■v-.V ^ '-jt -• :*-'■ I- i: K' Chronicle CAMDEN, SOimi CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 2t, 1M6 Number 14 If fflOD^t N(^ Able to Make Canqiaign Conjecture All Ta Senate )• In View Of Red- foam’s tUness •lew of tho critical niaeM of tor W. T. Rodfeam aa a raaalt tiewt atuck aereral wseta aCo. Kennedy, Jr., hli opponent in ;,niln* elecUon for state senator, Mblicly stated that In f^ess r Redfearn he will not make any [jjn speeches If the senator is I, to appear on the. stamp, e Mriouslllaess of ¥f. Eedfeam ik time has led to much con- re m to whether he wUl be able ak« the race. Howerer, his wide of friends who have been by his improvement after ai eeriouB setbacks are dlscus- ttfchtf sp the waclac of his cam. . for him. ports that he would withdraw race because of the state of iMdth are unfounded as there been no statements from anyone can speak with anthorlty lor la a Source of great satlafaction people of the county, that Hr. ■aam is making such a heroic Ifjt life in the (See of terrific and there is a fervsnt hope on art of ev^one that be will be ssfsL Da CmmiiigltBBi Ice Secret^ B. Asao. Groiv AliiiuliMi EflbdlmC wm szscattve aw CQotty tssMlary; NOTICE — To Abtunlae Voters ^splicatioas for abten- too ballots may ba made bj a macaber of the fan- Bsediate famOy of the ool- er desiring to rote in this manner. Applicatioiie can ba' secured from tbo sec- mtary and must bo reciaes- ted prior to August 8. ' • > The County Secretary reqneets that all ezecu- tree committeemen hare the enroUmant book for tboir precinct in to him by Satevday, June 29. John Buckley Says South Blindly FoUowb Democratic Party Party Ha Says le O^peeed To Wbat Sanlh Fougkl So Gallantly For John W. Buckley, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bnckley.of this city end Sharon, Conn.," is a'signed communi* catton to the CShartotte Observer praisss the edltorhd stand of that newapajwr for its consistent sttsek tho con- govom- phase of the eltisens. I with the Berope and NttM War: Mjim Pepper, fed "^t what* dees is wrong Russia does Murderer It Slain In Prison Stockade At Farm Torrential Rain - Holds Camden In Watery Embrace I r Neariy Fhro Incboe Precipita tion Occurs In Less Than' Two Hours Time (M ISWfNd '(h)"—“ •s gvo. s« Isod ilsirlbuina Is «ss si apse tmperta, •sd Oioas hssr Is asvo Issd. •eerstoiT at the 9. % sleeted from vrotram. ■enbers wore of directors on the esecuUvo oomisMtoe vs Mra wm Dsatoa, EA and Mrs. Di K. Iteys if Bs> u agreed that sa offics seofO* ihall be employed, and Miss Cunningham was selected to it place. She will he employed July 1. Carriaon reported that $3.00 has received from Cook school, Ing the total negro seal sale to and the grand totel for the Christmas seal sale to $2,7(7.70. McMaster reported that in the flnoroBcope-X-ray' clinics held May, 42 white mod 61 colored, total of lOS persons Vrere flouro- that six white and nine col* lor a total of 16 were X*rayed; white and one colored jfonnd to have rntnimal tubercu* one colored, to have moderately and one colored, to have vanced TB. A total of six wore to hare tuberculosis. Alto, six two white and four colored, found to be suspicious for tuber- These suspects, sag fourteen were recommended fid 'ke>ex- tion within specified peirtods of Four persons ware found to chest conditions olhsa«<, than nlosis—these were’ mostly heuH ' M. McMaster reported the next linics now scheduled will be the health departmsnt ox uy, August 7, and at Antloci on Tueedsy, September 17. ihaw Cannery iunces Scheme The Season I Kttshaw Cannery will opiil Ibr on T^ieeday, June », ^rste eccordtac to the fo|- sehedule: jy, June 2(, l a. as.—d p. m Hsy, June 27, % a. m.—d p. m, “TOg oa Tuesday, July t, and ^ through the canalng aeae- toDowing schedule wm be oh- salesa public demand Jnstl- same. t a at—4 p, m. » A m.--l p. I (•ople only.) ~ ‘ A m.—I p. m. ^uce will hp aoeeptod 00 days specified. " o^ceeuiy |p h«ve y ^ osnasry betora se In his South con* the Demo* the party the pest 13 to those Senth once ginsatly. Do you,'*' says Bs^ey addressing DEMOCRACY—4T9 OBLIGATiONS We all proclaim Americaii Democracy witk Rs manifold privileges and blewingB,. but lum many of us give proper thought to the obligations inherently imposed upon us as eiti- ,z«il8 and beneficiaries to this same Democracy. The obligation to be good patriots in time of war and the equally important obligation to do all in our power at aH times to place in re- spoiwble posts in our governm^ oiriy honest, capable and patriotic men and women. This can only be done if all persons qualified to vote make the sm^l effort to see that their names are enrolled for the pron^ee and* then to let nothing interfere wkh the casting of This editorial is not ad reasons for preferring ceitain mit nothing to deter tbem from The good citizen wfko from'laziness or lack of interest fails to vote a^ thus chaUenge these designing crooks, is nothing better than a slacker. The insiderous uadermining of' our Government by kw politiciane is as much a menace as a foreign 'power, and failure to repel one as dangerous as the other. ' If in Soutii Carolina there are 100,000 qualified voters and only 25;900 vote, each voter yields 4 times tKe power that he should and if of thqse who vote 60 perceat want crooked fei^rnment it means 16,0 temperatursA well into the lO’i with humidity at a high degree. Following the storm there was a lowering of the temperetnre reading which came ao a great relief to the public. The rain fen with sneh vohuie and foree that the ooteh beelns along the ctreets and at Intaraeotlona were woefully Inadequato to oiope wRh the Dnvid^TpwmoiMl, lifer at State laatitution, Stabbed In Heart By Another Prisoner rivers, the water rushing dowh the gutters and' roIIBig over curbing and sMswalkA At the ooraar of Lyttletoa aad DeKaib streets and for a half bloek aast tha water baclu ed up and-oovered the pavement to a depth of from It inches to two feet. In front o( tho high school m Lanvons street wae another lake that waa over two feet In depth. In hundreds of homes, aooordlag to report, housewtvee were knit An argument growing out a gam* bling bout on the third floor of the prison stockade at State Farm No. 2 at Boykin early Sunday morning re sulted in the killing of Davli^ Town send, 50-year.old liter. A home-made knife, fashioned from a file and with a blade eight Inches long was plunged into the heart of Townaend by Allen Chisolm, 35. who was serving the fifth year of a alx'year term tor larceny. Both victim and assailant are colored. According to a statement from Deputy Sheriff J. H. McLeod. Chisolm and Townsend were - on the third floor of the prison stockade. With other piisoaMB the two were en gaged in gambling when the argu ment between them star tod. Chisolm drew the knife aad thrust it through the bod^ of Townsend, piercing the heart aad cansliig instant death. Chisolm admitted that he had made the knife eome Uum ago and had kept It hidden In Um mattrsas on his cot Chisolm Is confined la the Kershaw county JaO and will be charged with nmrder at tha oouit term this month. • Townaend ironically waa sarvlag a life term for mnrder aad met hla own death by being slain while In the confines a( the penal InstltntloB. He was aantenced Saptmaher II, 1M7 at Churleaton. HU aeaiuai et kin U Bnuna Townsend who resides at 16 Beantoroetraat la Oharlaaton. CMnotm was sent ap for six yeara on Jane t IMS. The ^slaying la the steekade took plaoa at t A m. and Dspnty Bbarltt McLeod and Coroner Pntdy Lee were notified and raaohed the aoene short ly after. The knMe uaed hf OhUolm was sharpened to rasor heanneaa 'te both sldea of tha hlaie. It was about I Inches kmg with iT woaden handle about five Inchas kmg. Topt ndminigtration upon the fitete. The only cotreetivf ig MF' oatch water that cay threni^i for the good people to vote nnd you ennnot vote tmlen you IS? down throuiA oHh tT m “two|^_® Wter. “b^ yw stro^ enroll. Don’t cun your government—vote and improve It tkms at the pollA or do yon, and do you urge others to oentihne to vote the traditional way of the Scjkfh— a way which has gotten into the which you so loudly bemoan Backley iadirectiy Uuds the Ckar- lottle paper for being* against men who, while theoretically owing alleg iance to this country, actually are using their high offices to further the alms of our greatest potential enemy, and for its stand against ir responsible and vlcloha Ubor leader ship which has done so much to cause Inflation and impede reconversion. He polnto out that the paper is aware of the facts that the present federal government U a sorry mix ture of bunglers and men whose Ideals are 'Inimical to our way of life. “Surely, you and the South must realise that the only way to eliminate these eVfia to at the poUs. The South fought one of the greatest wars In the world for state rights and yet the South contlnneB to vote blindly for the Demoermrie-labet.^ Camden CokHvd Cfirb WinnecB bi Spedal Contests Ggrtnidh ThkM ■ Top Hg»ori Im liiiqr (•tor Oettmde foncA hf Mother i^«>y. Clamden, won first pises In the high school South Carolina 1M6 specif essay eontoet, sponsored by the South CarcMlna Tuberculosis association. C -Ttamert of the ooUege e8sam<^' were Grace E. Diggs, Friendship jnmlor mneps. Rock HIU, Helen tetek*. of BertMUrine, tto* dent at ClafUn college. Orange^ •ecood pinoe, mid Olndys MeDulA of Bamten wtaimit at State ASM. r, third plaot. OlhMi Irttonilttee htih nehcol contest wtew^era McBride, of Matk« Aendwny, ■ second ptoce, and Wnile B. Miller, Mhool. JioklMvlIlA honomble me^ CteM proleete award* to grade U-E iPfadey Mph ish—I. Chaster, first jnnler cImm. Imstecnlate Oon; ■ootejS jte lya soiMi oMl kr [tenty cf h^*to vffl be , ®o,Thsi«dnya c(tom and m H. A aad ^stw m the Giildren From Polio Infected CountiesBarred srtem Florida Muat Keep Childran Out Of South Camden and Kershaw county peo ple relatlvee or frienda with children In certain Florida conn* Uea and who may have plana on hav ing thm visit in this area had beet take stock to the poUomyalltto regu lations prevailing, in South CarolinA according to Dr. A W. Humphries, Kershaw county hftslth officer. For under the South Carolina regu lations ohlMren from Palm Beach. Duval, MouroA Polk, DndA HUUboro and Sumter coaotlca In Florida can n#t be admttted to summer camps or on visits in South Carolina until such time as the iwohibition of the state health department to lifted. Children from other Florida coun ties aiw not to be adnsitted should cases of polio be reported iq them during the month of June. Children in thee* areas must be placed In quaraMlne for « period of two weeks before being admitted to South Caro- nw« lomittsr camps or other aresA Children from Florida can be ad mitted to camps wUhont any prohibi tion or qnarantine period from those oountics not included la the above mefitlOBad MasalOontioiA Whitakmr-Boykm Form New Conceni Will Taro Orar Whitanr Amd OrnOk John Whltekcr nad Bnamel Boykia General Franke wm Reside Here LOm* Cumka S* WaU That Ha Plaaa To Rnaidaicw In City The Chronicle’s informant relative to the plan of, tha General Gustav H. Franks's leaving Camden to make their home at Myrtle Bmeh, foUowtag the sale of their Greene street home heiw, was in error, the news desk is Informed. General fVanke and family desire to continue as Tssldents of Csmden hod, if ihny are ahiA to- pnrehsse or build a homA .they plan on dotng so. This will be good news to the Cam den people, who regard General and Mrs. Franke aa belaf most desirable eltisens. to yeport, honsewtvea were iwpt » the move carrying hnekato and jntt MW V|f| feV catch water that came thronsM V* * * will the ceedtag filed with the Th •rat Cotton Blooins The flrot coteMi hlnoms to be re- ported to the OteMMe aB came In Monday, steipiteg tetore 16 a. m. irhy Bu%M nC LsgoK tarned la eeveral bteolik tilti Mp sUl. Richard, 16 years oT sge, -pMed «s ths farm of hla gnshffnther, B. B. Bar- field on R-l, Logoff. Another bloom casM from the J, O. Richards farm, occupied by Msee Murphy, tenant, aad was picked oa June Ul U van from n Getar .166 pIsatliM e( the last weak ta IfsrdL fltlU another bleem tarned ta Iten* day tons turn fhn Jim WhoelM ^ hi Aatloeh oehoel dlstrlet This from a Nanttaff tte seeond woak ta Manh. And still aaether Ootton Moom Is tyotte* to tha 6hwlrls. Jtas DavlA rtmdoA R4, ftead sad re ported It on nm IT. R waa from Coker J66 seed nad was Msr«M U. Mrs. Rebecca Himter b Given Sunumms Mrs. Rebecca Bowers Hunter, 71. passed sway at the Camden hospital Thursday, June 20 at 6 a. m., follow- ing an lllnees of three weeks dura tion. She was bom In Kershaw county January IS, 1876, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Minor Hunter. She was a lifelong tatember of the ffiiiloh Methodist church. Rev. W. F. Baker of Kershaw officiating. The deceased Is survived by her, husband, John A. Hunter, Bethflne four sons, four daughters, a hroriMr and three sisters. Also 88 gnted- cbildren and seven greaUgrnndcnli- dren. Couple Obaerve 5(th Aniuvt Damroitm Takes Burlegqne 12 To 8 In a game that lasted t houio nad 46 minutes and saw six pitchers In action, 4 for Darlington and two for C'amdsa and ta which rT bits and IS errors were mnda DarUngton defeated Camden in a Palmetto laague game here this afternoon 12 to S- OMndan had a 5 ran lead going Into tha sixth when Darlington exploded ter 6 nuM, adding 2 more in the seventh and one in the ninth, floyer etartod for Dar- Ungton being replaoed ta the fonrth by Hawktai and sttaequently by Thames and Blabkmsn. Taylor of Camden lAd threngb the staMi when 8o6tt took fverl Red f?r—Nstos The BxeCnttve Board of tha Ear- roaw Connky .Sad Cross met at Ih* Rad Croisi haddlag at 11 o*elo