin Mualc . . . Love . . . and Hey-Heyl la “DOWN MISSOURI WAY” Martha O’Oritcoll—Eddie Dear John Carradine And Introducing "Shlrlay" tha Comedy Mule Aleo Serial and Newt irs NO FUN to drive with POOR LIGHTS Don’t put up with dim, miaad- t put U[ justed lights—when you can enjoy driving with bright, properly focused lifhte—it coate no more in bettery power. Our new Beer Head light Tester is • scientific instru ment that quickly toUa bow strong your bulbs ere—wketker they ere in focne and whet edjustmento ere eeceeaery te obteie proper li^ts for wmH, coaalerteble driving. You’D be emesed at the differ- enee e few aimple edjuaUsaota eea meke in ydur keedUghu. ’Tkle new_ teeter givoe an aecnmte teal — ne~ guesewerk. It ckecka end deiAle ckecke ell edjnstaMnts. We mwr- entee tkie se^ee. Step fat i;* e free ckeck-np tedny. litntify enr dbp ^ tkU Htppn Bhw aipn SATURDAY MAY 24 SACCHARIN TABLETS PhUlipe 100—% grain 19c MILK MAGNESIA SOAP 25c size lOc Hewitt’s 8 and 8 Cake Box 50c size 39c 79c 75c size... 69c JERGEN’S LOTION and AU Purpose Cream > . L25 value 79c plus tax 25c BUCK DRAUGHT 19c COLGATE TOOTHPASTE Giant Size 44c Large Size .. 25c VITAMIN B COMPLEX 100 Capsules 1.98' Frank’s , Drug Store - Only $1.00 Mellichamp- Mahoney Motors Rntledgu St Phonu 813 -t ? s -J