The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, July 19, 1946, Image 3

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THl.CAMOlN.CHItOlli •OUTH irt H»‘.*»*!L!5f NMmcM ^ or often the Moe#^ acM lndl«eatU«.;»M *j^rtwrn. buminM -nmtMm. F^.ki^uwwt condition*. , h«^ y®" Jak*te ■^^tuScio « .u •««■ ^ Pharmacy — Pho— 96 WOW CAMP 1076 MMti MOb lit Mid Srd Friday night af ifioirtti at g F« Mai at Hirmitafia Cam* munity Houaa. Mam. bert art urgad ta attend ragulariy. ^ViiltJno sovaralfnt ar* alwaya wtleema. C. L. Qardnarr FtBMW SaaPy PoweM Trains Stc^ng l' At Camden Depot Nina Pnaaanfar Tmina Dailjr , Rw Ow SMlMMurd Tracka 'In Camdan Camden now haa four Dieael pow- ered^rains making stops at tlie local station. ■ Southbound are trains leaxhig^ here at 11:66 a. m. and 1:80 a. m., while northbound trains leave here at 4:SS P. m. and 2:80 a. m. These are all trains carrying coaches and Pollmans and are rated among the beet in the Seaboard main line service. There is a third northbound train that leaves here at 6:30 a. m, but this carries only coaches. With the five trains mentioned and the two sllTer Meteors north and south each day, Camden has nine psis- songer trains through here every 24 hours. The gardenia was named after Dr. Alexander Garden, of Charleston, ft-Cr - - KIRKWOOD HOTEL iVOIF OPEN • T" COMMERCIAL RATES Reammalde Weeidy or Monthly Rates CAMDEN COUNTRY CLUB ADJACENT “PUY BALL” S’* , '*Take me out to the hall game Take me out with the crowd, Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack, I doiCt care if / never get back. Lefs root, root, root for the home team. If they dorCt win Ws a shame. For ifs Vne^ Two, Three Strikes, You^re Ouf, At the Old BeUl OcgmT. * f HAIL, You Camden White Sox Fans. The FIRST GAME UNDER UGHTS Will Be Played At IJBGION BALL PARK In CAMDEN TUESDAY, JULY 23 At 8:15 P. AL 4 ' f if ^ *■ -F- — Betiinne News Notes Rev. W. L. Baker., instructor,- and Misses Rath Roslsr and Betty Qray M^Caskill and Donald MclAurin and liM>ck McKinnon are attending Tonag Peoples conference of Congarse Prse* hytery at' Piedmont Springs, aenr, Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Baker. Jr., and family of Qaptonia were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. U Baker. Miss DruscUla Ratcliff has gone to Columbia where she has accepted a clerical job with a bank there. Dr. W. W. Culp of Greenwood is assisting in the Truesdell Drug Store. Miss Mary Brannon of OOlumMa spent the weekend here with hm* parents, Mr. and MrsrB. W Bran^ non. Mr. and Mrs. Rali>h Lents and daughter and P. C. Kelley. Jr., left Satutday for Elisabethton, Tenn., and Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blakenshlp of Atlanta were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Josey. The Baptist Training Union en joyed a delightful picnic Friday even ing in the grove of Mrs. Sallle Rob ertson’s. Numbers of games were TAImVAH .rnPgmm fltA mUTlfWM* Mrs. G. B. McKinnon, Boyd, Jr., and Peggy returned to their home in Martinex Tuesday. They were accom panied Mrs. Howard McKin non and children and Miss Sara Re becca* McKinnon. Mrs. W. L. Baker is visiting relsr tlves in Gastonia this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Best were re cent guests of Mrs. Bests mother, Mrs. Emma Smith of McCormick. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Shealy returned with them for a visit. r Mrs. C. C. Pate has returned from Columbia where she visited her daughter and family, Mr. end Mrs. Cy Shultmann. Mrs. Wallace Phillips and 'son, Montey, have returned to their home NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a meetr Ing of the stockholders of Suprsm# Products Company will be held af Logoff, South Carolina .at nine o’clock A. M., July 20, 1946 to consider a Resolution increastag the capital stock ot said Supreme Pspducts Com pany froih seventy-five thousand dol lars (175,000.00) to not exceeding ninety-five thousand dollars ($95,000.^ (K)), and to consider any other bust ness that may properly come before said meeting. 16-18-0 H. A. RABON. President BLAINE RABON, Secretary. la Marlon tfUr'aa extsoded visit to her psrenta. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mc- Laurin. S. C. Hlott, Billy Best G. W. El more and Mias Mary EUsn McLaurin, students at Carolina, spent the week end here at their respective homes. Sunday gassU ot Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Best were Mr. and Mrs. Burrei Best and family and- Mrs. Margaret Smith of Colombia. Norwood Thpmas and son of Winns- boro were goeats of Mrs. Sallle Rob ertson Wednesday. Waahingtmi Irving was captured by Mediterranean ptratee ^hen he was in Europe In 1116. FAQ! THEM KIRMAW LODQt NO. 26, A. F. M. Regular Communloation First Tuesday of Mash ^onth. At 8 P. M. Yialtan Welcome - U a JONES, W. M. 6. J. OUTLAW. Secretary flut kf hat H'ith a pojtimi cm NEW 1947 STVDEBAKER HERE TODAY AND ON DISPLAY msT tM oss^i/ms phsTWisn srruMO FtRsr Hi nSMTFUL comwoRT I TS Amarka'a fim compiamly ntw po$tw»t c»r---a btfiligiit oew 1947 Stmdabgkcr that's teamii^ with poannr inoovatioasi ^ fww aacodynABik atyliagl Irgaitita ntw ajp* poioanaatsl Amaalng ntw riding oonifort a^ handling east! Tbrillii^ ntw ptrfacmaoeal CoMt in and stt this car aowl F/RSr Hi FSRFORMAHeS ANO . seoMomr 4 fg Myers Motor Company 130 E. DaKALB 3TREET TELEPHONE 47 “•i' •J'f 1 • - Our advice to you is to go early if you expect to get a seat. Let’s Mdie Inaugural Night ^ A Wiiiner! Kennedy Insufance Atenty 5 GLASS iAiAilw Larg« QouliW ^ Haad— •SPICIAL nucB. Various sisos ui and ehed: raH trin^ws. CITY SUPPlr& W. CO. GIHON TRUCKING UNES 1014 Brt^ Styaat ■* ■ . . - i GrafiMf; and LI. GOUN t. i Tht 'gtamour ghT bsli aEklDl pnoy ipaachsa to ii A fttO-travilihg baanOr tliBt 4pA thw acalti at abonM 450 hafd-worldi« toot.. . a OODO-bonapowar DM frstght taoonadlva. But hab juat aa **haad%v«r-baala** hi lova wfdi all of tha 90 DM tocombUvaa put into aanrica on tba Sontbm RaOwaj QfiM I'iOKit paaia. liodanv aflfcint moM powar la aoir «oa of tht waps ite aoBtham baa gaatii Mf to gtva fhi Sooth ooothMtf baM traoapcirtoto airfloa. Firom 1940 iftpoogh 1949^ tot g^aot toova tfuai 62 to fnaha aiMNo fnmnEmnmm hi oar . i Behtitiiriil! aooaimhied paaiiMi|to trahM, 1,321 trach milai of rafi. and 8^752 frdght cat*. M tbafa oiiy. tiM btgiknhifk ttali toO bM oti ocdtr 3^000 firai^ car^ 211 tfECk sM of rail, and 39 toon DMa.r.hidiidh« tw<Afy-fiva 6000-boitFpodmr fcaltfat looDtootiw Aiid going to ootoricariroT ntw KIWMPliMO Smmm TMi ooitty modarnlf atloii and hnpiOFaiimM ptogfim la tanglMa avidaooa of our abidhig Mi in tte ftitnrii of na aomn< * TonipIt’aAfelofaaobrigbitliitovtiiBDWigitachtf of *7lalk^ Baantihil* doiMi’t baghl to fipwto oi^ ^ , -g -• - __ ■- *iF SOUTHERN RAILWAy SYSTEM li J 7 A - ■ I .; ^ ■ f .1’ • Vj' . f'i ■'V-Nr. -'"-S ’¥ -. !'>l