1 » Sports Desk ' « Local ■” ••VfH tMtOLIMA, WM»V. ^ L hAW heard manr iMidUanr ^ relatire to the fino nuuh In which the Junior ClMmbor r^oQUuerce handled that Chun- Lofsata volo came {trognun on I. l%e raaa teemed quite Im- id with the way the Jayoeee^ led the field, saw to It thati were properly parked, and! I r that the traffic waa mored without friction or anarllng. V hare a well deftned Idea this fine system waa forma- I and directed by Carl Light* , a member of the Jaycee ont*^ ttd chalrmaa of the game com- The (Camden polo clab I profit a lot if they emulated ame ideas. I tracic death of John Chapin, flyer, and well known In' Bn, where he recelred hla K traininc, was a shock to k It seems ironical indeed that »lext Wednesday, April 2S, the Proridence team takes on the Wil mington, Del., team in an afternoon game at the Camdra park. B^ng Wednesday and the final game for the Chiefs here, there probably wU be quite a turnout of fans. Business Manager Qeorge W. Bishop of the Chiefs selected Ar thur Robinson and our own Hsmp Irby as officials for the home games. Hamp, by the way. Will be base umpire in all home games of the Palmetto league White Sox the coming aeason. Arthur Robinson will probably get a b«rth as trareling umpire. Scoring Bm U Staf«d Byj lawndgra At Fqpggiaa Of TkgBdUdoga They tipped the lid off the base ball program here laat Friday af ternoon, and from 4 p. m., until tbe shades of ni|^t were falling fast the Darlington and Camden high school teams staged a scoring test with all honors going to the invaders who tumbled the home hopes. 31 to (. It was the first competitive ball game tor some of the Camden lada and they Just didn’t know what to do‘with the b^. Whirit; to view of the tact that the Btoldog dia mond talent had had but one or two days workout, whereas Dar- lin||ton has been playing for sev eral weeks, accounts tor the farce dished up. . It is hoped that the baseball tana will view the high school baseball picture in the proper perspective. The boys need encouragement and not knocks. Perhaps if this an- couragement la forthcoming. Cam den can restore basehsll popularity and reaultant better teams. This writer recalls that back some eight or nine years Camden did have good baseball teams.* CAMDEN ALL-STARS TRAMPLE WEST POINT ARMY QUARTET UNDER A 10 TO 1 SCOREj All • Star AffrefaticMD la Chaamd Bjr Lariaat Crowd Of TliaSmoo AtKirk. wood Field Candidates for the Sumter clnbi of the Palmetto league numbered ,V« Ywr diotctt wHh one 25-lli. bog of, THE^t^ ■ 1 , 27 laat Monday and the players were still reporting. Looks as lf| Manager Otto T. Hobbs will hava; plenty of material to pick from. Sumter stock took an upward leap Tuesday wben It was sunoonped that Coach Hutchins of the high school athletic group would pitch for Sumter. Billy Laval’s Rock HIU club of the Tri-State league went down to defeat last week before the Utica Blue Sox, 14 to 4. Bishopville High with DuBosei pitching cleaned up HartsvUle, t| to 0, last Tuesday. Joe Landrum pitched Clemson to a 2 to 1 win over Davidson last week Tuesday. Landrum, who used to be big noUe with the Columbia Caps and later the Columbia Junior Legion team, gave up but four hits. That 12 to 10 win by Providence over the Spartanburg club of the TrLState league showed that the Chiefs have a lot of hitting power. A crowd that Jammed all avail able space at Kirkwood field cheered the brilliant play of the| Camden All-Stars to their 10 to 2i defeat of the West Point Military Acad^ny foursome here Sunday afternoon. Despite a counter attrac tion at the city baseball park, where 1.500 fans watched the Provi dence BL I., and Lynn. Mass., clubs Of tho Now BDi^d league to action the largest crowd of ’he season filled the polo area. The lone score made by West Point- came to the second chukker and was posted by Major Smoak. Camden scored to every period with the sixth finding the locals registering three time%. Harrison, whose brilliant riding and stick- work brought cheers from the throng was high scorer with^four goals. David Williams, who ^me in by plane Sunday stmming to play for Camden scored three times, while Kirby Tapper made two goals, both In tbe closing minutes of the game. Carl Lightfoot was tough on the defense and broke up many West Point plays. Lightfoot scored one goal and missed a half doten or more by Inches. Camden took: a quick lead wh« n’ Wiiiiama rang the bell for a count er a few seconds after tbe game got under way. He was followed by Lightfoot to the same period. The visitors went scoreless. Harri son posted two quick goals in the second period to give Camden a 4 to 1 lead at the gong as Army counted once. Harrison scored a single in the third and again count ed in the fourth. Williams, No. 2 for Camden, scored in the fifth and sixth and Kirby Tupper, Sr., added two more Just before the gong sounded to end the game. In the nrst game of the Cam- den-Wc»t Point aeries, Camden won, 9 'io 2. The game was played to a ponrtag rain. Snndiqr aftemoon j the final three chukkers was play-| ed In a drlstle. and Utica, N^ T., at Kingstrae, It to t. . The Chiefs took the opening game of the training season from the Spartanburg team of the ^i- State loop, IS to 10. The Chiefs, under the tutelage of Ralph (Buss) Boyle, BnutMM tgygti I Manager Oeorgu Blahop» Duratr I Jack O. Donald, with sevOTSl Provi dence news hawks, have movu- gunea scheduled before they hit the home trail for Providencq. On* of these games will be with tliu Wilmington teem here on Wegneu- day night, April 23. i 1 Hero is n letter from a farmer about an experience he had with naturai aoda on his com. It is offmfed here in the hope that you will find his suggestion helpful and profitable. Chiefs Even Up Spring Series; Bump Lynn, 10-9 The Providence Chiefs and the Lynn, Mass., Red Sox dished up a fair exhibition of pastimlng before a large crowd at American Legion baseball park Sunday afternoon the Chiefs nosing opt, 10 to 9. It marked the second win in four starts for the Rhole Island lada and it is some satisfaction that the defeats came at the hands oLhigher classification teams, Lan caster, Pa., at Darlington, 8 to 5, f__ The Former’s Forum from Uncle Natchel’s . Book of Experience ■ • .1 »*.*« PKTHEATRE BETHUNE, a C ••v- FOR MODERN RAKING CHOOSE ANY ONiaa.TAKE IT HOMEI 1^ Baby ElepilwfMjrfiditr...to bdi^htoo dm break* £ut table! A rad ponety valuel 2^ Eariljr Bird pit u^iatle... leta off ataaml Your deep diah piecnwta art ahraya itStj—aamt •oggjl ^ Poas-in-Boota cnaam pitdbar ;:: and colotfiil flower vaae! Getmioe pottery! You'U love it! Sbb Your Oracor {iRtff fouBeheiimirBcsl tvMinisbiini'sBefT 30BBY Friday, April It “THE KILLERS” |, with Avm Uardner, Burt Laaesster News A Comedy Saturday, April IS ' “RAIDERS OF THE SOUTH'* with Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hatton—Serial, ScarleJ Horseman, No. 7-—AJao Cartotm Saturday-Late Shew I \^^E FABLOUS. SUZANNE** 1 wl^Barbara Britton. Rudy VaUee| I . Comedy * SeiM Monday-Tiieeday, April tl-St •*TWO YEARS BEFORE , THE MAST* with Alan Ladd. Brian Doalevy, William Beodix, Barry Pltsgurald News B Comedy Wednesday, April SS “MR. HEX” with Leo Qoreey and The Bowery Boys—Also Selected Short Subjeets Thuruday, April M “BLUE SKIES'* with Bing Croaby, Fred Astaire, Joan Canlfield—News A Comedy SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned Ml 3c a lb. for waste removed I \ Bowman & Wright Sanitation COMPANY Can be contacted at 1806 Fair Street CHIUAN NmtATE of SODA li f This b whww our dollar h I Ttus represents eadi of tbe 276,526^71 doUare tha Southern Railway System look in last year. And tbie is bow eack dollar was spent •* • » *>0 i.50P was paid out for thaaendceeolourcmploytet* •> • paid out for dial aeruioeeirfWIofouroflMeri-* • MAIMUli, He- m* was used for materials, mpplies and other operat* ^ing e)^>enaes. Wc bought evoything wa could in the South * « » fUK--S vum paki fw fudh-ooal and oil—to keqi trains running snd to pro vide heat and power for sbops,»onceS) autiona - - - —w TAXil«>S _weiit for ka^ ttata and federal tones.«. money whidi supports schools and other government servioea even highways sm airports « « --qs 1 ' -iw - • --to'' . - SHEHEEN'S 7 Do not let i food meal depunda coat ta low, too. you kito buying jaat w good moat. Yo«,aftt aaaorad MMKIATION- of each dollar went for **wear and tear" on oquipment and fadlitiea • • * mmi^ ^ paid the interest on the mortgages on our property and equip ment • —a .3P, ONr.Dr was apent to pay rental duuges on the cc^pment m other railroedi, joint faofitiea and Icaiad rOad« •> .. y kind ot aaonta. ol Ibo bont at UAVMU->4l^for our own^ and * ilor improvfmentaand entergendea. IaST YBAK, ibe Anaetlcan milnadi as a wbola M Ktara of only SH par ecnl an tbe iMNwy haveMed ha dMhB' Wnfutf,- - TUa year-with Meant freight nBe bMreaaea and ennuni urage and maalcaiai eettU-*Ae eetniB k expeeled la ba naB PMue dnm 3 per eeett, wbhdh It aniy ludl the 6 per eott Ntana that die U. S. Supreme Govt baa aaM thme and again la mA reaaanabk** far p—urilhbi*, • " ■> - , : '-■i fv- . h4 .*■ f SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM •(f' i"-