The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, June 21, 1946, Image 8

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g ! t:. ' ^ i -+T—»- L ^,' ■ f 1 Mj(iP ■ '■! 1^- \ . (i_i Jf >%.w '■•'a“'-7-' I ^''(4^ ^‘^ . )■ II CAHOIti >CHI< Ja^ Former Champ, Ate In Camden Jack JoknaoB, the tint world’i col wed heavywelflit boxing champion ate a leUurely breakfast at tbe Frances Hart restaurant on South Broad street here on the morning of Monday, June 10. Less than twelre hours later Johnson was dead, suc cumbing to Injuries received ih an auto accident near Frankllnton, N. _€., late in the afternoon. When Johnson stopped In Camden he was accompanied by Fred L Scott, a.well known colored heavyweight fighter. Johnson asked to be directed to a colored restaurant and with Scott went to the Francis Hart place. Here tbe two ate a big breakfast, chatting with those In the place and finally pulling out later for New York. Johnson and Scott had been on a per> sonal appearance tour in Texas. Johnson’s white wife, who resides in Chicago, when notified of the ac cidental death of the former world title holder, directed that his body be sent to Chicago. Jack Johnson became world’s heavyweight champion in 1908 when he defeated Tommy Burns of Canada in 14 rounds at Sydney, Australia. In 1916 he lost the crown to Jess Wll- lard in Havana after a battle that ever since has been a source of argu ment. After Johnson had Inflicted terrific punishment on Willard, the latter won by a knockout in the twenty-sixth round. Pictures of the fight later showed Johnson shading his eyes from the hot Cuban sun with his gloved right hand while be ing counted out. /■ CisBgtt News Items Mr. and* Mrs. Jim ReyiMlds an- nounce th« birth of a son in the ; Camden hospital on June IS. Mrs. SalUa Elliott of Kershaw la visiting her granddaughters, Misses Elisabeth and Sarah Elliott Mrs. Charlie Ray and baby came home from the Camden hospital re cently. The baby has been named Judith Ann. Miss Ruth Walters of Columbia spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Walters. They were all dioner guests of tbeir son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Walters, Father’s Stomacli Sufferers* ^ *Dm te OMtrte ■ypcr-Aetdlty Wait Fait Sara lelMf Dsa’t Mger tbs psla sa« eiMoafSrt s( ssM tseifMMsa. assMS. hsartkoni. ass PCtML MiMe MV •tanilMlL pel—, karataf BtoasUsn. siMBseh sad slssr P^as, hasty wssU, svsr-ladaleaesas sad •Ihar sywetssM of gasMs hypsr-ssldlty. Os as ysar dfaagist as* aad sst’lhs Mow 1—sant tssliisi BUBla THsatfa •1 asnsd Aat-ttvs. Usds sf ths ssaw fast* S!fVSaf:jnS2Sl yw fssi rsUsf ss yww dnismst wUl ehtsr* ndly rsfsad year wsasy. frf Anri-Un t*. day. at sU lead drat sisrss svsrywbsta. R*f. $1.00 Pkf. nraw Otc in Catanden at*— DnKalb Pharmacy •— Phona 98 Harrisons ftiy Bekhra Cotti^e; inn Occupy; ^me Small Home On Horae Branch Hall Eataite Fifvres in Transaction Rev. and Mrs. T. B. Anderson of Camden visited friends here Sunday afternoon. Miss Marie Vaughn of Coljimbia and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vaughn "'nd children of Rock Hill and Mrs. Edith Melton were here with their parents for the weekend. Mra. Lou Floyd, who has spent sev eral months in Florida with herj brother, Steve Perry, ’ arrived here Tuesday. Mrs. Floyd is with her sis ter, Mrs. J, M. McCoy, Fred Starnes and daughters of Van Wyck.,visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Me- Guirt last week. > Little Johnnie Buchan’ spent the weekend In Columbia with his par ents. ’ Miss Mildred Tolbert of Greenwood la visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wal ters and Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Brannon. Misses Sarah June Rosier and Betty _Jane McCasklll spent last Thursday In Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Bowers of Columbia spent Monday here with their parents. Mrs. Alby Bowers and two sons visited her mother in Blaney last week. Miss Joyce Vaughn, who spent two weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vaughn, returned to Rock Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Adams, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Adams. Sr., of Lancaster. Mrs. Adams Is the for mer Miss Emily McCoy. John McCoy attended the wedding of his cousin. Mi— Chariotte Perry, In Florida recently. Mrs. Mary Hough and family of Betbune and HartsviUe visited Mrs, Ed Yarbrough here Sunday. Mrs. Yar brough’s friends regret to know she is ill. Mrs. B. Holland is recuperating nicely after an operation in the Cam den hospital. .^nother transfer of property of consequence in tbe Camden northern colony was recorded at the court house this week and involves the purehgse of the “cottage” i^t Horse ByiDck ball, bourne of the' Ward Belch- era of New York City for many years, to Virginia W, Harrison, wife of Cyril Harrison, famous polo ace. TThe ‘‘Hair was sold last winter by Mrs. Ward Belcher, who retained wbat ia known as the “Cottage” and also some property on the south side of* Kirkwood Lane, where It ii be lieved she will erect a small home for her own occupancy. Ward Belchcfr died several years ago. Horse Branch Hall, with Kamschat ka and Mulberry plantations wen' among the famous old homes of Cam den visited by Ben Ames Wil liams when he was on a recent visit in Camden and who will utilize the locale for hitn new novel, now In course of preparation. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison will make their home In “The Cottage” which Is located Just west of the Hall and near the line of Kamschatka, the win ter home of the W. F. Buckley’s of Camden and Bharon, Conn. Another property sale involves the house and lot on Lyttleton street known as the Robert Stone property but occupied for some time past by assistant postmaster and Mrs. Benton Sheorn and family. This property which was purchased some time ago hy Lois Scott Paramore has now been sold to Mildred S. Uttle. Another transfer lists the sale of the dwelling on Broad street located Just south of the Laurens court drive and the Public Library from Dr. C. Benton Bums to Mrs. Alma B. Sal- mond. See the new KWICK Power Saw Place Your Order With Us Today Boykin Pontiac Co. inc. Rutledfe Street Camden, S.'C Property Owner Pute Curse On The Highway Dept When you drive over one of the Camden to Ridgeway highways it might be of interest to ponder on the fact that one small aectlon of the road carried the former’s own er’s curse to the members of ' the state highway departmmit. Not very long ago a cheek came Buy Soli-Rent USE is dROMCII WANT ADS Advertisameats under this heading win be charged for at the rate of 1 ceat per word. Minimum charge >1 cents. Ads set ia 10 point type double charge, cash must accompany order except where customer has Lsdser Account. J Wanted JOB WANTED—By white boyj 16 years old, would prefer something with a future, but would consider anything--honeet P<me Iftl-W. WANTED—To rent two or three room apartment unfurnished. Good couple with no children. Phone 350 for Mr. Gladden 'between 8 a. m. and 7 p. m. 14-15-p WANTED TO BUY—Old model car. State make and year model. P. O. Box 3362, Charlotte, N. C. 12-16-p WANTED—To ouy used furniture, odd pi^B and general fumitnre. Camden Furniture Co. Phone 166 IBtfc TEACHER WANTED—High school English, history, home. Economics, and first grade teachers at Antioch high school. Route 1, Camden, S. C. Liberal supplement offered. Apply to B. E. Livingston, Supt., at-once. 18-tf WANTED—Man for dairy work. Ma chine milking, new modem equip ment and a new bam under c<m- structlon. A real opportunity to as sist in breeding an outstanding herd of registered Guernseys, good' sal ary and house furnished. On U. S. Highway No.' 621, six miles south of Lancaster. E. B. Haney, Lan caster, S. C. Phone 467-M. IS-c through the office of the comptroller general with the proper endorsement. It was a state highway department check aqd was in payment for a strip of land that the department had taken through condemnation proceedings. Under the endorsement on the back of the check were the words: “May tbe curse of be upon you fol-ever and ever.” When the route for the new high way was laid out it wag necessary to cut through the land of one of tbe property owners. He objected but the proceedings went through, the route laid out and a check, sent to the property owners. liie property owners accepted the check but he sure felt very bitter toward the highway group. Drive Carefully—Save a life. EXTRA FRESH BREADI Per Sale QLADIOLUa FOR tAl.E>-<^ ^ ' for orders. Mrs. H. J. Imlth. 14-p FOR SALE'—ladles bike In good condition. Call 673-M. 14< FOR SALE—One girls bicycle, prac tically new. Phone 49-M. ' t4-pl. FOR SALE—Cut flowers. Large and small Zinnias. Largs Admiral Byrd Daisies, 50c a bunch. Snapdratgon plants, 25c per dozen. Phone 111. Miss Jennie C. WhiUker, 526 Hamp ton Ave., Camden, S. C. 14-p FOR SALE—One pair of good work mnle8,<’alao one good brood mare. W. B. Port 1I-14-C MATTIE DAVIS dsLOACH’S QRO* CERY—909 Church Street, phone 707-J. Staple and Fancy Groceries: Fruits, Vegetables. Drinks, Candiee and Smokes. It’s a pleasure to serve you. Excellence Assured. 10-ltp Lost •— Found LOST—One light Un Spitz female, name Sklppy* or Skip,' Tffg No. 62046. Reward If returned. S. T. Zemp, City Dmg Co. 14-P FOUND—Shaeffer fountain pen'. Own. er can claim it by describing U end paying for this advertisement. Hot fer Jewelry Co. 14-c LOST—Ration books No. 4, issued to Jessie Lynch, Ida L^nch, Hettie Limch, Joan Lynch and Jimmie Lynch, Hermitage Mill, house 63, Camden, 8. C. 14i? MiecallnBeoas NICK RAPP—Contractor for water wells and pumps, Kershaw, S- C 14-17-P CHICK FEED-^iet a bag Of that good AU-Mash Starter for your chicks and give them the right start Only ths one feed is aU yon need to carry them through the firat ten weeks Buy Spertan today aad chMe yonr chick worries, away.**- Whltaker ft Company, Ckinden. 8 C. 44ebtr For Rant FOR RENT—tFour-room apartment. Will rent furnished or partly fur- • nlshed. Private entrance and pri vate hath. Available July 1. Call Eddie Nolan. 606-J. 14-c On a 90-mfle beach In BMst Vic toria, Australia, mors than 100 whales were stranded recently.' A beautiful home on Kirkwood Heights ,..8 rooms, 3 baths, sun porch and screen ed front porch ... steam heat. Lot size 167 feet by 262y2 feet. Can be bought furnished or unfurnished. ALSO FOR SALE Several other houses in City. ^ W. R PORT CamdoB, S. C otice After June 15 a 15^o Pmalty will be added to ,all unpaid Business licenses in the City Camden LOUISE W. BOYKIN CUy Clerk and Treamtrer ft Off w. Fresh active yeast goes right to work! No lost action—no extn stepe.'Hdps give sweeter, tastier bread flavor—lh;ht, smooth texture—perfect fireehness! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-always use Fleisdimann’s active, fririi Yeast with the familiar yellow lab^. Dependable for m<»e than 70 yearft—America*! f tested favorite. — \k GLASS JARS for r.annmg Large Quanlhy Os Hand SPECIAL ntlCE BUILDING MATERIAL •RED BRI(K SIDING l^eetrock and I^dows CITY SUPPLti. EQUIP. CO. General Iriiddng 60I0N TROCKIK UNES 1024 Broad Sirset Excava&ig ICOMPMIY WOW CAMP 1076 Meets sadi Itl and Srd Friday nlfht cf month at 8 P, M« a^ HsrAlBieo OdnP munity Housa. Mem bers are urfed te attend refliilariy. PVieiting eeeerelgae are always weleeme. C. L. Qardaer, Finanelal See'y. NOTICE TO WOODMEN On Friday nIghL July 5, there will be a ehicken supper for membera ef Camp 1076 and their wives. W. 8. Cateo. Ceunell Cemmaader. R«tular ^ B. JOMia w. e. J. OUTLAW. Becreti^ D. C DIXON’S HOUSE We handle a eompiste ns. - women and children’s thZ"' to-woor and Man's WoriTcLi all kinds. Also ■ wim notibna. . CAMDEN, S. Cl 961 Broad 8L pj^ WILUAM wTwiS' ^tecial Agiai New York Life InsunMg, Residence Phone Itu Off lee'Medleal Bldg. Comer Lyttleton and DeKahi SnbacribA To Tha If it*8 Paintmf, doa't^ REmUBERI Stein’e Pahd SI Phono 22S-J L Painting And Paperhanging SEE Eddie Nohm Phono 60SJ Camden Memorial Cmi QUAUTY MOl IMMEDIATE C G. Komofay—Ffsdl Drivo Carafnlly-^ut 11 PRE-WAR STi MITAL Weatherstiii SddandbutalM I E. E. VEnB^ Tho only faclary and trafated machaiieiii L p.aBosiifi Flormca, S. C ... more of the VERY BEST SEl VICE EQUIPMENT haa arrivedf VB^ve inatalled it in our pretent Shot k] give you the BEST SERVICE AVAn ABLE. Sun Motor Tester For toatinf tho thrao ftindaaaantel dhrisaite of all enginea—COMPRESSION, IGNITiOII and CARBURETiON. Thh *«MA8TER** dlM aU cars alikn. It QUICKLY and UN* ERRINGLY dotada any Mdar Dafkhph ahowing tn men tfk* eMsd a# aMf MSlt orlaboc^ CLASS oru ia, mmOif* ar “i Sun Combustion Tester For testing eonMutUtn etttdeney, > pmver and economy. ’Die HIGH PRESSION, HIGH SPEED, SBIff ENGINES of today require scientil vice to get the marveloea designed and built into themby t TORY ENGINEERS. Motor Overhauls Fuianced JOY tko aacurity of m pari too aocunty of mm h WARANTEID. YdSi tka halakoii in on tka oom Ldhnatea Fundakod SERVICE MPj m A-