tf fi COUNTY FAIR OPENS, IN CAMDEN OCTOBER 14-19 $ GENERAL RULES \ — I. Ill ladlTldiuI mtrlM be tai pUee br 7:00 P. M. Tnee* d«]r« October 14, end mnet not be remored befcne 2 P. M. Setardey. October 19. S. Premlnme will be paid to winnere In cesb et office 9>ridey eftembon, October 18, end Setnrdey, Oc tober 19. . 8. While eTery preceatlon will^ taken for the eefe- keeping of ell ertlclee end entanale, the menegement' will in no case be reaponeible tor any loae or damage that may occur to ertlclee or animale exhibited. 4. The exhibition of ertlclee not enumerated in the premium liat ie ihrited and they will be aaeigned to proper departmMitc and dleplayed to vlaitors but no premlumt ottered. 8. Jndgee are reqnaated to withhold the award where exhiblte are not merltorloue and only eecond money wfU be glren wbere there la no competition, i. Indtrldnala or oommunitlea deeiring bootha muat notify the aumagement not later than Monday, Oc tober 7. 7. All dleirtaye te eeiieiet of predueta and artlelee grown or made during the paet year. No premlume will be> givon on artlelee exhibited In prevloue yeara. . _ 8. By the word **Baat" in thla Premium I^t la not neeeeearlly meant the largeat. but that alee and anoUty of the product that conforma moat nearly to preeent market atandarda and la beat aulted to the nae for which it la Intended. 8. Bxpert Jndgee wfll be prorlded for all departmenta. 19. AH artklea exhibited muat haye been made by ex hibitor except antlquea. II. No exhibitor udll be permitted to make more than one entry In any one elaao, except In the LIveateek Department ThoiP in cliarfp of tho Korakaw Countp Fair mrofrain« goto muUr way on Mon day, O^obor 14, and conthmaa thro^lMml tho wroiJi art anaiona that oawry poraon in Korahaw Comity who ia intoroatod, malio H a point to taka part in tha fair by particqiatiaf in tha aotkibi- tion. Farmara ara urgad to antar tha awina, poultry, cattia or agricultural dapartmanta, wrhila honaowtraa ara aakad to antar itama in cannad gooda, cookad fooda, clothing, floral or aimilar d^artmanta. PREMIUM LIST All Community ExhlbHa muet be In place Wedneedey, October 19th COMMUNITY BOOTHS yirat prlie 178.00 Second priie 60.00 Third prise 85.00 3Wth prise 25.00 Fifth prise .*... 20.00 Sixth prise 15.00 SoTenth prise % 10.00 All other Community Booths 7.50 INDIVIDUAL FARM DISPLAYS j All entries in this department must be products of farm from which exhibit la made. First prise $50.00 Second prise 6.... 25.00 Third prise 20.00 HOME ECONOMIC A QIRLS 4-H DEPT. Superintendent Davis and Mice Margaret Fewell , The management of the T'alr has appropriated $50.00 each tb the above orgauslatlons for the payment ef premiums exhibited In these departments. This amount will be paid in one cum to the Superintendents and they win be reaponsible for the payment of premiums to ex hibitors in their departments. Premium lists for each of these departments do not appear in this book but will be sent to all who are eligible to enter exhibits in these departments. CANNED PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT Superintendent to be snnouneed later No Individual can duplicate an Entry All articles must be labeled with name, of product No articles exhibited in previous years will be accepted. FRUITS-A . Entry No. Pint Second 1. Best Quart Peaches 75 .50 1. Best Quart Pears .76 .50 8. Best Quart Plums 75 .50 4. Best Quart Apples 76 .50 8. Best Quart Grapes 75 AO 9. Best Quart Scuppemongs 75 .60 7. Best Quart Blackberries .75 .50 8. Best Quart Huckleberries 75 .50 9.. best Jar Cherries 76 .50 VBOBTABLES—B Entry No. Pint Second 1. 'Seat 1}uart Whole Tomatoes ...... i .... .76 Ad I. Best Quart Stewed Tomatoes 78 AO ji Best Quart Soup Mixture with 8 veg. ... .76 .80 A _ Beet Quart Soup Mixture with more than 8 Tegeubles .78 .80 8. Beet Quart Green String Beans 76 .60 1 Best Quart Oabbage Kraut '. .76 .89 7. Best Quart Beets 75 .80 t. Best Quart Gumbo (okra A tomatoes) .76 .50 9. Best Quart (w Pint Carrots 78 .50 19. Best Quart or Pint Garden Peas . .75 .50 II. Best Quart or Pint Sgussh .75 .60 It. Best Quart or Pint Okra 75 .50 18b Best Quart or Plat Held Peas 75 AO 14. Bent Quart or Pint Butter Beans ....... .75 .50 08. Bast (luart or Plat Oreena 78 .80 ' 18. Best Quart or Plat Pimentos .78 .80 17. Best Jar Cora on Cob 78 AO 08. Best Jar Cut Com 75 AO MBAT-C Entry Na f Pint Second 1. Best Quart Perk 1010000 .78 .80 2. Beat Quart Caanad Beef 75 AO 8. Best Quart Gaaaed Chicken .75 AO mulT JIBCBB-'D—No artificial eolorlag must be Used. ButryMu, ^ first ■esbai 1. Best jtottta Gruya A9 J8 8b Beet MiMlb BouEferuiflRg A9 Ai 8. Best Bettta MeeWirry At Jl THB OAMOBN CMROWtqH, CA8tPB8|, ROUTH CAROLINA, iHllBAY, OCTOBER ^ ItOt .71 19 .76 10 10 .75 10 .75 19 .50 .75 10 .75 10 .75 .59 .75 10 .75 10 .75 .60 .76 10 .75 10 .76 19 4. Beet Bottle Agfls At -Ji 8. Best Bottle Plum At At 9. Best Bottle Teauilo At Ai 7. Best BoCUe Misoellaaeous Juices labelled At A8 PICKLE—E Entry No. Ftrat Second I. Beet Jar ffliced Cucumben .78 1 Beat Jar Whole Cucumbers 8. Best Jar Cbow Cbow 78 4. Best Jar Dixie RelUlh 78 5. Best Jar Pepper Relleh 6. Beet Jar Mixed Pickle . 7. Beet Jar Large Peach Pickle 78 8. Beet Jar Small Peach Pickle 76 9. Beet Jar Onion Pickle ... - 78 10. Best Jar Psar Pickle 76 II. Beet Jar Watermelon Rind 78 11. Beet Jar Green Tomatoee 78 II. Beet Jar Beet Pickle 78 14. Beet Oontalnw Chile Sanee .76 18. Beat Container Catsup 75 JELLIES—P—Pint or less, JeUy conUlnsr prefsraMe Entry No. find Seeond L Best Container Red Apply Jelly ........ .76 ’AO 8. Beet Container Tellow Apply Jelly ..... .76 AO I. Beat Container Grape Jelly 76 AO 4. Beat Container Senppemong 75 .50 5. Beat Container Blackberry 76 .50 8. Beat Container Plum 75 .50 7. Beat Container Crab Apple 75 .50 8. Beat Contains Peach 75 AO 9. Beet Container Haw JMly 76 AO 10., Beet Container Strawberry. Jelly 76 .50 PRESERVES—G Entry No. Pint Bseond 1. Beet Container Pig Preeervee 75 .60 2. Beet Container Watermelon Rind 76 ^ AO 8. Beet Container Peach Preeervee 75 .50 4. Best Container Pear Prsserves 75 AO 6. Best Container Plum Preeervee 75 AO I. Beat Container Strawberry Preeervee ... .75 .50 7. Beet Container Blackberry Jam 76 .50 A Beet Container Peach Jam or Mar malade 76 .50 9. Beet Container Pig Jam dr Mkrmalade .75 AO 10. Beet Container Pear Oonaerve |76 .50 11. Beet C!ontalner Pig Conserve 76 AO 18. Beet Container Peer Honey .75 AO 18. Beat Container Grape Preeervee 78 .80 14. Beat Container Grape Conserve 76 . ^ .60 16. Beet Container Peach Conserve 75 .50 lA Best Container Pear Marmalade 75 .50 COOKED FOODS DEPARTMENT Superintendent to be annowneed later No Individual can duplicate an Entry Entry No. 8nd 9rd 1. Best Lost White Yeset Bread ... .75 .50 2. Best Loaf Whole Wheat Bread ... .76 .50 8. Best Loaf Raialn Bread ...k: 75 .50 4. Beat Six White Rolls 76 .50 5. Best Six Whole Wheat Rolls 75 .50 A Best Six Soda Biscuits 50 .26 7. Best Six Baking Powder Blscuita .50 .25 8. Best Six White Muffins 50 .25 9. Best Six Whole Wheat Muttina .. .50 A5 10. Best Six Com Maal Mnffiha 50 .25 11. Beat Six Cora Sticks 50 .25 12. Best Upside Down Cake 2.00 1.00 .60 18. Best Devil’s Food Cake .....r...:2.00 2.00 1.00 14. Best Chocolate Cake 8.00 2.00 1.00 16. Best CAramel (}ake 8.00 2.00 1.00 18. Best Coconut Cake 8.00 2.00 1.00 17. Best Jelly Roll ......2,00 1.00 .60 18. Best Japanese Fruit .Cake 8.00 2.00 1.00 19. Best Pound Cake 8.00 AOO 1.00 20. Best Black Fruit Cake^ .3.00 8.00 1.00 21. Best Six Tea Cakes 76 .60 22. Itest Six Oatmeal Ckmkles 50 .26 2A ]^t to Gtngeir Cooklea ........ .60 .25 24. Best Six Ice Box Cookies 50 .26 25. Best Assortment MlBcellsneons Cookies 4.1.00 .76 .50 26. Best Coconut Pie 76 .50 27. Best Butter Scotch Pie 75 .50 28. Best Lemon Pie 76 .60 29. Beat Chocolate Pie 75 .60 80. Beet Apple Pie 76 .60 81. Best Jar Pulled Mints 75 .50 AS 82. Best Dosen Drop Mints 50 .26 83. Best Dosen Pieces Choc. Pudge .60 .85 84. Best Dosen Pieces Sea Foam ... .60 .26 SA Beat Display Mixed Candy 1.00 .75 .60 CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Superintendent to be snnouneed later No Individual can duplicate an Entry Entry No. First Second Beet Man’s Shirt $1.00 Beat Doit’s Shirt Best Boy’s Wash Suit under 6 yrs I.OO Best Girl’s Cotton Dress, 2-6 yrs. age ... 1.00 Beet Girl’s Cotton Dreis, 6-18 ](Ta. age 1.00 Best Child’s CoaL under 10 yrs. of age . 1.00 Best Woman’s Cotton Dresa 1.00 Best Women’s ’Afternoon Dress 1.00 v Best Smock 1.0® Best Apron ^AO Best Six Tea Napkins 76 Best Buffet or Vanity Set -75 Beet Bridge or Luncheon cover With Napkins * • • • 76 Best Crocheted Luncheon Set 75 Beat Crocheted Lace Table Qoth 1.00 Beet Dinner Cloth 75 Beet Crocheted Centerpiece .50 Best Crocheted Table Rnnner 50 Beet Embroidered Table Scarf .75 Beet Embroidered ■ Centerpiece .60 Best Embroidered. Sampler .75 Best Kitchen Towel 50 Beet White Guest Towel .50 Beet Oolor^Guest Towel AO Best OUld^ABOBiiiet 50^ Best Rug mads from new material 7f Beet BmhroldeM Bed Spread 1.00 Beet AppUcatedlsed Spreed AOO Best Tufted Bed Spread AOO Beat Croeheted Bad Sgraad AOO Beat Knittad Bad Spread 2.00 Best Flsesd Qeflt'.......•...■•...r-bb# 2.00 Bsft Quilt XIO Bast Aattgus Quilt ssbtbllisd first ttos 2.99 Bast White toilseMsfed pOlew caste J9 91. Bast CfAwsd Bmteeldsral pillow dsses .19 SA Bust Creehsted Aftfkaw 1.... AOO 99. Best Knitted Afghan 2A0 .79 4A Bast Bathroom Mat A9 .91 4A Beat Houaa Coat 2.00 .75 4A Beet chair tldiea .50 .86 48. Beat Crocheted Baby Bootaae AO .15 44. Beet Woven Bedspread 2.99 .75 • THRIFT DEPARTMENT •uperintandeiit to be. annosnoed later No Individual cai^ duplicate an Entry Must be made during pest year 1. Best Hooked Rug Made Prom Scraps .$ .75 AO *2. Best Braided or Croeheted Rug Made Prom Scrape 7A .50 I. Best AdUlt Remodeled Garment, and Ihcplanatlon 100 .75 4. Beet Olrl’e Rmodeled Ganpent and Explanation 75 .50 5. Beat Boy’s Remodeled Garment and Ittplsnation 76 .50 A Best Patched Garment 75 .50 7. Beat Pair Pillow Cases Made Prom Sacks 60 J5 8. Best Bed Spread Made Prom Sacks 75 AO 9. Best Girl’s Dress Under Six Yrs. Made Horn Sacks 75 .50 10. Best Boy’s Suit Under 8 yrs.. Made " Prom Sacks 76- .69 II. Best Adult Dyed Dress Made Prom Sschs .75 .50 12. Best Adult’s Natural Dress Made Prom Sacks ................................ .75 .50 18. Best Woman’s Suit Made Prom Sacks . .75 .50 14. Best Large Piece Homemade Furniture 2.00 1.00 15. Beet Small Piece Homemade Furniture 1.00 .75 lA Beet Bottomed Chair 1.00 .76 17. Beet WaU Bracket 75 .50 18. Best Piece Unique Homemade Furniture 1.00 .75 19. Beet Unique Antique Article Not Ex hibited Before 50 A5 80. Beet Pine Needle Basket 50 .16 FLOWER DEPARTMENT Superintendent to be announced later Howere may be placed up to 10 o'eloek Wednesday, Oct9bar llth fiitry No. , First Second 1. Best Maiden Heir Pern H.OO .50 2. Beet Sword or Boston Pern AOO .50 2. Best Asparagus Pern (Plumoens) .... 1.00 .60 4. Beet Sprengerl Pern 1.00 .50 A Best Ostrich Plume Pern 1,00 .50 6. Beet Begonia AOO .60 7. Best Blooming African Violet 1.00 ' .50 8. Best Cactus 1.00 AO 9. Best Miscellaneous dooming Plant ... 1.00 .50 10. Best Miscellaneons Plant (non-bloom ing) 1.00 .50 11. Best Pepper Plant AOO .50 13. Best Display Three Large Dahliaa .... * .75 .60 13. Beat DUplay Six Small Dahliaa 75 .50 14. Best Display Six Large Zennlaa 75 .60 16. Best Display 12 Small Zennlaa 76 .50 16. Best Display Six Rosea 75 AO . 17. Best Display Single Rose 50 .K 18. Best Display Six Large Marigolds 75 .50 19. Best Display 12 Small Marigolds 75 .60 20. Beet Display Cosmos .75 .50 21. Best Display Tlthoniaa 76 AO 22. Moat Artistic Arrangement Mixed Flowers l.®0 .76 28. Greatest Variety Mixed Flowers (n^ed) 2.00 .75 COUNTY PAIR ART EXHIBIT Superintendent to be announced later OILS (High school OT graduate) Landscape ,.4s 4,. Portraits 2.00 StUl Life AO® Animals ' 2.00 Water Colon (High school or graduate) Charcoal (High school or graduate) ... Pastels (High school or graduate) ...... Crayon Drawings (Children In Ist through 4th gradew) Water Colon (6th throngh 7th grades) . SWINE ExhIbH No. 0 F. B. Stentonr'Ruperkitendent Prises listed below will be offered on each of the fol lowing breeds, Duroc Jeney, Poland China, Hampahlrea and Berkshire.^ Entry No. Pint Second 1. Age Boar 2. .Senior Yearling Boar 8. Junior Yearling Boar AOO 4. Senior Boar Pig 8.00 6. Junior Boar Pig 9. Age Sow 7. Senior Yearling Sow 8.00 8. Junior Yearling Sow 8.00 9. Senior Sow Pig AOO 10. Junior Sow Pig 8.00 lA Best Sow and Litter 2A00 18, Best Pat Barrow 18. Oiamploii Boar .. ... . 10.09 lA Champion Sow ..10.09 ^ POULTRY Exhibit Na. 7 P. billings, Buperintsudent / (Display Coops Pornlsbed by Assoelatttm) 1. No s&try fee will be charged but sxhlMtoni art rs- qpsstsd to show only such poultry as art fraa from dlsswH and placed In condltloa for aahlhitkm. 1 Entrlw poalttvely cloaa Tuesday, Oqtdbsr 25. 7 p. m. I. No foul can be removad nnUl aftar 28 Noon. Oo- lobor 19. A Hks axpert judge will ccmtlna tha awards ta ttaaa laid down la the premium list A 79i9 tatsat Americas Standard wlU govars Is all vsrlatlaa. i A GcBaral prlsaa ara to ba awaidad by oomparlaoL naplay prises ara to ba awardad by potsta to to eouBlod aa follows: Slsido—Pint nrlaa. 9 satsta: tMomd prfsA 4 polsts: thkrd prlM, 8 potsta, TMos oassi doable or ataglaa. 7.- Qto doctoas of tto Isdgoaton to flsal' A Evaiy ashibttar raiat to tto bORS fids svmt of aiMAotoryMitotobto. A Tto ttoB Ooek aggMss to a todt toi osar j First Second |2®0_ 1.00 2.00 1.00 AOO 1.00 1.00. . 2.00 1.00 . 2.00 1.00 . 2.00 1.00 1.00 .60 . 1.00. .50 6.00 AOO 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 AOO 4.00 4.00 4.00 9.00 6.00 5.00 AOO f ' yaar of ifs; Has^ s tasala ovte asa •CeatotsA • mala tasa ttos a«a yaar gf^ ^ a faisala koa ttos osa yaar of ags’ ’ asd two fsaralaa: Display coaslsta of ^ coekoral, paliat asd^trlo. 10. SlsglA astrlaa casaot eompeta for trio asd trio astrlaa cassot oampats for lA Hrdt astared Is trios may compete for priaa, liMlvldaal Mrds Is ttot pen cannot furttor. 11. In order for an eahibitor to compete tor a prise he' must have ei^ared upon the books Secretary a cock, coetaraL ban. pnii*t and the same braaA lA Where w 4 yean and oMar '. 7.19 7. Best Cow 8 yean and under 4 yean .. 7.09 L$ 8. Best cow 1 years and under 8 yean ... 7.09, 9. Beat Senior Yearling Halfar A09 10. Best Jnnior Yearling Heifer ....; 4.09 M lA Best 8en^ Hatter Calf 109 lA Best Jnnior Heifer Calf 5.09 15. Get of Sira 10.99 14. Produce of Cow 10.09 15. Exhibitor’s herd 1109 BEEP TYPE CATTLE Entry No. ^ Pint 1. Bull ^hrae yean and over Ili.99 2. Bull two years and under three 16.00 8. Senior Yearling Bull 11®® M 4. Jnnior Yearling BaU 1®.®® 6. Bull j6 months nndar 12 months ... 109 4.1 9. Cow thraa yrars and ovsr 10.00 5.1 7. Cow or heifer 8 yean and under 2 ... 10.00 54 8. Senior Yearling hatter 100 9. Jnnior Yearling heifer 0.00 10. Heifer 8 months and under 18 months 8.00 14 11. Exhibitor’s herd - I®-®® M Exhibitor’s herd shall consist of one bull <« three yean or over,*