PAM TWO mm THE CAMDEN CHNONtCLEr CAMOEW, tOUTM CAEOLINA, FEIDAV, NOVEMME 1, 1t4t Camden Qiid Team Hays Darlington bi Tonight’s Game Coaeh LindMy Pierce Mjra he ie .not. making an effort to achedole a game on Norember 8. Thia will probably be aad newt to the tan following here. It also ahonld be a rabbit panch to the treaaary department of the high ichooP football financiers, for any game would mean at least a thousand smackers for the pot. And Judgtaig by the pressing n^ for widespread improTements at the football pasture, those thousand betiies would come In ml^ty handy. M>r im' While In CotuiBbla last week Tuesday we ran smack Into that ruckus when police ran an automo bile against the curb down in the Fire Point area to nab two gents who had leather suitcases lammbd with oonnterflet tickets for the CaroHna-Clemson game. Columbia when tlm Florence Highs played the Caps week before last Besides losing the game by a fluke the players loot their watches and other Tsluables when someone broke Into the locker room during the game. Valuables to the amount of some $800 were taken. WiU Brmf A Thousand Faam Haro On Norambar 15 In as much as Friday, Norember 8, will be an open date for the CamdM Bulldogs, a big crowd of kMUd fans will motor to Blshoprille where the Blshoprille High! take on the North Charleston team. North Charleston defeated Cbarles- , 8 to 0, and Camden won a 7 8 decision orer the Bantams re. Local enthusiasts are won- dbrlng Just what kind of a licking Blshoprille will band out to North Charleston. The two scalpers Jumped out of the car and fled up the street with roaring motorcycles;, racing after them. Cops wildly wared rerolrers and a big time was had by all; in cluding yours truly wbo couldn’t resist calling up the press dad tell Ing them what a ducky time he was haring watching the bluecoats chase the scalping gentry—and we don't mean Indians. Tour probably read all about It in the papers last Wednesday, so well not bore yon with a further recital. Those games orer at Carolina are sure headaches. In the Carollna-Aln* bams game It was a traffic snarl and In the CaroIlns-CIemson it was a Ucket Jatn--and HOW. Reports from Florence Iqdlcate that the tans there are plenty sore orer the way they were treated In When Your Back Hurts ■ Doans Pills There Is NO SUBSTITUTE for EXPERIENCE M. E. FORTE Building Contractor , 8oeres,.of Camden football fans attended'^ the Csrollna-Clemson game In Columbia last week Thursday and,while those who rnsnagod to see the action on the gridiron figured the afternoon well spent, many others who were prevented In eeeing much of the play because of the unruly and Intoxicated spectators who refused to remain seated declare that "enough Is enough and too much Is plenty." Next time they’ll be wise and listen to the radio report. >* Mob rule prevailed in the stadium in Columbia, some five thousand fans crashing the gates and getting Into' the grounds fee free. Thon< sands Jammed the side lines and obscured the view of spectators who had paid good money for their grandstand and bleacher seats. Even Odvemor Wilson, Secretary of State Byrnes and other notables were blacked out by the crowd along the side lines. The Camden Bulldogs will be out Jo get all square with the board when they Invade Darlington. to night for a game srith the Darling ton Highs. The 8 to 0 defeat meted out to the Bulldogs on a soggy water-soak ed field at Chester last Friday night put the season's record at 3 wins and 4 defeats. It rained in torrents for the first two periods and diissled through' out the remainder of the second half in the Chester ' Neither side scored In the first and third periods. Soon after the opmiing of the sec ond quarter, after several end runs and line plunges. Holt, Chester’s left halfbsck, made a IS-yard run to the 6-yard lln eand LukenhMmer, fullback, carried the ball over for Chester’s first touchdown. The kick for extra point was no good. Ches ter 8, Camden 0. In the early part of the fourth quarter M. Campbell, Chester's left tackle, blocked a Camddn punt and Moore, Chester’s left end, recovered the ball and made a safety, giving the Red Cyclones 3 points The Camden fans believe that the 600 percentage will be established by a defeat of Darlington, which will make the game on Friday, No vember 16, at Zemp field with caster 'a sort of ’’rubber’’ affair. Tom McConnell of Lancaster was coach of the year in Palihetto state high circles in 1946 when he was at Brookland