> J-i; mmt -TMI CAMOIN CHWOWICLl» •ouTN cAKOumw rwipAY, wrrgMMW gr, ixi atft biAaite UmI (CoBtIntd trooi tnt •) Urii ld«ntlfle*tkm of Ui* •JteleUm tlurooch th« Ucth. m m It i'- ,r i State llieatre KERSHAW, S. C Friday, Saptawiliar 27 *nrii£ Bim dahlia** aian Ladd—Vtronicn Lake Saturday, Saptandw 28 **SHEIUFF OF RED WOOD VALLEY** Rad Ryder III Sat, Sapt 28—10:30 P.M. **SHE WROTE THE BOOK** dean Davie—Jack Oakle Moii.-T«aa., Sap. 30-Oct 1 **COURAGE OF LASSIE** gliaabeth Taylon—Tom Drake Wadaaeday, Oetobar 2 **THE RUNAROUND*' ■lla Ralnee—Rod Cameron Octobdr 84 *THE GREEN YEARS** Chartea Coburn It was learned at tbe acena that a year aco Game Warden Brough ton had found a qmopy from a plane in the ewamp and while he notified 8haw Field no action wae taken. Later a negro ie reported to have found a amall parachnte, need to open the regular chutes. Nothing mfr .eraa done ae a reeult of rd- portlnig thie find to the air base Held*! baeic training plane craah- ed near the home of Joe Bateo, Camden polo ace, at Wateree, on the morning of Norember 21. Batea lives on Highway 7f, north of the Wateree river. Held had been on a routine training flight from Shaw Field. Bates reported the crash to Shaw Field and the hunt tor Held was Uken up. Pear was eipresaed that he was lost in the tailgled mase of the swamp area. What followed is described as be- t ■ SPECIAL BOYS’ WARM JACKETS $2.9S-$3.98-$4.98 J. Paul Ross 832 Broad Street Ce rodeo, S. C. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF City Of Camden ALL UNPAID 1944 AND 1945 aTY TAXES WILL BE ADVER- USED AND SOLD AT ONCE. BY ORDER OF CITY COUNCIL LOUISE BOYKIN, Cit, Clwk a THERE’S NO'lFS'OR ’BUTS* ABOUT iT—GOOP service prevents MANY BREI^-tWNS/ Cnee kUtoriee prowe it I You aroid the ne- ceaeity of big .repair jobs on your car by letting US take care of little ones aa faat aa you cah drive ini We've got the men and tbe equipment to do the job right I Car Owners ^ •LEAKY WATER OR HEATER HOSE •DIM UGHTS — NO VlSIBlUTY •LEAKY — STEAMING RADIATOR •A TORN AND DUSTY FLOOR MAT •A WEAK, INEFFICIENT OIL-HOG MOTOR We can remedy your troubles at once ^New'All-Rubber Felt Insulated Floor Mats For Most AH Cara •Not many Seat Covers le}t, but may be we can fit your car. ^^ •^ight New Sealed Beam Headlights /For Ford—Chevrolet—Pljrmouth—^Dodge and Chryaler Cars ^ •Complete Motor Overheads still possible, but donft know for how long. REMEMBER Our MW location at 817 South Mam Straat will ba raady soon. Wa will be able to <^er complete auto service... from Gas, Oil and Greata to Major Overiiauls.,^Watdi for lat- If ifou need a traUer for Lading job$' up to ISOO Iha, see ours. they are the answer to a farmeFo prayer. SBMCE MQfOR CO, “■"dsssc lag ths most extensivn msa hunt hi tbs history tA South CsndlSB. Msr- c^ F. Held, fsthsr of ths mlMing flyer, esme on a plane from New York and took part in the search. On November tO, 1,100 persona, military and clvUlan. were combuig the swamp area and p'anes from Shaw Field and the Sonthem Avia* tion school hers la Camden were flying low over ths area !n an ef fort to find the ralesinf cadet Three emphlblons jeeps from Fort Jackson together with bun* dreds of soldiers were sent to the scene to take part In th-i hunt. Re* wards were offered for Information that would lead to the finding of the body. ' The swamp area Involved la the search is 49 miles long and at points is from four to five miles In width. Dense cane brakes, thorny vines and heavy undergrowth im peded tbe searchers. Cadets and other military per sonnel from Shaw Field, a company of army engineers from Camp Sat ton, N. C., a company of colored malarial control troops from Fort Jackson armed with jangle equip* meat, consisting of bolos and machetes, members tA , Sumter liberty Hm News f - At the Preebyterlan bhmreh—the Sunday morning eei'vleee were coup ducted by Elder L. P. Thompeon. At a.oongregatiQnal meeting fedlow ing the services it was decided to continue the efforts to secure the services of a minister—if for only port time In the Sunday school. Snpt . Cunningham asked for a re port of tho "Tonth Meeting” at Cheater on the prevtous Sunday. John Henry Clements roportel a very pleasant and interesting meet ing, and in behalf of the members wished to return thanks to the Sunday school for making it poe* sible lor them to go, Pat Thompeon, Jr., recently ac companied his brother-in-law, Aus tin Butler, on a trip to New York. hiirs. M. C. Wilson of Darlington is visiting her father, Oapt N. S. Richards, who celebrated his 80th birthday on Tuesday. His puatod hor homo for a vMtt MIm Annio Jonas wm quit# aidt somo day last voek,' hot is some befter now. Mr. and Mra. O. P. Folk and two little granddaughters, Dian and Barbara Sullens, were here with relative# >^y Fualixsr-Startor and got all Ohm beat you in abundance for the cold winter, moderate heai^ just a sinunering beat for slow cooking or ckHly and ^ring weather. Tbe QUIK HEAT is one ef sixoplest oil burners ewer inwenled. « The (Ml Burner wiHi a Lifetime Guarantee FOR FURTHER INFORMATION— — SEE — JACK C. MARSHAU Agent for Kershaw Gmnty 1338 Hail|s Street . CAMDEN, S. C Ffiin •EPT. to" SOI k Get our figure$ on a complete overhaul todayl It's easy to see why a Ford dealer can offer better Ford Service...at prkes vdiidi are drastically lower in the long run. We’re set up to give your Ford the typa of sttention which Ford engineers have planned for it. And wo hare special took wfakfa simpiify the job. That saves time. And you save t*wney. At home” with ns, your Ford gets tbe benefit of: !• f«rd foctory-Tralnad foadiBiacs ^ord-Approwod foathods 3. Oarndna Pord Nuts 4. SpacM P^ fqulpiuswt Drive in fiig s check-eq» and catch fitdi troubles before they grow BIG! TNffRfS BUNG YOUR FORD •‘BACK HOME”JFOR SERWE Redfearn Motor WBST iMuae snsW xmp