'h ■'Ij M.J ‘.r, 'i \-a'l,’»l. V.’'- >■:." .,/4v «■.'. i*’-' ■ '^1 it; > rW •"■;•■'. ^t4:| UM' MX AppUeatioa for Cluurtor . Notic* is hsreiiy giren tkst the andersifoed will, sftw^ the expira tion of three daps from the date hereof, apply to the Secretary of State, of Soath Carolina for a^cM-- porate charter for the pi^posed corporation to be known as the Gene Moseley Construction Com pany. said corporation to hareji, capital stock of Ten Thousand (|10.00<1.«0) Dollars, and to hare its principal place of businesa in: Camden. South Carolina, for the purpose primarily of engaging in the general construction business. Notice is further giren that a meeting of the subecribers to thei capUtal stock of the proposed cor^ poration will be held in the office of Sarage and Marion, Attorneys, Camden, Sooth Carolina, on March 4th at eleren o’clock A. M., for the purpose of perfecting the organi sation of said proposed corporation. E. L. MOSEa^EY BONNIE C. MOSELEY February 28. 1947. 50c card of thanks We wish to extend to our many friends our sincere appreciation of their kindness and sympathy in the sad hours of the passing of our Infant son, Joseph Gregory. And to all who sent such exquisite flowers we extend our thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Raiseo. !*Spring Fevef* May Hit Your Car in March Now is the time to hawe your car adjusted to the warm weather driring ahead. The delicate mechanism in your car motor must he **iveatheriz€d** for spring driving. Our complete **spring cleaning** service includes lubrica tion f motor tune-up, brake adjust ment and a thorough over-all inspec tion. Come in. * Palmetto Service Station CORNER OF " Rutledge and Market Streets IN COOPERATION WITH PALMETTO GARAGE FREE PARKING FILL UP WITH SheU Gas & OU tux Bethnne News* The obsenrance of layman week in the Methodist church, the Sun day morning serrice was led by C. M. Graham, M. M. Gardner and T. E. Hedron, Jr., with Gary Paschal, attorney, of Columbia, bringing the mesage on steward ship. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gardner of Salley were week-end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. P. Gordan. i Mr. and Mrs. June Tmesdell were Sunday guests of Mrs. Trues-' dell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Melton in BennettsTille. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Witherspoon of MayesTllle, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd O’Bryan of Greelyrllle were Sun day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Yarbrough and Mrs. Margaret Marion. Mrs. Robert Waters has return ed from Camden hospital where she has been a patient. Worlds Day of Prayer was . obj.' nenftFTrlday afternobn'at the Bap tist ‘church, under the leadership of Mrs. T. B. Altman, assisted by Mrs. Steve Lane. Mrs. Fred Brin son and Mrs. June Truesdell. The music was furnished by the high school Glee club. , The D, M. Mays hotel, until re cently known as the King-DayiS hotel, was formally opened to the public Sunday 12:30-2 p. m., with a lovely turkey dinner. Mrs. Prank Beard is in charge and has had years of splendid experience in this line of work. The executive committee of the Presbyterian Auxiliary met Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. C. C. Pate. After the business was dispensed sandw^hes. cookies and coffee were served. Misses Cecilia King and Har riett Mays have returned from a weeks stay in Florida. Mrs. John Edwin King returned Saturday from Quitman, Ga., where she has been with her father, Ful ton Smith, who has been quite ill. Wash Seegars of Charlotte is visiting his niece, Mrs. Pearl King. Mrs. Young Allen of Durham, N. C., was the weekend guest of hel parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Baker. Earl Jones of the College of Charleston spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Jones. Miss Margie Jones of Aynor was the weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones. Mrs. Mark King and son, Rob ert King of Anderson, were guests of relatives here Sunday night and Monday. i Tom Copeland, USN, and Mrs Copeland of Pensacola, Fla., hare returned after a visit to Mrs. Copeland’s mother, Mrs. Ila Cope land. Military services were held In^ the Mahoney chapel for Emory Parker, who was killed In Doming, New Mexico, February 17. Mr. Par ker is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ruth Jones Parker; two sons, Bob by and Larry, and a sister of this place, Mr. and Mrs, Henry West are visiting relatives in Mayesville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Copeland and children of Charleston were week end guests of relatives here.. Mrs. R. O. Jacobs visited friends in Beaufort recently. Dr. and Mrs. R,. E. Severance and children of Pamplico, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McLendon of Blshopvllle were Sunday guests of the J. B. Sever ance. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brannon and small son. Rusty, are visiting Mrs. Brannon’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sallade in Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. Harry Randolph, Mrs. Woodrow Andrews and Mrs. James Tallon of I..amar were Wednesday guests of the J. E. Severances. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Seeley of Co lumbia and Miss Bunny Hammond of Wlnthrop college were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Horton of Angelus were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones. TO eir QUICK \ (Kiucf fm rmm^ fCOiD MISERiCj/ m iT-safi-owKx icdu nmiATiMs c«w')OH uM OMtf owfC'to Buy-SellRent FIXXUAXV OSE THE CHRONICLE WANT ADS Advertisements' under thle beading BABY CHICKS—Get new price Ust elU be charged for at the rate of iOo minimum for 2S words, per Insertion. Over 1# words 1 l->c per word. Ads •et in 10 point type double charge. Cash must accompany order except where customer has Ledger Account. For Sal* FOR SALE—One practically new 18-ln. Jig saw. Call 766-W, See- gars Cabinet Shop. 50c FOR SALE—Coleman fuel oU circu lator. Call 86^J, 8 tlU 1 or see at 706 Wateree Village. 60p FOR SALE—1939 Chrysler Royal. See J. T. Haynes, at Colonial Giill, Camden. 50P FOR SALE—250 to 300 tons of com- ^pOsL Camden. Live-Stock-Go. 60-61o FOR SALE—Rabbits for meat or breeding, dressed free, 11.00 each while they last. 818 Campbell street, phone 851-J. ^ 1 BOBBY SHEHEEN’S ITOIAMNI VK>V4 TO VOO OCT SO MMV FttECKVSS! THE^A AIN’T FRECKUES- I'VE SEEN GOlN’€Al4iWMlN "I EVERV DAV,BOBgy f— £8J W .. «■ TWEM SPOTS ARC NN IRON CONSTITUTVOM RDSTIH'ON ME/ SOkcSSficak 5ii0iniertim« is pUytime. But all seasons are the same at Shelmen’s. You will •l^ys find they newer faU> to fiwe you the best groceries and the finest Mtats. They maiatafai low prices and high tpisAlty, ewery day! SHEBEEN'S GROCERY (nmoEH. 5 [ FREE OELIUERV PHOREi 24-25 FOR SALE—1936 Dodge. 4-door sedan. A fairly clean car with an excellent, almost new motor and good tires. Drakeford’s Oar age. 50c JUST RECEIVED a shipment of heavy duty Wizard batteries, 67 and 63 plates. Now is the time to replace that heavy duty truck battery with a new Wizard. Wept ern Auto Associate Store. 60c FOR SALE — One Cabinet RCA radio, one General Electric radio and record-player combined, one play pen with pad, and also one baby swing. All in good condi tion. See Tom Cameron at Mar lon’s Service Station. 60-61p and save money. Worthwhile Qhlckg. 101 W. North Avenue, Baltimore 1, Md. 48^p FOR SALE—One SO-gallon hot water tank, complete with Jack and fittings. Call J. B. Kelly, 62S-R or 71-J. 49-60c For Rout FOR RENT—Large double room with private bath, steam heat Phone 168-W, or call at 1214 Lyttleton street. 50p MASTER’S SALE Lost •— Found LOST—Three sugar books, Horace B. Corbett Delphlne P. Corbett, John K. Corbett. 50p lost—Ration Book No. 4, Issued to Mrs. Nellie E. Davis, Camden, S. C., Route 1. 50p (FOUND—Lady’s wrist watch. Own er describe and pay for ad. Rogers Store,, ^ SOc lost — Truck tire and rim, 8x26x20. FMreetone re-treaded tire. Notify W. O. Hatfield, Cam den, Route 1. ' 60p FOR SALE—One pony horse broke tO' work or ride; weighs about 660 lbs.; also one pony colt weighing about 400 lbs., broke to ride; perfectly gentle. Camden Livestock Company. 60c FOR SALE—One ton 1940 model Ford truck, with stake body, duel wheels, four forward transmis sion, good tires, body tight all •over. 4a excellent condition. J. B. McGuirt, Rpute 3, Camden, S. C. ' . 60p FOR SALE—Just received several thousand dishes, priced from 6c to. 65c each. Also, large shipment of flower vases at 49c and 76c each. D. C. Dixon’s Bargain House, 951 Broad St., and 939 Broad street. 50-52c FOR SALE—One 32 caliber Win chester Repeating rifle, with am munition; also one piano for sale. L. T. Branham, Dusty .Bend. Phone 356-W. * 60p FOR SALE—Any amount Peavlne hay., Charlie Woodham & Son. Rout 2. Blskigrrme, 8. C. 49-60p FOR SALE—2,000 pounds reclean- ed Kobe lespedeza seed. 14c per pound. J. B. Cantey, Camden, 8. C. Phone 842. 49-60c FOR SALE—I red mare mule about 11 or 12 years old, reasonable. See R. S. Dixon, Route 1. Black River road. 47-60p FOR SALE—New 6-room home, ex ceptionally well planned and built; centrally located. Also—^ fine 2 story home of 9 large rooms, big lot and ample outbuildings. Also—2 six-room homes, one with store-filling'station, on No. 1 highway In White’s Gardens. And—don’t forgPt that building time is nearly here, buy that lot now. We have It for you. FOR SALE—A farm of 200 acres, one of 4()0 acres and a tract of 600 acres. See Shannon Realty or phone 277. 60c FOR SALE—Velvet beans and Giant Strata Crotolaria seed, B. S. Young. Westvllle, 8. C. 46-60p FOUND—On Highway No. 1, be tween Camden and Columbia February 11, one truck tire on rim. J. B. Cantey, Camden, S. C. Phone 842. 49-60c FOUND—A 'remedy for back-ache due to kidney tfouble. Try KID- DO, only $1. Money back guar antee. DeKalb Pharmacy. Phone 95. 31-60p. Wasted WANTED—To buy 193940 Ford or Chevrolet. Must be clean. H. T. Stephens, Lugoff, Route 1. 60p WANTED—Young man to work In Jewelry store. Apply to Hoffer Jewelry Co. Camden, S. C. 60c WANTED—Electric stove and elec tric washing machine, any condi tion. C. V. Brantley, 107 Partridge Drive, Columbia, S.- C., or phone 6490. 60-63p WANTED—^Veteran, wife and two children desperately in need of furnished or unfurnished house or apartment. Apply “HYD” care the Chronicle. / 60p CAPABLE AND 'EXPERIENCED young lady desires position as clerk or stenographer. Contact Mrs. Sara Tniesdale at 266-R. 60-Slp SALESMEN WANTED—SUrt a Rawlelgh business, real oppor tunity now for permanent, profit able work In City Af Camden and west and southeast Lee coun ty. Write Rawlelgh’s Dept, SCB- 181-K. Richmond, Va. 50p MALE HELP WANTED—Man will ing to work 7 hours dally 5 days per week, can average $60 00 weekly on. eetabllshed local route. Write Dept S3, The J. R. Watkins Co., Richmond, Va. 48-60p DOMESTIC HELP WANTED —If you’re interested in a good Job with good pay, call at 1815 Lyttle ton street SALESMAN WANJED — Opening •for high type man in this terri tory to represent old establiahed Columbia firm. Experience and car necessary. Unlimited earnings on commission basis. Should earn more than $5,000 per year. Give your qualifications when answe^ Ing. Send replies to ’‘Salesman" care of The Chronicle. 43tfc Notice Is hereby given that la ac cordance with -the terms and pro visions of the de’ocee of the Court of Common Pleas of Kershaw Coun ty dated January 26, 1947, in the_ case of ESmma Barfield, Edward Barfield, Florence Barfield Horton, Rtnmx Barfield Davis, Earl K. Wat son and Robert Eldrldge Watson, Plaintiffs, vs. Lewis Barfield, Mary Ruth W. Whitehouse and Either Watson, Defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, .before the Court House door at Camden. 4Soath Carolina, during the legal hours of sale on the first Monday In March nexL being *the third day. thereof, the following described property: Parcel I (not surveyed) aa de scribed in deed of Lewis Barfield to* L. E. Barfield, recorded In the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in Deed Book BM at-4»aga-4J3i-All-4bat-^^4oe, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being In Kershaw County, State of South Carolina, containing Ninety- seven (97) acres, and being bound ed as follows: North by Little Lynches Creek—East by property of Elza Jane Baker, and the Lock hart Road, South by property of Geprge Shropshire and West by property of Pulton Wllllami. * ALSO . Tract 1. All that parcel or tract of land In School District 28, coun ty of Kershaw, state of South Caro lina, containing Two Huddred Nine teen and 12-100 (219.12) acres, and designated as Tract No. 1 on plat of the Estate of L. E. Barfield by A. B. Boykin, Surveyor, dated Sep tember 6, 1946, and recorded in the office of the (TIerk of Conrt for Kershaw County in Plat Book 12, page 86, said tract being bounded as follows: Northeast by Tract No. 2 of said plat and lands of Baker: Northwest by Tract No. S of said plat and lands of D. A. Barfield; Southwest by lands of Will Perry and the Holden Estate; and South-, east by lands of Bowers. Tract No. 2. All that parcel or tract of land lying and being In School District 28, County of Ker shaw, State of South Carolina, con-j talnlng Twenty-seven apd 48-100 (27.42) acres, and desienated as Tract No. 2 on plat of the Estate of L E. Barfield by A. B. Boykin, Surveyor, dated September 6, 1946. end recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in Plat Book 12, page 86; said tract being bounded as follows: North east by Tract No. 4 of said plat; Northwest by Tract No. 3 of said plat; Southwest by Tract No. 1 of said plat, and Southeast by lands of Baker. Tract No. 8. AW that parcel or tract of land lying and being on Baskins Creek, School District 28, County of Kershaw. State of South Carolina, containing Forty-four and 72-100 (44.72) acres and designated as Tract No. 3 on said plat of Es tate of L. E. Barfield by A B. Boy kin. Surveyor, dated September •. 1946, and recorded In the office of the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in Plat Book 12, page 86; Mid tract being bounded as fol lows: North and East by Tract No. 4 of said plat; Booth by lands of D, A. Barfield; and West by tract! No. 1 and No. 8 of gaid plat Tract No. 4. All that parcel or tract of land lying and betnf on Little Lynches Creek. School Dis trict 28, County of Kershaw and State of South Carolina, containing Three Hundred Eighty-four and 64-100 (384.64) acres, and being designated as Tract No. 4 on plat ''f Estate of L. E. Barfield by A. B. Boykin. Surveyor, dated September 6, 1946, recorded In the office of ^he Clerk of Court for Kershaw County in Plat Book 12, page 86; ^or Professional Anl ,| ... Bnsiness D. C DIXON’S BJ HOUSE We handle a eemplete lin« ^ women and dhildren'a shoee. i to-wear and Man’s Work Clot ail kinds. Alao a wide var notions. CAMDEN, a. C. Ml Bread 8t Phone | Camden Memorial Com\ QUALITY MONUMCI IMMEDIATE D1 ' C. Q. Kernegay--.Fred TfcY HAPPY JACK MANGE MEDICINE Moa«7 Badi Giuunatu] —PRICE— 12os.mO; 28 os. DR. J. B. UNDLE2 HAYES PHARMACY KERSHAW, t.& Subscribe- to The Chronicle Army Goods Sale MACKINAWS, slightly used STEEL COTS ... 6:95 FOLDING COTS 2.49 WOOL BLANKETS . 2S8 HERRING BONE PANTS Ij69 HERRING BONE COATS 1£9 FIELD JACKETS . 2JS 0 D wool PANTS 3.75 LADIES’ JACKETS 1.49 LADIES’ SKIRTS 1.49 LADIES’ TROPICAL SHIRTS .... 198 LADIES’ WOOL SKIRTS ........ 298 ARMY l^HAKI SHIRTS 1.49 KHAKI PANTS 149 to 198 G. I. TOWELS Se RAIN COATS 198 PRE-WAX STANDI ' METAL I Weatherstrips Sold and Inatalled E. E; VEITH The onlv factorj pod and trained mecli in thia aaction. P. O. Box 1161 Fl<«ence, S. C said tract being bounded u lows: North by lands of J. B.' son; East by Little Lynches i South by lands of D. A. and Tracts No. 2 and No. 3 o(| plaL and lands of Baker, si4 ^ by Tract No. A of said phtri by lands of B^er. Parcel 1 to be sold se| Tracts Nnmtors 1, £, 3 ui4 i| be sold both separately and whole, the highest aggregate I to be accepted. Terms of sale: For (laik. Master to require of the ful bidder or bidders s five per emit of the bid. be one of the tenants In said deposit to be forfeited ta i of non-compliance. The biddiafi not remain open after the compliance may he mediately, N. C. ARNtff.; Porbate Judga, Bx-Officte for Kershaw Countj^ K C. Savage Jb Marion Plaintiffs’ Attopiey. J. PAUL ROSS B32 Bmad StTMt CtmdBn, S. C ADVERTISEMENT. FOR BIDS The 'Town Council of the Town of Camden. 8. C.^ Mrs. W. Boykin, Clerk and Treasurer, will receive sealed htda iWJ construction of Sanitary Sewerage Extensions’and Sewage P«*p Station until 6 P. M., E 8. T., on Tuesday, the 4th day of V 1947, at the Town Hall, Camden, S. C., at which time and all bids will be publicly opened atd feed aloted. This project Is divided into two eeetloM as hidteatsd:: SECTION 1. Consists of approximately 9,276 feet o> sewers, 21 manholes and appurtenaacu.^ 8E(3TION 11. Consists of one Sewage Flimping without pumps. The contract will be awarded to the lowest ^mblnatlon »I two sections which, in the opinion of the Council, Is to the b*!' terest of the Town. The successful bidder will be required to furnish sat performance and payment bond or bonds. Proposed forms of contract documents, includlni^ pl»s* specifications, are on file and may be examined at the office of I Council, Camden. S. C., or at the office of the Engineers. Copies of the documents may be obtained by depositing Dollars ($16.00) with the Engineers for each set of docuaiwtjj obtained. The amount of the deposit will be refunded to each' fide bidder who returns the plans and documenta In good cosd within ten (10) days after the opening of bids. If additional sets of documents are required by the they shall deposit the same amount for each such addltloasl documents as above; however, only $10.00 of the deposit such additional set of documents vrlll be refunded to the ha If documents are returned in good condition within ten (10) after the opening of bids. No refund will be made of any deposit In any case whaia< person making such deposit falls to submit a bona fide bid. Deposit for plans and specifications will be in tbe tom check made payable to Tomlinson Engineering Company. The Town Coqncll of the Town of Camden, 8, C., resei^’ right to reject any or all bids and to walva any InJormallh*] bidding, n A certified check or bank draft payable to the Clerk UTW of Camden, S. C., or a satisfactory bid bond executed *7, bidder and a surety company, in an amount not lees tbsn fl**! cent (5%) of the bid, shall be submitted with each bid. No bid shall be withdrawn lor a period of sixty ($•) daR^ sequent to the opening of bids wlthoat the consent of tha Council of the Town of Camden. S. C. No bid will be considered unless tbe Mdder la lacally nnder the laws of the BUto of Booth CarbUnh The Town Cmincil ’Town of Camden#'E-(X . ^ P. N. lIcCOUCLB. ’ Mayen. ‘ MRS; LOUIS! W. BOTKIII. Clerk and Trdstforer. IMftneerlnc dnmbln. 8. C. 7 I