THs rftMni PtUOAY, APRIL n, 1M7 SPORT PROGRAM IS promised for SUNDAY P. M. _jEN ALUSTARS play FAMED MULBERRY Ztjji. PROVIDENCE MEETS LANCASTER at baseball PARK .jiieiito cpmfaf fran the head olfice of the club and headquarter* of the Prorideuce itTihe New En«l«Bd league todav indicate that ^ar will be another «port-fM«hed afternoon for rAindeo fan*. « chib annouMiee the **f ame of the year** be- ^/r«iwdenAll-Star» and the famed Mulberry four- 'to be pleif^ ^ ^ KiAwood turf at 3 p. m. . ProTklence Chief* will hold •t the Camden ball P^. Inr thd LancMter, ; IntersUte league, game time '» SO p m. Laet Sandaj the Md the Lynn, Maes., Red Sox •aoe aiuM rMWa. IWiMB Black Jadi Chib Plans To Observe 2nd Anniversary To Feature Individual Two And Four Pa A Stake Dur- . ' ini The Day Somlhiiq; About Ihe Racing Bill . Fw Palmetto State Measure Will Bar MinaBid in .any ner about ths race track. . Palmetto Squad Is Beginning To Round Into Shape MM—4 Many Otd Faicaa From 1646 Toam Swm Woriging Oat Dally At Fark Anniwersary Ad Polo Hore Next Yeatf Camden year of golf. That to a remarkable record for a small town, for a halt cmitury ago only a few of the larg- ’esC cities of America boasted of gol!. golf clubs here for intercity matches. These matches kavs proven very popular ip ths past and they are followed with plenle to celebrating lu 60th luncheons. In 1988, Camden bad Its big bi centennial celebration, and this year will be its half centry golf celebration. Next year polo wUl celebrate its 50th birthday. These celebrations promise to to worth- BItHOFVILLI aiRk. WINS 5TH DISTRICT CONTEST Mary English of the Btohopvllle high school, won the Fifth district expression contest held at Bishop- « ville last Thursday afteraoon. Oth er contestants included Pat Maddox of Camden, Roberto Matto of Hill- crest and Helen Coggeehall of Dar lington. Eageae MoLerm of Hlllcreat waa the winner In the declamation con test. Other contestants were Rich ard Raley of Camden aad Jacob Jsyntags sf Bishopvllle. There will be celebrations of various kinds for the 60th blrthdayl ^ ^ of golf and the first to the touma-l /“'f® c«>®t»rated its 60th year ment to decide the Camden club recently and the Camden champion player. _ About 60 players have been en tered so far, and It Is expected there will enough to till four groups of 16 players each. The 16 lowest qualifying scores will com pose the first bracket and the win ner of that bracket automatically becomes the club champion. The next 16 players will enter the sec ond bracket, and so on until four brackeU will be listed. SuiUble prises will be given winners of the other three brackets and there will be consolation prises also. The Country club now’ has more Camden players than at any time in the history of local golf, and In addition, there are a large number of the tourist colony who are members. They also will participate in the club championship matches. John M. Villepigue is president of the club and be has an able group of assistants who are work ing hard .to keep the local course one of the tost In this section of the south. In the recent pro-amateur tour nament. many of the leading pro fession's ft-om South .Carolina, North Carolina. Georgia and Vir ginia wvre amased to find snch a fine championship layout, and were lavish In their praise of the course. I Stave Duda, a professional, for-' merly of Hemstead, Long Island, N.| Y.. to In charge of the course and] club house, and he haa as his stew-1 ard, Robert Dureea, Who has had 80 yearn experience with golf dubs. Announoeinents will to made later aa to other teaturea oelebrat- Ing the half centary of golf here. Now that the daya are getting longer aad husiaeae booaea are club will be the second city In the south to have such a celebration. Camden and Aiken were also the pioneer cities of golf in the south. ATHLETES FOOt GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOUR, IF NOT PliBASEOX your 16c back. Auk any drurglat for thia STRONG funglotde, TB-OL. Made with 90 per cent alcohol„.lt PHZNBTRATIQS. Reach- ea and kills MORB germs faster. To day at DeKALB PHARMACY m FINANCIAL SPARE TIRE .... Y0UR> SAVINGS ACCOUNT TrnYelinf along l^*a highway* you*Il fool more secure, do jenr job hotter, when you know there** e savings account to coxae to your aid in case oi a **blowout*’. Accumu late money regularly in a savings account at this Institution. Start with any amoust 3% CURRENT DIVIDEND WATEREE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Camden, K €• Fkrt NrFI Bank BuRdMi ; I"/’- ’rofession6tl Beiseball SUNDAY, APRIL 20 PROVIDENCE CHIE^ I .-VS.-rr^ , _ LANCASTER RED ROSES INm.STATE LEAGUE * O AT ^ AMERICAN LEGION FIELD AT 2;30P. M. Admission: Adults, 60c; Children, 25e NOTICE Tt MEOCHUm Please File Ct^ies of State Tax Returns for Licetoing Purposes as Requested by . City, at City Offices buiMM^tely as / licmses Are Due May IsL S , lOOISE W. BOYKM, GtyCIerk While fhe openlpg of the PaK metto State league schedule to still many weeks away, the early, workout of the Camden White Sox talent to attracting the attention of the rail birds. While there are quite a number' of youngsters gamboling on the petha and in the outfield who arB unknown to this writer, we did tee quite a few old faces In the en- semblA For instance, working ont for pitching aesigAment we noted Ruto Wilson, Lynch and Tayfor. Hunter, promto^ youngster from Ker shaw, to doing the major part of the backstopping right now. At first base we saw C. Taylor and H. D. Mims, whlla at second was BUI Mims. Lester Rohineon to showing lots of pepper aad ability at short, whilo two Ifltely looking lads lx Loman of Cassatt and Andareon oC Kershaw are laboring around tha hot comer. In the outfield we net# Walden, Hayes, B. RobtnSon, Sow eU. all of Camden, and Byars a( Kershaw. A little girl wants an all-diy sucker bat when she grows up she is satisfied to have one for an evening. Sunday Afternoon—Kirkwood Field—3 P. M. -Camden vs. The Game of the Season A THRHjL a MINUTE m N66II S LAXATIVE? fo, - 1- Ueually prompt 2- Uoually thoreugh econemleal Ray & Rogers Floor Surfacing Work Done By Sp^xalisto a 2676 Bos 8fl Choruw, 8. C WARNING Motorists who follow fire trucks emd from fires, or drive their ears within three hundred feet of any fire, are to be arrested and prosecuted under the provisions of Subjection D. D. Section 62 of the city ordinances. *That it diall be unlawful to drive any ve hicle, on any block in the Oty of Camden where fire is being fought, within thrto hundred feet of said Dre. No vehicles are aflowed to follow a Dre tmek beyond the sp^ limit, and to approach within flve hundred feet of said tmek when go* ing to or returning from a Dre.” Violators of this section will be arrested and fined. • • City of Caniiden By ALVA RUSH,Chief of PoKce ^ , ■■ ■ s.-i ■ ■ A r''