SUYt» IS GIVEN UFE IN STATE PRISON pm, laflicto FatJ Qii^Struicir Fmmd fith Girl Friand Ex. Board Meeting WiUBeHeldTueeday mm WM ienteiided to U» JOB for Ilf® by Jodg® gtoU. foUowmc lli® OOOr 4 B murder cluurg® l>7 sesflono oovt li«rt , The Jury recommended rown. RoMeU Brown, Imm K, B. Barnett, who had mUd 'wa acceseorioa to a m U. S. Hlfhwaj No. 1, . conUnned on motion Wtcmey. ‘ of the Elm llte , the records show that ick Allen Toang ofor the h e& ue when he found r in a room.with hla (Elm) tl Touna th intent to kill, was plaeed ontlnfeat doek^ The case tste Ts. OabrM Boykin, la nmrder charge ts tnralyed, lined. all Woods charged wtth r»> iMen goods wan ffouB |lg i Jell and Raytoani Oom^ with a similar offense, ree months hi falL w case against Judy BeO In whi^ toe chmga o| taking was aufmenMhr a M larceny rasnited ar sentenoa ten. charged ..prttk , ie bieakBi was gl^ d a total of four years. Fann Secoiity AdmlnistntkHi Under Eflaetlre Ngvaatoir 1, the netfrl- ties e< the tan nasnrlty adminis tration and the enmnansy and 'eed loan aguney der the now ' istmtlon, K. B. Qsli;^ county ▼leor the serrloeir gfll he eonttsued froas the easM trfncee with the auM pereonkel In cha«e. There will he no tatemptlon la Iona emi luia ta farmeri. Under the new agency. Mr. Oetf ■aid, It wfl] bwpoaelbfo for farm- era to obtain operating loaat and Arm ownerahlp lonna foat aa they did before. Ike leant are awallahle only to formers who sre nnsMs to obtain etsdit upon reasonsbla tarns from othsr soardss. The opportnnitlee for family type owaerehlp, Mr. Ooff esld, win be greatly enlarged. Under the new form owner, whoee acranta fi fil- aafflcient for toe needa of bhr family, to obtain a form enlarge ment loan. It will alao be poeetble :or aanUl formera to obtain form iarelopment or farm imprerement oana for the eonetmctlon of hand ings, fsnoss or other neodsd proToments. Ystarsns with penskmp sblo dlsshnitlss win bs ahlo to purchase a smaU amount of aerw In a lierSe^ii^ Missiiqi Ihree Weeks aan-Yenr-Oid Win fo Youth la Sooi^ la Thin Ccmitf li continues In Camden and larollns for Lewla C. tonlthi Hnnsboro, who disi^peared 17. 1 ronng man waa deocrlbed feet tall, weighing 180 Iba. ilx inch soar under hla chin, routh’s mother, Mrs. L, C bu requeeted that anyone incee to see or locate him fy her, collect, at Wlnna- irities here bare been aeek Sid Mrs. Smith In finding >> but no trace of him baa ported. Smith told officera that bw to had hardly erer been ^ home, she aald, dlaap- from the bonae, October 17, no trace behind him. ^tlc mother bae ezertec *ffort to find him, but to 1. she told otflcere. isw county authorltlee hawe “rted to watch tor the young Qd asked citisena to be poned until Tueudsy, New. 12 at 11 a. m., he Aruiietloe Day exerelaea will be- attended by the boerd on Monday. Members are regueeted oNinfe ef toBe. to note the qcyw|r» btSIiE. Bfany Hundreds Gather In Paris To Enjoy FroHc Bit Panda With Maiv KUskurs Opuas First Amniul HailourMn Camiwal The HaUoween parade and tun- feat that was staged last Thuraday ulifot under the direction of the Eerebaw County Civic couaeil greved such a marked euooesa and attnuetcd auch enthnaiaam from juagy hundreds of merrymakare toAt the recreational uait of the dvto group hat aunosuoed that It will he uMde an annual affair to Camdsn. Berwul hundred maekera paraded tim atreeta frem toe co«t houee to Baamtstt Bark where eermul hours of gamas and oontaste were njoyed. One uf th# nmet tnterest- Ing reaulta of the dty^lde program was that U rumored the nulaanoe of beUrfaMpers, propertir wrackera. etc., usually on the prowl on Hal loween fight, vvm. w It wns n grunt night ter toe little ^ ^ ‘Ooff folks whu ntthud In fontattic gark act. It will be poeeible for a email iTeeulte hniklrndi and 1nm Mr. Goff nM the new agency would eerre aa a buffer agalnet the toroade of another depreeslon. In that ito door wfll always he opt to the fonnsr who B uasMs to ob- tola sredlt ftoni othsr souiuss. F.ELfaNeed Of Special Agents toeh u tNuly Intsrast in toe are> gram that wut earned out Prieee IM Camden buslne were awaiisi, to smrloua ooatumed ludmduali gfiaM wtaaara. ate., d«^ lag toe svMi|te. The ftigigBtftiia ta charge of the Rotary Chib Welcomes tlie District Governor The Rotary club of Camden to day welcomed John V. Brookshire, governor of the Ifdth district of Rotary International, which tn> oludea 4t Rotary Madp- in South Carolina. Mr. Brobkalye is man ager Spartanburg dl^ct Duke •ffoir, headed hr Dr. A. W. Huiiph- us eintad rise wns alalad over the iubereet Muraru bgr the yuuag peo^ aad la already wahing tentattru plane for a alaUlar alfoir hsnt telL Deapiteirlse and assist ly in Mpksnbnrg, snd is a aMmbsr of tiuillka ,ry club of Bnartanburg. Mr. Brooktohu’s vlBlt with the Rotaiy club of Gamdsn waa to ad^ the teet that this year'a grogram was arranged Just tou day before Halloween the nofwa uf the con- temidntod aftelr sftund tike wlld- drads of boya, glitai, grownsps and even many uMatmu gathered to en joy toe ten. Mrs. Kathleen Watts, secretary of toe Chamber of Oemmeroe; Donald Morrleott, an Indstetigible worker In an aftehu of tola kted: Mrs. Perry. Mre. wm gflmond and others oon- trlbuted grently to toe euoeese of the f fgrp— Mayor nMMrkle, oiU of the city during ton evening, raturned Inter In thne to witness the srlndug events In the perk and ezireesed the hMte tlmt toe program be glvea T Animtilce Event YoMMf .W«iiign Nggdud For Clorfoal FonHiomn. JUpm- MMlntiwg Haro Tonedny The federal bureau of Inveatiga- tion la urgently in need of young men and women who are bl|k school graduates to fill clerical poalUona in Washington. D. C. order to obtain one of these poii- tions, applicants muit be high school gradostes, between the ages of 18 snd 36 years and most be of excellent moral character. Starting salariee for clerical poaitlona range from I1.7&6 per annum to $2,884 per •iitiwni, A representative of the FBI will be at high echool on Tues day morning. Norember 12, for the purpose of reoelvl^ applications and granttog Interviews for these positions. He wUl be gUd to answer Mm&y Mwnmg Sckool Clifldm Mid Cttiggms ' wm Bg Frussut Fgr 'vUm on questions in connection with this States ware taking advantage employment at that time. The FBI is also ^esently accept ing applications for the position of special agent from men, ages 26 to 40, possessing's law degree or an scconnting degree with throe yeers of actual acoonntlng or auditing ex perience. Also. appUcanU posaesa- ing a college degree and otherwlso qualified will he considered for the position of special employment agent, and those appointed will at the expiration of one year he con sidered tor dealgnation as regular •pedal agents. The ■Urtiw salary for all special agent positlona Is 14448.80 per annum. no ArmlsUse dar Monday will he held fo Hampton Park by the American Leghm at U o'clock* Tfaia will be toe only program to be given that day, so it will be attended hy school children ai well as cltlsens in general. How the American Legion Anzil- lary is mastering its strength for a fight to keep America free from the collectivism which is spreading over so mndi of the world waa de scribed hy Mrs. Leon Schloshurg, Americanism chairman of I^roy Belk Unit of the AnxUiary. at the last Unit meeting. She declared that adroeatea pf a cdlectlve form of rule for the Unl- dl^u- te, sand Qoodalt. Jr4 Nettles, Jr., and the eli^ Ml nuttort club admiaiatraihm viM aetivitieo. He It Nathan R W. F. officers ot Inlng to ass^ the Welfare Of Vets diildren Of Much Import In,Future QUARREL OVER SEPIA CHARMER IS FATAL TO LEROY PERRY Mrs. W. T. MOIer, Chairmui Of Aindliary Uait, It HMTd Legion Auxiliaiy Postpones Meeting g Mrialnlni iM Rotary wlone d Welfare of war vetmwas* children will require increased attention frdm the American Legion auxiliary during the coming year, aald Mrs. William T. Miller, chBd welfare chairman of James Leroy Belk unit of the auxiliary, as the unit con tinued to enroll Its membership and organise Its activities for 1947 "The American Legion and auxiliary always have considered the children of deceased and dls gMed veterana a special responsl bility," Mrs. Miller stated, “and their care has been a major ac tivity ever since our organisations were formed. We are planning now to do everything for toe tolldrea of World War n reterans that we did so snccesafnlly for those of World War L **Wltoln a few years, half the children In the United States will he toe children of reterans. The problem ts a tremendous one. and we win need help of the more for- tnnate reterane* families to do onr pert Bspeclally wlU we need the help of toe wiree, mothera, elstere and danitotera of World War II ret- erana in onr chOd welfare program hecansCe they know from first hand experience toe postwar prohlema of Warid War U tamttiea. *We hope that all ellglhle wom en wfll reeltoe how mneh can he done for AaMriean children tkrongh toe Joint aetirltlee of the American 167 diatriet gorsnmri gC Rotary In- ternational who are sagerriaing the aetirltlee of eotos U80 Rotary clnbe wtth more than a qnarter of a mnueg aMOthira la 7f conatriSB li gaegraaklBal - ragloBa throagh- oat the wtmi. Today, tola warMwMa serriee or- ganliatioa eoatiauas ta grow In nantoera aad ta straagth. During toe last flacal.yair. 484 saw Rotary dabs woM l'l■laaWll! la 12 coaa- trtea of the Amftoaaa, and in Aae- traMa. Belflma,t Bams, Chlaa, Caaohoalosafela, Mpiailuk. Fngleai, Federated Maii^ aldtee. Ftatiaat, Itaaoe, Qreeee, Beat Reuf • Ihdfa, Irefoad, Laxeatooaff. Mpw Zealaai, Norway, PoirtagaV Itvto Settig- manta.>gagiaM rtr^hertaais, The Phfflii^ee ahd VNIao. Wherever Roiaiy clabe ' are lo cated. toelr aetlrMea are similar to (hose of the Rotary dab of Cam den becanae they are haaei oa the ■ame general ohjecttrea—tog pro- metion of better underatandlag aad feUowahlp among hnslness and pra- feaakmal men, commnnlty-better- ment nadertakfogs, ralslv the standards of bnslBesaes aad pre- (eesiona, and foetering the adranoe- ment of good will, understanding and peace among all the peoples of the WMrkt. Richards Replies To Grand Jury In Bus Matter Soiya Sdaoob Hawa ConpUadi Raqaaol Mada la Jama Of Ikfe Y. ^BRAtF* NOil Tycho Bradie, temoue Danish Mtronomer. had a noee. He carried cement with Wm constantly, hecauee toe nose had a of falling ott. eC postwar, confnslhn and tent to promote* their canae, that 1847 would he a critical year for indlrldnal liberty in America. ‘There is real danger that the free way of life Americans always hare enjoyed and which w# hare defended In two World Wars may be lost to ns in time of peace." said Mrs. Schloshurg. ‘KJollectlrlsm which wipes out individual and pro perty right! has spread rapidly In toe wake of tiie war and has many active advocates In the United States. Every day wWch we delay In getting onr nation back into gear strengthena their hands." SUNDAYS IN FkBRUARY PAtwnary contains five Snndays once in 28 yean, with perlodleal gaps of 40 years, due to leap years. The asonth wfll have live Sundays again In 1841 nmmhftr Of Commerce Activities Bf lUlklMB Watig, SMTiitanr In regard to the praaentment of toe grand Jury recently In which toe' members went on record as he- iaqg opposed to minora driving schoca baeee, Supt J. Q. Richards, Jr., (t>f the public school system had the following to say: “I wish to atate that district No. 1 has complied completely with the request of toe'grand Jury with re gard to the employment of minora as school bos drivers. Last year we had two drivera who were .under 21 years old. This snmmer we em ployed J. B. MeOulrt, Jr., as driver of the Sandora Creek hna. We em ployed C. L. Poison, an ex^rvlee who waa already over 81 years of age when employed, ea driver of the Malvern Bill hna. Mr. poiaoa is attending etoool nnder the a. L BUI of Rights. alao made In the presentment to the overturning of a nfluKA bus. We wMh to etafo that In tiN optulon of the highway patrolman and other qCfldals who visited the scone of toe The repUe* to the opteion etin continue to he^helF tel interest to the Ooauneree snd thsgo that ths pMiplejre m found the new raperintendent, Mr. Darden, getting things weU oi^ gaateM end the Garden elnb start ing for tos bsaatifleatlon of thd grdmids. The Oamdeit hospitnl rabdera a fine earvleo to too psto- .V itai vea me Mo ABd with too plgaaed Issprora- tSSitT- ^ ^8n htotilntoin at ovoa the forint tiiat toey Fanners of Isd A fine eoltsn aHifcols have con wllli fhoee of aoMhhortng The oenMunnity marhet laot was Will stodtod with fhll taltef. bnttor. ogM And gay with tett flowern. ‘ shortly after it oecnrred, that the has 4bplver was not at fault, hut on too otoer hand, the aoddeet wns too rasult of (he ^or condition of tho road—thera being rldgoe of eoad whldi had been Mt over night Mr tho rend tlgTKRHOOO MKITB Tho Camden Staterbood ef FMii- plo Beto-n hdd a regular meeting at toe beoM of Mrs. B. Ham Bauk HlgUand Avoana. Tneedgy night The next meettag will ho hoM at Mrs. Gus BIrssh rssldeiMo too first Tnosday In BMSmhsr. poftunity In this work to bring hsp- plnees Into tho Uvss of theso little untertunatee and help them grow into worthwhUo cltisene tor the Anmricn of the tatare^ Now, aa the work Is being organised for the new year, It tiM time to eomo Into the auxiliary and begin to help the rapidly Ineraaelng nmatoer of chU- dren who need Legion aad AixU Mry AM.” 0 Memorml.To Hmro Of Japanese War To Be Unvdkid The Amerieen Legion Auxil iary meeting, eoheduled for No. vembor g, will bo postponed un til Friday, November 18. Mem bers are asiced to ettspd this meeting bringing their looker oovers end prospective mem bers ere cordially Invited^ First Federal Names M. L Mays As Its Secretary Prominoat BusoMMa Msun la Named To Succeed Late Douf Boykin M. Lee Mays has been named ae aecretary and treasurer of the First Federal Savings and Loan aasocla- tlon. succeeding the late Douglai Boykin who served faitofnlly and well over a period ot elz years. Mr.* Mays, who (or 17 years was local manager for the Western Union and who later was identified with toe Commercial National bank for 16 Inonths, has been a resident of (fomden einoe 1828, coming here from MartanevUle, Va. Mr. Mays was Identified with the Camden and Kershaw Chamber of 0>Buneroe (or years aa a member of toe board of direetora and also held toe office of treasurer (or a number of yean. Of pteUilog pereooidity he will be a valuable adjunct to the First Federal Savings aad Loan aaeoetar tlon. This aaaeelatien, at Ita last report as of Sept 10, reported re- ■onreee of |I8€,000. Mr. Mays la prominent In civic affoira In Camden and for many years waa treasnrw of the local Rotary club. He waa also pregldMit of thle •errice group. Dr. Clarke Plans To Hold Service Again On Nov. 24 M«By Will Buy tflikMlg Tk lain Ahm J. BbsK On Sunday AftonNOli Quaker cemetery wfll bo the eoene of an Impnaahre ritual Sun day afternoon when a monament In memory oi Alva J. Rush, Jr« soa at Chief of Police and Mrs. Alva J. Rush, who died when hla plane was shot down hy Jape near For mosa Feb.'7. 1846. The monument a beautital ere- atioa in granita, was turned out hy toe Camden MMnorial company, la located on the Rash plot U'toe cemetery. The memorial tribute wUl be otfered hy Rev. X. & Caaton ot the Baptist church, who was the late flyer's pastor. Thera will also be appropriate prayers. It la expected that many ex- service men. Legionnaires and otoen wUl he present at the eerv- ice. Bgloyid Part ol Fncn Shot Awmf By RirnL DSon Lnlnr In Camden Hoapital \ Leroy Perry, colored, la dead, and Jim (Sonny Bby) Robinson, also colored,'is facing trial on a murder charge as the reanlt of a qnarrel on (he Careton farm. Just outside the City limits on U. S. No. 1 Saturday night. Robinson is charged by the sher- iff'a office* with having emptied the contents of a shot gun into Perry, toe charge tearing away one sMe of toe latter’a face and fatally wounding him. Perry died a few hours later in toe hospital hero. According to the sheriffs otftee toe two men quarreled over a sepia charmer and Robinson finally went for hla gun. Both men were em ployed by Connty Auditor Fred Og- barn, who it residing on the Cure- ton form. Perry, according to the deputy sheriff, has been married several times, while Robinson it reported to be single. It Is etated that both men had been drinking heavily prior to engaging in the qnarrel that was climaxed by toe ehootliiB. Army Track Drivmr Is Held After Auto Acddent Prif9r Chartwi WMi Rggkv Um Driwfaif, Smull Boy - Throvm From Cmr Leroy Morris, Ayear^ld eoa of Mr. and Mra Hugh Morris of «M- dendorf. was badly cut aad hruiepi about toe head and taee wImb hg was thrown from a oar whkb.hai been forced off toe hUbwag by ia army truck from Fort Jaekioa, drhran by Pvt Grover Leu Lawuoa. The accident oeeured oa Highway 18,; 11 mflee from rauMea .SaDdAr evening. Aocordlag lu state hliUk- way poUee teveetlgatlBg the altatr, toe Morris ear, driven hy Rotaad Morris and oecuplad by htiMelf, hlu wife aad a brother, Le^, wns lag toward UAtodea whea the trdok «ut armpd la froalua-i Badg^ 0t Ggpaa ty that toe auto le(t« aad to of Oraoe chireh parish ere looking forward to Snadsor, Nov. M, with aa appredatioB aa they do Chrietmae, Dee. N, for that is the Sunday fltey expect to find their bMowed rector, Dr. Maurice Clarke, reaamlag ioee after an Ulnees of tome tores months dniatJoa. Dr. Clarke, who was rushed to toe hospital following a heart at tack M on toe road to complete recovery and It la expected (hat he will be able to ofOdate at the service on the tnornlng of Sunday, November 14. Thle will he cheering news to the several hundred membere e( the pariah who have mlaeed tho oehol- arly and tatereettag eerawaa and toe Impressed welt orgaalaed aorr^ ice ritnal so characteristic of the Clarke routine. ed -aeroea thu hlghFay aad tm to* ditch Mittito (Nber.Aldf. The Morrla youto wag thfomi out whMt the suddeu tuck threw toe door on toe right side upon. Br (ell on hie (Aoe hi toe grtvel Md taad of the road shouMar. Tha accldant waa rsBOrtad to the ■tato highway pafrul aad ta a Short tlau Patrolman Officor Jaasoa Haaa- mond had loeatad tha truck aad driver, Roland Morrla iware ta a complaint against Laweoa, eharg- ing rockloea diivlag. Lawson waa turaad oaw to adU* tary police from Fort Jaclmoa MCa- duy. Alfred McLeod Saccamla to Injonr Of Years Standing START INSTALLING PARKING METERS IN DOWNTOWN AREA SeUiar Of Fint WmU Wi DIm Altar Umm Of CoiHidl Reported Divided In Regard To Tobin Saccessor Om Craop Waato SUIM Ardlia StaiM Han Centract Fof Job To Fill hi 300 Mnrhinog Now Eagiaeura Other WoaM N Lo^Maa It la reported that tho dty ootm- cU ts divided on toe eeleetlon of a snoesaaor to the late Loon ToMn aa ‘supertnteadont of tha Mnalpfonl UtiUtieC It la undontood of tho oouaeil wlto gronp noenra n in olootrl^, wnter nad iowago engtaeerlni aecidontiwhflo the other group has doedded upon a local man who has boon snnnrt fo eloetrknl eoatraettag hero. Mato eoameat la botag aipreeeed la tho amtiar, uhieo too aiaaielpal atflttiea unit M too larBSOt «f aU etty dagartamafg aad has a gMN revAOBO of erer |184,888. It M alao vuutod with the roepoiuMIttir of tho etiy diiaklag water nppiy aad too Installation of 118 parklaf in toe downtown diitrict ot Camden was itarted Tueeday by Arohlt Stein, who eecured the eontnot from toe meter manufocturer. Meters will be Installed on Broad street from Church straet south to a point oppostto tho Coca-Cola pleat and on DoKalb street from Chmrch to Market atreeta. Tha po^ department has ear aounoed that the larklag will he one foot wider than what they have heea In the past This wUl ellgtiaate tim dlfflealty of ■Mtorlats getting li aad oat of thotr can and alao toad to lower the detedag of fendon through doors hdug slammed tato theat The BMUn wui bo la oporatioB daily from I a. at to • p. Alfred Moora McLeod, it, eapUdgr in. the First World War aad former post oommandor of tho Leroy Bdk Poet No. 17, Amerteaa Legfua hofe^ died at toe Camden hoepltal ai' 11:80 o'clock Wednesday meralgjg following an fllnees of eeven yeugi dnration wkich reoaltsd from holat rundown bya a motorist oa DeKidB street and which reenlted la a hai fraetora to oao of hla lege. ■■ The doeeaaod waa A native otOi^ den and Kershaw county. f*: 'i-l been bom in this dty oa Juaeji^ 1881, tho SOB of Baum McLeod Alice Cook McLeod, la the Flrto .mp>, World War Mr. McLeod aeeo«^»'-#^f^ panled tho South OarollBa NitilOMi loeler If m Rectnti Heat Wave Grips Camden As kforeniyHiteSS The Big Fhm* teea at toe Brtllto reiiwuy tedeafry have eaaaia val- aod at mmm, ead •HuNI am The hotteut tell ewa recall. That Is too verdict oa too weeto or that has arm ter too fiat aeeegal Guard to too Bnropoea thmiar irar whore ho oorvod aa a ca| Ho waa alao a UMmbor of the wanla dab aad boiaaged to Modem Woodmaa ledga. Tho decoaaod Imvoa hM laa Aldrat Mclaod; a daughter, Lt Bias B. Aldrat, ta tho Caaal loao; ■Mter, IBfa. It B. Chowateg rity, aad a hrothor, Majar L McLead of MoMo. Ala. Tho tenoral wUI bo held atteraoon at 4 o’dock larttlotea Btimt Mothodlat Rev. Goorgo K. Way, wRh burial la too Qaakar AeCtve heanra wIB Clark, Buwir <3uud Beard, Marvin M. ikaak Btsieeaa of tola ImwvuBoa Gmhaai of of too SAVE YOUR LEAVES tagedally too Itwao ts ta HtoMb la wm