'il'- Tr TMI CAHOm CHI PoftfUTr; Stcjfhakti^m Here „ % *54-^ “X yciowr, juwi n. leee ^AQf THRIf ftomUbertyffin Mr. and Mrs. t*. P. Thompson and sons. Pat, Jr., and John A,’ Thomp son. wars Sunday rlMtors of W. K. Thompaon and family of Olaan Sprints. £f. C. Mr*. T. P. MCprae and Miss Vlr» riulu McCrae ars attsnding sumhisr school at Winthrop colics. This writer was in Lee and Sum ter counties last week where he viaC* sd his son, £. L. Clements and family at Lynchburg. Com. cotton and tobacco crops are looking fine in that section. ^ Mrs. R. J. Wardlaw and Mr. aad Mrs. Charley Pressley spent Shmday In Spartanbui^ where they Tisltsd their aunt. Mrs. Louise Perry, who has receatly been eesy sick. Mias Phoebe Riobarda and Mrs. Holman of Qreensboro, N. C., were Sunday guests In the home of Chpt N. S. RichardEs, who also baa with him for a while, his grandson. Ches- iey Richards, pf Cliffei^e, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Freeman of Columbia were risltors here for the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clements. ■Misses Clkra and Louise Johnston rislted relatires at Jones’ Cross Roads and Lancaster on Wednesday afternoon. W. Z. Hilton is visiting his daugh ter. Mrs. Kmma Dolan, of Westville this week. Prof, and Mjrs. J. P. Richards of Cheraw are visiting his sisters at the Richards' home. Q. W.. Perry of Lancaster la a kuest in the home of his sister, Mrs. J. H. Clements. Mrs. A. C. Cureton visited her daughter, Mrs. Jas. C. McCutchen in Bishopville last week to see her new granddaughter. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday Services 8 A.. M.—Holy Communion. 10 A. M.—Children’s Bible story hour. 11-16—Morning prayer and sermon. Dr. Maurice Clarke. D. U.. Rector. Chile will exempt dwellings from real-estate taxes. Jtr**' to daecifl>edas**thal»stpesMiiiiapaHwari hare. Lower and wida^ bodic tkikia aafety and eomfo^ meduinical Mlam naaasB asu aasaa ithati atioss I I Its I Itv I Alt IVITII A rosiAVAIt ( Ait [jrers Motor Comimny In Premier Showing Of The First Post-War Auto debaker Ckampioa Mpf Be I At Company Sales Room Ob East DeKalb Street rodty is a red-letter dky, not only the Myers Motor company, hot the motoring world. Dr today/the first of the automo- Indostry’s long-a waited’ 1947 are on display at tha sales of the Myers Motor oompasy. he cars are Studebakers and they Sect a wide advance m. atyUng, lower, wider and mwe folly D-lined than any previous auto- bile design. They are true post- cars and am beautiful to look tnd most intereating ^ in perfonn- L' Myers, owner and manager the Myers Motor company, local cy for this truly remarkahle ear, a happy and satisfied man when I new car made its appearapoe hersk wants everyone In Canlden add aw county at well as in Lee Dty to see the car. body is the blended unity of the. new Stndebaker design. Fenders have been abeorbed into the body. A Judicioua application of curved glasa has created a “flow” Of line that commands iih- medlate admiration. Although amartneaa baa been ach ieved by the deaign, refinements af ford as wMl many practical advant ages. By extending pasaengM* oom- partmtnta in to the former fender arena, interior room baa been ap preciably increased.. Exceptional via- iblllty is another hlghs^. Wind shields and windows have been broad ened. Wipd rsalstahce la lower, adding to top i^eeda. The lower body (measuring only fractionally over five feet in height) baa been produced without any sac rifice in headroom by moving the passenger compartment forward. Pas- aengera now ride well ahead of the reiu* axle in a tone where road ir regularities are least felt > Lowering the car floor, accom- panted by a aclentifle redistribution of diasais weigkt. Increases driving and riding ease. The center of gravity ia lower. Cara simmlngty "hng” ttie handles are of a new pull-to type. A modiahly trimmed instrument-panel seta off Jumbo-alxed dials. A pistol- grip parking brake is located in the center of the dash. Seats are fully adJustaMe. Convertibles, two and four-dpor aedana, bualnees coupes and a fresh treatment of the five-passenger coupe, which has been acclaimed as the moat progressive step in automotive styling since the advent of the closed body, will be available in the 1947 Stude- baker Champion, and Commander lines. Including “Deloxe” and “Regal Deluxe” series, the cars are offered la 91 bodies. For^-Sixth Celebration t should hare been baUt before I hlghiray, a point that le readily evi- var,” said Mr. Myers. rsss in-manufacturingjgni sh-^ ring has given ua greater safatjr, er comfort and greater oDerat- tfficlency than oar pre-war sledge could havw made poaMMe I li not only the first genuine foat- latomobile, bat an automobila It Mts the style for tha entlra la- Itrjr. y» feel that this new Stedabaksc the most important coUtrtbntloa motoring in two decades. Our dent on eurres. A farther ImprovemMt in safety is affected by Stodebsker’s new seV- ^dJuBthig brakes. An important ^flrst” in, transportation, the me- ekanteai ssssrss fuick, firm stops throaghost the life of the brake lin ing. The secret Use in s device that satematlcally nMves the brake shee joatwsrd In etope of .006 of an Insh at the lining wears. Non-clsrs. black light instrument panel iUomination, originally da- prtvate &11* dell reception in public and lews. At the recent CMd^ ial lion of the automobna la De- ilt these cars were the center of They drear'large eatlMlie sdi wherever they parked. Drtwera besieged by qaeetkma. Unbiased •paper writers haws temad II tka (test thing on wbaela.* Ttmr ‘ ‘Studebaker hat takan tha li lost apparent result of an erlng program that toaehed rfer- UT every part of (i»e •wA m has been streagthsnfd ky tkn weloped for flghleff alaeraft; atrongar, box-section frames; broadw wheel rftDg and a more secure method of locking bodlee and chassis are othpr safety features. Also listed among front wheel planar auspenslon la wiikh spring ends are “floated” In nbber. Body delaa Imparts an atmosphere of lazarr tai refleats a studious se gard for emnfort and convenience The spectousneea of the rtehly tail ored Interiore la Impressive. Doar The offieers, members and frlenda of the ML Moriah Baptist church will oelebrate the forty-sixth anniversary of their pastor. Rev. J. W. Boykin, Sunday, June 2S, 1941. There will be three aervieea for the day: At 11:S0 a. m.. the pastor will preach* giving a resume of his ser vice for forty-six years. At 4 p. m., the Rev. W. R. Oregg, pastor of Trtntty Methodist church, will preeeh the forty-aixth snniversery sermon. Rev. Qregg will be aceom- penied by his choir, officers and mem bers. At 8 p. m., there will be euloglatlc services at’ whtdh time the officers and members of the different auxil iaries and clubs will apeak of the work and labors of their pastor. Cars Collide During Downpour Two cars, one driven by Miss An nle Mae Pettns of Broad street and the other by Yemon White, an em ployee of the Radfearn Motor' com pany, collided on Broad street near the ^nfederate monsment Both oars skidded stter the Impact and stopped otk Laoxens street Jnst west ci streeL MMther lliss Pettns or llr.^ -Whks were Ininred. The ears looked fowlers as they wars passing daring the heavy downpour of ruin shortly after the noon heur Tueeday. Tha left front fendgr Of e^ care maw danafed. -• x.\ - s Here todays THl NIW ff alrs Ameri«g*s ftrnt otmiplelely laew pontwkr enr—tlw dninuiU- onUj different new 1947 Stndebnkerl It*n jour draam of • pogtwar ear come true-—thrilUnilF new firom every view—a melody In metall * Here's move than radiaally ad* vanoed new postwar styttag. Here** the world's finest motor ear ride- remarkable operating economy—a fhtt moaanreof Studdbakar's fiunoue top-quality workmanship. Come in imd see it—Amerioa's first gsnwinst fully tasted postwar ear! ^ .4 ^ Swhl wwS lessuttm* • wmCtmm WbiwIiiImI MYERS MOTOR CO. 130 C. DaKALB 8TR1ET TELEPHONE 47 Motorists Will Be Eager To View This CSiampion STUDEBAKER Myers Motor OmqMoy talm plessore ui inviting' tiie motorists and pros- pecthre csr owners of CsoideQ. nnd Keieksw cmnity to view this truly wonder auto. ' - - ■ ’ ■ I . • ' , . . 1 • , - ■ ' .Shujalmltar ChampmiL. b Nmv % Di^v In Our Salenuom w Enthuse Over ;• ITS bve O 1'^ i' '.r (EAST DaKALB STREET CAMDEN, 5. C. i ! i: A {i r -I'.. A ■