soil t T Y If Yoa Ha^** Social Itoan .'.. Phono 659-M Enlertains With Bridge Party « fi^ndtk and A. Sam Karert ' duty to norence last - - TxBJD spent the weekend rtS K^dSarTnU. Mr. and Mn. '^-^‘^“Pldey’' Mahaffey la con* JJfto her home on MUl street ''‘n''®X**°^ykto visited Mr. ‘‘^ira. Eawln Malloy In Cheraw Allea (mill. 7:00 P. M. -V M. I. A. (Young Peoples meetldg, nMo leuon tor toe adults). Third floor (above) Belk’s Dept •tore. No eoUeetion taken. Oreece’f drug product Industry was the only one to show gnlns In December. BETHESOA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, May 11 ’ A. Douglaa McArn, Faster Chnrch school at 10 o’clock with a Bible claas for every age. The nursery Class continues through the morning service. Morning worship at 11:16 with prayer, anthem and sermon. Children’s and Young Peo ple’s service at 4 p. m. Midweek service Wednesday efenlng at 8 o’clock. ^eryone Is cordiallv Invited to attend these services. REVIVAL BEGINS AT ANTIOCH Revival meeting w!’l begin at Antioch Baptist church May 11, each evening nt 8 o’clock through out the week. The pastor. Rev. J. B. Gardner, will be assisted by toe well lotcwn and able pastor of the Second Bap tist church of .Great Falls, S. C.. toe Rev Troy Oritfin. The public Is cordially Invited to attend t^ese services. LOCAL CHURCH WINS. 1S-14 ’The Darlington branch of the Church of Jeeus Christ of Latter- day Saints played the Camden branch of the Church of Jesua Christ of Latter-day Saints a game of softball Wednesday afternoon at the Hermitage Mill Village. The local church won, 18-14. h Coal COB ilaeves oimI naalusi crisaad wMi udilte \ #Mbcoiil#fys Your Corole King Originol of MAlUNSOkTS Miomi spun Aiyon. Orey« Mmt, cofe or blue, junior ifatot 9 lo 15. I \ I109S The Smart Shop ), ■s ■ ^ v;\ v’' V' ^ ■ r . . . . « ■sdk Mom’s really ’’Queen-for-a-day” on Mother’s Day. She won’t be wearing ermine trimmed robes, but sfie’ll feel just as regal with a corsage of orchids or grHF- denias... And for an added touch of thougbt- ^^,/^lti^ess send her a dozen long-stemmed roses. .1 Mothet^$ Daih^unday, May 11 The Camden 211 East T r m