The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 23, 1947, Image 1

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[INE CAMDEN. SOUTH CAROUNA. FRIDAY, MAY Wl947 Numiber 10 Over Woodward Airpiort From Government pfFE DEATH OF FREE jTO INSPEgnON AUTOIsis must KEEEICARS IN TRIM LAW require brakes. HORN AND UGHTS rr CONFORM TO CERTAIN REGULATION TO BE ENFORck) tre of JublUtlon crowing ko inspon>l<’° of motor ipcUon, which wm iiuui4> m politicians and tollow- • meaaure prenutoro. Is soapension of inapec- Bot by any meana rolleve m of motor cars or other ^pM of Tehlclea on the. ^ways from the reepon- > keeping them in proper condition at all times Its highway department I B notice to the effect r Section 1618 o the state ry rehicle while In ose ■Ulc highways mnst hm with good, efficient kom and also full operat- gkta and tail lights. ' ksses and antombhUes pMaengers for htare here igent laws to adhere to. ^VBP atrolmen have watch ont for ears ope- host proper brakes, l)om ■otor rehicle Inspection tag public is afforded a se that tells them whm: with their cars. Wlt&oat cthm the ear mast be t a garage, whkk lev rehicle iaspeotiai Mtril] March 1. next yeftr, al assembly banded te- pehMt the nee of high- ter thU porpoee. late hlidiway patrol ant if dtles, towns and tS- that the regmatleM ■kes, horn and lights are rsrel will be made mneh I aot an nneommoM aiiht lay ears with sad scores wlthtnT.laS Idas on the hlghmSim at s to be hoped, that Es, that arrests w18 1S9 Is eases of vlelatlong of Junior Qainber R^ponsible Fmr Children’s Camp YovBf Bwtiamn M«b*s Gfoap as Worthwhiln Projnct LOCAL NATIONAL GUARD UNIT WILL GO TO CAMP Jackson. CohunbU. July € to 20 Grilled ehildren from Ksrahsw oonnty which is In the Piedmont district will attend the Sooth Carolina Orthopedic camps at Bnmt Qln and Mill Creek In Poin sett State fVMrect for IS days be ginning July S. The camps an an- nnal avent. are under the svper- Tlslon of the Cripided Children dlrislon of the state department of health and are financed this year by the South Carolina Jnnior Chamber of Conlmerce. The camps wW bs open for’ recreation and therapeutic treatment to each dis trict In the state for IS days’ periods, opening June tt. The Junior Chamber of Com- meroe of Camden ia. paitMpatlng «.| in .the program to raise funds for wiU aot become effee>|tbe camps. Firenk Mentgdhitry is of the Cemisii Jsyoeee sad Dawld Harter is secretary. Am there are no state funds tor ths orthopedic campe, the money for their BfUruticb comet sntfrely from piMIe donatlottt and Muengh the backing of cirle ergautaathma. 'nie first orthopedle camp was held in lS4i in Lexington county Ith 10 childruu from U hi lP4f. the t#e toek in IlKchMven from 4A tise. Thin yrntr lepmeentaMue freai all oountiee la expected wl^ a total capacity Of SI4 ddldren. Tha eona- tiep ^^gyU^je^reoented aa egually BLA^ Af CLYBURN FARM I Depnrlmuiit Sm- to Weatwflln to Aid mbatinf Flnmns iTsd to hare been caused neous combastkm .In a irehooss, destroyed sev< 111 on the L. C. Clybuni Ntrllle late Friday alter ing nn estimated loes of 1,000 and no.OOO. ion to three bolldinga, lire trsptors and other inery were mined by the rehouse, ssld be nearly wu the firat, atora »Tsr built In WeetrlUe. natructed of long leaf >nlly It was In the vll- •stTllle but was mored I south by the father of isrn. There was no in- > sny of the destroyed md contents. ^ buUdlnga ware less »1 from the CHybum which caught fire sev- Flamea were checked IS use of a small hose ■> sn electric pump. J help to this city resnlt- 's pumper |md company i being rushed to the l>s fire, there were ssv- Mons which scattered iws over a wide area, yburn served for elidtt epresenutlve from Mar ly to the general as- RandaU Pitehes' One-Hit Ball To Down Giiefs 4-2 Riucord Crawd Of 1 JM)0 Fauna Jnai Lagibii Fnfk lo Wit> en r Leaguers ^Hjfoitdqy *»ns will be out — night at the *obaU lot whea the Is the Sumte^ PalsMtto time hetag 8^U Jthe Chiefs ™ ..V® Tuesday for 1^* Sonoco team • «> Florence on Thnre- a game there. Both |^®f’.Tentatlm plana •JlblUon game on FH- 80, with OMtf I Meeting ciwto was held la Co- of dlrao- Ho. SBiM Morgan Randall, a claasy rlfdht hander, who tossea a baseball with the accuracy of a man pitching quoits, pltdied elidtt seros around the ne^ of the Camden ChieCi here Friday night, before aa. open- lag night crowd of tome 1,M0 fans, the largest la Camden history, and left them garsping for fvaa. Whfle Randan was stringing up ths Chiefs, the Lake City wreefc- lag crew helped themselves 4o a ^ to I victory behind the one hit pitching of th^r ace hurier. / Rube,wnson, who in hlv previous initial appeanome'on the hin for the Chlett, had set down the Harts- vUle tsom on Mv • with a on#, hit performance, fed ChM Mai^ sello of the Lake City gang home run ball In the third round, and three rans and the ball game went Into the record. The visitors counted tour runs In that frame and whUe Camden gathered two markers In the same round on momentary spree of wildness on the part of the peerless RandaU, It was an the ecorlng that to<* place In the ball gama Camden loct the prucmM on errors. Flmuiiklett was safe on Blalocks booLRlimn loftod m weak fly tn third. B^op waa aafo on Ander s' eirSr and Hunt singled home the first nm with a sissllng Mni^ Then with twe men <***"“% drove the haU over the right fWd fence for a homer. Wilson steaffleu and ratfred Thompmm and 0- fin on strflKsa after RandaU w reached flret on Lea RoWnsoa’a or- in the bmt of ike snme inp»t Anderson flfw out to Wl^ walked, WsRmi wa^ Hsym ^ safe on an error that SOB.- Lea Robinson flew Ihr to right SwSt2?seared.l«^f^^ imiinf by a pop diivu *o tbat lanluc en R muo bfil ; dii||HT* a rally ta Bia I m Ho stole . wMt to Alrd on a passed bn^ Btaiock popped Byun end Hunter fuuimd to ,tku bea gume. The Itup som • e « e oW- t The Kershaw county anlt of the South Carolina National Qnard will attend summer field training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, from July 6 to to, aecordiag to an amuonnca- ment sent out from the headqnartr era of the Third army In Atlanta. The headquarters of Battery B. 718 AnU-Alrcratt battalioa of tha Soath Carolina National Guard is located In Camden. Capt Robert David announces that the battery has secured nnl- fwms and moat of the equipment fit at hand. M<mw men are needed to bring the battery up to Its fuU qnota. Those wishing to Join the bqttery can report at the armory on any Monday or Thursday night at 7:S0 o’clock aa the battery dilOa each of these two nights stmt week.' Decision to have the estimated 4,000 membera of the National Onard in SottCh Carcdlna train at Fort Jackson was made at a con- PMrence held In Atlanta between National Guard repreeentadvea of Efonth Carolina, headed by Brig. Gen. James C. Dealer, state ad jutant general, and Brig. Gen. Crump Garvin, executive for civil ian coinponents, headquarters Third srmy. Those aoomnpanylag Gen eral Dosler to the eonfevenoe were Ool Pam R M. Mffler, eenlor State instruetdr; CoL Joha F .Moors, U. & state maintenance offleer, and Lt. cm. Graver C. Cooper, 17. 8. pn^erty and dUhnrslng dtflcar. Plana for fratnlag, as worked out St the conference, esU for the ed the equipment to the South Carmins troops throami the National Guard buraan. Though training of the units Is under ths sspervishMl''if tha Rugular, Armj; tho NatidBal nlaeiMituUMb •ncept when StfM SMb aethiiMural sen- vice daring a national enmrgsnep. It wee aMiiiliiiiil When im In federal kervlce. Na tional Guardsmen ere paid sceoid- lag to Regmar Army pay tsWaa «c._lWiWjr Dealer Has Home Looti^ Burflnra Get $00,000 In And Bomda. Alto Qiinntity .of Clotking Murderer Makes Escape From Camp 'A strong box, stolen from the home of Hugh R. Bowles st Psge- Isnd Wedaeeday evening end con taining over IdO.OOU In cash, bonds, valnsble papers, ete„ was found on U. 8. Highway Na 1 between Gam- den and McBee last Thursday momisg. The box, checked for fingerprints, may be the link that will bring the barman to Jastioe. It -is re ported that excellent impressions ware tsken by law enforcement offlcen from the metal box. In addition to cash, bonds, valu able papen, Jewelry and aHver wan,, tte banian also took con siderable clothing from the Bowles hosaa Bowles, who opentes s liquor store, electric appliance shop and Is also eagsgad hi the real estate huslness. had left hli home about 7:80 p. m^ to accompany his wife to s caniivsl show ^t was hold lag forth In tha osmmaalty. Upon letacmag heme later In the ewmlng it waa learned that the honee, entered through a win dow In the rear, had been, thor- oni^ty *raaeaeked. JThe uMtal box la which Bowlea had ttored |SS,0M Id cash, IM.000 la boade and oomo valuable pap- Moees Elm, sent to the road gang "for linr for The ix-iiaylng of Aliw Young, North Carolina negro, aude his escajie from the Kershaw coun ty road gang early 'Thursday and as yet no clues ss to his where abouts have been obtained. Elm. a local negro, killed Tonng hy splitting his head opmi with the ax. after he found Young In com pany with his Blm’a girl friend. No details as to how Elm made his escape from the conrlct camp near here was • forthcoming. Elm was sentenced here last October. a'eedar etMst 'When tound jT^uxifay the box waa empty but UEfkg iNmnd near by the kbidivray, a%w m|r bonds were fioand seiUUfed aMut It Is beiiuusd That a ulup waa Made at this folut by lha bmrglan And ths ymgjrjmm Local dty and county otttefsls are notified of tlM burglary. Wheth er the burgUrs asade their way southward through ddt.oity it ikR COMMISSION, WITH W. R. GETTYS AS CHAIRMAN, NAME JIM DARBY AS MANAGER OF FLYING PLANT THREE HANGARS AND _ EQUIPMENT WILL SE UTIUZED FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES—MANY - BUILDINGS WILL BE RETAINED AT THE AREA Mum h UM DAVK IS FOUND GUILTY DIES IN CHAIR JUNE 20 27.YMr^ Nn«w Mutt Pay Pumalty F«r S«s CriflM William A. Davla, t7-yeaiM>ld uatar oounty nagro, wus tound guilty of rupe of s promlueat Sum ter society mstmn by s Jury In general aesikma court st Sumtsr last Thursday and was immsdlately sentsnesd by Judge J. Fraak Wot- sum to dia in the electric chair at the state pealteatlary on Friday, June 80. The Jury wua glvua the ouae hy Judge Batmou at 4:11 and retanod Ua verdkt la 11 minutes. Davis hsard ths verdict without crhnngiag uxpression. Befmw seW’ tenoe was passed, when askod B. ho bid aaythlng to sty, ho Mtooft his hand. (Hdy a few spectators wore In the court room whea the vordlet was handed down and there was no dsmonstratlon. Davis was quick ly haadeaffod and returned to the county Jsll by a group of offleers. Lauda Attemeya After the removal of Davis, Judge Batmon coaunended the at- tomeya who took part la tha trial for their fairness sad effldeney. The' defondant. Judge Batmon said, waa shown the utmost con sideration from start to finish and the entire handling of the ,case reflected great credit npon the peo- at this conuBUBlty and the entire state. The crime for which Davla will pay with his life was oommlttsd on tha Bight of April 18. Davla waa arretted early oa the asoming of April If and taken to the state pMdtentiary in Columbia where he amde a complete confession, 'ftls wss latrodneed as the evidence against him. bsvts did wot tsstlfy. WeaDier .^ages Many To Bewudet Foflu RMiAif *Pn M FtINbrm nf M On TkwrnJn^ Uml of bot Cmlinctor Tdb WhidJ^EiiikrMes of the tigum itractor Jnllan Barna of the ni hut also tn^id' of,ChoosS^ (ho thlag nftsr from a u perature of amt wiNk a IS raatRug of Itauglae that—a degr eea - all In a i —and during tho marry May.. Camdoa waa Juat abodf m bot as any placo in the T78A om day, at San Antonto, and Aognsta, Ga., reportod 14 MMfag, Over ia Bumter aOme era registered $7 degrees day bat official rcadfoga dagroco below that. Baaeball fans who attandoi Ao Lako City and Hartsvilla week beforo last Mt sad-Miatibd in the icy blasts,. Then on fed- lowing Tuoaday they unjagud a whlta shirt and shirtwaist pSty st tha hall 1^ Jerry Hoffer Is To Be Exammer County Unit b Appropriated Large Snm The state legtslature. last week, appropriated $500 to the Kershaw Oounty Library unit, which waa opened for the negro citisens of the county on May 8. The money ie to be spent during the first half of the year, which will be between now and July 1. One hund^ elghty-Mx pers-aa already have registered in the unit The number of books has new reached thrSOO mark. New Eqi^ment 1b Secured By Gene Mosdey ifee Gene Moeelay CoastracUon oempaBF, Ine.. of srbick Bugane L Moaeiey la prealdent and treaaarar, hat Jwt reoalved a consigumsat of lywd buMtag macbinqry that pro- vldm the aomsunr with adjafuatoj tudeuroaa to enrry out-any con- tmatlBg Job, hnna nr uasaB. balMad In tha ■gglpmmif Juat reoMd and alruady tn operatloa on a l^vay prajust in marlhoro county arr a *’oatarpillsr’’ Ulsaal D-7 tmemr, a^feataafllnr” aarapoii, i eiMo yard aapaBl|y,,a LaPbmfn um d^ Una with n't# fe ■Ml Mill m* lyrfl Jess Barnett, 70, Ghrqi Brnmnons Jean Bamait, retired aliAt snp- eriatandent of tha Soutkam Cot^ ton Oil eompnny plant hare, died at his laslianoe in OuRoee jPiflc at l:a oTdeek this morning, after aa extaaded iUneaa. He waa bom in Mtlla River, N. C.. September 88, ltT7. He ia Burrlvad by his widow, Mrs. Dora Knapp Banmtt. Camdan; ana daaghtor, Mrs. Clamant R Duncan, OraagObuig; two brotbars dad thraa slataiu. > Faaaral aarrleas wars bald from the Kamagay Fuaaral boma ftiJay, May St, at I f. BL Rav. A. Doaglas McAra (ROdatad. latarmsf was tai tha Quakar Saturday Will Be Annual Observance Of Poppy Day "Honor^e ww dMd ud aid the wars’ vicUmi,” will be the theme "of the snmial obeervsnee of Poppy Dey here tomorrow. Every person In Camden will be asked to wear a memorial poppy tomor row aad to make a coatrlbutloQ for the welfare of the disabled vet erans, their fsmlUee and the fam- illea ot tha dead. Preparations for Poppy Day were belag completed today by a large oommlttee of American Lcghm Auxiliary women, headed by Mrs. John Mullen, Poppy chairman. Vol unteer workera frem the AnxiUary and eooperatlag groupa will bo oa the atreets at an early hour to morrow distributing the poppies sad reoelvlug the oontribuUons. Although the second World Wsr Is sUpplag rspldly Into the paft, we believe thst the memory ot tho young men who gave thalr Uvas in that oonfllct Is stiU llresh fo the mtads aad hearts of all ot as,** said Mrs. MaUoa. **Tho dead of tha first World War hava boea wmgo tor 81 yoars, 3rat wo remimbur tholr sorvloo and saerlfloo. The ■oSples whMi we will put oa to* rraw will -show tbat sm havo aot fOrfottoB aad are gratsM for tbeir dofonse of our ooutttry. "Wo must not turget, uithor, those who Uvo in suffering and hardship because of war wouadSi and illnees, tha dkmblad vstaraasi or thelf ohUdren and the chidrea (d thoee who have died. Ths ooa« trlbutloas we mada (or tho popplrt go for flMir The poppleo to ho dlstrMntod. horo have buoa-fuado by dli^lod votoraas at Vatsians SwpltaL (Sa> lambla. Auxiliary woilMrs wSl all be unpaid volmnteart, parmltUng the fuU amount Of MI ooatrihu tions to 'gn into tho AuxlUary's rohabilitatloa and phlld wolfaro WOllL Poppy Day hero will -bo part of a natloavrlda obsorvance In which an ostimatod 188,100 AnxiUary wom an win dlstiUmto approximately 88,000,000 popplaa tomorrow. «■ —ayua^«———wiw Industrial stonos now account for about 80 par ooat ot South Af rica’s diamogfa. "ChaUeno* Of The CiW* wm Be Given At Flret Bagtiet The Camden airport, known aa the Woodward air field, used tor some years ss an svlatlon training center by the Southern Aviation school and for the past two years utilised by the War Assets admin istration, will become the' property of the City of Camden and Ker shaw county about May SO. The government. In turning over the fine air field and eqnlpmmit to the city and county disposes of the vast landing field with Its mod ern runways, the three hMtgars, control tower, meet hall and equip ment and administration building. The barracks and class room struc tures are also Included In the transfer but with the stipulstlon thst they be removed from the premisee within sixty days. An ef fort toward having this Mmse of the deal waived tor a period of aev- qral jrears la being considered. ' At the meeting of the reointly appointed airport conunisslon for the city and county, Attoraoy Wil liam R Gettya was sleeted chair man and Lane Woodward seeratary mad treasurer. Other membert of the commission are John M. VU- leplgue, Frank Moatgomeryt Do«g- las Mays. Marion Bcblosburg and Charlie Wootsa. AR mambors are from the et^ of Cafsden with ths oaoeptloa of Ohairnmn Gottrs, who from Lugolf. Douifos Mmrs of Bethune and Charlie WooUm, urha reaUee at Bhmap. Jamsa Darby, haa boon in chgffo of the Whr AfMts alMinio- tfitlon nftaln at the airport and who provieuely had boon IdentMtod with the Sonthom Aviation sdioM, has boon sighed by ths now slrpart egartfilssloa as maaaghr of the aw- port, docordiag to tho airport roas-. Bdaskni. it is proposed to nCflIso tho area (or oeasMered hy (he comnMaion. At the pruaent time <me of tha hangars m bolag utilised for ope rations of tho Honor Flying Sar- vioe. , Just what ntUtsatloB will ha mada regarding tha admlnlatratlon building, meat hall, reeraatloa building, ate., haa hot hooS da- terailned. The recreation buMlng la Maal In its setup (or a iwnraatlonal oen- ter, (or it boasts of a dnaco floor, also a swimadng pool, cantata, etc. A doclslon as to what will ho done with this as well as tha other structaros, wtU ba aVnltod with much latorsat GUN DUEL FOLLOWS FAMILY BRAWL; HUSBAND PUTS BULLET INTO BRAIN OF HIS WIFE J. R aottmr, Jr as a private pilot exandaar by tho Civil Aaronantlcs AdmhriMintiea ■ay lit, according to meat few that body. In fSUng this poritloB ni trmU Mr. Boffor la now autbgrtsU to gtra flhMt t« nfllotiMaaaand to Isauo to thoio mpoang tho , Ml an apprtntment Is _ igl Mi oxprossion of trttt H tho s sMUty, lUgrtty Bd tasts to sppllMnts -for CHURCH gunday. Mny ti A. Dowglas MoArii, Pirtsr Clwreh adMol* at 18 o’eledc gift g BMa o$pll8^ ovary aSA The tho At tho ivaaigg wonfetp honr on Sunday at I falodt tha “Cfeallongs of tho Cross’* will bo given at tbo First Baptist diurdL This is sn appeal tor rededioation of life to Christ It is bsing presented by the followiag members of the Tralnliig Union: James Anderson, Mrs. Henry Brown, Mrs. Bdna Wat kiss, Mrs. M. L ABen, Mrs. Jake Brown, Grady Price and Guilford Trapp. Tbo Youth choir will assist in the pageant and nUs Rowell wm slag, "Fd Rsthsr Have Jesas**. This is a most Impressive portrayal of flie cost of a life of serrice to Christ aad it la anticipated that large aadlence will be present. Miss Mabel Starnes Is directing the pageant and Mrs. O. FlvTd Montgomery is In charge of the mntle for the servloe. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS This organfoatloa exlata (or the sole purpose of helplug people, who gre alcoholtoa, to overoome the drlak haMt AleohoUo aaonymous Mga have heca formed la many fowai and cities and through their lafiganrn many people have been jMgted from atrong drink. Rep- ff^taUves uf a nearby group imve offered to come to Caarieu to grip start a group hern, if as say as two persons will express a dsslre to thefar help. All corres- poadhaoe In tbla regard wiU be trei^ in strict confMoaeo. Any one, who is Interested in making eoatget with representatives of Al 4tdfe«w Anonymous la the near latuto la Invited to drop a Has to AleMioa R Qj One Boy From Each Cornify To Attend Camp Kgrshaw Youtiu, WbUmt To AitgiMi, Moat WrRg To Rgacor Smith at Ooca toonymotts, Camden, SARON OeKALS QLEB CLUB Tha gtrii’ sextette of tho Reron DeKalh mfegol Glee dub wm atag aaerfd arteeMueg at the iarrtse at and uador tha 1^1 HHO Who will be the lucky Kershaw county boy to attend the second forest camp, to be held at Camp Juniper during the period July 88 through August 8? The district forester, Albln A. Lebockey, In s letter to Itoest Ranger U R Smith of this city, states thst he wants one boy from 18 to 15 years of age from each of the coontlM In the district to mtend the camp aa s gaest of the •late commission of forestry. The boys will be seat ss they were last year aad any. boy who wants to attend should write to Ranger L. R ftnltb, stating., la his own isag- usge why he would like to attend the forestry camp. In this same let ter the approval of the parents most be given—coming ilg^ by them. So you boys of Kershaw county who want to attend this caaip, write to Ranger Smith at once. Tour letter will be given every consideration. Rich^ToBe Present When Pres. Trmnan $Sgns 1^ Preeldeat Truman baa tnvRad Congresman Juaea P. Richards the Fifth distrtet of Sortk Caro- Hai to be preaaat whsH ha sMas Graah-Twkiah aid bit At foe ot WMi Skot WilUg CfRoMw Ghm> mwinlf Up Lglar A gaa battle in front of ths ant cottage of wmie aad Lola' Oroome, colored, between S 8:80 o’clock Sunday morning ended, with the death of Lula Mi^ with a ballet In her brain. Tha shooting, according to Sheriff Gib DeBrohl, was ths rssolt of s family brawl during whldi the wife used s shotgun and the husband a 88 caliber riflei Phillip WHsou and Carolina •Starling, wltaessea rt the affair told the sheriff that Lula May fired and mlesed. WUUo then fired, the ballet bitting hfe wife between the eyea and killing her inatantty. The two were 10 and 88 years of age reapectively aad hava one child, a glri. Sheriff DeBrnhl, who waa In the Logoff area at the time, qntrifly reached the soeae of the kllUag. Grooms was nowhere to be found, hsvlBg fled whea he saw he had killed Me wife. At 1:18 Sunday morning Cfrooms appeared at the county Jail mid gave himself up. This wss the fourth falsity through violence la this area In lesa than two weeks. Farm Boreaa Plans ffig FMi Ffy The annual flah fry haM hy tha Kershaw county Furm Bureau wtB be held at the 4-R club camp on Wednesday afternoon. May 88, at 8 p. m. All farm urged to bring their wtrua gad farmers who mlifot he la Joining the FUU(e Skaw^ -T' dent ot S. Shaw from ' V X '“,1 .m