l»A01 MX TMl CAMPetl CHXOWiCLX, CAMDUi, tOUTH CAWPLIWA, XXIMAYr WOVMIIMX 1> ItM i OTATlOlf Th« State of Sooth CaroUaa, Countjr of Kenhaw. Bt N. CrArnett, Probate Judge: Wbereae, Blee H. Mjero aaade aolt to BM to grant her Letters of AdalnUtratioa of the BMate lUld eN fects of Wnile B. Harris. These Are, Therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said Willie E. Harris, deceased, that thej be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden, 8. C., on Norembw teriala. Let me have your order early. Mrs. Grace D. Jordan. Phone 865-W, 504 Laurens street 8^34p FOR SALE—Rembert’s CameUlss. Rare and standard kinds. Early Varieties now in bloom. Fall la best time for transplanting. Se- leet yours early. Mrs. Robert RemberL RemberL S. C. 29-tfc MERCHANTS AND FILLING STA TION OPERATORS sell fire works. Big profit and ready sales. Our 150.00 assortment brings yon 9102.00. All new merchandise, fast sellers. 910.00 deposit with order, .. balance C.O.D. Larger quantity, write for prices. Pinner A Alberts, Distributors of Fire works, Suffolk, Virginia. Sl-84c FOR SALE—476 acras, or in small tracts, lying on both aides of paved highway, good farms, streams, gravel, pulpwood, pine, hardwood timber, houses in ex cellent condition, electricity, school and church on boundary line, six miles from Camden, S. C. Miss Annie Mobley, Millwood Farm, Orangeburg, S. C. MiscellaiMNNig SEWING, button holes, curtains, dresses and repair work. Mrs. A. V. Smith, Cleveland Fire Monu- menL R-1. 83p RADIO REPAIRfr-Oh all maks radios. Phone 166, Camden Fur niture Co. SOc MATTIE DAVIS deLDACH’S GRD- CERY—909 Church StreeL l^one 707-J. Staple and Qro- cerres; Fruits, Vegetables, Drinks, Candies and Smokes. It’s a pleasure to serve you. Excel lence Assured. 14-17-p Notice to Debtors and Creditora All parties indebted to the eatate of C. W. Francis are hereby noti fied to make payment to the under signed, and all parties, if any, hav ing claims against the said estate will present them likewise, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law. 32-34p C. W. FRANCIS, JR., ' JAMES MARION FRANCIS, Executors. Camden, S. C., October 21,1946. CITATION The State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. By N. C. AmetL Probate Judge; WhersM, Alethia H. Tmesdale made suit to me to grant her Let ters (rf Administration of the estate and effects of Rebecca L. Hucksp bee. These Are, Therefore, to cite and admonish all and aingnlar the Kindred and Creditors of the said Rebecca L. Huekabee, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden, 8. C., on November 1. nexL after publication hereof, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Adminiatration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 18th day of October, Anno Domini, 1946. 32-38C N. C. ARNETT, Judge of Probate. NOTICE TO TAX LEVY The tax books for the collection of County and School taxes for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1946, will be open from September 16, 1946, to December 31, 1946, without penalty. Thereafter a pen- klty of one (1) pw centum for each of the months of January, Feb ruary and March, and on April first an additional penalty of fonr (4) per centum will be imposed, winV Ing a total of seven per cent When making inquiry about taxes, please state the school dls- triot number in which you live or own property. The following la a Hat of the total leriea for the various school diatrlcts: DeKALB TOWNSHIP Mills School District No. 1 ....... 36 School Dtatrlct No. 2 M School District No.”'4 ....... 99 School District No. t 91 School District No. 26 26 School District No. 49 If BUFFALO TOWNSHIP School District No. 8 89 School District No. 6 2C School District No.' 7 24 School District No. 16 26 School District No. 20 ....... 26 School District No. 22 97 School District No. 28 26 School District No. 17 29 School District No. 28 22 School District No. 31 25 School District No. '40 24 School District No. 42 26 FLAT ROCK TOWNSHIP School District No. 8 29 School District No. 9 29 School District No. 10 22 School District No. 18 24 School District No. 19 29 School District No. 80 21 School District No. 88 29 School District No. 87 29 School District No. 41 29 School District No. 46 21 dchool District No. 47 21 WATEREH TOWNSHIP School District No. 11 jf School District No. 12 19 School Dtatrlct No. 16 « School District No. 29 M School District Na IS 24 School District No. 19 14 0. J. OUl^W, Treaanrur, Bmbur OMRly, B. t FOR Can 61W. bedroom. tSp LOST—-Bank book tatued to 0. E. Branham. Finder please notify O. B. Branham.. Phone t6f-W or Commercial National Bank. I2-S4p LOST—Billfold In Camden Friday 25th. containing personal papm and Money. Reward of sill money for return of billfold. O.' S. Clark- son, 611 Carrtaon St. Phone 588-J. Stp LOST—Dinner ring, three diamondi, yellow gold,' on West DeKalb StreeL October 19^ Reward. Call 659-W. 12-SSc WaBtnd WANTED—The Chaii^r of Com merce would like to secure a 1941 City Directory.88c WANTED—A service man with ex perlence; in installing oil heaters or some'knowledge of this work Write qualification to XT, care Chronicle office. 88? WANTED—Waitress with experi ence. Good pay. Roxy Cafe, Cani- den, S. C. '82-88c HELP WANTED—Man or woman, physically able and willing to serve 800 customers on local route. Average 91.60 per hour. Full or spare time. Write J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 84. Richmond, Vlrirfnla. 814Sp LAND POSTED , Heretofore I have "permitted hunting on my lands. This privilege has been abused. Hereafter I win not aUow any hunting or tres passing in any manner on any of my lands anywhere. 8849c S. J. BLACKMON, M. D. CITATION The State of South -Carolina. County of Kershaw. By N. C. Arnett, Probate' Judge: Whereas, Gilliam Rodgers made snit to me to grant Leon Rodgers and Carson Rodgers Letters of Ad ministration of the Estate and ef fects of Ira C. Rodgers. These Are, Therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors of the said Ira C. Rodgers, ^deceased, that they be and appear before me, In the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden, S. €., on November 5j, next, after publication hereof, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under iny hand this 21st day of October, Anno Domini, 1946. 32-33C N. C. ARNETT, Judge of Probate. CITATION The State of South CaroHna, County of Kershaw. By N. C. Arnett, Probate Judge: Whereaa, Lillian S. Wllliama made salt to me to grant her let ters of administration of the ea tate and effects of John Sutton. These Are. Therefore, to cite and admontah aU and aingnlar the kindred and creditors of the said John Sutton, deceased, that they be and appear before me. in the Court of Probate, to be held at Camden, S. C., on November 12th, next, after publication hereof, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand ^ta 28th day of October, Anno Domini, 1946. 83-84C N. C. ARNETT, Jndge of Probate. * If it’s Paintinx, don’t pul it off—Put It On REMEMBER! Stein*s Paint Shop Phone 228-J E. DeKalb St HAPPY JACK MANGE MEDICINE The product that has amaged Doctors •■d P«rienood Dof Brooders. The product used by Cole Bros. Circus on thoir wahi* iUble dogs and animala. Monoy-Back Guarantoe. Uou. 11.26 26 os. 62.80 DR. J. B. UNDLER Hayes Phamacy ^ Kershaw* S. C. fNfKsnnH All • • - Bismss D. C DIXON’S house We handle a eempitu ii-. ^ towMu* and Men’s WertiSi. wow CAMP ion , Meets eash w J ard FrS^ month at I s * •t HermltaM monHy Himaata, ars attand ^ iVtaithig ^ are always ^ Gareiid Financial Let Us Give You Aa . mate on your... painting Wilson & V,... Phene 77146 r.i, ,^7 PnbJic Stenographer OFFICE Boe chesnutI STREET PHONE S65.W Miss Emma C. Villepigne tree surgery] Treo Trimmiog sad Removal Ernett Nutting 61 Phone 3 Camden, S. C Camden Memorial Com\ QUALITY MONUimml IMMEDIATE DEUVEXTl C. G. Komegay—Frsd Fratt WILLIAM W. BATES Spe^ Agent Mow Vortt Life Inetranss Oaj Residenee Phone ItW Office Medical Bldg. Phsas Cor. Lyttleton and DeKalb Hal Painting Amd Paperhanging egg Eddie Nolan Phone a06J LAND POSTED Notice ta hereby given all sons that banting, flshiil. otherwise trespassing on my U or making flrea, or permitttag aet by them to run or bum ***”• or pasturing thmreon. r therefrom any trees, wood, tixw or shrubbery, wiU be prosecatM the full extent of the law. 31-S4p MRS. KIZZIB DAv PRE-WAR STANDARD METAL ' Weailierstrips Sold and lastalled hy^ E.fL VETTH Tlw odr f-diKr •w’f in tids section p.aBosiiii Florence^ S. C WOT THAT UfBMfA CAN 1 I4k foot Oik ■Safas'. ri i fTK/ni.! T!r J’/ . r.. t. :