WA9m CtONT TMt OAMIII-CHIIOmOMli OAI ipUTH CAHeUMA, FUtlAY, NQVMIWI11> m ' r| ^ 111 f ''fi j iJ CAMDEN PAND NOTES Blaney Chapter Wins Gtation of FIVE NEW ETUDENTE FROM GRAMMAR SQHOOL Tho grammar school groap young musicians now has an anroli- ment of 11 ctndents. The fiva new stndenta are: Clarinets, Betty Clark and Shirley Hilton; trumpets. Mary Whitaker and Johnny Borrini; trombone. Ann Holden. Sereral more students are planning to be gin band training next week. DRUM EEcViblil iktETE ON WEDNEEOAYE The drum section of the newly organised Camden school band, meets every Wednesday afternoon for a weekly rehearsal. This sec tlon is composed of four parade drums, cymbals and bass drum. It is said that a good drum section can make a poor band sound good and a poor drum section can ruin a good band. Prof. Middleton is training a snappy drum section with the following personnel: Carraway Griffith. Charlie Mosely. Betty Sue Caulder. Sylvia David and two oth ers to be selected later. FUUL BAND TO MEET FOR REHEARSALS Over 40 students who have had several weeks of private training since the opening of school will soon begin to meet together on Monday nights in the band room. Mr. Mid dleton has ordered a fuU instru mentation of the first semester band book, arranged and compiled by Forrest Buchtel. This book con tains IB graded selection for young bands. BHnniraBBiMBannB COMING ATTRACTIONS j^glar 'Dieatre Oemer Bread and Rutledge Bis FrL-Snt, Nor. 1-2 “NAVAJO KID*' Bob Steele with Syd Saylor Also Serial, Comedy and Cartoon ^BOOOOOOCBCOOSBOOOBOBtW NdncEi! (For Colored Only) Saturday Night at 10:80 P. M. Charlie Chan la “SHADOWS OVER CHINATOWN*’ Moti.-TuM., Nor. 4-5 “G. I. WAR BRIDES** Anna Leo—4ames Ellison Paths News tggOOOOOOSOOPOOBOORBBOl Wed.-Tlnirs.» Nor. > 6-7 “THE LAST CROOKED MILE** starring Donald Barry—Ann Savage Also Serial and Short Sub|eote Each year Future Fanners from all over the United States and its possessions meet at Kansas City. Mo., to hold an FFA Victory con vention. A full dressed convention was held this year for the first time since the war. It^ could not be car lied out hr full during the war be cause of the lack of transportation This year 15.000 members of the Future Farmers of An&erlca -from 87 states came together at this meeting. At this convention the American Farfaer Degree, which is the high est FFA award, is averded to suc cessful Future Farmery, There are' also ditatiba awards jiresented. Only two entries from each state may W forwarded to the|;, convention. Last' year the Blaney chapter entered this con test for the first time. There were two chapters from South Carolina that received awards this'year. The Woodrufi' chapter of Woodruff, S. €., received the Bronze emblem. Blaney chap ter is proud to be given the honor of being one of the “Honorable Mentions Chapters In the United States. Other similar and higher awards were presented to FFA chapters in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. aybum of this city are receiviiig congratula tions on the birth of a daughter, Judith Lee, at the Camden hospital. October II. Mrs. Ciybom former Miss Lnena Smith city. Births is tha^ of thUj ADDmONAL WANT ADS NiHiow to Dsblon aad FOR SALto:i6lBteg room Uble. Good condition. Phone 818. 88c FOR SALE—1838 Chevrolet pickus truck. Good condition Also 1887 [ Chevndet Coach. J,' Jd.l EUML ; Phone 711^ tiu Born, to Lieut, and Mrs. John 8. Halsall* a son,: Richard Moore Hal- sail, at the Camden hospital. Oc tober 23. Lieut. Halsall is now sta tioned in Korea. Kershaw Eagles Tangles With WTS The Kershaw high school ^gles will play the Winthrop Training school eleven In Kershaw Friday afternoon at 8:80 in the deciding game for thp I^trict 4 claaa B championahip^ NeitherviAm to date hai been defeated or tied in elimination play, each one having loot only to class A teams. Kershaw’s best game was playtd when they played Lancas ter on even terms, losing 1-0. BEAUTIFICATION— (Ckmtlnned from flrat paga) to having the parkway and grounds trimmed and Mr, Myers assured her that he would have the work done at once. Mr. Myers is chairman of the parka and playgrounds com- pilttee of tha city council. The Garden club cooperated with the Kershaw county fair by having a commlttde firom its group^ act as Judges at tha flower ihow at the lair. CARD OF THANKS Wa wish to extend to our many Irienda our alncerest thanka and deepest appraclation for the many klhdnaisea shown us duriog the illness and death of our husband and father. p Mrs. Ben Davis and Children Sgt. and Mrs. E. C. Williams an nounce the birth of a son, Ken neth Douglas, on Sunday, October 20, at the Park Chester hospital. New York City. Mrs. Williams la the former Miss Augusta Ulrica of New York City. MIDWAY HDC MEETING The Midway Home Demonstra tion club began its year’s work with a delightful monthly meeting at Mldway^hool, October 25. Mrs. W. p. West, president, call ed the meeting to order, and “America the Beautiful’’ was sung. Mrs. West then gave the devotional. Minutes of the September meeting were read by the secretary and the roll called. Officer! elected for the year were: President, Mrs. W. C. West: vice presidenL Lillie Rogers; sec retary. Mrs. J. T. Elliott; trMSurer, Mra. H. C. McCoy. After* the discussion of old and new business the meeting was turn ed over to Miss Martha I.,eonard, assistant home demonstration agenL and her subject for the evening was “Poultry”. She gave a very in- tereitlng and Inatmotiva talk in which she stressed disease and sanitation among poultry. Delicious refreshments were served by the hoeteseee. Mrs. J. T. Elliott and Mrs. R. B. Elliott. NEGRO PAINTER PASSES John Sntton, contracting painter of this dty, died at Duke hoepltal, Durham, N. C.) October 81, age 64. John ’was highly eeteemed by both races, having painted for most of the outstanding citizens of both races for more than 86 years. Funeral services were held at tha ’Trinity M. B. church, Friday. 8:88, Rev. W. R. Gregg, pastor, offlclat- ing. Biirlal was at the local ceme tery. MUSIC FESTIVAL- TOP MATERIAL—Now on hand for first time in years. Used for repair work on tops or aides of old fashioned antomoblles and also In building of new tops and sides. J. H. Elliott. Phone 711-J. 88c YOUNG LADY will do typing and bookkeeping after five p. m. weekdays -and Saturday after- - noons. Write XW, care The Cam- den Chronicle.8^ FOUND—Bunch of keys at football field. Owner may obtain by call ing at The Chronicle office, identifying them and paying for ad.’ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR MOTOR CARRIER FRANCHISE CERTIFICATE. DOCKET NO. 4848_ Notice la hereby given that Queen City Coach Company, 417 West Fifth atreeL Charlotte, North Caro lina, haa made application to the South Carolina Public Service Com- miaalon for a franchise certificate to traniport psaaengers, their bag gage, newipapera and mall over the following highways and between the following points: Between the junction of State Highways Noa’S and 802 and the junction of State Highways 154 and 763, via Kershaw, Bethune, Biahop- vllle and St. Clurlee. over State Highway No. 902 for 2 miles. State Highway No. 265 for 5 miles, State Highway No. 841 for 33 miles and State'Highway No. 164 for 11 mllei, a total distance of 51 miles; and. Between the Junction of State Highways Nos 54 and 527, and An drews, South Carolina, via' Sardinia and Kingstree, oyer State Highway No. 527 for 48 miles and State High way No. 611 for 4 mllea, a total dis tance of 58 miles. ’The Commission has let said ap plication fOT hearing at 10 o’clock A. M., on the 14th day of Novem ber, 1848, at the Commiasion’a of- ficea in the Wade Hampton State Office Budding, In the City of Co lumbia. South Carolina. 8Sc AH partiea Indebted to the aataU of Lucille Hnekabee are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all partiea, if any, juiving claima.'against the said ea- |ate will preaent them Ukewlae, dnly atteatad, with the time pro- acrlbed by law. 8S-86c MARY H. BLACKMON, Adminiatratrlx. Camden, S. C., Oc^ 29, 1948.. HNAL DISCHARGE Notice la hereby given that one. month from this date, on November 8, 19j|8> Ree^e l^lama will make to the Probate Coart of Kerahaw County his final return as Admin istrator of the'estate of Sadie B. Williams, deceased, and on the same date he will apply to tho said Court for a final diacharge as said Administrator. 8(>-81e V N. C. ARNETT, Jndge of Probate. Camden, S.'C., October 9, 1846. (Continued from Erst page) Preceding the performance of n Trovatore, the festival association will entertain at Its annual dlnnar for county chairmen and board membm-s. As the gueet speaker is to be the noted poet and natnrallsL Archibald Rutledge, arrangements have been made for a limited num ber of the tickets to be evallable to the general pubUc. 77/ Si/ inmUf/adts wmr tik9 tkisu/' iH!!! nninmiB QUICK REUEF FROM trmptema el Diatraaa Arising fratw STOMACH ULCERS M»To EXCESS ACID iFraaBsekTaBsef HemsTraatmaatthat iBhMt Halp er It WW Cast Yea NelMng Oysrtwo mllUoa bottlsa of th« WILLARD TRK ATMXNT bav« bMn lold for relief of I symptom! of dletreea sriilna from SSeaMeh I aiwl thuSiwI llloeri due to Esm Fssr IMa!»W*w, 8«w or UpeeC 'tMaalneee, MeartSiint, aieealeeSi • due to Rseeie AcM. Sold on 15 dsys' x Ash for ‘‘WmarS’s aaeMsas’* which fUUy | I saplalna thU treetment—nee—sS Dat^B PHARMACY. Phena 88 Butter 93 Score Also other Dairy Products Including RICH, CREAMY, DELICIOUS MILK Camden Dairies Phone US WHRN rrs nijowZERO FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on November 88, 1848, Jack R. Bell will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County kls final return as Execu tor of the ectate of T. 8. Bsll, de- ceased, and on the same date he will apply to the said court for a final disebarge as said Executor. 88-88C N. C. ARNETT. Judge (rf Probate. Camdmi, 8. C., Oct 28, 1946. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that one month from this date, on November 15. 1946, Janie Baskin Drakeford. will make to the Probate Court of Kershaw County her final return as' Executrix of the estate of Oliver B.j Drakeford, deceased, and on the | same date she will apply to the said ^ Court for a final discharge as said Executrix. N. C. ARNETT, ' Judge of Probate Camden, S. C.. Oct 16. 1946 81-S4c unm] CLWM ,.. sat ■ |w sf SMlbalii «M a saly fw Mwst t*. IW •« mt Mi CONSTIPATION tifky IR BAD COLDS Betalned tmdlfsatad fbod bacomea puteefaettve, causes toartnA Wbhtt overtoadthe livsr and okbsr ultal cr» gana o< tha body, Isseenlng yoor ra- alstanee to o(dds and olber wmlv Ids and interfering with their treatment. Why take thla chance whan you can take Calotabe? Oalotabs thorooshly gret pteasently act on every foed oc your intestlnsA sweeping out toxin- laden putref aettve foods ami vtras- laden nmeua, enahKim yon to mors effective]^ avoid or 11|^ a o^ Noth ing actslm good old Oalotabs. Use as dixeetsd. lOe and 86e at ad dmatats. rot. OALOTABS that’s tha HU88ER CAP sastha cap your hoys waat to woor And—Mother—that’s half the battle wont You know the troobls you have keeping e cap on his head even in sero weather. Well— here’s the Hn^r-the oap his whole gang weera. M the kind of s cap he lovee <—jnet the to give him real wintet proteotioB egainat ooldfin-the heed, to give hint reel etaj-on even in a loogh-iMd-haable. Ear amlfa that fit extra anog-that ’’awivel” np or down. Gnarantead hf Good Honaakeeping and PBrents Magaa^ t| iq 9|W ^5ellJt5 Milk Prices a- Adlv2Lnce I—This is to serve notice to our customers and the general pub- lie that due to increased cost of production, the undersigned dairies are forced to increase their prices, as of NOVEMBER 1st (hromde GasnDed Ads Get HOSPITALIZATION “Aa Neewiaary Aa ’TEb A $2.40 OR Perhaps He Prefers a ••• striped If eo, we have a alee aaaorlBiwit MOW. $2.40::::;^ head *Shrtnkage not more than 1 (U. S. Highway N«i 1|