The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, April 04, 1947, Image 4

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-4 - V. - ■ ■■ ■■■ V lx'"’- U - i I'M-: ■ pli y'>i -jY 5J ' 'i ' ', : S ■ .\l . f? , i( ‘ 5 r rai... m THl CAMDtM CMUfMCLl, CAilOlli. •OUTM CAAOUfiA. gHIOAV, APRIL A GtiTR IQ Your Red CroM Tor muscular BACKACHE JttUtF Rub on NEURABALM ■f you tub wotbtei N««ftbatai oo Imm badL k Kara to work ioKaady. I. ptNnuArmo ■adicarioa tali«*aa iha tgooWna putt. 2. SriMULATINO BCliOO Ititf «P dtcvlatioo. lika a oomloruiig pouldca, to kalp krtak • ap tht coocaatioo. ^ _ tad Mada itrai^ Iwobago . to aaartioo, aapoanra or latipwa raUarad. Sciaauic raaaarcfa praarr ..-fAalaa notfca /ad aad «frrda«/jr. Naurahalaa ia gtaaaalaw aad acaialaaa to tba akio. to aoochiog ... ao CLEAN aad irfraalilap to aaa. Wbaa you waat fstt aod aialcaiaa laUal freai aaaralf k aad atuacitlar aabaa aad paJaa rub with Naorabalaa. Fact talaaad. Suap battar ... laal battar. Hifbly pcaiaad by aaara. At drantoraa ia 25#. 75# aad il*25 botdat. Moaaca<laaa*aootaiac. NEURABALM ^«Ar RKUIF FROM ACHES AND FAIN A ■ - •» . GIVES FAST NOTICE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA THE PUSLIC SERVICE ^ COMMISSION—OOLUMBIA March 21, 1947 In Re: Docket No. 6169—The ap plication of C. M. Davie. McBee, South Carolina, to amend Emer gency Class A Certificate of Pub lic Convenience and Necessity No. 431, to read as follows: Between Bethune and HartsviUe, South Carolina, via McBee, over U' 8. Highway No. 1 and State High way No. 151, a distance of 2S miles; Restricted: To the transportation of employees at Sonoco Products Company and Hartsvilie Print and Dye Works at Hartsvilie, South Carolina. A public hearing ia the above Cross Commission’s Offices in the Wade Hamptpn State Office Building, Columbia. South Carolina, at 10:00 A. M., Thursday, April 17, 1947, for the purpose of determining the requirements of public conven ience and necessity in the prem^es. W. W. Goodman. Director Motor Transport Division. Sc . tadie K. vonTresckew The monthly meeting of the Red Cross executive board was held March 26 at headquarters. In the absence of the chairman, Captain Harold Funderburke, who was in New York on. business, the vice chairman. Mrs. Leon Schlosburg, presided. Eight officers and chair men were present. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. vonTresckow, and reports followed The.JBost Important was that of the chmrmaKof the fund campaign. At tomey Dtmglas Montgomery, who has worked tirelessly to carry Ker- „ Shaw cohnty “over the top", A full entitled matter will be hold in thS" account of the disaster wort TREtPASS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that hunt ing. fishing or otherwise trespass ing upon the premises of Leonard /or ^ w_DI$COMI_ *^3^# Per Dottle MEETING The noDthlj meetinf of the Kershaw Cooikty Lefislethre' Delefetkm will be held on April Stk in the Director's Room at the Court House at lOtSO A. M. Citisens of the County who hawe any ihatters to discuss with the Delofation are requested to be present. At t^ meetinf will be discussed the adwisability chsm^ing the ctmipensation of the county officers from a fee to a salary bimis. All parties interested are requested to present their wiews at this time. at Cassatt done by the canteen and motor corps waa received. Letters of thanks were sent to Mr. Kome- gay and the Southern Bell Tele phone company for their prompt as slstance. Alany plans were reported for the entertainment of veterans from Columbia, although they were prevented from coming on account of bad weather and Influensa. The home service department has been as busy as ever and Miss Alice Kerr has given valuable assistance. The chairman of t^e fund campaign publicity. Prank Heath, has re ceived a letter of tbnaks from Clif ford Fllgg of the Boutheestem area in Atlanta, for his and the Chron Icle’s cooperation. Thb home ser" vice window showing tnemany ser vices given the veteran Bp-the Red Cross was another of the attractive window displays for the campaign and the large window of the Home Furnishing company of Broad street was outstanding in completeness end appropriatness. Mrs. Alfred Churt of Ludington. Mich., who decorated the home nursing win dow at the Outlook that won the blue ribbon was a-guest at the Court Inn. The Home Furnishing company kindly loaned accessories for that window also Hiss Bees Dalton,' nursing field representative, is planning to be at Red Cross headquarters April S and 9 in the interest of the nursing services CARD OF THANKS 4 The family of Mrs. Simon 8 Stokes takes this opportunity to ex press their deep appreciation to all for their expressions of sym pathy In their rec6nt bereavement If Construction Company, located in Kershaw County, South Carolina, aad known as Sunny HUl Planta tion, containing 5000 acres, more or less, and Chancefleld Planta tion, ctmtainlng 1000 acres, more ot less, and Welch tract 400 acres, more or lees, is prohibited and all persons appr^ended will be dealt with in accordance with taw. l-4c Leonard Construction Co. To the Public: It is our pleasure to present to you our condensed b statement of condition as of the close of business Mar. 31,1947. For over forty years we have served the people of this section and the steady and healthy growth of our bank reflects the confidence of the public. ‘We thank you for the part which you have played in mak- ’ ing this possible. Reaourcea Loans and Discounts $ 417,976.64 Overdrafts NONE Banking House 24,699.10 Furniture and Fixtures 1.00 Real Estate Other Than Banking House 67.10 Bonds ' 2,915,104.12 Cash in Vault and Due by Banks 928,260.01 TOTAL- $4,286,097.97 Liabilitieg Capital Stock Paid In $ 100,000.00 Surplus and Uhdivided Profits 62,224.14 Deposits 4,122,973.83 Bills Payable NONE Rediscounts NONE A Reserve Account 10,900.00 ' A ' * total. $4,286,097.97 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAMDEN, S. C > , MEMBERS FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBERS FEDERAL DEPOWT INSURANCE CORPORATION C J. ShaniMMi, Jr. M. H. Hoymaii H.E.B*Mrd —^Director*-— Lewis L. Cljbum R. N. Shenaoii C. J. SKeimon, 4th. A. IF. McLean S. W. Van Landinbham The First National Bajdc In Kershaw County K .. \ ROGERS IN All ITS pDE WAR SPKNDOft r I hi ., i 1 I Tbte waak. ter tba mat Uaaa is Ova lasg vasm s lasI Ubby aheppiBt thre b ta tiera ter CotoBlal eoatoaiata. - A STSBd ansy al ttsa fooda packad sadar «bk teaiaaa WM win aaka kk mopains a raal pltaanra aad bate Hr* roar paatry pra-«ar steaaaar. Baad UUa ravaaitas advartiaaaaaot yad ihaa ntfi yaar aaaraat Oalaalai martat ter lAlV muaPTIKI rmtUS UAUMW juma SUGAR ^ SWEn PEAS j:’ 23* 8H>x. Bottle Adds Color To Any bUai COCKTAU ^21 39^ IT HAS THAT BARDEN FRESH FLAVOR-LIBBrS CREAM STYLI GOIJ>EM COBN ADDS ZEST TO MEATS—PEPS UP FISH DISHES-LIBBY’S _ SWEET RELISH GOOD FLAVOR WITH SUGAR SWEETNESS-LIBBY’S BARDEN SWEET PEAS TENDER SPEARS-WONDERFUL FOR SALAOS-1 IBBY*S BREEN ASPARAGUS NICE FOR SANDWICHES OR THE RELISH TRAY-STUFFED URRirs OLIVES iUST OPEN AND NEAT-A MEAL IN A OISH-LIMY’S CORNED REEF HASH r 2f DELICIOUS IN SALADS OR DESSERTS—ADO TO FRUIT CAKE-SLICED LIBBT’S PEACHES FINE OeSSERT FRUIT LIBRY’S WHOLE UNPEELEO No. 21 APRICOTS Ho.2i Can A DESSERT FAVORlTE-LIBEYt BARTLETT ItiAL SlinJUpoRod HAVOR PEARS (.IBBY’S FULL OF FLAVOR TOMATO No . 21 Can JUICE 2 No. 2 Caat 35d 440x.Cm 41. JUICE Plnaapplc j/'-'sav* medium ripe ~ OLIVES 9-Ox. BoHio STSaUNQ -5' IMBBTS Hot or Cold AT ANY MEAL VIENNA SAUSAGE SaU2 2-U. Ffcts ISd aoBonrs Borm 1-lb. J« 59d •’.OBOCN’A Starlac'^>-30r snOUTSMINb Criaco Sid raiANOU iiLr-ai.wmi rionr lO-ib tap 96d FRIANOLA SELP USIKa TIovr 25-lb Baa $224 fVwnnnnnnnnnnni-Kim ww hemee 5» i «m»i - -- CUOROIA RlkM IlRIED ¥AMS i.15 47« i-'mia -x. ^ PKKLES 12-Oz. 9 9 iottio IIBBT’S FOR SNACKS OR SANDWICHES FANCY CRISP HEART StsSa Celery FRESH^QREEN TOP Carrots 2 12' FRESH CUBAN 4. Pineapples .AftflafltaaaBaBflPBgBffsangjmjuuuuuuLBtum Ib. OTffh'hifiTnnnnnnnnnrf y yinpryinr^^ rmrmrvm mnmrv onr. WHOLE. BUTT OR SHANK END BAMS 1$. 619 Brada 'A' u. 61« CHUCK BOAST Brada ’A*! Biada V OpSSB) AND OKaWN FFyers u. 65* FIRST CUT Pork Chapa u. 556 j Ocean Ffeib Set feed Perch Fillets . .29c SeL Oysters, pt 75c Stew Oysters pt 75c IV ^d rt. 41* tlltssaaaaaappaaeaee^e* 34-Oa OUR PRIDE SANDWICH BBEAD BOLD LABEL COFFEE 2Z the modern washing POWDER DBEFT r OeB FBMRt VBBI iMA s. y. z. MB. wm or Iverf Saof*' pan umeaieea agnaNt Lady Bally CkuBMiy ^ ** pan oror RiiM Maraaateaa tava •-* *’ Pint Jtf nadees "* llRliaa 454 SiMBW