COLD wai/E NcTM inIttSkNM.atlkMM^ Vdt mmm and iMi. Ow MaMaiad^ V ISmeaBWAnml nURIIACY kl >• NEWBERRY IH t lEUTH mnuiMX CO. / l^^hnive Policies \ H05PITAUZATI0N — ii^ funtty frovp' or indhrkl^ ual anyoiio can afford. SEE A NEWBERRY MAN| TODAYI H. k. ELUOTT Diitrict Managor P.O.Bos223 CAMDEN, S.<:. Sevoi Be Made From Just One Lemon Rocord-Sisod Fnnl la Grcmra ' On Farm Of H. L. Catoo 1 H. L. Catoe of Camden. R*l, Is ex hibiting a record-site lemon, ia tact, the lemon is so bigr that one conld make seren luscloos pies from it. The fruit measures 12 1-2 inches in circumference and weighs one pound and two ounces. Mr. Catoe purchased the particular plant which bore tliis and some thir ty-two or more lernans like it, tweiV# years ago. The plant is now about as /tail as an average man. Mr. Catoe states that he has grown several lemons on this plant that wegihed a pound and a half. ^ . Athletes Foot Itch How To Stop It Make 5 Minute Test Get TE-OL at any drug stare. Ap. ply this POWERFUI. PENETRAT- iNQ fungicide PULL STRENGTH. Reaches MORE germs to KILL tite Ttbh. Oei NIW foot comfort or your S6c back. To^ at OoKatb Piuntnacy PUT IT m KIRKWOOD HOTEL ANNEX ^OW OPEN - COMMERCIAL RATES Reasonable Weekly or Monthly Rates CAMDEN COUNTRY CLUB ADJACENT Thousaiids HeadmE South For Whiter If the flight of feather fowl soath- ward Is an indication of things to come, Camden is going to have coll weather soon—and plenty of it. In the past several dayv thousands of robtais who have been summering in the north have appeared in Cam den on their way to the tropics for the winter months. In the yard abont the W. W. Bates home on Lyttleton sti^t. thb trees and shrubbery and even the grounds and drives*word literally covered with the birds. This, was also true in other locations. » In addition to this early September southward flight of robins there are also reports of big flocks of geese being seen heading south. , Usually the birds are 8»en flying south early in November library Notes New books at the Camden Public Library include: 1, Rhubarb—H. Allen Smith. 2. Saleih Prlgate-Jennlngs. 8. Case of-the Backward Mule— GUtrdner. ’ 4. Pusslo tor Fiends—Quentin. 6. Lawrence Vare—du Maurler. 8. Red Morning—Frey. 7. Hidden Portal—Weston. 8. Cats Don’t Need Coffins—Olsen. 9. Training Ton to Train Your Dog —Saunders. Beginning September 18 the Library schedule will be: Monday through Friday, .2 p. m.—5 p. m.; Saturday, 10 a. m.—1 p. m. Agvwtlseaieats wader tide beaMag wifi be charged fbr at the raSe of 1 seat per wora. Mlnimnai charge II eeats. Ada. set In 1# potat type dewMe charge. Cash miut aooompaay order eacept where eustoner has Ledaer Aoconat. Lout Found LOST—No. 4 Ration Book. pdra. Sallie " Reynolds. 408 DeKalb etreet. 28-p LOST—On Augnet 18, bne white toy Terrier dog. Answers to the name of “Scrappy." Notify O. R. Trues dale, Weatvllle, 8. C, and receive reward.' ■ 28-p LOST—Ob Thursday, September 6. on carpenter's tool box, containing highway 621 or 281, a black wooden mechanics tools and air brake equipment,. Reward if returned to W. O. Hatfield, Wateree Lumber Co., Camden, S. C.^P For Ron! FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front bedroom, 1218 1-2 Broad St. 26-p FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. Immediate poaaeselon. Mrs. Schlos- burg. Phone 500. 28 c CnYoiEatCorned Beef end Cabbage Witlioiit Bistress? TVy HbI Water and NtutracM Ta Counteract Any Cxcose Stomach . Acknty and AM Digest ion Never mind what brought It on — overeating, too much amoking or drinking — too Uttla rant or aiaap, thera’s one quick way to change thia. At once put one teaapoonfui of Keutracid iif half a glaaa of hot water, atir thoroughly and drink. Reilaf from dlatresa cornea promptly In a very few mlnutea! , Neutra'cld ia new; it’s different Ehc- casa atomadh acida are quickly neutral* iaad and very pleaaantly too. It’a wonderful! Try Neutracld—give your atomach a fluting chance. Oat a package today of uila now, diffaront raliaf for oxcooa stomach acidity. At all good drugglata LOST—Ration books No. 4, issued to Mrs. Ida Robinson, Bobby Robinaon, Elisabeth Robinaon and Billy Robin son, Hermitage Mill, Camden. S. C. ■ 28j» Wantod WANTED—Maid from 8:30 to 3:30. 210 Green St. Telephone 281-J. 28-p WANTED^By a gentleman, single room In Camden, with or without meals, away on weekends. As to character, highest references fur nlshed. McColl, care E. T. BoWen. Blaney, 8. C. 26 WANTED—Man or woman, phytlcally able and willing to serve 808 cus tomers on local route. Average fl.60 per hour. ^11 or spare time. Write J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. S-8, Richmond. Virginia. 28-28-p MALE HELP WANTED—Opportnnlty of lifetime aapplyins DDT and other profitable products to farm ers in Kershaw county. No esperi- ence or capftal required. Must have auto, good references. Permanent Write or wire McNeas Company, Dept. T, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. 25-28-p WANTED—To bay used nuraltars, odd pieoea and general faradtara. Camden Fnmltnre Oo. Phone IM IStfe WANTED—Good and bad need cars. See Moody. Shebeen Texaco Sta tion. Phone 137. 22-2Sp MiioellaiiMiis MATTIE DAVit deLOACH*t QRO* CERY—»0f Charoh Strati, ghwi 707-J. Staple and Ihney OrooerlM; rmits, VegataUae. SrtakA Oiadtia and Smokae. It'a a pleaaora to oon you. Bzcellenea Aaaarad. 14.17-p u ■;» ■ J There’s a Future ! < t- ! ‘ i I ■ , < i‘ ‘ 2\ ADIHOnzED l.-'" Ji-i '■ i lu:. • F«r SrIr % i^DR QUICK RALE — GooE gratM mule, cheap. Ed Paach. Ronta 1, WeatviUe. 28-p FDR SALE—Medium up^ht piano, in excellent condition. Phone 577-W. M-P FDR ft^LE—1,500 feet of Sweet Gam timber, cut 3 yean, stacked under shed, r’zf’a", 12 feet long. O. R. Truesdale, Weatrilla. S. C. FOR RALE — 1941 Dodfe Custom sedan, 4 new tires, mechanically perfect. Address a letter to Box “K. L," care The Chronicle. 28^: FOR RALE—SteM bus body, 18 feet long;- good condition. Can 'txr ail- Used for Ui^t honse keeping. For sale cheap. Inquire Stanley Roeo. Phone 789-M. 28-p FOR RALE—Hot water tank, need, 80g:gUon aise. B. N. McDowalL ISlt Min fcreet, Camden. iSii FOR RALE—1939 Pontiac Convertlblo 6 passenger coupe. See at Robinson A Shirley Service Station, 2 milea north of Camden on highway No. 1. 2C-P FOR RALE—General Electric Console radio, beautifal cabinet alone worth price being asked. See it at once. Camden Electric Co., just north of Thomas Tavern. ' 28-tfc FOR RALE—One heavy built tricycle In good condition. Priced reason able, 16p2 Broad street. 26-28-p FOR RALE—Leapedeaa hay. C. B, Copeland, Route 2, Camden, 8. C. 25-28-p FOR RALE—^200 tons good timothy, clover or alfalfa hay. Harry Ball, Fairfield, Iowa. 24-27-p FOR RALE—One tract of land con* taining 258 aeree. Includes about 98 acraa of good farm land. Located 8 miles west of Bothune, 1-8 mile off No. 1 highway. Two tenant houses. 1 large 8-room hooso re cently covered, with electiieity. Come see. Mrs. Laura HUtom Be- thune, S. C. S5-28-p BATH TUBR—New 5 feet recessed, left or right hand tubs, complete with pre-war chrome plated brass trim (waste and overflow and overrlm mixing tub fUler). Also, a few molo steel-enameled shower stalls complete. Blackmon Electric Company, Lancaster, B.. C., 101 Main St. Phone 148. ^ 16-38-e FOR RALE — Six-room house' and Huge lot. 1006 Lyttleton street Short distance from schoola, churches and business district Sale price 14,000.00. Write or contact C. R. Scarborough, R-4, Columbia, 8. C. Phone 27898. 25-18-p GET YOUR pecans, peaches, apidea. grapA. figs and all other fruit bearing trees and shrubbery from W. L. M. Stokes. BishopvUle, S. C., Route No. 4. Write him and he will go to Mi you. 244k RKI HI RTOFR RUNNING FITS IN DOGS or wo refiad your aMney. We know of no other fuarantted niu- alng fits ramady. DtKalb Phar- ' macy. iR-ip-e FOR RALE-~dUimla plants for fall flowers, 28c per dosen. Cut flowen. Zinnias 80c per bunch. Phone No. 111. Miss Jennie C. Whitaker, 626 Hampton Ave. Camden. 8. C. 19-p Camden Kttharial Commss fiamiiUTi DEi^ c. C. wTiSiS SpGckl Afaai Smi Vailc Lift Inearaaee e , Monas Phong aig ^>maailadIoMSido. pL Caraer Lyttlotan and OclUR i It it*g RainUiif, doM*t, off — Fut It Or REMEMBERI SteMs Paint Shea FEom 22BJ E. Dol^ [ D. C DDCON’S ^ HOUSE * Wa haadia a oompiete Rue at women and ehlMraii*e sheea. ta.waaf and Man's V/yrtToLms all kinds. Alas a wMs vsrS natiana. ^ CAMDEN, I, c, MISraadtt |^| Painting AMd Paperhanging SEE Eddie NoUm PlMiMe e06-i- PRE-WAR STANDAID METAL Weatherstripij SoM ud liaUlM EE yEm TIm omI/ lactorj oqaippMj and traliwd aiacliohic ia ftit] L P. a Box 1161 FlortBOR, S. C NOTiCt TO DEBTOBS G&DITORE^ All partita ia^btsd to tke of A. H. Clsrka ora hsnhy MdtM maka pajmsat to the andmipai i aU partiat, IT say, hsHhf eU against the ssM estate wiB wm them likewise, duly sttaMsA *» the time prescribed by lew. LESTA D. CLABKI. Admhdstntrh. Camden, 8. C., September I, iM* T M 1^1 And Wn'N igiliand Tn KMg H "Nmir" OURB, koep an eje on that amooth new Ford youH drive MMne O day. Bad don*t neg^t the one yon own. There*s plenty cd good terriet left in it...plenty of safety.,;plmity of good looks ^if yon let us dieok it regularly to keep iqp its trade*in value. Yon know you can*t beat a Ford dealer for Ford service. Weliave: THgRtS 1. Fard Trained Meckanica 2. CcaaiBa Ford Parts S. Ford Factory Methods 4. Special Ford EgaipaMul ■ Decide now to see how mudi wo ean do for your car. And drive in apoii*for <|niok aarriee. k;.. THERFS NO PLACE UKE "HOME" FOR FORD SERVICEI REDFEARN MOTOR Co. MY SINCEREST THANKS TO ; MY MANY FRIENDS I Please allow me to extend a hand shake of thanks/ from the vfery depth of my heart, to the voters of Kershaw Coun ty for the gracious support given me, throughout the First and Second Prim aries, in electing me to the House of ReP* ‘ resentatives. It is my only and utmost purpose to serve all alike, for the best jnterest of Kershaw County and the State of South Carolina and I earnestly invite any snr- gestion that might help me in serving you. THANKS TOMTGOD AND TOM^ PEOPLE for the success that has !>*■ '1 ■, / ’ fallen me. ^ ARTHIJR L hr iPImm 140 ahmmim h.', /...\ a- -