The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, May 09, 1947, Image 10

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F n TNK eAMMN 'rom The Sports Desk Of FRANK R HEATR SPORTS EDITOR k'A i'. Ibiuger Waltoa of the Camden Chiefs grabbed bimeelf a baeeball find when he annexed Joe lllaloek, former All-Amerlcah footbw ace from Clemeon. Joe was reidlr Mr. Big when thinking of football, but he la also a bonejr as a baseball idayer. He plays a neat first base and can do a nice Job as a hnrler. That game over at 8ha^ Field last week, when the Chiefs lar- roped the Ariation, 24 to 1, is de- aeribed as being somewhat of a root. The Chiefs unpacked tbelr war clubs and used them as ma- »M«ygctiiaatedi^ Am* fmmHtonal p^rtoJlc ptlit — ■! orer the lot Two borne runs by chine guns, blasting the ball all Hunter and Les Robinson plus single homers by Bill Mims and Blalock netted the .Walton clan six round trip smashes. Not bad! not bad! . . Did you know that sereral score of cars, bearing polo fans motored to Camden a Veek ago last Sunday to see a polo game? Thd close of the polo season the preceding Sun* day bad been announced in the press and over the radio, but ap* parentiy some folks do not read the sport pages or listen to the sportcasts. OuMstt News Mrs. J. R. West and Infant son, Jimmie, returned to thr!r home last Thiirsday from the Can^en boh- pitaL C. L. McCasklll and Louie Smith rlsited in Florence. Sunday. Mrs. Mary Bowen and daughter, Shirley of Camden, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Charlie Granger and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Buchan of Columbia spent the weekend at home. * Mr. and Mrs. Darid Thompson and ’ email -daughter of Camden spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Cbas. Granger. Miss Sarah June Rosier of Wln- throp college was at home for the weekend. M. C. West, who makes his home with bis granddaughter. Mrs. Boyd » Is a' «• waamim, asBetMa. aM eipe> ««.* MS hate iirtaasa form "tUssr* The main topic of conrersation in 'Sporting circles here last week had to do with the Kentucky Derby and what would the Virginia bred Camden trained Phalanx do in the classic. Somo could net understand this enthusiasm, declaring Phalanx was not g Camden horse—so why the excitement. Neither was As-' sauli a Columbia born bang* tail, but the sport writers and ft.ns of the Capital city really went sll out In claiming the four-footed eenca- tion in 1946. Assault was a Texas horse, but Columbia got all the pub licity. If the high school group make up their minds to hare a concrete wall built about the football field before Contractor Maxle Berry finishes with the baseball park project, two cents a concrete block can be saved. Figure up how many blocks there would be in the fence and you'll' be astonished. Ran across Hunal Small, former high school basebetball and base ball mentor here in Camden. Hunal looks thin but his color Is better which indicates he is winning his fight against the malady that beset him during "the war. * hi BEAUTIFY YOUR CAR FOR SPRING Let our expert body end fender 'men straighten and refinish your old car and make it look Kke new, ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED f Mellichamp-Mahoney Motors Rutledge St. Phone 613 Camden, S. C. WRECKER SERVICE “Hutch” Hutchinson, Jr., who has been head. coach at Sumter since Bill Clark left, will remaih as assistant coach, under head men tor Larry "Coon” Weldon. This d *• cision will give Sumter one of their strongest coaching staffs In the history of the school Last year, un der Hutchinson the Gameco.''ki fin ished second in the state in foot ball, also second In basketball and this year’s baseball team looms up as among the best in the Palmetto area. The State Highway department has banned parking on the high way around the BlshopTiUe base ball park. Restricted parking signs have been put In place and tIo- lators of the regulation are going to be fined. Camden does not hare any trouble with cars parking pn the highways as there Is ample space to park on side streets near the football and baseball i^reas. Now that the fence has been put up around the north, west and east sides of the baseball park, the dead heads who parked on the road to watch the game, will have to fork over their entrance fee or go on a minus menu for their baaebslV - i^ON ^ ANTISEPTIC OAK ,351 LIQUID! CLEAN! FAST BiHimiiiraiiiiHiiiiGaiiiiiiiiiie COMING ATTRACTIONS -LOOK- FRIGIDMIST AIR-CONDITIONED VEGETABLE DISPLAY CASE .^ 4-FOOT-refrigerated DISPLAY CASE For Meat—Dairy ProdugfiH^Wfflt^ Etc. WALK-IN COOLERS Combination Cooler & Deep Freeze (Thu for Home Use as well as Commercial—Be- purchasing your Deep-Freeze Case, permit us to ezplam this combination Cooler and De^-Freeze Unit for your home.) IMMEDIATE DEUVERY TWW SHIES [ggiPMENT COMPMT 2927 Main St. Columbia, S. C Phone 2S676 Haig^ar Theatre Comer Bread and Rutledfo tts soooooooooooooooooooom Fru-SaL, May 9-10 “SANTA FE UPRISING” starring Alan Lane as Bed Ridsr with Bobby Blake, Martha Went worth—Also Serial and Comedy moooooooooooooooooooos Mon.-Tues., May 12-13 SPECIAL! 1 The First New Gene Autry In 4 yeare “SIOUX CITY SUE” Gene Autry and ‘‘Champion’* Wonder Horse of the Weet with Lynne Robert, Sterling Holloway Alao Pathe News >OOOGOOOO»PO^GOOOOOOO< Wed.-Thurs., May 14-18 “ROMANCE OF THE WESr* Eddie Oein, Emmett Lynn Joan Barton Soria! and Paramount News 'gMnnnuwranMMMuiwxBmaMiMn □MMIRMCnNMIMHCZinnHBS HORRORS!! Do you mean to tell me that this beautiful home is being slowly, wrecked be cause of Termites? TWns is no excuse for snek want,on neglect wliBo in a brief inlerral of tbne, the place could have bean freed of the Yee—this might he your home. If you hawen*t had it checked for Do it nowt It will be the economical gesture on yodF part. JUST CALL C. W. JOHNSON, Jr. 1806 Fair SL — — CanideM, Sw C He ^rin chock your dwelling and toll you oaactly what it will cost to of is haaod on fifteen years enperianeo • Wo guarantee our k for fire poore • Wo inapoct your prppeity twice aimuaRy during that tkne^ if furthw Ifroquirodl hi that tiBiO> eryp eoo that It b donow \ - P-Jl V Fasdi mi Hr. Psesh, Is a paliMit la tha rsniae hoapltaL Mr. tad Mrs. Loals Smith sad Jsckl# spaat tiM weakaad with har parmu, Mr. sad Mrs. C. L. Me- CaaklU. Willla ToaaS. son of Mr. sad Mrs. A. L. Toeag Is s pationt la the Columbia hospital. A. A. Wml who has beea a patient la the Camdon hospitaL hae goae to Tlalt hia danghter. Mre. Fred Parham and family In Ox ford. N. C. Mra. Alby Bowers and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moye and. daughter of Columbia visited Mr. and Mrs Stery Bowers ^turdsy. Wilson Mosier. Jr., of South Bend. lad.. Is visiting his grand mother. lire. C. A. MosfSr and family. Mias Alice Kerr of Camden spent eeveral days last we^ with Mias Betty Jane McCaakin. Brlatol, England, people got 100 planoc, “not worth reeondUkmlng’’, as flrgwood. Milton Feafce Of tngoff Is Calfed MUton D. Psaka, 7S. dlad at U:M p. BL Friday at his hooM la ba- goff. He waa a son of tha late Mr. and Mra. Jtdm Peake. ^neral rltee were conducted at 11 a. m. Batorday at tha Pine Grove Baptist church by tho Rer. F. K. Jeffers, the Rer. M. C. Jack- son and the Rer. Paul M. Webb. Interment followed la chnrch cemetery. SunrlTing are his widow, Mrs. Mary D. Peake of Lugoff; two eoaa, Jasper and Tfllnuui of Logoff; three daughters, Mrs. J. T. Eaddy of Floreaee. Mrs. W. M. Peake of Lagoff and Mrs. Porter Coetner of Rock HIU; a brother. W. C. Peake of ColumMS; a slater, Mrs. Ellxa- beth Branham oi Laimft. and St graadchndrea. fnCAL MCHAMML Nettos is hm^ gism Mnt om noath frem this 4at% ou Imo t 1047. llfibcfica O. wffi nako to tho Probate Court of Ksnhaw ComW her final retara as Admla- latratrlx of the eetato of Mrs. Bo- beeca N. OaSkia. doeoaaod. and <m tha saiBO data I will apply to tho said Court for a ffaal diachargo aa said Admialstratrlx. 7*lSo N. C. ARNETT. Jndgo of Prohato. Caasdea. S. C.. May 1. 1M7. HNAL DISCHARGE Notice Is hereby glrea that ono month from this data, on Jane i. 1S47, L. Rex Jonee wlU asako .to the Probata Court of ef _ afluMdlmdiarmMS N. C.3f Camdauj^g^^jl*^ fosted Now Notioo-Aay rUkiag or otherwwTJ oa this land, or pormtttlng tbwg ' run or hum thereos. J, thorooB or romoTlngtl^ troea. wood straw oTL win be proeecnted to tent of tho law. QBOROB Subccribu to Urn Chronicle FINANCIAL SPARE TIRE • • • YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT Tmvolii^g along lifa*s highway, 3ron*ll faal mora accura, do your job hotter, whan yod know dio’e'g a sawinga account to com# your aid in cam of a “blowout”. Accnnni- late money ragnlarly in ^a sawinga account at Ukia Ingtltution. Start writh any amount 3% current dividend WATEREE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Camden, S. C. First Nat*l Bank Bidlding ThonaSS Sptied Luster Amazkig New-Style WALL ENAMEL Goes On Uke MugiO'^-Oriea While You WafaA Washea lika A Chma FUte — ALSO— ' SPRED FLAT Beard’s Furmture & ^qpliance Broad St. ALL YOU GOTTA DO ISSNAPYOURFINGERS. 'a well he amij ue five yev s 1 mate on air eoenemy. Frsfiii] fw madetesMin mer weather h home ... ATTIC FANS! ATTIC FAN8l\ Only A limited Siqpply •Air condition your homo and aleep under ew«ry night thiaaummar. Aak tha man that hag< CaU M. E. FORTE - 582-J iNiiwilH .vUlkd Y OU spot it on die highway every time a Buick I comes along: Htrt you moot tho futuro facO'4o»faco, Hero you too tho ctomu, rich, uueluttorod dotign tktd marks tho swing away from whsit wuo to whoi io going to bo. H ero*s tho swoop and flow of fondor lino that*$ eallod for by a stroamlinod ago — horo*i tho solid, stoady look that gpoUs roadability — tho broad boam that moans room — tho massivo bonnot that tolls of Piro- ball powor aplonty. Here’s grace, here’s ability, here’s sturdy deivend- ability — all wrapped up in one handsome package that’s not merely up-to-die-times but ahead of it. The simple fact is that you’re buying in tho fuM9. when you buy any good car today. Why not settle on the one teat moat obviously kuw tella uhat tha iutura will be — dMtt baa the moat ii it of what is to coma? Buiok deeiera’ ahowrooma ara kept pvytty hart d diffday models by die eagerness of Bui^ buytra • “take over” the firat minute they can. ^ But you’ll be greeted in every one of dwm wih courtesy and sincere interest in getting your Buidc at the firat minute possible. Drop in — talk it over — and insure yourself a huf0 future by placing yourorder now. We’ll taka it, wih or without a car to trade. . ’ . Here are die good looks diat bespeak good works; you hardly have to be told of pre cisions carried to ten-thousandths of an inrii; of materials searched out from the finest to be found. ONLY BUICK HA8 ilXX TBEfRi Any wonder that auch a creation is Amarica*t moat uranlad automobile? Any wondas* people peas up oars that may ha easier to gat to wait for a oar tfaat’a going to sta|r fraah and new and modem* lookh«? ★ AMFOAnNOERS^ntflAU FOMEt * ACOAMII CVUNM* < ★ BtOAMMI WNOLS if BUPCOt IMBfOMO it MEMMIM SISPS] A WUAOmm 10RQIB-IUK OgM if sum zom poor Moudsst Pr ivmmmtr miom ifgnpoM PAmmm mmi kmmpuxuNtaispom h«saiiaNBrAuna«,i • fMNt gBMHT iPOPBM ksesffstmm « c MbtA . 1 ♦ < i ■ A, .* -.. - -1 lir'- r. r