The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, March 21, 1947, Image 7

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Fby At ly ^hool I jaoior and aeoimr cImsm of «f Uch fcbool, CMMtt, will Bt tb«fr high aebool plaf. **1)0117 aad DaSy**. a ttraiy U«|^ ablo tvee tm tluwo Dotty. Daify seta, fta the kigli acho<4 saditoriiuD os FrMsy sTeBlns, Marek U. st 7i4t o’elodL Admlaakiii, sdslts, Me; ciUldraix sad scho<^ ehOdren, Me. a2!L£^?!®«L ^prwHd ' i SMmmi. iiiTit cwtotwA. nmAy, mamh „ ' ^®®®*a5aaBBaBBSHa IHT I dL«JtlOv LESSON HAPOi.n t OOaWlOICN? tenon .KNBWWU^ Mr niise xou. **ES$OII FOB MABCH 23 ^riptur« text! aa Council 0/ t®*orn*tlon«l ■^uention; fo* christlin BROTBERHOOO ...... wui mnse an c rat«« 14,000 to eontiibute to the I boUdiac fund tor the expansion of ' the Unirersity of the South at Se* wanee, Tenn. This amount was established at a meeting of fonr Sewanee men and their wires at the Conrt Inn recently. •> The campaign to raise this fund was started Monday. March 17. and indications are that the sum will be raised without much diftlcnlty. Harrison WiU Explode Skill In Sunday Polo Game Fans Look For Ace Player To Pull Scormf Stunt In Battle LESSON TBXT-John WrMi. *>-». Now he was ready for the Pathei memory selection—And nowl am to glorify him even aa he had glorl. 0 more tn the world, but 0»e*« are tn . .. » world, and I come to thee. Holy o®® “*• name of the Father. That ather, keep through thine own name prayer was antwered, and Christ w»aa whom thou hast gtven m* •"»* mflt m*aa V..- -- aiiUi ft COI-..» M* aasW Pather, keep through Oitne own name those whom thou hast given me. that they mar be one. as we are.—John 17:11. The voice of the Son of God lifted In audible prayer | What could be, more aacred and more blessed? He who h»H K- • DOW aits at the right hand of the Pather in heaven. What a glorious Saviour we have! Hit prayer was soon turned to .... «.tu more Diessed? He those edto had believed in him. They who had by set and example taught were precloue to him, for they wer^ his disciples loving service (John given to him by the Father. IS), and had ^ - avv uig service (John IS), and had spoken to them words of comfort and aasmrance (John 14> ID, now r preyed tor himself, for toera, and for ue. Whilr he spoke moet intimately with the Father as hit only begotten Son, he prayed aloud that hia disci- pies mi^t bear his prayer and }oio with him fat it Thta prayer ia often called the The polo offering tor next Sun day will find a greatly atrengthen- ed Rambler aggregation going to It for blood In the game 'scheduled for Kirkwood field at S o’clock against the Palmetto foursome. The Palmetto team led by Carl Llghtfoot battered the Ramblers down under a 7 to 1 count with Llghtfoot checking in with five of the counters for the winning team. The wide victory of the Palmet tos was all the more surprising because of Harrison's presence at the No. S, or scoring slot tor the Ramblers. Harrison, rated as one of the best polo artists In the south either had an off day on his shoot ing. or he was playing possum. If the latter, the fans may expect to see some fire works In next Sunday’s game. . SmaU ,Tr^ferred To Oliver Gen. Hosp. Capt. Hulan iL Small. AC. hus band of Mrs.* Beth R. Small, Cam den, has been traniferred from Sta tion Hospital Greenville AAB, | Greenville, (o the Oliver General hospiuL for further treatment. Thousands of service men who fought In Europe and the Pacific FAdB •■MW are today reeetving medical aikl augtoal care ajt this orthopedM eeater. Um Chroiakfe Want Ad» ' T m V ' > \ H Par BoWe ‘m Mwin lo me son. They kept iwayer often eaBcd the ttw Word at God. apd thus they kigh-prissUy prayer at Christ, sod knew ths Son as the msnlfetUtion lightly io, ter here the "ooe medl- vt the Father's nam* mv-* — • ator between God end men. the man Christ Jesus*’ (I Tim. S:8> spoke as "the High Priest at mankind who b#dtiB hl« Of beglDs his saerUlee by oftorfhg him- 4. « - hb pe< b innoimcement ! The School of Nursing of the mt t innTT IS not "at the world.'* I "I TT *1 t H Ilmee disciples bed m remain in II i. ^ J • I *“25*** Tlirou^ Ms weald (though they were net of iSniuCD ilOSpltm Jesue WBS tiie Son of God. Tos, M ^ end to 0«h He ^ Mo Fa- weet oould he mere 5 . tbev arc one in bliseed ttemal, in- I ftnite tmMy. But ea he Is in the ^ ^ we wiM bcUevs art in him. . *p„|,i mierest sad prsysr i Be the poet wm says: Terse • ehvisaskr dot *ireer. se vary near Is Ood, meea that ht ia net lalereslad Naartr I cannot bt, ^ - Wm. •- - rauier. D. Oel ef the Werli—Ihep Kept hy the Fattier (w. g-ll). There is something powerfully as- — =—>* suring ts. the believer to reed the Diire CafelttllT■■ -Saw a lira words of Jesus which declare that ' Ihsse who bad believed on him had been givsn to him by the Father. They belonged to the Father, and he gave thorn to the Sen. They kept the Word at God, and thus they Here is a letter from a farm er aliout an experience he had with natural soda on his oats. It is offered here in the hope that yon will find his suggestion helpful ^and profitable. W aatt la Ood , tOodat). First ws find that bs praysd for himself ss ho speko at 1. falvattoa Ftaished—Then Olorp ■tth the Fattwr (w. 1-5). Bo looked up and said, ’Tathcr,** that was sR No strug^lng. no pleading, )ust the reeognitton of bis hwn divinity, his intimate and uni<iue SoDshlp to GoA - - • wrnm'm MB U19 < 8f the Father's name. What could ho more certain tor time and etor- Btlyt Note that they wore taken “out •w worhl’‘->ttuit does not mean that flMy lift this earth. They lived hers as art Ihrs hers, but they were do- Ivered from that evU world power whidi opposes God. Semo' professed Christians who find ttMdr greatest ddight la follow- •MT WMh the Chrtst-rojecting world had hetlar read carefuliy here, for It appears that the one who Is truly In Christ is not **of ths world.'* Thssa disdpiss bad to remain in » world !*>«—*• For. SORE MUSCLE PWU¥F\ Rub on NEURA'BALM mmiuamo Siy’lswew s. nrnttjjmo •cites (lira sp ckcsiattos » hat# hMdl^ tka caa- Mae Nayatolai oa announces that it is now re ceiving applications for a nurses class to begin April Ist. If you are a high school graduate 17 years of age or more and are interested in nursing; ^ as a career .... jlFri^e to the— Director of Norses CAMDEN HOSPITAL CAMDEN, a C f .. — mima waa la ha braught la a deaa, ^ rviA ^lindsdypiaeadthamanewlntht •esua waa ttie Sob of God. Tos, FiiMMr*s f^feMv hand, a •• ha waa and It God. Ho and flw Fa- hT— ttiar ars one in Miaasd eternal, in- inita unity. But aa ht ia in tha aele that our LaN had k—* — hit — , noet not u«w w uou, mean that ho la net iMerostod In aD Ntarar I cannot be. naaUmi. Bt diod lir thorn UdM For In tho porson ef his ion Bnt bare his prayw was tor X am ss near as ha.** his awn. and In that pruyw Ma Ihia divine Redoeintr, whe laid world was IsA out, That makes us down his glory when bt eamo to OnI stlB mare assured in him. Ha, aarth (Pha 1:7. t) to ba a Saviour, Ihe Maaood Son of God and sMy waa now ready to tako up that, glory lavlaur. prayed for me. lir punf again. Be spoke of the work ^ ssl> Tho olostog words at •.444. — toaeh Ml inla the Bdrd uv rnyamm OK UlO 1 ration as compleUd tor disDl sovd tho doetti on tho cross nlddi tm lurt shoad waa already II —-'•-xsr ICONSTIPATION Btsky la ‘ BAD COLDS •ImA Afc—*.* IqqR * u*aunss ICENTMISOVIGE STATION e» Next to RodfoMm MotM* Co.... Actom Froai Africaltoro Boiltinif MANAGEMENT we SELL THAT ANNITE \ ' WASHING POWDER Telephone 9163 EXPERT SASHING-WAXING GREASING FREE CITY MAPS JMOCO GAS and OILS \ ■ ' . HBNRY TOLBERT, Oiienitor ^ t TaarF Auta ExptHmat snr hard, as ha praysd m. IMIy ia GMa-* many la Dm Wssld <m. wreas. Ths vtrsas bsiwsM dm immntmt dMsloa and UUa me (sv. am aaportant Our Lsrd wus umesmui ah^ the hutrad at Bm world lar Bmaa whs had rasahrsi ttm Word if Bm Father, and yut ha " have ttwm takua «' They wwc to ht hit as ws ars la bt in sur da^. Thsy mast rmnaln in ths wsrit; hut hsing sat ia Christ sad isnstiisd BumBl dm truth, ttisy ware Is hs hspl'lw God and used by him. Watch Your Kidneys/ Help Tlksm noanaa the Bleed of Bsrmful Body Waste Tow kMom m eooMaotljr Otorlig oaou NMttor froa tbo Mood aUouB. a« kidoor»ow»tfaw log Mthoir work eo- ■ot Mt 00 Notofo tatoodod’-lofl to va ■Mvo lapwidoo that, k touiaod, wma poioM tko ojratooi •od opoot tho vbolo ■ookMory. Syogttowo oMur ko MSSUs kookoteo, pBfWBIMK MMeMMp ftSVMBB 41 gmUMM^ gottiat »p ilgkto, owolliiig, potto f ■odor tko oywTo (ooUogof oorvooo oojdoty ood looo of mtp sad otfoagta. Otkor of Udaiy « kteddorm- ^w art oniootlBiM boro lag, r * •—try ovor. AM Doans Pills State Theatre KERSHAW. X C FriduF, Mmh 21 "TWO SMART PEOPLE^ Luctlls Ball—John Hodiak Saturduj, Muirdi 22 "RED RIVER RENE- CADES'* •unaat Caraow—Peggy Stewart Sat, Mar. 22,10:30 P. M. "SPIDER WOMAN STRIKES BACK" I Pale Sowdergaard—Klfhy Oraid 'Moa.>TM4, khnh M.2S ‘OmDERCURREN'r’ Kntherlna Haphum Bohart Taylsr WddhBdaday, March 26 "THE VERDKrr* Bydnay Omeasifaet Feter Lsfra ThiWiday, Marcfc 27 <X1AULANT BESS^ Marshall _ MMW uaaggUOBB 60 Sa WHMfclas... aa GLEAN sad t ta MO. WfcM yoa waat ood mIM Itm aowalslc ooMt aad ,mmm .ortaioi fab wfck NtwakoUa. Pool iiliaif, Mow kooor ,.. ftol fcodor. Hhkly tfahodkyewM- PMlaw dkoedow ia Mow. At temwm hi TId aad 1149 koolot., MODERN—CLEAN ~ SOOTHING NEURABALM^^ I’WAY muir raoM achis anb mun V The Former's Forum from Uncle Natchel’s Book of Experience "1 usually topdress my oats with 100 to 150 lbs. of soda per acre. Last springs I hauled the soda in a wagon and wherever 1 parked it 1 spilled some when filling the distributor. Throughout the season I noticed that the oats on these spots had a better color and grew better than the rest of the field. When har> vested, the yields were much hi^er — som^ timet double. 1 thoold have parked the wagtHDi all-over the field!" ndtSiha£ tmLutxk NITRATI of S00A 4. ;V. Mi ...Pnv HTimAVUCAllY OPERAm) TRANSmSSKlN AND efral fl(m> DRIVE /. SEE YOUR CHRYSLER.PLYlimiTli twit nwa STOGNEB MOTOBCOWW, K8 E DeKdb