The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, November 08, 1946, Image 3

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;#■ *- TMt CAMHI CWtOlIttU^CAliblll, iOUTM eAllOUl^ MOVlMim i; 1f4t PAQ« OHiference Kear Aiken rtmdt Of Land Is To Piocsss Of 5o<ith Caroltmi of OTse» SslMOpat »re grsstty IStorMtsi Ifl'icre tMMJt juit deeded to. U Dloceee of tSe Bpls<nipSl U St JuUen CnMum of f*”“» Aiken, a diocesien cemp sp^ center. ta located forty mllee nbla and tnclndea a dear [Jfand many acree of wood- ^uncing the lift of this Bt Rer. John J. Qraratt. the diocese, stated that area will not take the iKsnoga, Episcopal eonfer- ia North Carolina. Jle at the new area will pro- lian center within easy [ail the parishes and will Ible throughout the year. aaid, furnish a place for Erentlons and for meetings women or laymen of IfC aaid the bishop, "con- alitatlon of a need we felt." The bishop went that he has been on the Just such a location for now in progress to put buildlDgs on the site. Mrs. J. T. Hearon and little daaghtor are Tlsltlag the fanner's brother, T. C. McCaskiU and family ia Tork. Pa. Mra. Loalae Kdlay recently oele- hrated her hlrthdey annirersary. All of her children were preeeat for this oecasloh: Mre. A. K. Me- .{Laiirtn and family. Fljnn Kelley, Clemson Wilson and Miss Wilson of Newberryt Mr. Mrs. George Kelley of Welter- Mrs. Wallace PhllUps. of New port News, Va., la rlaitlag her par- dsta, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McLaarln and little eon, Montey. Mrs. Phillips has coipe for her son, who has been staying with his grandparents, un til an apartment could be secured. Mrs. Clarence Hall, of Hopewell, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Me- Lnughlln, of Kingstree, were recent guesU of Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Pad- gefl Mrs. Tom Copeland, of Pensacola Fla., Is Tisltlng Mrs. Ida Copeland. Misses Mary Brannon, of Colum bia and Blanche Brannon, of Cam den, were week-end guests of tbelr parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bran non. Mrs. C. B, M^hell is substituting In the Midway school for one of the teachers who is 111. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Johnson, of Blaney spent Sunday at^the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mays. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Copeland, of Charleston, were recent gnests (rf Mr. and Mrs. J. H. West Such a program will be financed in part by the advent offerings of the ehnreh schools. / 4 \ ^ ^ TH5 1 BRtAD BASKET | IP YOU AAKI AT HOMi ... hurry! Send for Fleiadimann's wonderful, .40-paAe recipe book. TO tested fedpes for delicious bread, rcdls, dywrts. fissy to make with fleisch- mann's Ysaat—for the ^ieliciouB flavor and flns texture that mean perfect bakinf puopare. I^je^d for your FREE toda^ to jrieiachmann^s Yeast, Box 477, OiMid Central Annex, New Y<wk 17, N. Y. Lseviie Sevarmaoe sad sojas, eC^ C<dumbia, were week-end guests of the foreser’s fareats, Mr. aad lOa, J. ■. Sevarmaoe. file toechers atteaded the Dto trtet Teechsci meeting la Ootanahla Thwschiy aftmoon aad eveatag. Mrs. Earl Thomas, O. D. Bohertf lead Ida MeCesklU. of Charlestaa, were gneets of Mrs. Cope McCasklll last week. M. C. McCaskUl aad family, oC CharleiUon. were wedtend fuea of the former's mother, Mrs. Cope MeCsekUL Dr. Kuhener, of Coker College, Is iastmetor for the teaehera extea- sloB eourse, which meets here each Taeoday afternoon at S:t4. Dr. Pat tie Dowell, of Wlathrop CoUega, who first started the course, M given U ap oa account of 111 health. A Halloweea party was enjoyed Thutad^ evening by the merahers of the Proebyterian ehnreh. In the chnrch cabin. Young and old were out to see the ^oets and witches roaming about. Hot tea, sandwich’ es, cookies and Ice cream were served. Miss Harriett Mays sntsrtahied her Sunday school class Thursday afternoon at her home with a Hallo ween party. The week of prayer wee observed last weak by ths ladles of the Meth odist church, when they m^t differ ent afternoons In the ehnreh. Mrs. Pearl King has returned from visiting her danghter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Waters, In Rodman. Sympathy Is sxtended Mrs. Imke Shaw In the death of her mother, Mrs. Reamee, near Blshopvllle. The circles of the Baptist mis sionary society met Monday after noon at the following places; Kate Ward circle with Mrs. O. H. Fowl er, and Hattie Heustess with Mrs. Prire. Mrs. Tom Heeron was given aarprlse birthday shower Wednes day afternoon when the members of her circle of the Methodist chnrch came In with their gifts, good wishes And refreshments. On account of ill health Mrs. HearOn has' been unable to attend any of her church activities for sevaral months. Messrs, Hu^ Oliver, J. M. Cly burn and John Baker left Monday by plane for Detroit for a few dayi The Youth Fellowship organisa tion of the Presbyterian church wHI have charge of the Sunday evening eervlcea et seven o’clock. Mr. and Mra. Richard McLauiin of Florence, spent Sunday with the former's parenU, Mr. and Mra. J. N. McLaurtn. Miss Myrtis Mungo, of Columbia, spent the'week-end with her moth er, Mrs. W. W. Mango. The following clrclee of the Pres byterian church met Monday after noon at the following homea: Mar garet Morse circle with Mrs. C. C Pate; Jean HUlhonio with Mias Mary McKinnon and Minnie Forbls with Mrs. C. B. Mltchel}. The annual Bakar 'reunion was held Sunday at the home of J. F. Baker. The local tamlllea and Quito a number from other places were present Mrs. Barry Davenport and daugh ter, Sandra, of Falser, ar4 vfslthig the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard King, of ■artsviUe, and Mr. and Mrs. Itol- colm King, of IMshopvlUe, were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mra Henry King. Rcieattor, when "BMe the Oow" i«t In the mood to mingle with the eommen herd, her fhi^ will be catered to by General Xlectiie'a new tndtvldual de-loed dctoklnf cup. Like the*Oh-X etock-tank deBoer, the cup Is heetod Just enough to keq;> the water from fteeMng, there by aasuring ’’Ibde'’ a long, cool drink wtttter or. summer. UnUke the pro letariat tank, however, the eup entertotaa only one cnauener et a ttaac TtUML^nBali'* now can make drtnklhg‘a atricUy prltate aflbto Price Ctmtcol Closes Doors The price control board at Ck>lttm> bla, serving the oounties ot Rlch-< land, Falrfleld, Lexington and Ker shaw will cloM (or was closed) on November 4, lf48, J. B. Chtughman, chairman of the local board, an nounced today. 'This etep marks the conclusion of almost five years of unprecedent ed patriotic service by thousands of cltlsens ot U. S. who, through th^ thousands of hours of volunteer work, have prevented Inflationary dangm from taking effect and saw that Uielr neighbors had an equal right to their fair share of scarce commoditise durlnc the days ot rationing," Mr. Caugbman said. "Membera of area price control boerd stayed on the Job for mors Camden Man Is Department Head Gnorg* W. NidM^aon Henda Math Dapartmeat At Wintlucop New members ot the faculty and staff of Wlnthrop college and the return of a department bead after war aervlce. were announced today by officials of the South Carolina College for Women in Rpek Hill. Tl)e new professors have been added to the faulty. Dr. George W. Nicholson ot Camden, formerly ot the University of Mtaslssippl who heads the mathematics department, and Dr. J. Harold Wolfe ot Roe buck. formerly ot the faculty ot Limestone college, who Joins the Game Warden In Warning Against Storage Of Game Mrs. C. M. Hough. Kershaw coun ty game warden, has called atten tion of the public to the lew wbldi probiblts the keeping of any gsme birds or animals in cold storage br refrigerating plants, except tn private dwellings, Unless the said bird or animal shall bear the namn and address and serial number end class ot the hunting license of the owner of such bird or snlmal. Mrs. Hough states that any per son violating this section st^ be fined not less than 950 nor more than. 1100, or Imprisonment tor <mo day for each dollar fined and un paid, either or both, at the discre tion of the court trying the case. ■•r ,1... .i, Notice to Debtors and Creditors All parties Indebted to the estate of Mary A. Hough are hereby noti fied to make payment to the under signed, and all partlee, If any, bav Ing clidms against the said estate will present them likewise, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. tt-t4« JOB W. HOUGH, Administrator. Camden, S. C., October 12.1941. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All parties Indebted to the estate of Rebecca L. Huckabee are hereby notified to make payment to the nndwslfned. and all parties, if any, having claims sgalnst the said es- war. Production has had a chance to catch up wfth demand. Now that President Truman has announced the program for accelerating the remaining wartime eontrola. Price Administrator Paul A. Porter has determined that the remaining functions of local boards can be continued by the district OPA of fice at (Columbia." Mr. (htughman gave tbe following information as to the’ conducting of OPA bnslness in the future. , 1. Trade and consumer luQuliies about price control formerly handled by price control boards should be addressed to the OPA district office In Columbia. 2. Certificates of transfer cover ing sales of used passenger suto- mobiles may be obtained from prlU' cipal auto dealers. Dealers should request additional supplies from the OPA regional mail center at At lanta, Qa. 2. Sugar rationing has been ad ministered from tbe district office slnca last January. In the future, sugar forms required by the trade and consumers may be obtained from the district office. 4. Pending compliance actions by tbe board will be traniferred to the district office. 6. The local board office will be closed for the transaction of public business on November 4. However, the paid clerical person Dr. Thomas W. Noel, who is on terminal leave as a commander In the navy, is returning to tals for mer position as head of the com merce department. Dr. Harold B. Gllbreth has been acting as hesd of this department during Dr. Noel's absence. Reid H. Montgomery has Joln^ the administrative staff as director of the news service and teacher of Journalism. He was previously news editor of tbe Sumter Daily Item. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on November 28, 1944. Jack R. Bell will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County his final return as Execn tor of the estate of T. S. Bell, de- the month of November in order to transfer records to tbe district o9 flee and to perform the many other duties Involved In closing the board. 9. As in tbe past, supervision ot rent control will be administered by the OPA area rent otfloei. ceased, and on the same date he will apply to the said court for n final discharge as said Executor. 33-36C N. C. ARNETT, J\ldge of Probate. Camden. S. C., Oct. 29, 1946. ' 1 Platinum waa used for ooinage by tbe Ruaaians about 125 yeara ago. COLD wm Nataral looUng swii aad wm mom yom% la t to • kawa, St hoaM* fPor woawa aad gMa rOvw 10 mil] ion acloT mmiaumi/Fjarj C DnKalb PliAniincj -PhoM M Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Jones and Mr. re^-ead guesta Im. Hughes moth- lestoB, were Mrs. Jones and er, Mrs. Beanies Hilton. Mrs. Young Alisa, of Dnrham, and Set and Mrs. Orsn Flstchsr, of Fort Bragg, wore week-end gnssta of. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Baker. tate will present them likewise, duly attested, within the time pre scribed by law. Alethla H. Tmesdell, 24-S6p Adulnistratrix Camden, 8. C« November 2, 1946. I WISH.... ray friaiMig to know I haao coraplatod^ A workshop at ray home srad an im aqui^ pod to rafinisk fnnUtura, wanatian blinas aad automobilas. SPRAYING EQUIPMENT — PORTABLE AND stationary. EDDIE NOLAN Phoo. eOB-J .11. • i n- they AU WAMT * I fv- ■m Attention Ladies! Our Representative Will Again Be In Camden SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th I with a complete line of ^ 4 lip Cdvttr ifeterial and Upholstery Fabric et US beautify your home with a set of our t^ilor- lade slipcovers.. •. we tailor them to fit. We install springs in fuimiture and straighten old ones out. We ateo vate tibtfon Mattresses and Interspring Mbttre6^ WORK GUARANTEED — 14 YEARS AND Our Toy Department is ready for you . . . full of new post-war toys waiting for you to take your pick. Make sure of getting first choice and avoiding crowds by coming in and seeing our display. WE HAVE i - ,)• m DOLLS ELECTRIC TRAINS MECHANICAL TRAINS DOLL CARRIAGES ; DESKS TEA SETS ARCHERY SETS ROCKIE HORSES OUIJA BOARDS COWBOY smTs ^KSOFALL WAGONS blackboards DoiiL bassinets CRADLES METAL TRUCKS XYLOPHONES WHEELBARROWS PAINT SETS SLIDING BOARDS GAMES • KINDS Our Motto is: “Soflsfied CiutomeriT : . CAMDEN HOTEL Cap^ Ciif Furniture CempUny - *11 ■ ■ X t i, , U ^ I, c 4- ^ ■:]»« hAteap Plan