#A«I POUII TAI CAMOIN CMHOtilCH^ CAIIftgfc SOUTH eAiioi.iiiX» raiOAv, Cdandira Ctprmtirir 1109 North Broad Street Cainden, S. C. ^UBLIBHED EVERY FRIDAY DaCJOSTA BROWN Publisher SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: All Subecriptioiu "Payable In Advance One Year - ..$2.50 Six Months 1.60 Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Camden» S. C. All articles submitted for publication must be signed by the author FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS, 1946 FIREWORKS AND HOOTCH The Chronicle has been criticized because it per* mitted advertising of fireworks in its issues of recent date in the face of a city ordinance whidh prohibits the Mle, either wholesale or retail and even the use of ex plosives within the Camden city limits. The Chronicle is charged with being inconsistent because we have refused Hqtfor advertising and yet we advertise merchandize that is banned by city laws. The Chronicle has 2,100 paid subscribers and of this number 1,400 reside outside of the city of Cam den, the majori^ in the county confines. There is no restriction toward the sale of fire works in the county area outside of the Camden limits. The Chronicle wishes there was—infact—we would ban fireworks and fire crackers from the state and nation, if for no other reason that they create hazards to life and limb. We admit we have a certain well-rooted respect for the sancity of Christmas and we do not know of any instance oh record where the nativity of Jesus Christ was heralded with the xpar of fire crackers or aissle and swish of firo works. But to get back to the advertising of fire works— the adver^ments were national in character and un der the circumstances we felt free to accept them. The Chronicle stands ready at all times to cam paign for a closed season 366 days of the year against explosives. InssiAi*' JUlUUa v/ltittttticr Now One Of The Biggest In State Charter Roll la Ooeed With A Total Of 160 Members The Camden Junior Chamber of Commerce, with a charter mem- bdrShlp of ISO, la one of the larfeet units of the kind In the Palmetto state, according to announcement USED Army Bkmkets $2.98 J. Paul Ross 9SI Broad StrMt Camdem, S. C. made at the weekly meeting last Tuesday ntght. The orfanlaatlon is planning lor a gala affair when charter night Is obsenred in the near future. A committee has been named to ar range for a program. The Junior Chamber will sponsor the« arrival of Santa Clans in Cam den on Friday, November 29, at 2:20 o’clock In the afternoon. Old Nick wUl fly to the airport and will then be brought to the city under police escort In grand style. It is planned to contact merchants and request they enter floats In the Santa Claus parade. Bill Oettys, member of the Junior Chamber, Is to be the toaatmaster at the com festival on November 12. Dr. Cart Weat was honored by the Chamber as being named as an hon orary member while an assoclata membership was tendered to Ald erman D. J. Creed. Next meeting is to be held Tnea- day, November 12, at St Mary’s hall. ADDITIONAL WANT ADS FOR 8ALE~Houses and lot at 1120 Broad St See R. B. HoUaad, Adm. 24tf Use Chronicle Want Ada FOR fpfRKEys Thanksgiving OR ANY OTHER OCCASION TURKEYS Also ROASTING HENS FRYERS High Quality Beef LOW IN COST in Frozen Foods Market Violinist Appears Here Wednesday Most artists have known the qaa* barrassment of falling stage propa{ bursting seams, or other mishaps which arise to plague stage folk^ None Is quite as unique as the story told by’Leona Flood, the tal ented young violinist who Is being presented In recital at the gram mar school auditorium on Wednes day. November IS, under the ans- pices of the Junior Welfare Leagne. At the age of eight. Leona was playing at a, public recital being given by her mother, who is a com poser and pianist An extremely shy child, Leona found it trying to face the large audience. While play ing the violin obbligato for the Bach-Oounod "Ave Marla”, she shut her eyes tight and looking a bit angelic, unconsciously kept turning more and more away from the audience until at the finish she^ opened her eyas to find that she had completely turned her back to them. She turned around and bowed seriously but unfortunately the audience burst Into laughter while she ran from the stage and burst Into tears. Camden Garden Club The three groups of the Camden Garden Club will meet oUf Monday afternoon, Nov. 11, at four o’clock. The Boxwood group will meet at the home of Mrs. J. W. Brunson, with Mrs. R. B. Clarkson as assist ant hosteas. The Pine Tree group will meet with Miss Lillian Tates at the Court Inn. The hosteea for the Holly Tree group will be Mrs. Ralnsford, assisted by Mrs. Charl ton. MRS. WIUCY SHEORN ATTENDS WEODINQ OF NIECE Mrs. Wiley Sheom attended the wedding of her niece, Miaa Mar garet Anne Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Oscar Taylor of Lan caster, to Chevea Kilgore Llgon of Columbia, Tenn., In the First Meth odist church of Lancaster at 5 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Llgon will make their home In Decatur, Oa., where Mr. Llgon la studying for the min istry. NOVIMBKR % fHi OMWIF CAMDEire FALL BRIDES Early In De^mber Mrs. Willism Jess Sowell, who before her marriage was Mias Margaret Boykin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Boykin, Broad street. Rodgers—Melton Red Cross Sadie K. von Tresokow National Headquarters advises us that at the present time there Is a sufficient supply of knitted arti cles for the armed forces on hand. It has been decided that all yam In chapters should be used for chil dren’s sweaters for Overseas Emer gency Relief distribution. Directions for these sweaters have been re ceived at headquarters. A course, sponsored by the Amer^ lean Automobile Assoclatloq, la to quality Motor Corps members com pleting It to teach driving to am putees and paraplegics at veterans’ hospitals. ’The experimental course, being oondneted in Washington, D. C., should be completed In October. A class In Home' Nuralng tor colored women will be held at Red Cross Headquarters beginning Wed nesday evening at 7:20, Nov. I. Mrs. Carrie Wooten wlU conduct this class. Miss Cherry Oettys has been giv ing her services as Staff Asaistant at Headquarters dqrlng the past week. ’Tiny scraps of cloth, too smaU even for quilts, form the shoes of many Chinese orphans these days, according to ARC relief workers In Hankow, China. ’These are made at UNRRA aewlng centers. Paper from bamboo fiber Is'-the base of the shoe and the cloth scraps are glued on, layer by layer, Into a shoesole. ’Then pieces of greenish Japanese Army uniforms (confis cated) make the ahoe tops and the shoes are sent to distribution cen ters. ’The Jspsness Red Cross So ciety la being reorganized with tJ. 8. aid at the request of the U. S. Military snthoiiUes and with the epproval of General MacArthur. ,A Tribute to the Memory of MARIE KENNEDY SHANNON At Rest October 27, 1948 ’’COMB YE BLESSED” Finished her loving service Spoken her word for today, Leaving a fragrant message Aching hearts to allay. WhUe memory with eager fingers Gather the fragments sweet. To hoard as her richest treasures And over and over repeat— “Now rest ’Thou.” While we, with God’s help, will carry on ’tU we meet. Earth seems poorer while Heaven Is richer since she has entered there. “For her to live with Christ and to die was gain.” S4c ' From a life-long Friend. UMMIBBUiniMiraNINIIimB COMING ATTRACTIONS Haigliff Theatre Oemer Broad and Rsrtladoe its FrL-Sat., Nov. 8-9 GUN MAN** Bob Steele with 8yd Saylor Also Serial and Comedy Mo8i.-Ttioa., Nov. 11-12 **EARL CARROLL SKETCHBOOK** I Constance Moore—William Marahall—Vera Vague Aleo Pathe News WoHand-knitted Baby Bonnets •Mittens and Sweaters Also BANKS CLOSE ALL DAY Camden Banks will he Closed all day Monday, Armistice Day 9 P FIRST NATIONAL BANK COMUtERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Hand-Woven Baby Blankets Greenleaf Villa Gift Shop Greenleaf Villa WEEK DAYS Luncheon - - - 12 to 1:30 $1M Tea - - -a • 4 to 5 J$S SUNDAY Luncheon - - • _1:13 ' Upon Reservations • -* $1M Specialty Shop You Seen It? THE A very beautiful picture She hung where she resides: The ladder fell; she went pell-mell ^ And broke her hip besides. Here ia the Startlmg Rate at which Noo-fatal^ Injuries Suffered in Accidents Occur: 1 mowtj three seconds 17 per minute 1,000 every how . 24,000 each day B 170^000 each weA 8,900^000 hkjerias for the year NEED WE SAY MORE? DAVID H. BAUM, AGENCY Ileedquarters for Accident, Health and HospithliBitVMi h Eighth Wonder of the World PEKPirrUAL MOTION AT SEE ■ The Perpetual Motion Clod AT TME HOFFER COMPMiy No winding, no weights, no not ★ AS LONG AS THIS PLANET has a blanket of ide about it the dock win opoate. .t’y